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Hunter's Torn Quad

WWE News and Notes from 12/13 WO

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The 4/4 Raw show the day after WrestleMania at the Staples Center in Los Angeles is almost sold out. The only seats left are in the $35 (nosebleed) price range. It will end up being the earliest advanced sellout ever for a Raw show, but that's meaningless because it's also the earliest in history before an event Raw tickets were ever put on sale. . . .An update on Dwayne Johnson, who is still in Prague, Czechoslovakia filming a movie. He is planning on wrestling at WrestleMania in Los Angeles and hopes the company comes up with a good storyline for his return. He's been studying 70s and 80s wrestling videotapes during his down time, in particular the old Memphis, Dallas and Portland territories. "I absolutely love it," he said. "The ideas I'm getting from them are amazing. Creativity plus simplicity (for the fans to easily absorb) plus passion equals success. . . It should be mandatory for the boys to watch (70s and 80s tapes from all over the world). They have no idea how much that would help them. When the babyfaces sold, the people felt it. When the heels got heat, the people believed it." He returns to the U.S. in January after this current movie finishes up. He'll spend February promoting "Be Cool" with John Travolta and Uma Thurman. He's working on a daily for a Sony movie that he'd start shooting in May, and has a finalized deal for a big movie this summer...


The 1/1 date for the ECW DVD version of the PPV may significantly hurt DVD sales. The PPV will be just under two hours edited down from the three hour DVD, but the key is, with so many stores backlogged getting copies, and even amazon.com backlogged to the point they are expecting delivery after Christmas, this may be the case where, for the first time, a lot of people will have access to the PPV of the DVD before even having a chance to get a copy of the DVD. .. The "Theme Addict" CD with all the new company entrance music songs debuted at No. 38 on the Billboard charts, with 35,952 sales. That was well under predictions of a 45,000 first week. It fell to No. 131, with sales of 14,888 during its second week. That number was a disaster. The record business was up 20% during that second week due to it being Thanksgiving weekend, one of the best weekends of business for the year, however this CD dropped 59% at the same time. Compared to previous WWE theme song CD's, this is alarmingly behind even the worst standards.. . Jesus was injured on the 12/6 Johnson City show, with either a strained abdominal muscle or a groin pull. He was wrestling Haas. He went for a running kick into the corner and somehow his foot got hung up and he went down. He couldn't move. Haas went for a springboard moonsault off the middle rope and Jesus stuck his knees up and rolled over for the pin. Jesus couldn't get up after the match. Nick Patrick, Fit Finlay and other agents came out. It was several minutes before they could get him out of the ring. He was protected at TV and didn't wrestle a match, but he's expected to work the PPV. . . The complete Armageddon line-up for 12/12: JBL vs. Undertaker vs. Booker vs. Guerrero for the title. Guerrero should win, but that doesn't seem likely to happen. People at the shows the past few weeks have noted how Guerrero is by far the most popular wrestler on either brand right now, even though he's gotten a mid-card push. Also, he's the only drawing card in the company, as even in the Carolinas and Georgia at house shows, people have noted that they've never seen so many Hispanics at wrestling shows in that part of the country. Smackdown is also outdrawing Raw in that part of the country and there is no logical reason for that to happen. Guerrero selling tickets won't last forever as at some point, fans will lose patience unless he's portrayed as more of a top guy. Also, Cena vs. Carlito in a street fight, RVD & Mysterio defending the tag titles (which they strangely won on TV on 12/7 in Greenville before the expected PPV change) against Suzuki & Dupree, Puder vs. Mizanin in a boxing match (this is a shoot match, but the only way Mizanin has a chance is if there is divine intervention), Show vs. Angle & Jindrak & Reigns in a 3-on-l, Jackie vs. Dawn with Haas as ref (this match has been stinking up the house shows) and Spike vs. Funaki for the cruiserweight title. ..


