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Guest Trivia247

Brock Calls Vince

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Guest Thrashist



I resent any and all performers who feel they are 'above' this business even though they've paid no dues, made millions off of it and always come back knocking for a paycheck every few years. It's an insult not only to the wrestlers who have it in their blood and have been around for decades despite never getting that big break, but also to wrestling fans who love this business.


That's the problem I have with hacks like Lesnar and Goldberg who badmouth the business every step of the way. I notice smarks always talk about whether they draw and how they should be booked and such and such--Lesnar has never drawn and Goldberg only did by squashing the entire roster. I say fuck that, if killing the heat of the entire roster and giving these two talentless jackasses huge paychecks is what it takes, I'd rather quit watching wrestling. Being in that audience for Wrestlemania XX seeing these two assclowns getting booed out of the place while TRUE wrestlers like Benoit and Guerrero took the spotlight was an awesome experience.


I have no problem with people leaving the business because it's not for them, by the way. I have no problem with people who retire prematurely and I completely respect the Rock even if he never steps foot in a ring again. But what Lesnar did shows a total disrespect to the industry. The Smackdown brand put everything they had into Brock Lesnar for more than a year, and out of nowhere, he simply walks out of the company. If he realized it wasn't for him, he should have given a few months notice, did a few jobs, and walked out with a high head. But his actions were a big 'fuck you' to wrestling, and what put the nail in the coffin was how he talked shit about wrestling months afterward. And now he wants back in??!?!! Well the tables have turned Brock, so FUCK YOU.


If this is what's best for business, that's a decision Vince McMahon will have to make. But as a wrestling fan, what's "good" for business isn't my priority--because I *don't* welcome the presence of Brock Lesnar on my television set.

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When Vince screwed Bret, he showed absolutely no loyalty to the wrestler who paid his dues, who respected "the business", so fuck him and the business. Wrestling is and always will be me-first; it's sleazy, it's scummy, and it deserves no respect. Fuck the mentality of "no one is bigger than the business", the whole business is based on being bigger than the business.

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Wrestling is and always will be me-first; it's sleazy, it's scummy, and it deserves no respect.

What made me laugh in the previous Lesnar thread, was when someone tried to argue that wrestling was built on respect or something, and that it would somehow tarnish it to let Brock back into WWE.

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If this is what's best for business, that's a decision Vince McMahon will have to make. But as a wrestling fan, what's "good" for business isn't my priority--because I *don't* welcome the presence of Brock Lesnar on my television set.

You're in the minority. Brock was probably the best the WWE had before he left and I can't wait until he returns (and he will).

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Guest Thrashist
You're in the minority. Brock was probably the best the WWE had before he left and I can't wait until he returns (and he will).

This may seem odd on my part, but while I would prefer it he didn't return for a long while, I actually did enjoy Brock Lesnar's work. Yeah, yeah, "what's the problem then?" It's my preference as a wrestling fan to see wrestlers on top who are passionate about what they are doing. Brock's return would knock many people down a notch on the ladder who are not only more talented than him, but deserve it more.


As for whoever said that the wrestling business is naturally corrupt, I tend to agree with you. But my feelings towards Brock's actions aren't rooted in what he did to WWE or Vince McMahon, it's to the people in the business who actually aren't complete scumbags. I'm talking those select few that have given their bodies for the business simply to entertain us who don't get much in return, while watching hosses like Lesnar earn millions of dollars in a year and walking out within a blink of an eye. Plus it's kind of like how most of the shit that goes down in the business happens within the family, but Lesnar's actions weren't.


Oh well, I understand where both the pro-Brock and anti-Brock people are coming from. I must say, though I popped in the last Smackdown game after a long while and Lesnar is the best wrestler to use by far. And the F5 rules. Hmm, maybe I wouldn't mind a return if only it meant a return to the next PS2 game.

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Guest Trivia247

My opinion on this is kinda cryptic.


What Brock did to leave wasn't necessarly a wrong or bad decision, people in the wrestling business comes and go and more often than not return. What the error of judgement was is the way the publicized or rather how it got publicized just before the biggest event of the year. With him in the potentially biggest money match of his career.


Now I was never a Goldberg fan you all know that. But him vs Brock I had interest in seeing for the creative standpoint. First time in Goldberg's stupid little career in the WWE he was going up to someone that the WWE constructed to be as Powerful and nearly as equal in many aspects to Goldy. What had happen which Goldberg basically being the usual self who was unhappy that he wasn't being pushed to the moon for his 5 minute matches back in the good ol days for him, added to the public or rather our perception on how crappy the events were gonna be.


