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SNL Review

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SNL Review- Colin Farrell/Scissor Sisters


My reviews of 13 out of the last 14 episodes from the 2000-2001 season aren’t available so I thought it’d be fun to go back and watch them and write a re-review of sorts. So at the end of my review for this show is a review of the Val Kilmer/U2 episode.


SNL Moment #14:


14. Chris Parnell gets stabbed 33 times with a trident


Let me preface this by saying I don’t particularly like this skit but this skit became very memorable by a lot of people and does it involve senseless violence. So here we go:




Pierce Brosnan is having an enjoyable interview with Will Ferrell and everything seems to be going great. That’s the sure sign thing are about to go wrong. A female employee approaches and Will Ferrell goes off on her. He goes back to talking to Brosnan and acting like nothing wrong. Another employee runs in and Ferrell reads him the riot act and says, “I am this close to raping you!” Ferrell blames it on office politics as Brosnan starts to crack up and Ferrell saves himself from cracking up. Another employee is talking on the phone and Ferrell goes up and yells at her and slaps her in the face. Brosnan’s character chickens out of the job and Ferrell spots Jerry Minor committing an infraction. He threatens to make him drink his piss but has trouble with his zipper. I hate when that happens. An old employee Scott Jurgenson reappears and challenges him to a fight, which the boss accepts. He’s even been snorting cocaine to prepare for this and he has a trident too. Ferrell easily wrestles him down and takes the trident and stabs him and doesn’t stop. The crowd is either horrified or laughing but it gets a big reaction and Ferrell doesn’t let up. He stabs him THIRTY THREE times until finally he lets up and goes back to Brosnan acting like nothing happened. Brosnan is horrified and despite Ferrell laying out the pros and cons of the job (me, kicking you 'til there's blood in your stool, then grabbing your wife's boobies while you're tied up with a racquetball shoved in your mouth.) he decides not to take it. As Ferrell bids Brosnan adieu he sees his secretary leaving and runs out to berate her some more.


This skit instantly became another Ferrell moment in the long line of them and the Pierce Brosnan episode quickly became a classic. A week after this episode aired I talked to Adam McKay who wrote the skit. He told me the reason Ferrell stabbed him 33 times was because they couldn’t get the blood capsule to work and Ferrell just kept stabbing him until they got blood.


Whether I like this skit or not, I can’t deny that Ferrell repeatedly stabbing Parnell with the trident was an unforgettable SNL moment.


Sports Report-


Nets- Welcome back Jason Kidd. I’m very happy Kidd is back while Alonzo Mourning is out with an injury. They’ve won something like four out of five (granted against easy teams) but in the weak Atlantic Division you take whatever you can get. I hope this can reenergize the team and they can put on a good run.


Saints- Yea. Jim Haslett should be fired, Aaron Brooks should be shot, and Deuce McAllister should be given the ball more. That’s pretty much been my complaint about the whole season. Hopefully next year they can FINALLY get their stuff together and get it right. Of course they won’t but blind faith never hurt anyone.




Chad Ruffner writes-


After The Show started out with The Second Major Bait and Switch deal In as many weeks, I switched over to Monday Night Football and never looked back. From reading various Raw Recaps, It looks as though I made the right decision. Its sad to see Creative Fucking Up The Raw G.M. for a week storyline, as It really had many possibilities. Then again this Isn't the first time they've screwed up a can't miss angle/storyline: I.E.- The WCW/ECW Invasion, The NWO, The Brand Extension, etc. Sigh. Maybe they'll get It right with Jericho as Raw G.M. next week. Yeah Right!! What Did You Think? Chad


That was an interesting RAW. I really enjoyed the battle royal and the 3-way but the cliffhanger ending kind of pissed me off. I think the dissension between Batista and Triple H has been great stuff and I hope they don’t screw it up. And for the record- I wouldn’t call the nWo a can’t miss storyline since with Hall’s alcohol problems, the fans refusal to boo Hogan and Nash being Nash- that it was DOA.


[email protected] writes-


Is Bob Barron the son of Robert and Ruth Harte Barron? Just curious as I'm working on genealogy. Discard this, if not and thanks!




[email protected] writes-


Hi Bob, This is Ken Hayashi from the SNLMB again. I have just three politically oriented questions for you.


First, I'd like to get your thoughts on Jon Stewart's little outburst against Tucker Carlson on Crossfire before the election. I know it's after the fact, but I watched Jon Stewart on Larry King this past week. How do you think Jon Stewart would fare if he were a guest on The O'Reilly Factor or Hannity & Colmes?


