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Tna Turning Point Thread

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I was at the show and the crowd was not as hot as some wanted. The cage match, and Sabin Williams were the hottest matches. The show was really good even with no fan reaction. Nobody could believe Prime Time walking across the top of the cage. I dont know how it looked on tv but he was very hesitant about getting up there. Great show even though there weren't many surprises and the footage was all censored.


BTW Nash and Hall were out there to have fun.You could see from where I was sitting that when Nash took a bump, he would laugh. He didn't even care...what a great TNA night

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Sabin powerbombed Williams on the guard rail. Meltzer calls it "high spot a riffic" but the fans are having fun with it.



I didn't see it in the usual spot.

He was watching the show as he did Wrestling Observer Live tonight.

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Fun show, had its disappointments but overall was good and better than Victory Road.


The opening package was fun with the KOW dressing like Elvis and I marked out for The Flying Elvis song playing. Savage was actually coherent too and put over Styles and Hardy as the future of wrestling.

The Vince/HHH impersonators were funny but it got kind of old. I laughed at Vince telling Sabin he's fired for violating the dress code and HHH smashing things with his sledgehammer.

As for the WWE footage, it obviously was nothing much, especially with the blurs but you could tell Eddie and Rey were there, but it made Tenay's point that WWE is thretening to sue over nothing validity. I did laugh at Truth taking from the catering.

Team Canada def. 3LK. **1/4 Solid but unspectacular opening tag match. Nice to see Devine back, the finish wasn't great with the predictable flag shot, but that's kind of their gimmick.

Garza/Dutt/Siaki def. Kash/Shane/Kazarian. *** This was a very good X division tag match. Dutt sold his arm well and I liked the slow burn to the hot tag and the heels blatantly cheating and not tagging. Garza's moonsault and tornito (sp?) were both beautiful.

Monty Brown def. Abyss. **1/2 Solid big man brawling match up. The spot where Abyss catches the Black Hole slam out of the pounce, and the spot where Brown headbutted the table were good. Thumbtack slam was akward in that Abyss landed on his head. OUCH.

Johnny B Badd/Pat Kenney def. NYC (Jaqueline ref.). * Filler match on the show. I wasn't paying much attention really.

DDP def. Raven. **1/2 I was impressed with DDP here. He was working really hard and looked good. Far better than any of his WWE matches. I didn't get how it kind of turned into a no disqualification match halfway through though. The ending was really convoluted, and as I predicted Watts interfered to lead to the rematch, yet DDP still hit his superman comeback and won with the diamond cutter. I don't get this one.

Petey Williams def. Chris Sabin. ***3/4 loved everything about this but the ending. This one screamed for a clean finish as the knuckle shot was just so out of place and anticlimatic. Otherwise it was given almost 20 minutes, the crowd was RED HOT (the dueling "Let's Go Sabin" "Let's Go Petey" chants added unreal layers to the match). It was just a solidly worked X match that got hotter and hotter until the bad finish.

Savage/Styles/Hardy def. KOW. **3/4 This one was pretty decent and if Savage had done more it would have been rated higher. Hall and Nash (despite their goofy elvis outfits) seemed to be taking their jobs seriously and were working hard to hold up their end of the match. Styles especially came out looking good. Jarrett per usual worked well with him. Savage was obviously a major bomb. I disagreed with keeping out until the very end but once he arrived I saw why. He looked rail thin, and really old. The guy couldn't do anything and didnt even try his famous elbow. Its sad to seem him such a shell of himself. Otherwise, a solid, yet anti-climatic match. Good thing it wasn't the main event.

AMW def. XXX. ****1/2 Best TNA match in a LONG time and one of the greatest cage matches I've ever seen. Better than the first one these guys had. It was all action packed, full of emotion and lots and lots of blood (Daniels gusher was sick!). The Primetime spot where he did his cagewalk into a hurrincanrana was absolutely one of the most insane spots I have ever seen in a wrestling match. The fans were chanting "Please Don't Die" the whole time he was going for it and I was holding my breath. Absolutely spectacular. Daniels super elbowdrop looked real good too. The spots with the handcuffs were smartly done and AMW winning with XXX's move after XXX tried AMW's move was a fitting end. A must see match and can be argued it saved the show (I'd say it just elevated it from decent just like Victory Road to a good show).

