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Guest Trivia247

CAW Movesets for HCTP and SD v RAW

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Guest Trivia247

I feel the need to be helpful to my fellow CAW making freaks. I have made over hundred fifty or so between SYM and HCTP and one thing I enjoy doing besides making them is helping with the CAW's movesets. Part of my Vast useless knowledge. so if anyone got any CAW wrestler movesets request come ask me.


I can pretty much dig up a credible moveset for any male actual wrestler

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Guest Trivia247



Attack: Snap jab, forearm smash, European uppercut, Knife edge chop, Dropkick




Signature: arm drag, DDT, Brainbuster, Manhattan Drop, Bodyslam


Submission: Fujiwari Armbar, Arm wrench, Wristlock, Dragon screw


Power: Powerbomb, Samoan Drop, double arm DDT, Spinebuster


Quick Attack: kitchen sink, elbow to the back of the head, eye gouge, headbutt (your choice),


Back Grapple: Russian legsweep, Inverted DDT, Forearm to the back, Elbow to the head, Back suplex to pin, German Suplex, Sleeperhold with bodyscissors, Low blow




Attack: elbow drop, legdrop


Grapple: Austin Stomp, Short arm scissor, Dropkick to face, Half Crab, Knee smash, Bridging pin




Turnbuckle Attack: On top, Dropkick, Dropkick


Turnbuckle Grapple: Tornado DDT, Frankensteiner, Jericho Springboard Dropkick, Double arm Superplex, Mudhole strikes


Turnbuckle Back Grapple: Dropkick Schoolboy, Headsmash, Illegal pin, Super back suplex




Up: Flying Lariat, Top rope Hurricanrana


Down: diving headbutt, split leg Moonsault, Flying legdrop


Ring Ropes: Suplex on ropes, Lionsault, Flying Bodypress



Running Attack: Clothesline, Dropkick


Running Grapple: Sunset flip, Running DDT


Running Back Grapple: chop block, german suplex


Running Squat attack: benoit elbow, running dropkick


Counter: face smash to knee, Frankensteiner, Drop toe hold




Finishers: Shooting Star Press (Two types)


Combination: Snap jab, knife chop, Jericho toe kick


hope this works out

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Guest Trivia247

Anyone else need a current or factual Moveset from any real wrestler from the major past present feds?

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Don't both games have like 70 movesets in them not counting the rosters? And aren't most major wrestlers from all 7(WWF, WCW, NWA, NJPW, NOAH, AJPW, "ECW") "major" promotions in it?

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Guest Trivia247
Don't both games have like 70 movesets in them not counting the rosters? And aren't most major wrestlers from all 7(WWF, WCW, NWA, NJPW, NOAH, AJPW, "ECW") "major" promotions in it?

Im talking about Wrestlers outside of the movesets they offer.


Some of those movesets are kinda inaccurate..


I don't remember Mick Foley doing a Bubba Bomb do you?


70 wrestlers out of the Hundreds of wrestlers out there that people can create?


Harley Race

Arn Anderson

Tully Blanchard

Lex Luger

Sid Vicious

Davey Boy Smith

Dynamite Kid

Jim Neihart

Tito Santana

Marty Jenetty

Brian Adams


King Kong Bundy

Big John Studd

Rick Martel

Dino Bravo

Greg Valentine

Kerry Von Erick

Ultimate Warrior






Great Kabuki

Tiger Masks (1 thru 1V) (Not talking about Misawa as Misawa)

Shinjiro Ohtani

Koji Kanemoto

Sasuke the Great


Magnum Tokyo

Dragon Kid

Mr. Gannosuke


Power Warrior


Those are a few names that are Not within the Movesets already laid down in the games.


Once again, if anyone wish to create Wrestlers who are NOT among the already set Movesets of the game,


From anywhere WWE/WWF WCW ECW AWA UWA TNA NWA Japan Mexico


I can see what I can do.

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Guest TheBigCalbowski

If you can get me both a CAW and moveset for Dragon Kid in SD vs. Raw, it would be awesome.

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Guest Trivia247
If you can get me both a CAW and moveset for Dragon Kid in SD vs. Raw, it would be awesome.

let me get to work on that

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Guest Trivia247

this isn't a thread for CAW formuli just the movesets for them.


However I did search for a Dragon Kid one for SD vs Raw but couldn't find one.


Between you me and the rest of the CAW making populace SD v Raw has the Worse CAW program of their entire line.