Second, has anyone on FOX News spoken out yet on Eminem's controversial "Mosh" song?


Third, do you think SNL should at least try to parody MSNBC's "Scarborough Country"? If so, which cast member would do a good job skewering Joe Scarborough? The Hardball skits will get tired sooner or later. Keep up the good work, Bob. Thanks again, Ken



1) I thought Stewart v. Crossfire was hilarious but Stewart was an asshole for what he did. I like the Daily Show a lot but at times Stewart’s smug assholeish persona and the complete bias of the show really tick me off. O’Reilly has been on the Daily Show before (I missed it) and I think he’d do fine. O’Reilly would grill him, Stewart would be a smart ass and then O’Reilly would start making jokes. He was also on Hannity and Colmes before. As they went to break one of them said: Stay tuned for more fair and balanced news and Stewart said: You guys still say that?


2) I don’t get Fox News up in Canada but I don’t believe so. I was listening to ‘Mosh’ one day and really getting into it and my roommate goes: You do know that’s a song AGAINST Bush right?


3) I don’t get MSNBC up here either and I don’t watch it when I’m home because I can just get Fox News. As long as the writing is good, Hardball won’t get stale. It’s not an actual character but the cast riffing on politicians so as long as SNL’s political writing is top-notch (which it always is) then Hardball won’t really get stale.


Wanna be in the mailbag??? Email me at [email protected]


And now the review…


Cold Opening

Cast- Darrell Hammond, Chris Parnell, Will Forte, Rachel Dratch, Rob Riggle, Finesse Mitchell, Kenan Thompson

Thoughts- Wow- Finesse and Rob in the same skit. That’s got to be a moment for the ages. I figured they were going to riff on this and they did a really good job. A lot of the exchanges between Darrell and the soldiers was funny stuff. I found the initial bit with Riggle and Rumsfeld to be funny but they beat it into the ground and it was really the only lowlight of the skit. Kudos to Darrell for still doing the impression after saying LFNYISN. ***1/2



Cast- Lindsay Lohan, Colin Farrell, Fred Armisen, Seth Meyers, Horatio Sanz, Mitchell

Thoughts- Wow- Finesse is two for two so far. I hope he called his mother to make sure she taped it. Colin had a nice dig on Alexander and the bit with the guys was cute and pretty funny- especially with Seth zinging Horatio on being a virgin. Surely in his 7 years at SNL he’s found one groupie with a fat fetish. It was nice seeing Lindsay back again even though I once again must reiterate that her show was not the greatest show ever. Neither was Luke Wilson but that’s another rant for another day. All the guys hitting on Lindsay was funny (Fred: People on the internet think I’m gay) and I liked Seth’s Freudian slips. And since they had Lindsay there- a spoof Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire really wouldn’t have hurt anyone. Well unless anyone had a boob fetish and a heart condition. Anywho- this was really funny and was an improvement over a lot of the eh monologues this year. ***1/2


Tattoo Remover

Cast- Chris Parnell, Amy Poehler

Thoughts- It was nice seeing a commercial parody that didn’t involve Huggies, Thongs or any combination of the two. This was pretty funny and it's one of those products that I think should actually be on the market. One of the better commercial parodies I've seen. ***


Roach Problem

Cast- Farrell, Poehler, Sanz

Thoughts- Horatio Sanz playing a roach wasn’t really one of my ideas for a Colin Farrell hosted episode but whatever. This seemed like it would suck bigtime but I actually laughed a few times especially when Farrell squished the roach or when they sprayed it with stuff. The ending was really lame and predictable and the premise was really lame but it had some funny parts and it was higher then I thought it would be so I’ll give them some credit there. **1/4



Cast- Farrell, Armisen, Sanz

Thoughts- Talk about your dilemmas. Do I flip over to MadTV and catch Avril do an awesome acoustic performance of ‘Nobody’s Home’ or do I stay with SNL? Well SNL decided to put on Ferecito and since I love Ferecito- SNL won. Ferecito is one of my favourite characters just because it is awesomely bad in every way, shape and form and I mean that in the nicest way possible. The bits with Manuel were great as always and if you don’t like it when he goes: I’M JUST KEEEEEEEEEDING then you have no soul. Farrell was hilarious as Bono. He got a lot of ticks down and he had the voice. I wonder where SNL found those Bono glasses since one time me and a friend walked around looking for them and…nothing. The duet of Vertigo was just awesome in its crapness. That’s what Ferecito is: A celebration of crap. I like that Fred stretches out the Ferecito’s appearances so the character never gets burned out. With that I can’t wait for him again since this was so awesome. ****