On the boxing match, as much as Mizanin has made himself into a heel to where most viewers will be glad to see him take a beating from Puder, I hate the idea. I don’t hate the idea of a shoot on a wrestling show, because in this instance, its fine, because its been built up for eight weeks and people should care. I actually think more people care about that match than anything but the main event, and in some circles, more than the main event. But boxing, and all forms of fighting, are serious business. If you put trained fighters against each other, well, they know what they are doing and it is their sport. Even then, people always get hurt, but to me, that's a part of the sport, just like in football or any sport where there are going to be injuries from full contact. But a fighting combat sport is not for untrained individuals, or in this case, an untrained person against a real fighter. Puder is not a great boxer. Boxing is the weakest part of his game. But he has boxed amateur and his MMA training consists of kickboxing training, under world champion Javier Mendez and Frank Shamrock among others. Ifs not boxing, but it is at least training in punching people out. This is every bit as bad as Mike Bernardo vs. Bobby Oregon in K-l, or maybe worse. At least that fight is MMA, and if Oregon can take Bernardo down, Bernardo is nothing on the ground. Of course, Bernardo hits much harder than Puder, but Oregon has trained for years in kickboxing even though he's never fought and taking on an experienced pro. Mizanin got beat up on "Real World' by some guy who was not even a fighter or even a big or tough guy, and now you're putting him against a real 230-pound fighter. This is the recipe that can cause serious and needless injury. There have been real tragedies in Tough Man competition that never should have taken place because the boxing ring is not a place for untrained people. If Mizanin gets hurt, WWE is at complete fault, because they are aware of all this and not only let it happen, but really, forced Mizanin into it because you know of free will, if not for the fact he has to do it or get DQ'd from a million dollar contest, there is no way in his right mind he would do it. And the Georgia athletic commission should step in, because I'm told they are sanctioning this under boxing rules, and what are they there for if not to prevent horrible mismatches and the potential beatings that can come from them from taking place. The only possible saving grace would be if they used gigantic gloves, like they planned for the Diva Search before sanity prevailed and they pulled mat idea. But that would make the match come across as a joke, and at this point, that1 s not what the paying customers are expecting. It also, if he gets killed, basically forces the company to give Mizanin a developmental deal (and maybe they've decided to do so even though he doesn't fit their espoused size requirements and is not that great of a worker, only he can wrestle and has a minor celebrity name), or they're opening themselves up for a possible lawsuit because when he signed on, he clearly didn't sign on to face a trained fighter in a boxing match. I'd be a lot happier with a submission wrestling match or an amateur wrestling match, as even though ifs more of a mismatch as those are Puder's bread and butter, without striking, the chance of a serious brain injury, which is really the only thing that concerns me, is far less likely. I keep thinking in the same situation, I'd have no qualms doing a submission or wrestling match with Puder, even though I'd lose in seconds, because I'd get pinned or tap before getting hurt, but boxing, no way would I and no way should I even be allowed to if I was dumb enough to say I would. If this was on a boxing card, I'm pretty sure this match wouldn't even be allowed, and that tells you why it shouldn't take place. At least in the Divas search, it was two women with no fighting experience, and they weren't allowed to box by the commission, but with no punching training and the big gloves, the odds of anyone getting hurt from a 100-pound woman's punch are far less than a 230-pound man trained at knocking people out. This isn't even Brawl-for-All. which nearly ended Savio Vega's career and did end Mark Canterbury's career, plus injured half a dozen other guys. In that, you had big, tough and athletic guys who were real athletes that willingly went into battle, even though they weren't skilled. Even though a few even had legitimate backgrounds, they hadn't competed in fighting for many, many years. Puder is a guy in his prime who was in training with UFC fighters just over two months ago, going against someone who is not naturally big and doesn't appear to have any significant athletic background, but only has heart, great desire to be a wrestler, and is obnoxious enough on camera that people aren’t thinking things out in hoping to see Puder beat him senseless. . . The Smackdown crew will be going to the Middle East again to tape a show for the troops that airs on 12/23.


Another strong Raw show on 12/6 in Charlotte based around HHH vs. Batista. It was the Jericho show as G.M. It started with Jericho bringing Vince out on the Highlight Reel segment to discuss the World title situation. Vince came out with the belt over his shoulder doing the Vince-walk. HHH came out. Vince put HHH over as being a best-selling author (his book, the next morning after a heavy push on TV was No. 1,900 on the Amazon charts and still behind Flair's book, released six months ago, in sales for the week, which is a very weak open and a far worse open than either of my books did with no comparable promotion reaching millions); and a movie star. Vince said he wouldn't make a decision regarding the belt, and it was up to Bischoff to make the decision next week when he returned. Nobody had said anything to me, but TV led many to think they would do either a tournament, or more likely, an elimination chamber match, with HHH, Benoit, Edge, Batista, Orton and possibly Jericho. HHH was mad at Batista once again. I was just hoping it wasn’t another two hour long swerve. Batista wasn’t there at the finish last week, and left with a smile on his face. Batista talked back to him saying he pulled the ref out of the ring when Benoit had HHH in the Crossface, so if it wasn’t for him, Benoit would be the champ outright, and then said, "You're welcome" and stormed off. HHH threw around some furniture and said "Thank you" in a sarcastic tone. Eugene beat Maven via DQ in 4:12 when Maven was choking Eugene as he was upside down in the corner. Maven did a good job as a cocky heel here. Regal made the save. Maven got one of the tag belts, and as Regal wasn’t looking, cracked Regal with it.