Interesting again that those who actually ordered the show enjoyed it, and its just those that didn't order it and just read the results that say it sucked.

To improve next time, they just need to provide more clean finishes and focus on stars who can actually wrestle. Otherwise 2 excellent matches and eveything else was decent, and Savage was like a curiosity trainwreck to watch. Thumbs Up for Turning Point.

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Overall,a pretty good show.Definately better than Victory Road.I enjoyed every match on the card even the KoW one,though I gotta say the finish was dull and Savage looked aweful!The x title match and the cage match were the best.Like some folks already pointed out,the move Skipper did off the cage had me marking out like I hadn`t done in a long time.There was a nice comedy flavour to the show with all the Vince and HHH skits which I enjoyed by the way.Still,those skits were a bit too much.They could easily served their purpose with just two of them.Oh,and gotta love Vince firing Sabin for not honouring the dress code :P .The "controversial" footage was no big deal.Killings stealing WWE`s food made me laugh though :).Like I said,pretty good show.Those were 3 hours of my life that I don`t feel like I wasted which happen with just about any WWE PPV these days ;).

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I'll tell you what...I've let it sink in now...


And I'm ready to offer my opinion that the cage match tonight was the best match in TNA history.


Even without the insane Skipper move. Violent bloody warfare.


I always think of a small handful of matches when I think of this companies best: the first AMW vs. XXX cage match, Sabin vs. Juvi from the finals of the X Cup, the Low Ki vs. Lynn vs. Styles non-ladder 3 way from week 8...and maybe the Low Ki vs. Styles NWA Title match up until the super terrible ending.


I liked this one better.


And...it had that insane Skipper move.

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I would also like to point out for no particular reason...


If that Insane Skipper move happened on a WWE ppv...it would be the talk of the world (more or less).


But it happened in TNA...so if a tree falls in the woods...


Well...I'm glad I was there to hear it.

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The cage match was def. better than the first one they had (and I LOVED that match). I think the X Division Title Match deserves a lot of love too. Tremendous heat, some crazy moves and reversals and given the right amount of time, making it better than last month's Styles/Williams match, but just lacking the ending. That's whats so frsutrating sometimes about TNA they give you this match that is sure to be over **** but then stop short of a classic with a dumb ending. Oh well, still one of the best X title matches they've had in a while.

How about that crowd, though? Orlando deserves major props for their interactions and extra level of energy they gave the show as a whole.

Best 5 chants from Turning Point:

5. Super Shredder, at Keven Nash

4. Please Don't Die, at Elix Skipper attempting the cage walk

3. This is Awesome, during the X title match

2. Best Match Ever, during the cage match

1. Lets Go Sabin-Lets Go Petey, duleing during the X title match.

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I gotta agree there.The crows was awesome.The chants above were great but you forgot to mention those 3:First crowd chants "Wa want tables" and voala Abyss gets one.Then immediately the crowd went like "We want fire" :P .And also, I loved that "Simon Diamond" chant at Pat Kenney.Major thumbs up for the crowd.

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The cage match was def. better than the first one they had (and I LOVED that match). I think the X Division Title Match deserves a lot of love too. Tremendous heat, some crazy moves and reversals and given the right amount of time, making it better than last month's Styles/Williams match, but just lacking the ending. That's whats so frsutrating sometimes about TNA they give you this match that is sure to be over **** but then stop short of a classic with a dumb ending. Oh well, still one of the best X title matches they've had in a while.

How about that crowd, though? Orlando deserves major props for their interactions and extra level of energy they gave the show as a whole.

Best 5 chants from Turning Point:

5. Super Shredder, at Keven Nash

4. Please Don't Die, at Elix Skipper attempting the cage walk

3. This is Awesome, during the X title match

2. Best Match Ever, during the cage match

1. Lets Go Sabin-Lets Go Petey, duleing during the X title match.

I could swear that, when Savage came out, I heard a "We Want Hogan" chant. If I heard right, then LMAO.