We thought that Brock being a WWE star at that point (Someone whom I too wasn't a fan of at the start of his super rushed mega push, but I gradually got use to him on top of the game due to him working his ass off) we had thought that Brock would then be the One to either Squash or get that Hard fought victory over a Disgruntle Goldberg in his last WWE match at WM.




Brock's plans on leaving surfaced. Both men were leaving, Brock's mistake in that was he talked to too many people went on too many shows before WM. that sort of spoiled the whole event.


Match came and went as we saw. The only highspot was Austin throughout the match.


The whole thing was the mess and Brock got some blame for it, on the manner of his departure, but again he wasn't wrong in wanting too leave, nor do I think in normal circumstances the WWE would begrudge his wanting to try out the NFL. Simply because the fact that Brock may stumble back to Titan sooner or later as many wrestlers do in their careers.


Now I for one wouldn't be opposed to Brock coming back. I would agree that Brock wasn't as big of a draw as the WWE pushed for him to be intially..BUT over time Brock truly worked feverishly in and out the ring to hone his skill and truly earned the spot he got himself in.


I would love to see the Brock Batista one on One ....but I know then the paradox would form and the Universe would explode, because we all know that those two men cannot exist in the same Brand roster for any period of time...... thats just basic Quantium Mathamatical equations.

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You're in the minority. Brock was probably the best the WWE had before he left and I can't wait until he returns (and he will).

This may seem odd on my part, but while I would prefer it he didn't return for a long while, I actually did enjoy Brock Lesnar's work. Yeah, yeah, "what's the problem then?" It's my preference as a wrestling fan to see wrestlers on top who are passionate about what they are doing. Brock's return would knock many people down a notch on the ladder who are not only more talented than him, but deserve it more.


As for whoever said that the wrestling business is naturally corrupt, I tend to agree with you. But my feelings towards Brock's actions aren't rooted in what he did to WWE or Vince McMahon, it's to the people in the business who actually aren't complete scumbags. I'm talking those select few that have given their bodies for the business simply to entertain us who don't get much in return, while watching hosses like Lesnar earn millions of dollars in a year and walking out within a blink of an eye. Plus it's kind of like how most of the shit that goes down in the business happens within the family, but Lesnar's actions weren't.


Oh well, I understand where both the pro-Brock and anti-Brock people are coming from. I must say, though I popped in the last Smackdown game after a long while and Lesnar is the best wrestler to use by far. And the F5 rules. Hmm, maybe I wouldn't mind a return if only it meant a return to the next PS2 game.

If it knocks JBL down the ladder, I'm all for it.

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Guest LooneyTune

Off topic, but Big Show should NOT be using the F-5. He looks way too fucking stiff (as in not vbery flexible) when he does it, and he can't propper land on the finish because of his size.

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Other than Wrestlemania XX which I will never condone and was a direct response "fuck you" you to the fans, was Brock ever not giving his all or not performing with intensity? Were there guys you could point to and say, "he works harder than Brock, Brock is lazy."? It seems to me that he's a guy who, whatever he's doing, will give 100%. Yeah, his heart wasn't in it and he left, but I tend to believe that if he comes back he'll give his all in the ring, because he's a competitor and it's the only way he knows.

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I thinkk this thread shows that Lesnar returning and with the same push or stronger would actually garner much more interest in the business. Seriously, forget all the loyalty and respect for business crap. You have Lesnar return and win the wwe title(to save smackdown from JBL) immediately for that "he's back" pop and play up his egotistical ways of superiority over the business I think his little NFL stint would actually raise his stock. You run the Draft lottery again and bring some of those guys mentioned over to smackdown like HBK and Benoit(veterans to teach the youngster a lesson) and business will pick up.


Bringing back Lesnar to humiliate him is a waste of time and money on their parts, but they would probably WANT to do it. I say WANT because Lesnar didn't allow them to humuliate him before what in the world would change that now? The sell out thing for him would be to go up against what he fought against in the wwe in the first place. Personally, I wouldn't mind him back if it would help that damn smackdown.

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He would likely have to do the job to many to get back in the good graces of management too.

How in the fuck does that help business? How does Joe Mark sitting in the grandstands understand the political motivations behind that?


If you're going to job guys out for fun and not for profit, then do it at a fucking house show.

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Let Lesnar come back and have him return jobs to RVD, Eddie, Rey and even Show


Eddie never lost to him.


Lesnar defeated Guerrero in a WWE title defense match on a televised SD in November of 2002.

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Let Lesnar come back and have him return jobs to RVD, Eddie, Rey and even Show


Eddie never lost to him.


Lesnar defeated Guerrero in a WWE title defense match on a televised SD in November of 2002.



