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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Blink 182 - Blink 182

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Its really not that bad, borderlining on actually quite impressive considering what they've done before. Seriously. Its the guiltiest of pop music's pleasure. Thumbs up.



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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
u r gay

I was expecting more from you.


Its not bad, honestly...

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Its much better than most of anything thats on the radio. Even better than some/ alot of the hipster acts right now.

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The singles I've heard off of this are definitely the least offensive of their career. That's all I have to judge. I still don't like them, but that "I Miss You" song is entirely fine until the really, really whiny vocalist comes in on the second verse.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Nope, I am simply trying to show my eclectic and open minded musical stylings.

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Guest Nanks

It's their best CD by the length of the street. If this was a new band's debut album people would accept it so much more readily. But because it's Blink all the posers have to look down on it.


I'm looking at you, Inc. Poser.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Great album, not their best. That distinction would belong to "Dude Ranch".

Are you kidding me?


Dude Ranch is just their boring and generic shit they did before. This, while not magnificent or earth shattering, is great because they went outside of their regular bullshit to diversify themselves.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I know what you're trying to do, Banky, but this isn't the way to do it.

Listen to me, pussy.


Its good.



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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I know what you're trying to do, Banky, but this isn't the way to do it.

I was gonna say the same thing.


I wonder if Banky is like this in real life.


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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I don't doubt that Banky likes this album.

Thank you.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

There's no great lengths here. Its about stimulating conversation. Maybe someone will actually give it a listen?


I am fairly consistent with being honest about my musical love, ie. Oasis.


Its not about being different. Ask my friends, they'd all agree I've liked them for years.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I liked "I Miss You"

Quit trying so hard to be different!!!

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Guest Syxx

Girl- You simply can't say that Dude Ranch is the stuff that they did before. First of all when that album came out they had only put out one full length album before (Cheshire Cat). They had Scott drumming back then and although he is not as technically proficient as Travis, he suited the band better as they played more straight ahead Punk stuff. When Travis came their whole style changed and they produced (the so glossy it makes it "Nevermind" look like it was produced on a Canadian indie label )"The Enema of the State", that was their lowpoint for me.


You must also take into account the context that Dude Ranch was produced in. This predated the whole "pop-punk" movement as Green Day was really the only band getting favorable media play from that genre. So Blink put out a classic in the genre with very little of a precedent to draw from. I recognize that it may sound like a million other bands today, but much like Michaels-Razor from X, this was great for its time.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Dude Ranch was hardly innovative for its time. Thats the silliest thing I've ever heard. Fat Mike's label with Lagwagon, No Use for a Name, face to face, ect...were making that exact same music (and with the latter, much much much better) than Dude Ranch. Dude Ranch broke Blink 182 into the mainstream, but it is foolish to say it meant something special to the pop punk scene in general. Hell, even Dookie and Smash came out years before Dude Ranch. Those MAY be considered landmarks because they were the first pop punk albums to have #1 hits, but again, they certainly weren't innovative albums.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I think 311's blue album is pretty good.


See, that's how you do it.

311 is horrible.



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I was a big fan of Blink 182 when I was a young teenager, but I actually found myself looking down on them by my junior year in high school. I resisted purchasing the new album until months after it had come out, and I was surprised by how decent it was. It's worth a listen, just with an open mind.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I was a big fan of Blink 182 when I was a young teenager, but I actually found myself looking down on them by my junior year in high school. I resisted purchasing the new album until months after it had come out, and I was surprised by how decent it was. It's worth a listen, just with an open mind.



Even TheManErnieRowe likes it!

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Guest Syxx

WHOA, WHOA WHOA, easy there fella. You might want to reference the "albums with only one good song" thread to get a better idea of my credentials when it comes to the punk scene. I grew up in the punk scene, so you will not pass off "skate punk" with "pop-punk". There is a HUGE difference between bands like green day/182 vs lagwagon/nufan. These bands both play a variation of punk yes but the former have a totally different style of vocals, guitar work and drumming vs the latter. To compare the style of 182 to early NUFAN is to compare apples to oranges. Go pick up albums "The Daily Grind", "Duh" or "Don't miss that Train" and tell me if you think that any of the tracks on those albums sound comparable to tracks such as "Dammit", "Pathetic", or "I'm Sorry" they are completely different animals. What differentiates skatepunk vs pop punk is that the former style is a lot heavier and will usually include a major palm muting and a double bass drum which makes it sound like a less ballsy form of metal. 182 and Green Day played a lot softer than these bands back then. That is exactly why it took so long for a punk band to break from the Green Day-182 transition because nobody played poppy enough to follow Green Day's lead. Sure, Rancid garnered some fame but they changed their sound up to come off with a primarily SKA vibe on "And out come the Wolves". I won't even justify your attempt to call Offspring "Smash" pop-punk. That record was closer to grunge or just straight up hard rock then it ever was to anything Green Day or Blink 182 played.

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