And now for all the Ferecito fans I present a translation en espanol-


Hable de sus dilemas. ¿Muevo de un tirón encima a MadTV y el retén Avril hace un funcionamiento acústico impresionante del ` nadie hogar ' o permanezco con SNL? SNL bien decidido para poner encendido Ferecito y puesto que amo Ferecito- SNL ganado. Ferecito es uno de mis caracteres del favorito apenas porque es awesomely malo de cada manera, forma y la forma y yo significamos que de la manera más agradable posible. Los pedacitos con Manuel eran grandes como siempre y si usted no tiene gusto de él cuando él va: Soy KEEEEEEEEEDING JUSTO entonces que usted no tiene ninguna alma. Farrell era hilarante como Bono. Él consiguió muchos de señales abajo y él tenía la voz. Me pregunto donde SNL encontró esos cristales de Bono desde uno para medir el tiempo de mí y un amigo caminó alrededor de buscarlos y... nada. El duet del vértigo era apenas impresionante en su crapness. Eso es cuáles es Ferecito: Una celebración del crap. Tengo gusto que Fred estira fuera de los aspectos del Ferecito así que el carácter nunca consigue quema. Con ése no puedo esperarlo otra vez puesto que esto era tan impresionante. ****


Overzealous Airport Security

Cast- Farrell, Poehler, Dratch, Armisen, Riggle, Mitchell

Thoughts- I don’t really see what Farrell’s big tiff was. If a cute girl felt me up at airport security- can’t say I’d complain. Well I probably would but then someone would point out the situation and I’d feel stupid and then shut up. I thought this was really funny and Amy did a great job here. The bit about the metal plate was hilarious as was Amy letting Fred just walk through. The back of the hand joke never really got hold and was funny throughout, especially the payoff at the end. (But I use the back of my hand!) It was good to see Riggle get screen time and I thought he was funny. ***3/4


Scissor Sisters ‘We Are Really Really Gay’

Thoughts- Wow. That was about a .8 on the Sweeney scale. The song was fun to listen to but it went on for way too long and was a bit too out there. It’s a shame Kattan wasn’t still on the show- I gather he would’ve really liked this. This song sounded exactly like something Elton John would record circa 1976 which isn’t really a bad thing. This was interesting at least and at least they didn’t get the Indigo Girls or something. **1/2


Weekend Update

Cast- Brett Hull, Lohan, Farrell, Fey, Poehler

Thoughts- So after a letter appears in USA Today blasting Fey and Poehler on Update- we get Lindsay Lohan cleavage, a Hilary Duff reference, lots of funny gay jokes and BRETT HULL!~ I feel weird saying this but it’s true: This Update didn’t suck and I in fact- liked it. So there ya’ go- I’m not just blind hating on Fey/Poehler. Tina was really strong this week. Her opening joke bombed but she was very consistent and was making me laugh. Amy’s delivery still needs lots of work but she had a few good ones as well. She still sucks and still has way too many clunkers but she wasn’t horrible or anything. Once again the commentaries were really strong and they helped push the WU into the very good category. I have no idea how they got Brett Hull on the show but good on them for it. Hull is always very outspoken and I always enjoyed hearing him on Satellite Hotstove. He was really funny and it was great to see the lockout get some coverage on SNL. The irony is that if there was hockey I’d probably be watching it instead of some of these Updates. It was cool seeing Lindsay again even though I thought the bit with her was too drawn out and way too long even though Tina got a couple of funny lines. The fact that Lindsay changed outfits between Weekend Update and the goodnights really bugged me for some reason. I did mark for the Hilary reference though and I’m hope she wasn’t offended this time. Colin Farrell talking about Alexander was very funny and it was fun seeing them play beat the censor and there were a lot of good lines. I really could live without Tina and Amy doing their re-enactments. At least they didn’t play with Barbie’s this time but they’re just not that funny and Amy comes off as real annoying. The ‘fitty’ thing was funny once but saying it two more times just kills it. But those are minor quibbles for what was shockingly a good Update. ***1/2


Key Party

Cast- Farrell, Sanz, Meyers, Poehler, Rudolph, Forte, Fey, Armisen

Thoughts- Bill: A key party is where you all put your keys in a car and whichever key you pick- that's the car you drive home with.

Dave: No Bill- you sleep with whomever's keys that is.