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I actually want to see the matches now, because there's no way in hell half the matches are as good as they're being claimed to be. Especially AMW/XXX, since there was no need whatsoever for AMW to go over XXX again, and Elix Skipper kinda sucks (though he's willing to die for our entertainment). I also don't see how Kash/Kazarian/Shane vs. Garza/Dutt/Siaki could be as good as people are saying, considering Kazarian sucks, as does Siaki, and Shane doesn't gel well with X-Division guys. Of course, the combined awesomeness of Garza and Kash prolly did it all.

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I was skeptical of the star ratings myself.


I just watched the DDP-Raven match and I can say it was underrated at **1/2. That match carried the intensity built through the weeks into and throughout the match. I enjoyed it very much.

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I actually want to see the matches now, because there's no way in hell half the matches are as good as they're being claimed to be. Especially AMW/XXX, since there was no need whatsoever for AMW to go over XXX again, and Elix Skipper kinda sucks (though he's willing to die for our entertainment). I also don't see how Kash/Kazarian/Shane vs. Garza/Dutt/Siaki could be as good as people are saying, considering Kazarian sucks, as does Siaki, and Shane doesn't gel well with X-Division guys. Of course, the combined awesomeness of Garza and Kash prolly did it all.

Do you really want to see Chris Harris and James Storm go off on their own again?

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I'd think that Corey would have been happy with that result.


Not only do we not have to see singles pushes for Harris and Storm...


But you KNOW Daniels will get a push in the X division, while Skipper will join Red, Dutt and whoever else as the fill in X division 6 man tag guy.

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As someone who hasn't liked the company for almost a year, I was really blown away by the PPV. All of the matches were better than I would've figured. The energy was fantastic. "Billionaire Vince" was dopey, but had some funny moments. Skipper... W.T.F. If you haven't seen it, check it out. (Alternate) Great show. Total reversal from Victory Road.

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He doesn't post here anymore but I know some people (like myself) enjoy his reviews. Here is Scott Keith's rant. His ratings are nearly identical to mine, I just liked Raven/DDP and the KOW/Team Savage match a little better.


The SmarK Rant for TNA Turning Point 2004


- Live from Orlando, FL.


- Your hosts are Mike Tenay & Don West.


- The opening graphic introduces the heels as the Kings of Wrestling. They should have called themselves the Heroes of Wrestling, which would be much more apropos.


- Meanwhile, Vinny McDaddy and his son-in-law arrive to dispute the videotape. Nice grunting HHH impression, although he's not tall enough to pull it off.


- NWA World tag titles: 3 Live Kru v. Bobby Roode & Eric Young. Killings subs for Konnan tonight. James starts with Young and loses a slugfest in the corner, but when Young mocks his stale act, he gets all fired up. Perish the thought. Killings comes in with a version of the Wazzup legdrop, so Young tags out to Roode. He grabs a headlock on Killings, who comes back with a hiptoss. Flipping leads to a leg lariat for two. The 3LK does some goofy double-teaming to set up the shaky kneedrop from James, which gets two. Back to Killings, who goes up and gets crotched for his troubles. Team Canada works him over in the corner and Young gets a backbreaker for two. H-Bomb into a backbreaker gets two for Roode. He throws some knees on the ropes and a backdrop suplex gets two. Young stomps him in the corner, but Killings hits him with a missile dropkick out of nowhere. Roode cuts off the hot tag, however, stepping on Killings to get to James, but Young's double-team attempt fails and it's hot tag James. Kicks and punches abound and he slugs Young down, then catches Roode coming off the top for two. Young does a Flair Flip and gets axe kicked by Killings while on the top rope, thus getting rid of him. Roode hits James with the OPENING MATCH SPINEBUSTER, and that gets two. Killings and James take over with a Hart Attack on Roode, but D'Amore gets involved to distract the ref. James goes for the pumphandle, but my boy Johnny Devine returns from being stabbed to hit James with a hockey stick and gives Team Canada the titles back at 8:31. Now there's an inspirational story. **


- Meanwhile, Dusty Rhodes babbles incoherently while Shane Douglas makes funny faces. Is he supposed to be the demented interviewer or something?


