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Guest Trivia247

Brock Calls Vince

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Guest Trivia247

Credit: PWTorch.com


Brock Lesnar has been calling Vince McMahon on a weekly basis, but Vince has yet to return his messages. Vince may be trying to send a message to Lesnar that he is the one who has the power where these negotiations lie.


Lesnar has a non-compete clause which does not allow him to join any other fighting promoting including TNA, MMA, K-1, and many others. Basically, Lesnar has no bargaining power when it comes to WWE at this point. If he was brought back for a return, many think he will have to re-earn the respect of his co-horts and Vince, due to the way he left. He would likely have to do the job to many to get back in the good graces of management too.


Many also believe that Vince will eventually sit down with Lesnar and discuss a return because of what is best for WWE. Sources say Lesnar hopes this is sooner than later, as his finances are dwindling already.


There are many reports that Lesnar wishes to work part-time, something WWE is not too high on. Lesnar wants to do this to cut down on the travel time as that was his main reason for leaving WWE. This issue may lead to Lesnar not re-signing with WWE in the future.


More on this as it unfolds.

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I still hope Lesnar never comes back....unless they make him a Volicity jobber but we all know that wont happen.

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Guest Phenom
I still hope Lesnar never comes back....unless they make him a Volicity jobber but we all know that wont happen.

Yes, while we all want to see London go over Lesnar, we know that Ralph Nader becoming President is more likely.

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I wouldnt mind if he came back. He wanted to follow his dream of playing NFL/ spend more time with his child. Unfortunatly for him it didnt work out. You can't blame a guy for looking at other options and taking a gamble. It just didnt work out for Brock

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Brock Lesnar has been calling Vince McMahon on a weekly basis, but Vince has yet to return his messages.

I file the details of this one under the "How the hell would the Torch know that?" category.

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Brock Lesnar has been calling Vince McMahon on a weekly basis, but Vince has yet to return his messages.

I file the details of this one under the "How the hell would the Torch know that?" category.

Knowing Wade, he's heard that Brock's been calling Vince, but, because he hasn't heard that Vince has been talking to Brock, Wade has concluded that this has to mean Vince isn't returning Brock's calls.

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Guest Trivia247

maybe in reality, Brock is set in his ways and have been trying to reach Vince through Written Corrospondances, writing letters to titan towers. However Vince hasn't been writing him back. Poor wayward Brock as he pines on his porch waiting for the Mail man to come.

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Brock Lesnar has been calling Vince McMahon on a weekly basis, but Vince has yet to return his messages.

I file the details of this one under the "How the hell would the Torch know that?" category.

Knowing Wade, he's heard that Brock's been calling Vince, but, because he hasn't heard that Vince has been talking to Brock, Wade has concluded that this has to mean Vince isn't returning Brock's calls.

Wade Keller was that guy in high school who said he knew for a fact which people he'd never even met were sleeping together.

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Guest netslob
Many also believe that Vince will eventually sit down with Lesnar and discuss a return because of what is best for WWE. Sources say Lesnar hopes this is sooner than later, as his finances are dwindling already.


well, sell the jet, Brock.

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Guest Fook_Theta
There are many reports that Lesnar wishes to work part-time, something WWE is not too high on. Lesnar wants to do this to cut down on the travel time as that was his main reason for leaving WWE. This issue may lead to Lesnar not re-signing with WWE in the future.

I know the apologists will come out in droves like the last thread, but the man still hasn't learnt his lesson. Flair deserves to work part time. Eddie deserves to work part time. HHH deserves(and needs) to work part time. Benoit deserves to work part time. All veterans deserve to have more time off.


Lesnar does not deserve to work part time, and likely needs to work the job of two men for some period of time to pay his dues.

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maybe in reality, Brock is set in his ways and have been trying to reach Vince through Written Corrospondances, writing letters to titan towers. However Vince hasn't been writing him back. Poor wayward Brock as he pines on his porch waiting for the Mail man to come.