I can only hope you go back to HCTP and make dragon kid there, which would be more possible to do.


anyway here is the Moveset for what its worth..



Dragon Kid




Attack: slap, low kick, Dropkick, Snap jab, Knife edge chop, High Shuffle kick




Signature: Sit out Jawbreaker, Jumping DDT, Hurricanrana2, Snap suplex


Submission: Dragon Screw, wristlock, single leg into a leglock, Cross arm breaker


Power: Backbreaker, Powerbomb, Emerald Fusion, Fisherman Buster


Quick Attack: Elbow to back of head, Tajiri combo, headbutt, Small package


Back Grapple: Rolling reverse cradle, Mystero Rana, Dragon Sleeper, Side back suplex, Backbreaker, Peachrana, Bulldog, Eddie guerrero's cover






Grapple: La magistra, Kneedrop,Dragon sleeper, Half Crab, Leglock3, Kneesmash




Turnbuckle Attack: On the top rope, Dropkick, Dropkick


Turnbuckle Grapple: Frankensteiner, Tornado DDT, Mexican Armdrag, Kick combo, Mudhole strikes


Turnbuckle Back Grapple: Sunset flip, Headsmash, Straitusfaction, Dropkick rollup




Up: Missile Dropkick, Flying cross body


Down: Corkscrew Moonsault, 450 splash, Moonsault


Ring Ropes: Chop against the ropes, Lionsault, Shooting star plancha



Running Attack: Dropkick, Spinning heel kick


Running Grapple: Headscissors, DDT (looks like a Head scissors counter into a counter)


Running Back Grapple: Bulldog, school boy


Running Squat attack: Dropkick to knee, Benoit elbow


Counter: Hurricanrana Pin, Drop toe hold, Dropkick




Finishers: Dragon Rana (450 Hurricanrana) Stunner (Which was actually his setup)


Combination: Snap jab, Knife edge, Shuffle kick

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I think Dragon Kid's began to prefer an ultra hurricanrana, so you may be better off with a 619 with a stunner in his regular moves. They took the west coast pop out didn't they? Cause that's actually better.


Hey, while I'm here, see if you can rustle me up an El Hijo del Santo moveset. HCTP.

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Guest Trivia247
I think Dragon Kid's began to prefer an ultra hurricanrana, so you may be better off with a 619 with a stunner in his regular moves. They took the west coast pop out didn't they? Cause that's actually better.


Hey, while I'm here, see if you can rustle me up an El Hijo del Santo moveset. HCTP.

Sounds like a better modifer, I may have to go back to SYM caw of Dragon Kid I have and put in the 619 there.


making the moveset now.



El Hijo Del Santo




Attack: Slap, Chop, Dropkick, snap jab, Enziguri




Signature: Vertical Suplex, Body slam, Arm drag, Hurricanrana4


Submission: Armbar submission, wrist lock, arm wrench, Standing crossface


Power: Side backbreaker, Rocker Droper (Famasser), Backbreaker, Oklahoma Slam1


Quick Attack: Small package, wrist lock knife edge chop, Headbutt, short arm clothesline


Back Grapple: Back suplex, Side backbreaker, Abdominal stretch, German suplex pin, Bulldog, Octopus, Rolling reverse cradle, side suplex




Attack: Elbow drop ( your pick), Legdrop,


Grapple: Short arm scissors, Surfboard, armbar submission, Mexican Surfboard, Leglock2, knee smash, Bridging pin




Turnbuckle Attack: On the top rope, Clothesline, Knee smash


Turnbuckle Grapple: Boot choke, Mexican Armdrag, Knee shots, 10 punches, Kane drag up and strike


Turnbuckle Back Grapple: 10 Headpounds, Shoulder thrust, Sunset flip, Dropkick Schoolboy




Up: Flying Cross Body, Flying Shoulderblock


Down: Flying Headbutt (Optional lest you want to use it as the secondary finisher), Flying Elbow drop, Money shot


Ring Ropes: Chops against the ropes, slingshot somersault, Vaulting bodypress



Running Attack: Clothesline, Dropkick


Running Grapple: Sunset flip, neckbreaker


Running Back Grapple: School boy, Bulldog


Running Squat attack: Benoit Elbow, Double ax handle


Counter: Frankensteiner, Powerslam, Backdrop




Finishers: Camel Clutch

(The Flying Somersault headbutt will be tough to make up, i'd suggest fudging it with a Seanton Bomb and just pull your victim far enough away so the Head is the one thing that connects or forgoing the Somersault and just use benoit's Flying headbutt.)