- Kid Kash, Kazarian & Michael Shane v. Sonny Siaki, Sonjay Dutt & Hector Garza. Dutt and Kash slug it out to start and hit the mat for a stalemate sequence. Dutt hits him with an enzuigiri to break it, however, then slugs away. Kash tries a rollup, but then gets a springboard version, which Dutt counters with a dropkick. Garza comes in and gets caught in the heel corner, but overpowers Shane before walking into a punch. They badly fuck up a monkey-flip in the corner, and at least don't repeat it. Garza comes back and tosses Shane, however, and Siaki comes in to pound on Kazarian. Siaki sticks out like a sore thumb here. Dutt makes a blind tag and gets alley-ooped by Siaki into a top rope rana on Kazarian, which is a super cool move. Kazarian catches him with a single-arm DDT, however, and Shane comes in to work the arm. We get some non-tag chicanery and Kash comes in. Dutt comes back with a crossbody for two, but Kash clotheslines him in the corner and pounds him down. Back to the arm, but Siaki breaks it up. And that allows Shane to switch off again and stay on the arm. Shane uses a jumping armbar to lay him up again, and then Kazarian & Shane hit him with a double-team legdrop before going back to the arm. More abuse behind the ref's back, as Shane & Kash hold Dutt's arms in the corner and Kazarian dropkicks him in the face. Kash comes back in with a shoulderbreaker and then a hammerlock slam into the corner for two. More switching, as Shane prevents a tag and continues pounding the arm. Dutt makes the one-handed comeback, but Shane again rips the arm out. Back to Kazarian, who holds a wristlock on him and then takes him down to the mat with that. Dutt fights back with the springboard rana, and it's finally hot tag to Garza. Surprising lack of heat for that tag. Garza moonsaults Kazarian for two. The heels dump him, but Siaki dumps them and then alley-oops Dutt over the top onto them. Tracy comes in with the buttdrop on Shane by accident, and Garza finishes him with the corkscrew moonsault at 11:00. Good, solid, old-fashioned sympathy heat on Dutt here carries things instead of the usual trainwreck spots. ***


- Speaking of babbling incoherently, Randy Savage cuts a promo backstage.


- Serengeti Survival match: Abyss v. "Alpha Male" Monty Brown. Did anyone else get mixed up and think of this as an Alpha Ghetti survival match? Both guys eat a tainted can of pasta and first one not to vomit wins. Anyway, Brown attacks on the floor and sends Abyss into the post and railing, but Abyss whips him into the post. Abyss works on the ribs, taped ala DDP tonight, and grabs a table. He also gets the thumbtacks, but Brown cuts him off with an attack from behind and clotheslines him out of the corner. Abyss catches him with a big boot for two, however. Next toy: A chair, as he pounds Brown down and then gives him a Quake splash on the chair. That gets two. He tries the CLUBBING FOREARMS and chokes Brown out on the ropes. Back to the chair, but this time Brown puts the chair vertical to block the sitdown splash, and I'm sure you can use your imagination there. Brown comes back with a chairshot, as if landing on his balls wasn't bad enough for poor Abyss, and a powerslam on the chair follows. Brown goes for the Pounce, but walks into the Black Hole Slam, which gets two. So Abyss wedges the chair into the corner, but that of course backfires, and it's Pounce time. Abyss falls out of the ring on the bump, however. The crown, however, is hip to the game, and they want the thumbtacks. Brown only gets two back in the ring. Another Pounce misses, and Brown puts himself through the table. That gets two for Abyss. And now he gets the tacks back, but Brown has his own. It's DUELING THUMBTACKS. Abyss decides not to use his, however, and tries a chokeslam onto Brown's, but Brown rips off the shirt and tries a powerbomb. That's a no-go, as Abyss fights out and tries his own. Brown reveres to a whiplash slam onto the tacks, thus winning the match at 12:16. Well, that's certainly the silliest method of winning a match I've seen in a while, but the match had some good drama, believe it or not. **1/2


- Meanwhile, Vinny McDaddy and his son-in-law smash a random videotape with a sledgehammer, but it's only the Best of D-Ray 3000.


