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What will Bischoff say next week?

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Guest Phenom

Benoit vs. Helmsley vs. Orton vs. Edge in a Fatal Fourway elimination match at New Year's Revolution. Edge wins, but loses it to Orton at WrescleMania 21.

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Can they really afford to do that, though? It's early December - the PPV isn't until mid January.


I know the title's largely worthless, but c'mon, a month (or more) of the title being vacant isn't going to improve its image.

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New Year's Revolution is on January 9th.



Triple H, Edge, Orton, Benoit, Jericho, and the returning HBK in the Elimination Chamber for the World Title.

I'd sub Batista for HBK (will he even be ready to return by then?).

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I think it would be interesting if each week Bischoff scheduled a title match, only to have one of the "sore losers" come out and lay waste to everyone because they are upset they don't have a title shot, causing the title to be held up again. So first week, Bischoff makes it Edge vs. Benoit HHH of course blows his top and comes out during the match, killing both guys with the sledgehammer. Next week its HHH vs. Benoit (using some vague reasoning) and of course now Mr. bitter Edge causes the match to end in a no-constest. So finally the week after, it's HHH vs. Edge vs. Benoit and the end is some big schmozz involving Orton, Bastisa, Flair, and Jericho. So by now Bischoff has had it and makes it HHH vs. Benoit vs. Edge vs. Orton vs. Jericho vs. Batista in an Elimination Chamber match at New Year's Revolution.

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Under normal circumstances, I'd say HHH is just getting the belt back, but I can't really remember a situation where a title was vacated and then went right back to the guy that last held it.


Normally, the 'vacated title' angle is a way to get the belt off one guy and onto another without having the champ job. They did it with Hogan in the '80s and then Austin in the '90s.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

If you have a Elimination Chamber match on a single brand show...You basically have NO card.


If you have Edge/HHH/Batista/Benoit/Jericho/Orton in one match...What's left?


You'd get a really REALLY weak card. The E.C isn't a draw. People are going to go "Nah, I'll save it for the Rumble".


I'd Perfer a 14 Man Tournament with Benoit and Edge getting the first round byes (the two that won the match) and meet in round two. Ending with Jericho winning the title but he jobs it back to HHH @ the rumble

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Guest The Shadow Behind You
I say screw it and hold it up till the Rumble, put it up for grabs there....the thing is I'm not sure what would happen if a SMDN guy wins.

Maybe they can vacate the title from SD as well and have BOTH titles on the line. That way if you win; you are your brands champion. I dunno what happens to the other title though...

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Whatever happens, HHH will wind up with the belt again. He has to have it by the Rumble to job it to Orton at WM

Says who?


I know many reports have said/are saying that, and the general consensus is, that that will be the case...but WWE does have free range to do whatever they want. And who says they wouldn't change their minds a month..or two..or three, or whatever in advance from what most are thinking? It definitely wouldn't be the first i'm sure..

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The real reason they did the upheld angle in 88 was because Hogan had to have time off to film No Holds Barred. Who knows how long he would have held onto the belt otherwise. The late 91/Early 92 Vacancy angle was great, because there were about 5 or 6 guys who had a legit shot at being champion

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Don't forget, this IS HHH here... who's to say Randy won't be the one to go into Mania with the belt while HHH wins the Rumble?


HHH winning the belt on PPV then defending it sucessfully at the Rumble 3 weeks later against someone totally random who is nothing more than a filler match before the Mania PPV helps no one but HHH (I know, I know... this IS HHH here). I'd think someone (Jericho) will get a cp of coffee run with the belt before losing it to HHH at the Rumble. Randy will then win the Rumble.


Also, keep this in mind: THey're doing the Batista turn the right way. While Randy has now gotten himself over as a face (where he wasn't really that over when he was the face champion), I wouldn't be surprised to see Randy walk out of Raw PPV with the title only to drop it to HHH at the Rumble or a big February Raw while Batista wins the Rumble and faces HHH at WM.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

There are cases of WWE changing their WM Main event plans but usually it's because of unforseen injury or circumstance that prevents it (politics)


WMII-Was going to be Piper/Hogan. Ended Up Hogan/Bundy after Piper refused to job.

WMIV-Ted Dibiase was going to win the title but HTM wouldn't drop the IC title to savage; so Savage got the World title instead

WM7-Warrior/Hogan II was planned. They scraped that for Hogan/Slughter

WM8-Hogan/Flair and Savage/Roberts were penciled in for awhile but Flair/Hogan wasn't doing well on house shows and hogan was leaving due to 'roid heat and they switched it around to Flair/Savage and Hogan/Sid

WM10-Luger was supposed to go over Yoko then lose to Bret but he fucked up and Bret went over yoko instead.