Next up was a limbo contest with Keibler, Hemme, and women nobody knew like Candace Mitchell (wasn’t she the make-up girl last week), Melina Perez and Maria (who was an announcer two weeks ago) for a limbo dance contest. Maria and Hemme were actually good at this, but Hemme cheated to win, although it wasn’t acknowledged as she was kind of given the star treatment and thus allowed leeway to get over. Perez, who was the shortest woman, and thus should have won, literally couldn’t get under the bar at the end because her implants stood straight up as her back was bent over, not that she was the only one facing that handicap, but she was facing it worse than most. Keibler was so just tall she had no prayer in this. There were two new women this week holding the limbo stick. One of them ended up joining the contest. One of the two was Lana Kinnnear, from the old Women of Wrestling group. While everyone was partying, Hassan & Daivari did a promo and announced they would be live next week. There is something really creepy about this company exploiting 9/11 so strongly and at the same time spending the entire war clinging to the troops for TV feature after feature. I’m sure the troops love it, but 1his exploitation of our worst national tragedy is, well, traditional wrestling. Dean pinned Hurricane with a schoolboy using the tights in 3:47. I felt sorry for me commentators, because they had to sell that Dean was an amateur wrestler who had no pro experience, but after the first minute, he did straight pro style. They also acted like it was his first match ever and his first win ever, which only insults everyone who watched ECW, everyone who has attended a house show in the last month and any fan with the slightest bit of knowledge of the game. They spent the entire show airing clips of Stratus harassing poor Lita, building up to them in the main event spot on the show. They did a lot of good stuff. One clip was the heel women, including the departed Gail Kim and Jazz, giving her bridal shower gifts:


Orton did an interview. It should be noted that a bunch of Hawaiian lei's came from the ceiling at the start of the show like it was a big party and Jericho did joke after joke about being getting laid. Orton did this embarrassing deal with Coach saying how Coach never got laid, which was again trying to have Orton do Rock, and he only comes off second-rate when they script that stuff for him. Edge saved the thing from dying by doing a promo of his own. Fans chanted "you tapped out" loudly at Edge, who did a great promo here. Orton came out and they knocked each other before getting into a big pull-apart brawl. They had half of some of history's most famous tag teams break it up, I saw Slaughter (Slaughter & Kernodle), half of the Fabs, half of Malenko & Benoit, Half of the Brainbusters and one-fourth of the Horsemen, and finally, half of the Dynamic Dudes. During the commercial break, Orton gave Edge an RKO. That’s also the main event for the 12/13 Raw in Huntsville. Benjamin pinned Christian in 5:28 to keep the IC title. Earlier in the show, Jericho told Christian he could only get a title shot if he dressed up in this foolish looking ring gear as Capt. Charisma. It was this terrible Indy outfit with a mask. In real life, he was not thrilled at all about having to do this, but it ended up being entertaining for what it was. Benjamin kicked out of Tomko's interference of a high kick, then cam back and knocked Tomko off the apron and turned Christian's mask around so he couldn't see. He then gave hi ma T-bone for the pin. HHH did another backstage promo where Flair put him over as being a best selling author and having the best body in the history of wrestling as they plugged the book, and acted like he was a movie star. He talked to what was supposedly Bischoff on the cell phone, telling Bischoff he him, Raw goes to hell, and there's only one real champion. Big Dave hung up the cell phone. HHH got mad. Dave said HHH was stupid, threatening to beat up the G.M. who has all of their fete in his hands if he didn’t give him the title, saying he took the wrong approach. HHH said there was only one real champion and Dave walked off saying, yeah, there’s only one real champion.