- Glen Gilberti & Johnny Swinger v. Empire Saint & Johnny B Badd. Swinger starts with Badd and falls victim to a headscissors, and Badd works on Gilberti's arm. Kenney comes in with a northern lights suplex for two. Gilberti dumps him and Swinger rams Kenney's back into the post. OH MY GOD, THEY…oh, forget it. Back in, Swinger works on the back and stomps away on it. Swinger gets a clothesline for two. The NYC whip each other into Kenney's back, but heel miscommunication gives Kenney a rollup on Gilberti for two. Gilberti beats him down again and Swinger drops an elbow on the back for two. Kenney makes the hot tag to Badd, however, and he throws some kneelifts. The dreaded double noggin knocker puts Swinger in the corner, and Badd comes off the middle rope with a sledge, and it's BONZO GONZO. Gilberti with the stunner on Kenney, but Jacqueline slams him and Badd finishes with the TKO at 6:41. Dull and heatless. 1/2*


- Raven v. DDP. Was the world really waiting for DDP to come out of retirement? Page slugs Raven down to start and they exchange boots before DDP gets a clothesline and stomps away in the corner. The ref is bumped early and they brawl outside for the usual walk-back-and-forth fighting into the crowd. Back into the ring, DDP walks into a boot in the corner, but posts Raven. Raven blocks the Diamond Cutter and gets two. Raven grabs what appears to be a Viking helmet and clobbers Page with it to take over. That gets two. DDP comes back with a rollup for two. Raven chokes him down on the ropes and grabs a chair, then gives him a running knee into the corner. The DROP TOEHOLD OF DOOM gets two. DDP fights back and slugs away in the corner, and gets some clotheslines. Big boot and he tries the Cutter, but Raven goes low to counter. Rollup gets two. DDP gets his own rollup for two. Raven bulldogs him for two. DDP gets a belly-to-belly for two. Raven gets a superkick for two. I love how they just trade moves without any selling or storyline to the match. That's just super. Diamond Cutter gets two. A couple of guys in hoods come down to ringside, as Raven DDTs DDP for two. And now Erik Watts runs into the ring after putting over DDP the whole match on commentary, gets rid of Raven's guys, and then SHOCKINGLY turns on DDP. My gosh, my world is crumbling all around me. How can I live? Page gets the Cutter on Watts, however, and Raven goes back on offense. Even Flow is reversed to the Diamond Cutter for the pin at 12:01. Page's total offense these days seems to be clotheslines, rollups and the Diamond Cutter. *


- Meanwhile, Vinny McDaddy and his son-in-law stew backstage on hidden camera, and turn down a tray of cookies from Tracy.


- X title: Petey Williams v. Chris Sabin. Sabin grabs the arm to start and they work off that as the crowd goes to dueling chants. Sabin tries the Cradle Shock and Williams bails to escape that. Back in, Sabin grabs a headlock and sweeps him down for two, then kicks him in the head off a snapmare by Williams. They slug it out and Sabin springboards in from the apron with a dropkick, and Williams bails again. Williams tries to springboard in, but Sabin catches him with the Cradle Shock, so Williams counters that and takes Sabin to the floor. He follows with a rana from the apron. Sabin fights back with chops and powerbombs him into the railing. That's pretty sick. Sabin then heads into the crowd, climbs onto the pit railing, and dives over the front row onto Williams at ringside. That's pretty sick too. Back to the ring, Williams catches Sabin with a melodramatic necksnap and Scott D'Amore adds some cheapshots. Back in, Williams gets two. He hangs Sabin in the Tree of Woe, and steps on his nuts. Well, Tommy Dreamer can rest easy knowing he added something to the sport. That gets two for Williams. Williams gets a neckbreaker into a tornado DDT for two. Williams gets a seated dropkick and hits the chinlock. Sabin reverses to a rollup for two, but Williams dropkicks him down again for two. Williams clotheslines him down, into a suplex, into a backdrop suplex, and that gets two. Williams gets a legdrop for two. Choking in the corner. The continued chanting from the crowd in perfect time, from the same section, seems to indicate that the heat is less spontaneous than I thought. Williams goes up, but Sabin comes back with a pop-up superplex and they slug it out, allowing Sabin to get the enzuigiri. Running powerbomb gets two. Sabin goes up and gets crotched, but ducks a charging Williams and pulls himself up and dives onto Williams outside. That was definitely unique. Sabin slugs him down, but Williams pops up and takes him down with a Russian legsweep. Sabin tries the Cradle Shock, but Williams rolls him over into the Sharpshooter. He does it even worse than Rock, but it's the thought that counts. Sabin makes the ropes. Williams charges and ends up on the apron, and Sabin brings him in with a superplex attempt, but Williams counters with a powerbomb attempt. Williams tries the Destroyer, but Sabin rolls right through it, into a piledriver for two. Holy cow. They counter each other and Sabin goes for the finish, but D'Amore breaks up the Cradle Shock and Williams hits Sabin with brass knuckles for the pin at 18:09. What a shitty finish. Great match, though, slow spots aside. ***3/4