Combination: Snap jab, knife chop, Forearm


I hope this works out for you.

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Guest Trivia247


By the way, you weren't really suggesting that vs Raw had a worse caw than SD 1 were you? Cause that's just crazy.

heh I'll rephrase


SD vs Raw has the worse CAW program in the past two games


It is severly limited where the other games gave you more options in creating more original wrestlers.

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Guest Trivia247

CAW movesets folks...


wrestlers NOT on the pre arranged lists...


From the Famous to the Obscure


to Indi greats to Big 3 Former Superstars


from Main eventers to lowly Glorified Jobbers..




I know someone out there wants to see Iron Mike Sharpe Slap around HHH in an Iron man match.



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Guest Trivia247
The one wrestler that I've always wanted to make but could never find a good CAW (or moveset, or even a good picture to start with) was Mister X. Old school jobber, used to love him for some reason...

I'll look for him, I don't know if I have Mister X in my database.

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Guest Real F'n Show

How about:

Rey Bucanero

Ultimo Guerrero

Naomichi Marufuji



Preferably for SvR. Thanks.

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Guest Trivia247
How about:

Rey Bucanero

Ultimo Guerrero

Naomichi Marufuji



Preferably for SvR. Thanks.

I think I got files for at least three of those, I'll get to work on them and should be up by tonight, as well as anyone else.

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I've seen Kenta and Marufuji sets before, but I wouldn't mind having those other two guys either. Lucha movesets are the hardest for me to find.

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Guest Trivia247
How about:

Rey Bucanero

Ultimo Guerrero

Naomichi Marufuji



Preferably for SvR. Thanks.

I don't have Marufuji on record..






Attack: Dropkick, Forearm, Snap jab, knife chop, Shuffle side kick




Signature: Superkick, Hurricanrana pin, Fisherman's Suplex, Northern Lights Suplex


Submission: Armbar to cross armbreaker, wristlock, armwrench, Dragon screw


Power: Fisherman Buster, Double underhook suplex, Falcon's Arrow, Gutbuster


Quick Attack: Elbow to head, Short arm clothesline, Small package, Savate kick


Back Grapple: elbow to the back of head, Schoolboy, Back Suplex, German Suplex, Tiger Suplex, Rolling reverse cradle, Octopus Hold




Attack: elbow drop, Knee drop


Grapple: Reverse chinlock, Cross arm breaker, La magistra Boston Crab, Figure Four leglock, Bridging pin




Turnbuckle Attack: On top rope, Dropkick, Dropkick


Turnbuckle Grapple: Frankensteiner, Jericho Dropkick, Kick combo, Knife edge chop, Mudhole strikes


Turnbuckle Back Grapple: Sunset flip, Headpound, Shoulderthrust, Dropkick & Schoolboy




Up: Dropkick, Flying Bodypress,


Down: Moonsault, Moneyshot, Elbow Drop


Ring Ropes: Acrobatic Clothesline, vaulting press, Tope



Running Attack: Running Forearm, Clothesline


Running Grapple: Spinning head scissors, DDT (your choice)


Running Back Grapple: German Suplex, School boy


Running Squat attack: dropkick to knee, Running legdrop


Counter: Hurricanrana Pin, Flapjack Dropkick, Roll up into a Boston crab




Finishers: Jumping Knee attack 3 (closest I could find)


Combination: Slap, Chop, Shuffle side kick



Rey Bucanero




Attack: Dropkick, Slap, Snapjab, Chop, Dropkick to knee




Signature: Scoop Slam, , Death Valley Driver1, Vertical Suplex, Rolling fireman's Carry


Submission: arm wrench, Wristlock, Wristlock with elbow, Hammerlock


Power: Powerbomb, Running Powerbomb pin, Spinebuster, Gutwrench Powerbomb


Quick Attack: Snap Suplex, headpound, Kitchen Sink, arm drag


Back Grapple: German Suplex, Side Suplex,




Attack: Senton Splash, Elbow drop


Grapple: Austin Stomp, Bow backbreaker, Darkness choke, Kick to groin, Raise and knee, Mexican Surfboard