WM13-Shawn/Bret II was basically made the second WM12 ended but Shawn pulled his ego card and it was changed to 'Taker/Sid and Austin/Hart.

WM2000-Austin/HHH. Austin got hurt. They then had Rock/HHH set but then threw in Foley and Show.

WMXX-I'm not sure but I strongly doubt Benoit and Guerrero were in their plans until about late 2003. Lesnar/Goldberg was set in stone early.


So it's likely XXI could end up with them changing their plans to HHH/Batista or something else but i think it's assured we're getting Orton/HHH.

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The late 91/Early 92 Vacancy angle was great, because there were about 5 or 6 guys who had a legit shot at being champion

Let's see if you're right:



Ric Flair

Hulk Hogan


Randy Savage

Sgt. Slaughter (?)

Ted DiBiase (he was robbed if you ask me)

Roddy Piper

Jake Roberts (Did a heel turn shortly before, IIRC)

Sid Justice (might be in Good Shot too)




Shawn Michaels (good "Dark Horse" winner)

Tito Santana (he was just repackaged)

Texas Tornado

Greg Valentine (just did a face turn shortly before, IIRC)

Big Bossman

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan

Rick Martel (he did last very long the previous year)



Jerry Sags

Repo Man







"Superfly" Jimmy Snuka (wasn't that big a threat in 1992, I believe)

Virgil (even with winning the Million Dollar Championship)

Col. Mustafa


Nikolai Volkoff

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Dibiase was pretty much on his way down. It was basically centered around









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Guest The Shadow Behind You
Dibiase was pretty much on his way down. It was basically centered around









What about Slaughter?

He was already tag teaming with Duggan at this point. They gave him the "he's a former champion, so you can't count him out" sell but he was never a legit threat.

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Can they really afford to do that, though? It's early December - the PPV isn't until mid January.


I know the title's largely worthless, but c'mon, a month (or more) of the title being vacant isn't going to improve its image.

They've done it before. They went two months in 1998 with no WWF Champion.

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Can they really afford to do that, though?  It's early December - the PPV isn't until mid January.


I know the title's largely worthless, but c'mon, a month (or more) of the title being vacant isn't going to improve its image.

They've done it before. They went two months in 1998 with no WWF Champion.

The title was vacent for a month after "This Tuesday in Texas" to the 1992 Royal Rumble as well.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

I'm not sure how long the title was vacant for the Double Ref deal but another instance was Vince McMahon vacating the title after winning it for 3 weeks until a Six Pac Challenge Match between HHH/Bulldog/Foley/Rock/Kane/Someone else with Austin as referee at Unforgiven 99'. I want to say UT was #6 but I thought he was doing his "Suspended" angle while he recovered from injuries at the time.

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I'm not sure how long the title was vacant for the Double Ref deal

From February 5. 1988 (where Andre handed the belt to DiBiase, causing the vacating of the title) to March 27, 1988 (where Savage won the tournament)

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Vince McMahon vacating the title after winning it for 3 weeks

He won the title on 9/14 on SmackDown in Las Vegas, NV; he vacated it on the 9/20/99 RAW in Houston, TX. The belt was vacant for six days until HHH won the Six-Pack Challenge at Unforgiven on 9/26/99 in Charlotte, NC.

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I think it really sets itself up for the P.R. PPV in Jan. I'd have Triple H, Edge, Orton, Benoit, Jericho, and the returning HBK in the Elimination Chamber for the World Title. Simple as that.

Sounds about right. If Michaels isn't returning, then they'll stick Batista in there.

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WM13-Shawn/Bret II was basically made the second WM12 ended but Shawn pulled his ego card and it was changed to 'Taker/Sid and Austin/Hart.

WM14-Was going to be the blow off to the Austin/Hart feud but,...well you know what happened.

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WM2000-Austin/HHH. Austin got hurt. They then had Rock/HHH set but then threw in Foley and Show.

WM 2000's main event was originally penned to be Austin-Big Show, but when Show didn't get over as they had hoped and Rock surpassed Austin in popularity in the fall('99), they changed their plans to a Rock-Austin rematch for WM with the roles reversed from the previous year(face Rock, heel Austin). When Austin decided to get neck surgery, they changed the plans to Rock-Triple H, with the main programs at No Way Out and the Rumble being Rock vs Foley(as a heel) and Triple H vs Big Show. They switched the programs to Rock vs Show and Triple H vs Foley because they thought Triple H vs Show would bomb, since neither were really that over at the time. They brought back Foley for WM because they weren't yet confident in Triple H's drawing power, and added Show to even up the heel side.

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