- Jeff Jarrett, Kevin Nash & Scott Hall v. AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy & Randy Savage. Savage is sadly absent to start, leaving me to wonder if the nuthouse finally realized he was gone and brought him back home. I mean, seriously, you have to be a special kind of crazy to make people forget about how weird Ultimate Warrior is. Hall and Nash are dressed as Elvises, thus showing what kind of dignity they have left. Styles starts with Jarrett and they work off a headlock, but Styles gets a flying headscissors. Jarrett goes back to the headlock, but Styles dropkicks out of it. Grandpa Hall comes in and works AJ's arm over, but gets kicked down as a result. And now AJ wants Nash, almost as badly as Nash wants his hair and dark roots back. Big Kev comes in and pounds AJ down, but gets dropkicked down, as do the rest of the Heroes of Wrestling, and Hardy comes in with a missile dropkick. Legdrop for Nash, but a cheapshot from Hall turns the tide, and Jeff is YOUR freak-in-peril. Jarrett chokes him down and struts, and Hall chokeslams him for two. Nash gets the sideslam for two. Hall does the abdominal stretch, but Hardy fights out and makes the hot tag to Styles. Dropkicks abound, but Nash trips up Styles during a springboard attempt and it's face-in-peril segment #2. Hall gets the blockbuster slam for two. Nash works him over in the corner with the usual and gets two. Jarrett comes back in and goes for the figure-four, but AJ reverses for two. Rollup gets two for AJ. Nash goes to the bearhug, but my copy cuts to AJ & Jarrett in a double KO. Hot tag Hardy, who gets a corkscrew out of the corner and a DDT for Hall. Jarrett goes for the Stroke, but Hardy reverses to the Twist of Fate…and Nash gets rid of the referee. Hall goes for the guitar and lays out Hardy, and everyone is out. However, now Randy Savage returns from wherever he was (likely his chemo treatments judging by the hair and body) and he tags himself in and goes crazy. Well, crazier. It's TRIPLE SLEEPERS. My god, it's the 1970s and no one told me! Savage pins Jarrett out of this at 15:21. Thank god this wasn't the main event. *1/2 Savage would be gone from the promotion the next day.


- Meanwhile, Vinny McDaddy gets hauled off in the ambulance.


- And we finally get the disputed tape, as Shane Douglas, Tracy and Abyss arrive to welcome the WWE to Universal Studios. Everyone is blurred out, thus rendering the whole thing pretty pointless. It also makes the WWE look even more hypocritical given their own actions in the past.