Turnbuckle Attack: Clothesline, On the top rope, Knee smash


Turnbuckle Grapple: Superplex, choke against ropes, Body shots, Knee smashs, Shoulder thrusts, Mudhole stomping


Turnbuckle Back Grapple: Back Superplex, headsmash, Shoulder thrust, illegal Pin




Up: Flying Dropkick, Flying clothesline


Down: Flying legdrop, Fistdrop, Moneyshot


Ring Ropes: Choke against ropes, Slingshot Somersault splash,



Running Attack: Spinning heel kick, Clothesline


Running Grapple: Headpound, Backslide


Running Back Grapple: Matslam, German suplex


Running Squat attack: Running legdrop, Dropkick to knee


Counter: Spinebuster, Hiptoss, Flapjack




Finishers: Towerhacker Bomb Pin, Flying Bodypress


Combination: Snap jab, Snap jab, Toekick



Ultimo Guerrero




Attack: Punch to gut, slap, chop, Forearm smash, snap jab, Jericho toekick




Signature: Belly to belly suplex, , Fisherman Suplex, Gutwrench Suplex, DDT


Submission: armbar2, wristlock, Armwrench, Snapmare & Necklock


Power: Side Suplex, Spine buster, Powerbomb, Running Powerbomb


Quick Attack: arm drag, elbow to back of the head, Small package, Snap Suplex


Back Grapple: German Suplex, Back suplex (The waistlock side suplex), Back suplex, Blue Thunder bomb (spinning Powerbomb), Forearm to back, Rolling reverse cradle, Schoolboy Rollup, Low blow




Attack: elbow drop, fistdrop


Grapple:Bow backbreaker, Austin Stomps, Front facelock, Kneelock submission, kneesmash, Mexican stretch




Turnbuckle Attack: Dropkick, On the Top rope, Knee smash


Turnbuckle Grapple: Choke against ropes, Knee smash, Back elbow, Chop, Pushes turnbuckles


Turnbuckle Back Grapple: SHoulder thrust, Illegal Pin, Super Backdrop, Dropkick & Schoolboy




Up: Flying body press, Flying Dropkick


Down: swanton bomb, Money shot, Flying Legdrop


Ring Ropes: choke against ropes, Vaulting press, high cross body



Running Attack: Clothesline, Kitchen sink


Running Grapple: headpound, Reverse mat slam


Running Back Grapple: Mat slam, Chop block


Running Squat attack: Benoit elbow, Running legdrop


Counter: Overhead belly to belly, Tilt a whirl Backbreaker, Sleeperhold




Finishers: Top rope Superplex, Doctor bomb (Gutwrench powerbomb)


Combination: Snap jab, Forearm, Jericho toekick



Hope these work out

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Guest Trivia247

Alright anyone else needs a Moveset any at all I don't have them all but I got most of em from everywhere


even wrestlers already in the games but different gimmicks different movesets and finishers.

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Guest Real F'n Show

Thanks for those.


How about movesets for Kevin Steen and El Generico from IWS? Thanks.

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Adn just for laughs, Tiger Mask circa 1981...


I am thinking about doing the Horsemen, just for laughs.

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Guest Trivia247
Adn just for laughs, Tiger Mask circa 1981...


I am thinking about doing the Horsemen, just for laughs.

I'll get on it



I made the Original Tiger Mask for SYM so I used that moveset too heh


Which Horsemen are you looking for?






the original? or the later ones with them

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Guest TheBigCalbowski

How about an SD vs. Raw movelists for


Shark Boy

Sonjay Dutt

Amazing Red

Low Ki

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Guest Evenflow4:20

I just picked up HCTP and I've been trying to find CAW templates at GameFAQ's for Raven, Satoshi Kojima, Horoshi Tenzan, and Masato Tanaka. If you could help me out I'd be greatful.

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Guest Trivia247
I just picked up HCTP and I've been trying to find CAW templates at GameFAQ's for Raven, Satoshi Kojima, Horoshi Tenzan, and Masato Tanaka. If you could help me out I'd be greatful.

no problem I have a great Site I go for forumli, I also do Movesets there



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Guest Trivia247
How about an SD vs. Raw movelists for


Shark Boy

Sonjay Dutt

Amazing Red

Low Ki

I have those four on file will bring them out as well as the ones from earlier tonight

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Guest TheBigCalbowski

If you have Bases for them it would be great as well being that some of us are completely clueless as to what to give them for taunts and entrance and everything.

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