Jericho & Benoit beat HHH & Batista in 11:43. Your typical top-notch **1/2 Raw main event. Great heat and everyone looked good. It was funny because the crowd clearly was into Benoit & Jericho as the faces, even in Charlotte. However, when Benoit did a baseball slide kick on Flair, the place totally turned on Benoit. But when he started German suplexing HHH, they were back with him. Crowd was chanting "We Want Flair," realizing Flair wasn’t going to wrestle. They should have at least had him do a Heat match or an earlier match as a babyface just because it’s what the fans paid to see. HHH hit Benoit with a chair for the DQ, and this unprotected chair shot to the head business should be stopped because we've learned enough about concussions to not encourage them in this business. He then hit ref Jack Doan with a chair when Doan DQ'd him. He then went to hit Jericho, who moved, and hit Batista, knocking him silly. Flair this time got mad at HHH. He hit Jericho as well with a chair. HHH was apologetic to Batista, saying it was a mistake, but neither Flair nor Batista seemed to be buying it. Show ended with Lita kissing Stratus for no apparent reason, leading to their match. Lita won the title in 7:11. This was the best women’s' match on TV in a while as the crowd was really behind Lita as the local Carolinas girl. I thought for sure she ended her career doing a tope and she landed on the ground like she was given a DDT, but not all the way over as she landed on her face. It looked like she broke her neck. She shook it off and continued the match. They traded a lot of good near falls before Lita got the clean win with a reverse twist of fate and a moonsault. After she woke up the next morning, her back and neck were hurting, but she didn’t think it was anything major.


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Flair has a three-year contract extension on the table that he's expected to sign. His original contract expired last month.. . Esquire magazine has a two-page spread on Vince dedicated to "What I've learned," which should be interesting. Among the things he's learned. "Steroids work. When I took steroids back in my 40s, I could feel a tremendous difference. Should they be banned? Yeah." Stop laughing. "What I learned from my XFL experience is to be smarter the next time I take on the NFL." Stop crying. . . Rico Constantino is now working security at the Palms in Las Vegas and looking at getting back onto the Vegas police department... Hardy has been filming vignettes on his own for when he returns to have a direction, and has shown the tape to HHH, who was said to have liked it... Angel Medina, who was Angel of Da Baldies in ECW years ago, was about to be brought in for a bodyguard role. Vince was looking for a big Latino type to be another Jesus and Heyman made the suggestion that he had a guy to fit the bill. Not sure if this was in addition to Jesus or as a replacement for this one. Also not sure what Heyman's demotion does to this idea. . . Ron Simmons is still affiliated with the company in a P.R. capacity . . . Ryan Reeves and Daniel Rodimer will start in mid-January in Louisville. Both have solid potential, although in the ring Rodimer was ahead of Reeves. They delayed both guy's start because the company had started so many of the new women there (who are already working on both Raw and Smackdown) and they felt mere were enough beginners for one time. It is believed Chris Nawrocki was not offered a contract. It's considered a good bet that no matter what happens, Daniel Puder and Mike Mizanin would join them in mid-January. Justice Smith just hasn't gotten the wrestling at all, so if he were to get a deal, it would be because the company does have the idea right now based on John Laurinaitis to find "stars" (that is, guys who are big, have good bodies, and are nice looking) and teach them to wrestle as opposed to trying to find good wrestlers…


Todd Grisham was off Heat this past week because he just got married. Hopefully there are a ton of DVD's that need voiceovers this week while he's gone. . . The Shaw cable (a Canadian company) guide listing for Armageddon read: "Matches include Triple Threat match for the world heavyweight championship—Kane vs. Goldberg vs. Triple H; Shawn Michaels vs. Batista; Intercontinental championship match-Rob Van Dam vs. Randy Orton' Booker T vs. Mark Henry and many more!" Yes, just like some newspaper ads last month got the ad slicks for the 2003 Survivor Series instead of this year, somebody made the mistake again, since this was the scheduled line-up for last year's Armageddon…The 12 wrestlers who were let go weeks ago, all are being paid for three more months’ severance. By getting paid, they aren't allowed to wrestle elsewhere (they will let people do Indies or even Japan, it really means they just can't work for TNA, which even though the company says differently, they by their actions do view as competition) until 90 days after their release. This is built into every contract so someone can't go from being fired and on WWE TV to TNA TV right away. Raven actually did that, but that's because he gave up his 90 days severance and refused to sign the release, because he wanted to get on TNA right away and was willing to give up significant guaranteed money to do so


