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Guest TheLastBoyscout

Best Shirt EVER

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Is that Flair's first t-shirt? You'd think Hunter would give him something better than that...Jeez you'd think he was tryin to bury the guy or something...and I can't imagine Flair's happy about wearing that purple thing anyways. Remember that terrible shirt Austin had wear his arms turned into rattlesnakes..that was the creativity wiiiindinnnggg doooowwwnn....

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Is that Flair's first t-shirt? You'd think Hunter would give him something better than that...Jeez you'd think he was tryin to bury the guy or something...and I can't imagine Flair's happy about wearing that purple thing anyways. Remember that terrible shirt Austin had wear his arms turned into rattlesnakes..that was the creativity wiiiindinnnggg doooowwwnn....

Flair's second WWE Shirt.


His first was bluish (I may be wrong, I'm partially colorblind, so it could have been purple) and had "WHOOOOOOOOOOOO" going down the front of the shirt...about 6 lines, I believe.

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Is that Flair's first t-shirt? You'd think Hunter would give him something better than that...Jeez you'd think he was tryin to bury the guy or something...

You really think Hunter sits at Stamford headquarters designing t-shirts?



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I still want a return of the Version 1 shirts.

Instead of these horrible Hardy Boys fan appealing crap he got stuck with.


Matt Hardy gets stuck with the ugliest shirt colors in the company.

There should be some V 2 Shirts when he comes back as Matt Hardy : Version 2.0

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Guest I *Heart* Jeff Weaver
Is that Flair's first t-shirt? You'd think Hunter would give him something better than that...Jeez you'd think he was tryin to bury the guy or something...and I can't imagine Flair's happy about wearing that purple thing anyways. Remember that terrible shirt Austin had wear his arms turned into rattlesnakes..that was the creativity wiiiindinnnggg doooowwwnn....

Flair's second WWE Shirt.


His first was bluish (I may be wrong, I'm partially colorblind, so it could have been purple) and had "WHOOOOOOOOOOOO" going down the front of the shirt...about 6 lines, I believe.

I think an early version may have also said "Rick Flair" I think someone caught that early.

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