I wouldn't write back neither if someone sent me a written correspondence in crayon with smiley faces and hearts.

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Vince is a douchebag for potentially blowing a huge money-drawing angle to try to teach Lesnar a lesson.

It wouldn't be the first time, and won't be the last time, that Vince has thrown away a money angle just for the sake of ego.

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Vince is a douchebag for potentially blowing a huge money-drawing angle to try to teach Lesnar a lesson.

It wouldn't be the first time, and won't be the last time, that Vince has thrown away a money angle just for the sake of ego.

Yes, it would. I don't think he sabotaged the Invasion angle, he just foolishly thought he could make it work without Nash, Hall, Hogan, Sting, etc.

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Vince always blows the outsider angle, every time, out of ego. Vince has never, and will never, be willing to truly put a non-Vince creation over something he himself has created. He did it with Flair, he did it with the Invasion, and he'll do it again should the angle ever happen again. Whatever money can be made by the outsider angles gets thrown away, just so Vince can 'prove' that his guys are better all along. There's nothing wrong with that, if it's done after a long and lucrative feud. Vince, however, can't keep his ego in check for that long, and always has to cut the legs off of the outsider as soon as possible.

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He did create Lesnar though....

The trouble is will the fact he did create Lesnar be enough to overcome Vince's need to 'show him who the boss is'. If Vince wants to make the most money he can, he'll not do something stupid to kill the momentum, just to get his rocks off. Make the money first, then get your jollies down the road.

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Vince is a douchebag for potentially blowing a huge money-drawing angle to try to teach Lesnar a lesson.

It wouldn't be the first time, and won't be the last time, that Vince has thrown away a money angle just for the sake of ego.

And people wonder where Steph and Triple H get it from?

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Guest Loss

There's not really a guarantee that Lesnar returning would draw, but it definitely won't cause a decline in interest to bring him back on board. I'd construct a deal similar to the one Goldberg had, even if it didn't pay as much. I'd book Lesnar total opposite of how they booked Goldberg while I was at it, for that matter.


There's no reason Brock can't work all the SD tapings and PPVs and all the Monday night house shows. That's almost all of the shows, and that would put him working two nights a week ... three nights the week of a PPV. Making him miserable just to prove a point is the type of backwards, carny thing that will do nothing to help get them out of the slump they've been in for nearly five years now.


The "you sold out" chants at Brock make me laugh because they're so ignorant. He walked a way from millions of dollars to pursue a lifelong dream for far less money. That's not selling out.

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Guest Loss

I agree with Rudo, who said he should be on RAW. HHH is the only major heel on the show, and Brock/HHH, Brock/Batista, Brock/Benoit, Brock/HBK, Brock/Edge, Brock/Jericho and Brock/Orton all have the potential to draw, and they're all fresh matches.


On Smackdown, his only options are to rehash feuds with Eddy, Angle, Taker, Show and Cena.

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Guest TheLastBoyscout
I still hope Lesnar never comes back....unless they make him a Volicity jobber but we all know that wont happen.

Yes, while we all want to see London go over Lesnar, we know that Ralph Nader becoming President is more likely.

Why in God's name would you want to see London go over Lesnar when Lesnar is BETTER than London?

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They are making a mistake if they job him out. I know it would be bad for morale, but tell the children to grow up. Brock was the one true can't miss impact player that either brand had. He is way too valuable to force him to pay his dues.


No matter what he did, he is too important for business.

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Lesnar doesn't draw like Hogan use to...


I don't see why everyone thinks he'll save the company.. He won't do much for business at all.

Hogan doesn't draw like Hogan used to.


And thanks for trolling. Have a nice day.

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Lesnar doesn't draw like Hogan use to...


I don't see why everyone thinks he'll save the company.. He won't do much for business at all.

Hogan doesn't draw like Hogan used to.


And thanks for trolling. Have a nice day.

Right... saying Brock won't draw is "Trolling".


I don't think he will draw, and we'll see if I'm right when he returns.


I mean.. if I'm not a Troll by then and can still work the TV set.

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