- Cage match: America's Most Wanted v. XXX. Loser has to break up. Daniels starts with Storm and they exchange shots into the cage to start. Next up, Primetime and Harris, as Primetime gets a kick to the head before falling victim to a full-nelson slam. AMW double-teams him with a backdrop and then tees off on Daniels, and spike him into the cage. Daniels starts bleeding as AMW works him over, but Harris's suplex is blocked by Skipper. XXX gets a double slam and Skipper slams Daniels on Harris. Daniels pounds him down, bleeding all the while. He clotheslines Harris down and XXX does some more double-teaming, and Skipper gets a mule kick in the corner and then kicks the knee out. Harris comes back with a catapult into the cage and brings Storm in, and he powerslams Daniels and kicks Skipper down. They set up for the Death Sentence, but Daniels breaks it up. Primetime hotshots Harris into the cage, and now we have double juice. Harris gets handcuffed to the corner, which pretty much leaves Storm alone and in trouble. They pound Storm down, and then use the handcuff key to inflict damage on Storm. Oh, that's not nice. Storm goes into the cage and now it's triple juice, as Harris yells "Give me the key!" at Daniels. Surprisingly, that doesn't work. Maybe he should say please. Daniels goes up to add an elbow to Primetime's body vice, and that gets two on Storm. Daniels goes back up, but hits Primetime by mistake, and Storm spears the key out of his hands. Harris gets the key and gets loose, and now he's PISSED. Spinebusters result, and Storm goes nuts on Primetime, and then Harris rams Daniels into the cage a bunch of times. Then he suplexes him INTO the cage. That's awesome. It gets two. PT comes back with a suplex on Harris and goes up for the Rockerplex with Daniels, and that gets two. Storm comes back with a neckbreaker on Skipper, and XXX meets the cage. Hart Attack from AMW gets two on Skipper. Harris keeps abusing Daniels via the cage, but it backfires and XXX send him into the cage. XXX sets up Harris for a Death Sentence and hit it for two. I hope they don't let that kind of disrespect go without answering it. Daniels sends Skipper to the top of the cage, but Harris POWERBOMBS HIM OFF. Holy SHIT. That only gets two. Daniels gets the Angel's Wings for two. And now Daniels climbs, but Storm follows him up, and then Skipper follows THEM up. Skipper then WALKS THE CAGE and gets the rana from the top of the cage. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. And now Daniels goes to the top of the cage and follows with an elbow from the top. But shit, how do you follow Skipper? Everyone fights in the corner and they do the stacked superplex from the top of the cage, nearly killing Daniels in the process. Oh man, this PPV deserves 50,000 buys just for this crazy shit. Skipper tries the play of the day on Harris, but it's reversed to the Catatonic, so Skipper blocks and sends him into the cage. Storm slugs it out with Daniels in the corner and they fight on the top, which sends Storm to the mat again. Harris headbutts Daniels low, however, and knocks him down. And then irony rears her ugly face, as Daniels gets handcuffed, leaving Skipper all by his lonesome. Superkick and XXX's own powerbomb/suplex finisher end things at 21:02, thus splitting up XXX. This was fucking awesome, although having to follow the cagewalk rana was tough. ****1/2


The Final Word: Much, MUCH better than last month's TNA offering, as they delivered bigtime with a minimum of crap this time around and probably the second-best main event on PPV this year. Financially speaking the company is circling the drain, but at least the guys haven't given up yet. Thumbs way up.


Pulse Rating: 9

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Ok, i know this is extra late, but I ordered the replay of Turning Point Tuesday and finally got to see the show. I just wanted to share my thoughts....


My initial reaction was that the show didn't live up the super hype, so I decided to watch it again and see if my opinion changed. Without expecting to be blow away every second, I really enjoyed the show.


The tag match was about what you'd expect from these teams, a solid old school tag match that got the crowd going. This match was better than the match at Victory Road, but I'd attribute that mostly to the Truth replacing Konnan. Truth got the first pop from me of the night when he hit that axe kick on Young while he was on the top rope. I'm really a mark for Team Canada. I absolutely love the way they sell the "USA" chants by covering their ears and acting like it hurts to hear them. Very nice touch. And the finish didn't bother me as I've come to expect Team Canada to check and at less it wasn't D'Amore running in this time, though it was still a hockey stick. Definitely looking forward to the pending Team Canada/AMW feud. This was a good opener.


The X-Division 6 man was fantastic. I've always like Sonjay, but he really impressed me here with his selling ability. The selling here was actually better than it was in the cage match. Sonjay sold that arm like a pro, and timing his highspot comebacks perfectly. Hector getting the win didn't surprise me, but I wonder if his push is going to continue after he jobs to Jarrett this Friday (haven't read the spoilers, just making an educated guess). The spot were Sonjay leapfrogged Siaki into a huricanranna was great too. Crowd was great here, really getting behind Sonjay like I've haven't seen before. With the finish they ran in the opener, I wondered why they did have this open the show since the faces went over here.