12/5 in MSG saw pretty much the same show before a crowd of 5,821 paying $244,000. It would be the fifth lowest MSG crowds for pro wrestling of the past 65 years. The last show to draw at that level was a January 16, 1995, house show headlined by Diesel (Kevin Nash) over Jeff Jarrett for the WWF title, which drew 5,400 fans. The modem all-time low is August 25,1994, which drew 4,300 for Shawn Michaels & Diesel vs. Samu & Fatu and Bret Hart & Razor Ramon (Scott Hall) vs. Owen Hart & Jim Neidhart. The only other shows that drew as bad or worse was a 1949 show headlined by Gorgeous George vs. Ernie Dusek, that drew the all-time modem record low of 4,197 (and marked George's only appearance in MSG because it was considered such a flop), and a 1969 show headlined by Bruno Sammartino vs. George Steele (keep in mind that there was no wrestling on television at all in the New York market at this point in time) that drew 5,527. They were selling both ECW T-shirts and ECW DVD’s at the show. In a cost-cutting measure, for the first time in years at an MSG house show, there was no pyro at all

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Thanks for posting, Hunter's Torn Quad. :)


An update on Dwayne Johnson, who is still in Prague, Czechoslovakia filming a movie. He is planning on wrestling at WrestleMania in Los Angeles and hopes the company comes up with a good storyline for his return. He's been studying 70s and 80s wrestling videotapes during his down time, in particular the old Memphis, Dallas and Portland territories. "I absolutely love it," he said. "The ideas I'm getting from them are amazing. Creativity plus simplicity (for the fans to easily absorb) plus passion equals success. . .


Who the fuck is Dwayne Johnson? Nobody cares about him;call him the Rock damnit. He's even billed as such for his movies.


Shame that it says that he's probably not going to be spending much time on the shows though. Blah.


The complete Armageddon line-up for 12/12: JBL vs. Undertaker vs. Booker vs. Guerrero for the title. Guerrero should win, but that doesn't seem likely to happen. People at the shows the past few weeks have noted how Guerrero is by far the most popular wrestler on either brand right now, even though he's gotten a mid-card push. Also, he's the only drawing card in the company, as even in the Carolinas and Georgia at house shows, people have noted that they've never seen so many Hispanics at wrestling shows in that part of the country.


Taker to win and Road to WM to kick off vs. Angle I guess...


*snips analysis of the "Dixie Dogfight" which is just a waste of time because it's going to be worked*


Rico Constantino is now working security at the Palms in Las Vegas and looking at getting back onto the Vegas police department...


At least it's work...too bad he was wasted in WWE.


Angel Medina, who was Angel of Da Baldies in ECW years ago, was about to be brought in for a bodyguard role. Vince was looking for a big Latino type to be another Jesus and Heyman made the suggestion that he had a guy to fit the bill. Not sure if this was in addition to Jesus or as a replacement for this one.


....uh huh....


12/5 in MSG saw pretty much the same show before a crowd of 5,821 paying $244,000. It would be the fifth lowest MSG crowds for pro wrestling of the past 65 years. The last show to draw at that level was a January 16, 1995, house show headlined by Diesel (Kevin Nash) over Jeff Jarrett for the WWF title, which drew 5,400 fans...In a cost-cutting measure, for the first time in years at an MSG house show, there was no pyro at all



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Guest dreamer420
An update on Dwayne Johnson, who is still in Prague, Czechoslovakia filming a movie. He is planning on wrestling at WrestleMania in Los Angeles and hopes the company comes up with a good storyline for his return. He's been studying 70s and 80s wrestling videotapes during his down time, in particular the old Memphis, Dallas and Portland territories. "I absolutely love it," he said. "The ideas I'm getting from them are amazing. Creativity plus simplicity (for the fans to easily absorb) plus passion equals success. . . It should be mandatory for the boys to watch (70s and 80s tapes from all over the world). They have no idea how much that would help them. When the babyfaces sold, the people felt it. When the heels got heat, the people believed it."

That is so cool.

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Wow, that is some low attendance at MSG. I remember I went to a house show last year, December 12, 2003. There were at least 8,000 paid there. What a difference a year makes.

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People at the shows the past few weeks have noted how Guerrero is by far the most popular wrestler on either brand right now, even though he's gotten a mid-card push. Also, he's the only drawing card in the company, as even in the Carolinas and Georgia at house shows, people have noted that they've never seen so many Hispanics at wrestling shows in that part of the country. Smackdown is also outdrawing Raw in that part of the country and there is no logical reason for that to happen. Guerrero selling tickets won't last forever as at some point, fans will lose patience unless he's portrayed as more of a top guy.