Bill: Oh- no wonder they never invited me back.


Gotta love NewsRadio. This was one of those little gems- a skit that doesn’t seem like it has much potential but ends up being really funny. I instantly cracked up seeing Sanz in drag and the whole absurdity of ‘her’ relationship with Farrell was funny. Forte had me laughing with ‘John Julius Peppers’ and Parnell changing the pronunciation of his name and safe word was also really funny. Rachel’s safe word (Razzmatazz) and the way Tina said popcorn also cracked me up. I liked that Forte’s name was also his safe word. It was weird but it had a lot of little funny stuff packed into it. The ending was really weak but this was funny overall. ***


Window Washer

Cast- Farrell, Rudolph, Forte, Thompson

Thoughts- Well I will give them credit since it took them until 12:40 to finally have a bad skit. This skit also reminded me of NewsRadio- the episode where Bill McNeal was on the ledge with the crazy guy played by Jon Lovitz. Kenan tried here but they really had nowhere to go. I’d be blaming this skit on Maya if this skit was 12:50 or after but it wasn’t so this was just a lame stupid skit. DUD


Slack Shack

Cast- Farrell, Sanz, Rudolph

Thoughts- Remember in the Olsens episode where Jimmy announced he was leaving at the end of WU and everyone thought he was done but then he showed up in the very next skit and it was really awkward and weird? Well the skit was the backpack shack and I can’t imagine why anyone would bring this back. It was funny and cute- but once. Doing it for a second time is just beating a dead joke into the ground. I could cut them some slack but the skit was whack and it needed a lot of laughs- which it lacked thus why I’m going on the attack. I’ll give Farrell credit for trying to get the voice down but he was fighting a losing battle. You know I hope they don’t turn these people into drug dealers and do the Crack Shack. *


Scissor Sisters ‘Comfortably Numb…if Pink Floyd was really really gay’

Thoughts- I didn’t even know they were covering a Pink Floyd song. I just kept thinking how weird it was that they sounded just like the Bee Gees and being peeved that they violated one of my rules for being a musical guest which is to not do any stupid dancing. This song was just like the first one pretty much. I did think it was nice that the woman said Hi Mom at the end. This was about a .9 on the Sweeney scale. **1/2


Merv the Perv

Cast- Farrell, Meyers, Parnell, Poehler, Dratch, Rudolph

Thoughts- For some reason I was happy that they brought back Merv the Perv. The character is so over the top and so incredibly cheesy that I cant help but really like it. I’m a sucker for double entendres. Farrell as Steve the Skeve wasn’t that funny and took some of Merv’s thunder. Merv still had enough funny lines and I LOVED the thing he said to Maya about having a three-way with her baby. So I’ll be nice and give it: ***


Bottom Line- Avg. skit was **.8 making this a thumbs up show. This was a very strong show with good skits all over the place and the crap was kept to a minimum. Unlike last week they didn’t need the musical guest to save their ass as they were able to put on a good show on their own (and with the help of Brett Hull). Farrell was really good host as he was consistently funny and did a great Bono. Next week is DeNiro has a lot of people worried. I liked the episode he hosted two years ago but I probably overrated it and I’ll concede he sucked as a host. Maybe it was just nerves and he’ll do better. But for now SNL put on one of their best shows of the young season and hopefully they can keep the U2 momentum going.


Thumbs Up


And now the retro review-


SNL Retro Review: Val Kilmer/U2


Welcome to the SNL Retro Review. I’ll be reviewing the last 14 episodes of the 2000-2001 season (Except for Sean Hayes) since I don’t have the ratings for these skits available. Plus these episodes have a lot of good stuff. And I think it’s interesting to look back at some old SNLs.


The first episode is Val Kimer/U2. Kilmer was there in support of the movie Red Planet which was a colossal failure. U2 was there upon on the release of All That You Can’t Leave Behind which resurrected their career. The battle over who won the 2000 election was still going on and SNL milked it for all its worth.