LOL, I don't think anyone other than you and a handful of hardcore fans remembers that one. Far as most fans are concerned Guerrero is up 1-0 on him.

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Guest LooneyTune
Let Lesnar come back and have him return jobs to RVD, Eddie, Rey and even Show


Eddie never lost to him.


Lesnar defeated Guerrero in a WWE title defense match on a televised SD in November of 2002.

Although that is a fact, who the heck remembers that?

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I think Brock could be really interesting if he came back to the product right now. The fact is that the Smackdown main event scene has so little direction that it's pretty much unwatchable right now. Brock has instant credibility with pretty much everyone, and I think people would be happy to see him come back.


I'd have JBL drop the title to Taker as soon as possible, and then let Brock win the RR as a surprise entrant at #30. Then they can build a good storyline with shoot elements about how Taker's been in the business for twenty years, and he's not going to lose the title to some brat kid that thinks he can just come and go as he pleases.


This would actually be an interesting matchup for Wrestlemania and with Brock not having a real match in a year, it would draw too. Then, they can job Brock at Mania, and spend the next few months focusing on how his character reacts to not having the same ability he had before.


Also, I love this even more when I picture a RR with everything built towards an Orton win, only for Randy to get his RKO reversed into an F-5 right out of the ring.

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I think Brock could be really interesting if he came back to the product right now. The fact is that the Smackdown main event scene has so little direction that it's pretty much unwatchable right now. Brock has instant credibility with pretty much everyone, and I think people would be happy to see him come back.


I'd have JBL drop the title to Taker as soon as possible, and then let Brock win the RR as a surprise entrant at #30. Then they can build a good storyline with shoot elements about how Taker's been in the business for twenty years, and he's not going to lose the title to some brat kid that thinks he can just come and go as he pleases.


This would actually be an interesting matchup for Wrestlemania and with Brock not having a real match in a year, it would draw too. Then, they can job Brock at Mania, and spend the next few months focusing on how his character reacts to not having the same ability he had before.


Also, I love this even more when I picture a RR with everything built towards an Orton win, only for Randy to get his RKO reversed into an F-5 right out of the ring.

You seem to forget that Brock beat the UT at Unforgiven and No Mercy 2002 and No Mercy 2003.

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Guest LooneyTune

Undertaker has jobbed to Brock several times already. I don't recall once Brock jobbing to the Undertaker, which is quite surprising since it's THE UNDERTAKER and everyone jobs to him.


Edit: Nevermind. (Recalls a handicap match)

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That's kind of the whole point. Brock thinks he can come back at the same level, but after missing a whole year, he finds he's just not as good anymore, and loses to the Undertaker.


Then, how he reacts to that would make him a lot more interesting than if he just returned at the top and acted like nothing had happened. It makes him "re-earn his stripes" somewhat in a storyline sense.

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UT was Brocks bitch for Hell in a Cell. I can see people like Cena losing gracefully to the UT and gaining from it, I can see people losing gracefully to Anlge or Eddy and gaining from it, but not Brock. He has to go to RAW and HBK goes to SD!

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Brock doesn't need to go to Raw right now. Raw has its own stars that work fine together. Brock was the cornerstone of the Smackdown brand from the start of the full split, and it fell apart as soon as he left. Bringing Brock back will make people feel like the Smackdown brand has returned to its previous level and gain back interest.


If they want to trade Brock in a year or so, fine, but for once Smackdown needs to get the top guy, instead of sending the bigger star to Raw for someone who's already been jobbed out.


And the idea behind Brock losing to UT is that it's supposed to be a major trigger for his character. It would be like when Austin lost clean to HHH in Three Stages Of Hell setting up the heel turn at Wrestlemania.


If he just returns at the top, then it's ho-hum, he's the champion again. No one even cares that he was gone. It's a lot better if he loses a few steps, and has to work for the title for months so that he really cares about it. Realizing he's not the best anymore could bring back the monster that F-5s everyone in sight or feels he has to cheat before he ultimately just returns to training hard so that he can beat Undertaker clean.

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Guest LooneyTune

Brock was on RAW until he won the World Title, so he wasn't on Smackdown the entire time, unless you have a different defition of the brand split.

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Brock was the cornerstone of the Smackdown brand from the start of the full split

full split= separate world titles, no one goes back and forth


The full split started when Brock took the WWE Title away from Bischoff, making it Smackdown exclusive.

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Guest LooneyTune

The split still happend in April of 2002, and thats how it will be remembered, not when WWE dusted off the piece of shit Heavyweight Title and threw it over Triple H's shoulder for no reason other than to stroke his ego.

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