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Hunter's Torn Quad

Heyman removed from WWE writing team

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But I think the one man who could possibly create a quality alternative to WWE, create competition and challenge WWE with a solid business man and investor behind him, just got ousted from WWE creative.


I'm curious to know, with Vince owning the rights to ECW, being mentioned in the bankruptcy, etc. if Heyman has to be tied to McMahon for the rest of his life? Could he jump or just quit the company? I'd like to know the details of his contract with them. Same with Bischoff. Is there something written out for Bischoff that says he can't create or work for an opposing organization if his WWE on-air deal expires or is voided?

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^Imagine if Heyman went to TNA.^


Heyman is a good booker? Telling 2 people to have a match is hardly tough thinking. The only reason the SD 6 was good is because they wrestled each every fucking week (Heyman was 1 of the people behind SD at the time).

I have two rebuttals for this:


-There was a lot more going on during that brief period that worked really well besides just having the 6 wrestle each other. The angles actually made sense, and the backstage segments were interesting (Al Wilson not withstanding, which probably wasn't Heyman's idea).


-Having good wrestlers wrestle each other on TV each week is apparently a concept BEYOND the understanding of whoever's running the show presently.

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-There was a lot more going on during that brief period that worked really well besides just having the 6 wrestle each other. The angles actually made sense, and the backstage segments were interesting (Al Wilson not withstanding, which probably wasn't Heyman's idea).


-Having good wrestlers wrestle each other on TV each week is apparently a concept BEYOND the understanding of whoever's running the show presently.


I was very interested in Smackdown's product then as opposed to lately where I've been more likely to watch something else or just go out.


Let's put it this way, we still remember the Smackdown 6 and are still talking about them. That's because Heyman showcased them and played to their strengths.


I don't think Heyman's recent stint saw him with the same type of creative influence as his role as head writer on SD when they first split creative teams. I just didn't see it although something like how Heidenreich's been booked seems to have a Heyman influence.


In my opinion they should just give Heyman control of Smackdown. It's his ass if he has a problem meeting deadlines, etc. Let him take one of the current crop of writers if he chooses or let him pick a team of writers and consultants. Tell Kevin Dunn, HHH and Stephanie to leave him be. Vince works as his editor. No one else. Stephanie, Gerwitz, Laguna and the other hacks can write for Raw. See which team builds a better product. Take the actual friction within the creative team and turn it into a positive rather than ousting Heyman and continuing with the same formula that is accomplishing nothing.

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-Having good wrestlers wrestle each other on TV each week is apparently a concept BEYOND the understanding of whoever's running the show presently.

This point cannot be stressed more. Heyman naysayers always point out how he goes the easy obvious route. Yes, part of what he does is the easy route, he sends good wrestlers out and lets them wrestle to their strengths. Easy, dumb booking, and look at the results, some of the best quality shows in recent memory. On the other hand you've got WWE creative who seem intent on taking wrestlers out of their strength and putting them in a situation where their weak points are emphasized, and it produces total crap. So whose the smart one here, the idiot who does the obvious and produces quality, or the geniuses who run from the obvious and let their creative ideas rot the product.

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God, every WEEK they do this.


Heyman has been fired from the writing staff more times than he bounced a check to his wrestlers.


He'll be back on the staff by the Rumble.

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Guest Loss

So we've now decided retroactively that the writing was good the past two months? Or even better? Funny. The show was way better in the first 3-4 months of the year than it has been at any point since.


Heyman is not the answer to turning things around. I see no problems removing him from the writing staff, and I think it's amazing that he has the entire wrestling media (or whatever you want to call it) wrapped around his finger, thinking that every single idea that gets over is his and every idea that fails is someone else's. And arguing that Heyman is honest? He built a reputation as a liar. That's common knowledge. He's volatile, yes, and he's probably more vocal than most, but I wouldn't call him honest by any stretch. It'd be hard to call anyone in the wrestling business honest.


I'm still waiting on that fateful day when Vince extends his hand to Bret and offers the opportunity to him to book the company as a goodwill gesture, but until then, I'm skeptical of anyone they have writing under Vince.


It's also worth noting that almost every idea the company pitches starts off as a good or even great one, but things get changed either by the writers or wrestlers or agents along the way, and the veterans know how to do jobs and still bury their opponents. The problem is not that they're out of ideas, the problem is that too many people tweak it between the original idea stage and what happens on TV, and it ends up as something totally different. And along the way, they know how to manipulate Vince and make him think that what is happening was his doing all along, despite something radically different happening in the ring.

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Mad Dog


How the hell do you know what goes on in the WWE writer meetings?

I'm going on the reports from all the fights he got in with writers the last time he was in.

Ladies and gentleman Mad Dog is none other than Brian Gerwitz.

Thank you sharing that insightful post.


Heyman is not God you know

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What I'm wondering is this: Will it get to the point where Heyman just up and quits and goes to work for TNA, or maybe starts his own fed again? Or is the money he gets from WWE so good that he's just going to stay regardless of whether or not he can be in a creative position?

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Shows have got better since heyman joined the writing team?

Nobody really knows for sure how many of his ideas made it to air. My guess would be not very many, hence the tention with the other writers and Vince.


No, of course Heyman's every idea isn't a goldmine, but his ideas (i.e. allegedly putting Angle/HBK in a program for Wrestlemania) usually trump whatever else is going on at the moment.

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Shows have got better since heyman joined the writing team?

Nobody really knows for sure how many of his ideas made it to air. My guess would be not very many, hence the tention with the other writers and Vince.


No, of course Heyman's every idea isn't a goldmine, but his ideas (i.e. allegedly putting Angle/HBK in a program for Wrestlemania) usually trump whatever else is going on at the moment.

I don't doubt that.


I just don't feel the shows have got any better at all since heyman joined the team.


Quite a few people have posted in this thread that they have.



They must be watching another show

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