Cold Opening

Cast- Darrell Hammond, Chris Kattan, Chris Parnell

Thoughts- This was in the midst of the craziness of the 2000 election where they just couldn’t decide who won Florida. In this skit, Al Gore gripes about the situation and announces he has hired an ambulance chasing lawyer played by Chris Kattan. Hammond’s Gore never really did it for me as much as other people. It was scary accurate, yes, but that’s the thing: Al Gore is a boring man and doing a dead on accurate impression of him is kind of boring to listen to. Kudos to Mark Polishuck for pointing that out since I never could figure out why Hammond’s Gore never clicked for me. Anyway this is the usual Gore skit- whining about winning in the popular vote, lots of sighs and using big words. I always enjoyed Parnell’s Lieberman and him coming out with the neck brace talking about suing ABC for their icy sidewalk was really funny. It dragged a lot but there were lots of good lines to make up for it. ***



Cast- Val Kilmer, Hammond, Horatio Sanz, Jimmy Fallon, Molly Shannon, Parnell, Kattan, Tracy Morgan

Thoughts- I got to give SNL credit for doing some nifty cross promotion for It’s A Wonderful Life. The premise here is that Clarence the angel (Hammond) shows Kilmer what would happen if he decided not to host the show. You can imagine where this goes. Some of the bits are really lame but the stuff with Parnell:


Val Kilmer: Wow.. Parnell became a big movie star..


Chris Parnell: Is that so hard to believe, Val? [ shoves him ] Jackass!


Clarence: Oh, my..


Val Kilmer: You said that they couldn't see or hear me..?


Clarence: I never said that!


I mean: Gold. The ending with Tracy was also pretty funny. This went on for a bit too long but I liked it a lot. ***


Suing Your Dog

Cast- Will Ferrell, Parnell, Ana Gasteyer, Morgan, Sanz

Thoughts- Will had two great commercials involving dogs. This and dissing your dog. This is a hilarious concept with laughs coming from all over the place. There are lots of good lines especially Tracy Morgan’s part:


Johnson Young: I was delivering the mail, and this.. this dog came out of nowhere and barked at me. Wade Blasingame sued them - but we lost.. [ whispering ] But Wade told me, for $50, he'd kill the dog.


[ cue gavel smashing on the bench ]


Wade Blasingame: I did not tell him that. Look, am I happy that that dog is rotting in hell? Yes. Did I personally inject a steak with poison and feed it to the dog? No!


Parnell taking a dump on people’s laws also earns him a gold star. ****


Rock and Roll Heaven

Cast- Kilmer, Fallon, Morgan, Shannon, Sanz, Ferrell, Kattan, Gasteyer, Jerry Minor

Thoughts- This skit is very out there and very absurd- but it’s very very funny. This is SNL’s second most famous Behind the Music parody behind Cowbell but here’s a dirty little secret: It’s funnier. Buddy Holly (Fallon), Janis Joplin (Shannon), Keith Moon (Sanz), Jimi Hendrix (Minor), Jim Morrison (Kilmer- reprising his role from the Doors) and Louis Armstrong (Morgan) form the Great Frog Society- a rock and roll band in heaven. Their sound is so great that when their manager, Jesus Christ, first hears them he goes: Oh…my…dad! There’s your line of the year right there. Trouble ensues when Ameilia Earhart (Gasteyer) starts dating Morrison and Buddy Holly gets reincarnated into a tree stump. I’m not making any of this help and it’s all hilarious as they get all the little things right- including Chris Kattan as a fan of the band wearing an Altamont T-shirt. It also does a great job of ripping apart Behind the Music (much more-so then Cowbell) and doesn’t rely on cracking up to get noticed. One of the best skits of the year. ****1/4


Palm Beach

Cast- Kilmer, Ferrell, Hammond, Gasteyer, Parnell

Thoughts- Well no one could ever accuse SNL of ignoring the 2000 election or not thinking of enough ways to have Ferrell do Bush or Hammond doing Gore. This is a favourite of a lot of people as it imagines the whole Palm Beach recounting fiasco as a soap opera. While most of the skit is mocking soap opera clichés (some work, some don’t), Ferrell is truly awesome as W. here with some great lines. (Who do you think would make a better Secretary of the Interior - Nolan Ryan or The Rock, I just can't wait 'til all this President junk is over next week.. so I can go back to hunting and executing.) At the end while the other characters are discussing 2000 election business we see W. in the background playing with a ball of a yarn like a cat. Awesome. ***3/4


Veronica and Company

Cast- Kilmer, Shannon, Gasteyer, Parnell

Thoughts- I think most people will agree that Molly Shannon had greatly overstayed her welcome and her leaving in February 2001 was a blessing. Sadly we’re only in December so we have to endure her for a few more shows. I have no idea who Molly is supposed to be spoofing with this so let’s just move on. ¼*


U2 ‘Beautiful Day’

Thoughts- This was U2’s first appearance on SNL and they didn’t disappoint. In this performance they pay tribute to John Lennon (The 20th anniversary of his death was the day before) and they give a shout-out to Joey Ramone who was suffering from cancer which would end up being fatal. And the performance also kicks major ass since it’s U2 and they rule the world. ****1/2