Quoted for emphasis. Sure, Eddie cracked under the pressure the last time, but if they give him some help at the top, there's no reason not to give him 1 more try, if only for the fact that he seems to be an actual draw (which few others can claim in the company).

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Guest LooneyTune

So Puder vs. Mizanin is going to be a REAL Boxing Match!? Jesus Christ, I need $35 fast to see a legal murder on TV.

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Guest combat_rock
So Puder vs. Mizanin is going to be a REAL Boxing Match!? Jesus Christ, I need $35 fast to see a legal murder on TV.

That's what I was thinking. Real big trainwreck appeal here, though I'm still going to vote for the Miz after he gets his ass kicked. Actually, I'll wait to see how real/brutal it is, and then get the DVD. Because even the main event here doesn't interest me, since I don't see Guerrero or Booker T winning.

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Guest Fook_Theta
People at the shows the past few weeks have noted how Guerrero is by far the most popular wrestler on either brand right now, even though he's gotten a mid-card push. Also, he's the only drawing card in the company, as even in the Carolinas and Georgia at house shows, people have noted that they've never seen so many Hispanics at wrestling shows in that part of the country. Smackdown is also outdrawing Raw in that part of the country and there is no logical reason for that to happen. Guerrero selling tickets won't last forever as at some point, fans will lose patience unless he's portrayed as more of a top guy.
Incase any one doesn't know, NC is becoming somewhere near the top of hispanic population outside of the lower border states. I'm willing to go out on a limb and say it truly is a huge population center of mexicans, perhaps number 1 on the list.


I'm still simply amazed that even Vince isn't smart enough to realize that bringing in more Latino(aka mexican) talent would send viewership and PPVs up by atleast .5 points where it would level off that market. Eddie should be seen as either his Lying, Cheating, and Stealing gimmick, or bring in someone else to be seen as the blue-collar mexican pride worker fighting against Whitey and especially Darkey injustices'. Latino wrestler vs Black wrestler where the latino guy is seen as being able to do the same job, but the black wrestler gets all the praise would draw solid/huge numbers for WWE.


Racist/exploitive, but it is the truth.

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Any chance Rock takes 9-12 months away from acting and goes back to the WWE?

If he cares about the biz that made him he would but he's making solid movies right now so I doubt it. I wish Vice would pull the chain on all the available talent in the damn world and give us something good to watch. He has 4 shows to do this on and all the money he needs so why not just bring EVERYBODY back in. The old guys could get whipped by some of the newer talent,Orton could go back to being the legend killer...something has to change cause this WWE thing just ain't working out...

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Guest netslob
Shame that it says that he's probably not going to be spending much time on the shows though. Blah.

yeah, real shame. :rolleyes:



Any chance Rock takes 9-12 months away from acting and goes back to the WWE?


let's hope not...the more he stinks up the box office the less he stinks up the ring.

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Thanks for posting, Hunter's Torn Quad. :)


An update on Dwayne Johnson, who is still in Prague, Czechoslovakia filming a movie. He is planning on wrestling at WrestleMania in Los Angeles and hopes the company comes up with a good storyline for his return. He's been studying 70s and 80s wrestling videotapes during his down time, in particular the old Memphis, Dallas and Portland territories. "I absolutely love it," he said. "The ideas I'm getting from them are amazing. Creativity plus simplicity (for the fans to easily absorb) plus passion equals success. . .


Who the fuck is Dwayne Johnson? Nobody cares about him;call him the Rock damnit. He's even billed as such for his movies.


Shame that it says that he's probably not going to be spending much time on the shows though. Blah.


Well, Meltzer still believes there is a country called Czechoslovakia.

The man knows his wrestling for sure but really needs to have a different set of eyes proofread these things.

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Guest Tjhe CyNick



Why should Rock go out of his to help the WWE? What, so HHH can main event in front of 10,000 people a night instead of 2,000? Rock made Vince millions and millions of dollars, he doesn't owe him, or the business anything.




Hilarious point. I guess its hard to know the name of a country when you watch as much wrestling as he does. Seriously, how could someone not know that the country has been split up? I mean its not like it just happened a few months ago. Nobody is perfect I guess.

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