The Monty/Abyss match was surprising. I really thought with Raven not in the mix, this match would be as good as the 3 way at Victory Road, but it actually turned out to better, though the thumbtack spot wasn't a good. Monty just looks more and more like a star each time out. I loved how Abyss reversed the Pounce into the Black Hole Slam and how Monty turned the chair on Abyss when Abyss went to squash him the second time. Once again this showed Monty can handle more than just the squash matches he gets. Abyss should definitely never take his shirt off again though. :unsure:


The tag match with NYC was a throwaway, so I won't spend too much time on it. It was just there. Wasn't good, wasn't bad....just there.


DDP looked like the DDP of old in the match with Raven. The match did seem a little overbooked, with Watts "coming to DDP's aid' before the druids even did anything. The crowd loved DDP though, and popped for the Cutter, which I believe was the point, so I guess it didn't matter. DDP proved here that he's not deadweight like some people on the roster, because he can still go. They should definitely use him to give someone the rub. I just hope that someone isn't Watts though. I'd actually like to see DDP feud with Abyss if he's done with Monty.


The X title match was phenomenal. I'd say it was the 2nd best X title match this year (I'd rank Styles/Kazarian from 6/9 a lil' higher). These two just went spot for spot and other than Williams shitty sharpshooter, there's really nothing to complain about in the first 17 minutes. The powerbomb onto the rail was sick, and Sabin jumped over the first 3 rows onto Williams was awesome as well. They finish here sucked though. I know Williams is the cheating champion, but I think I would have preferred something other than the nucks lead to the pin. Maybe have Sabin kick out there, go after D'Amore and then get caught with the Destroyer. Kind of like he knew the counter, but he was distracted by D'Amore and thus got caught. Then you could build up the rematch with D'Amore barred from ringside, or in a cage, or something. Anyway, I would have liked to Sabin take the belt here, but I'm not surprised he didn't. I guess they're saving it for next month, because if there's going to be an UX match, he'll win. They're pushing that as "his" match.


The six match was watchable. That's the highest compliment I can give it. And that was solely due to Styles and Jarrett. Styles may be Superman, but Hall and Nash are his kryptonite. They bumped for him, but it was almost as if they only agreed to sell dropkicks. Hall sold a bigger variety of stuff last month in the ladder match than he did here. And then the LAME finish with Old Man Savage coming out and barely being able to lower himself made it even worse.


The Vinne Mac/HHH skits were funny than most of TNA's attempts at comedy. Tim Welch was spot on in the voice and whoever played HHH was funny being scared of Abyss after asking him if he knew what game he was playing and eating the cookies after "Vince" knocked them out of Traci's hands. The Best of D-Ray 3000 and "Vince" firing Sabin for wearing jeans were hilarious too. The footage itself was kind of pointless, considering the hype, but I liked that TNA didn't play it as earthshattering and laughed when Tenay said "It's not like we drove a tank up to their headquarters."


The six sides of steel match more than made up for it. This was just an intense, bloody brawl, that topped the original. When they showed the highlights of the first cage match, I got my hopes up for another classics, but feared a letdown. These guys delivered and then some. I knew Skipper was going to walk the cage, but still popped huge for it. The spots were fantastic, and build to well, which I liked. They didn't just come out hitting spot after spot. The pyschology was solid, with the handcuffs and all. Daniels was in super dick mode teasing Harris with the keys and hanging them around his neck, and there was good drama when Storm had to use Harris' move (the spear) to get the keys and free him. And then, the AMW reversed the tables and handcuffed Daniels and hit Skipper with XXX's finisher. The pyschology of the cage matches between these teams may have even been better than the spots. I say MAY because the spots were awesome. Though I appreciated AMW finishing off XXX with their own move, it almost seemed anticlimatic after all we'd seen them kick off in these match. Either way, kudos to TNA for giving them the time to a story and the main even spotlight to shine, and kudos to the guys for delivering.


All in all, I would say any card that has no less then six good to great matches on it is a keeper. The crowd was super with some funny chants, and the atmosphere nearly match Victory Road, which I never thought TNA would be able to do again. I do think they need to seriously consider having Final Resolution somewhere else though. They could really benefit from a new look.

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