Weekend Update

Cast- Fallon, Hammond, Tina Fey, Minor

Thoughts- In their first couple of Weekend Updates- Jimmy and Tina were kicking ass on Weekend Update showing that giving Amy ‘a chance’ is pretty stupid. I noticed that Jimmy is a little stiff at times and sometimes his delivery is kind off. But unlike Amy- his jokes are really funny. Tina and Jimmy have this fun chemistry together. It doesn’t seem forced or overly cute like the current duo nor are they doing anything overly stupid or pissing on the legacy of great anchors like Norm. This isn’t even one of their best WUs either but Jimmy does debut I Have an Opinion. Hammond and Minor portray Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton respectively and do their usual schtick. At the end Minor starts going ‘Tuesday Wednesday Thursday’ which is a reference to the commercials TNT used to run promoting its basketball coverage where people would sing about how the NBA is in the house on well you got the idea. I figured no one would get that reference now. This was a solid WU but not a good representation of Tina and Jimmy could do. ***3/4



Cast- Kilmer, Gasteyer, Ferrell, Parnell

Thoughts- What’s Iceman doing 14 years after Top Gun? Well still the same old jackass apparently. I’ve never seen Top Gun (even though Highway to the Danger Zone is a kickass song) so some of the humour and jokes were lost on me. This was alright but nothing here was too special even though I loved the Iceman hat Kilmer wore. **1/2


Season Greetings from Saturday Night Live

Cast- Sanz, Fallon, Kattan, Morgan

Thoughts- This was the first ever Christmas Song done on SNL. It would become a huge cult favourite and spawned spin-offs such as the Memorial Day Song. I’ve given the Christmas Song the same rating every single time- so this is no different. ***1/2


U2 ‘Elevation’

Thoughts- This is one of the most famous and probably one of the top 5 musical performances in SNL’s history. What seems like your usual kickass amazing U2 performance turns into a spectacle as Bono runs around the studio and causing the crowd to go crazy. He even manages to pay tribute to John Lennon again as he sings the chorus to ‘Instant Karma’. Something you really should go out of your way to see. ****3/4


Funny Voices

Cast- Kilmer, Shannon, Gasteyer, Ferrell, Parnell

Thoughts- This is annoying Molly Shannon character #21,224 as she plays a woman who does lots of ‘funny’ voices and meets Val Kilmer who also does ‘funny’ voices. Will Ferrell is really funny here as the exasperated guy having to be witness to all this crap and I think he speaks for most SNL fans watching this. Ferrell saves it from the crap heap. *1/2


Burt Bacharach and his Trumpet Players

Cast- Kilmer, Gasteyer, Parnell, Ferrell

Thoughts- This is a really odd skit that I just didn’t get in the slightest so I think it was a McKay/Ferrell collaboration. This involves trumpet players for Burt Bacharach as they record some instrumentals for Say A Little Prayer and soon start squabbling. Maybe you’ll see something here that I didn’t but this didn’t work for me at all.


Corn Chip Nail Tips

Thoughts- Not funny. Tracey-I beg you. Leave the show. DUD


(From my review of the Rob Lowe/Eminem episode)


Bottom Line- Avg. skit was **.8 and I really liked this show. U2 was awesome and the Great Frog Society was classic. I think this is about what I thought 4 years ago. It sputtered at the end and some skits dragged a bit but this was a strong show and it was fun watching them spoof the 2000 election. Next week I’ll give my thoughts on Lucy Liu/Jay Z.

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I had to leave after "Key Party" and haven't seen the rest of the show but I think everyone else liked it better than I did.


I suprised DeNiro is coming back, he didn't seem to enjoy himself last time.

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Yea- DeNiro coming back has surprised everyone. I have a feeling NBC pushed for it since the last time he hosted did really well in the ratings. Maybe he has something to prove.


I'm going to the dress rehearsal (well probably) so I'm hoping he surprises me

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Colin had a nice dig on Alexander and the bit with the guys was cute and pretty funny- especially with Seth zinging Horatio on being a virgin. Surely in his 7 years at SNL he’s found one groupie with a fat fetish.


I hope you're not serious.

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This isn't really adding anything new to the conversation, but the Scissor Sisters are really, really, REALLY gay.


I'm all for alternative lifestyles, but seriously, they make me pause and wonder if sometimes gay-bashing isn't a little justified.

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