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Guest CronoT

A good reason not to get sick.

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Guest CronoT

I went to the doctor yesterday, Saturday, and found out I had a rather nasty sinus and ear infection. Meaning, the "plumbing" leading from my inner ear to my sinuses, had a bad infection. For this, the doctor prescribed me three things: some ear drops, and two different pills.


Here's the "regular" pill:



The other pill wasn't so regular. I've taken to calling them "horse" pills. I think you'll understand:



For size reference, the coin in both pictures is a quarter. Imagine trying to swallow that big bastard, twice a day, for 10 days..... :blink:

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Guest CronoT
that little line in the middle is there so you can, you know..cut them in half.

Yeah, but the instructions on the pill bottle say, you know, not to.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Total waste of money. The top pill is probably some kind of decongestant/expectorant, and the other one is Penicillin of some variety, unless you're allergic of course.


You can cut it in half. Do you really think there's a difference if the whole tablet or two parts still constituting a whole tablet hit your stomach full of acid?


Trust me, I was pre med at one point in life.

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Guest Nanks

What happened there Agent?? Lost interest in medicine???


Crono, you fucking pussy, take your fucking pill. Don't be such a bitch.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I have the attention span of a gnat, and I realized I just didn't care about the well-being of others. Switched it to chemistry. Same damn curriculum.

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Guest Vitamin X

Doing that created some real interesting side-effects with certain antidepressants/antipsychotics I took, especially with Zoloft and Zypraxil.

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Guest Failed Mascot
You can cut it in half. Do you really think there's a difference if the whole tablet or two parts still constituting a whole tablet hit your stomach full of acid?

Fucks up the time release.


Trust me, I was pre med at one point in life.


Now you remind me of Kramer from Seinfeld in the pilot episode.


Kramer: Did you know I was this close to being pre-law? *holds index finger close to thumb in the measuring way*


Jerry: That close eh?


Kramer: You better believe it *cocky smile with sandwhich bits hanging from his mouth*

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Trust me, I was pre med at one point in life.

Any cunt can be in pre-med.


Hey look, I'm in pre-dentistry and pre-law at the same time. Whoa.

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Guest Nanks

I never understood all this "pre" degree business you lot have. Over here, after high school you just do the degree. You either do Law or Medicine or whatever else in first year uni.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
I like how any schmuck who took a couple of classes in the health building on campus can call themselves "pre-med."


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