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Your Gamecube Game of the Year for 2005

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Seriously, unless Nintendo releases that realistic looking Zelda game that they've had everyone drooling about this year (which might happen, but I doubt it), there won't be another game released on the Gamecube this year that will top RE4, as far as I can tell from all of the great reviews (for now, it comes out Tuesday and I will have it with the last of my gift cards).


Gamespy - 5/5

IGN - 9.8


Of course, I suppose any actual discussion of the game will need to be confined to Spoiler tags since the majority of people here will probably end up waiting for it to go to the PS2 (Stupid Capcom) and we wouldn't want to spoil anything for them as they have to wait til like December to play it.

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Damn... I haven't read the reviews yet, but it got better scores than I expected, even.


The Resident Evil series is one of my favorites and I'm really looking forward to this game, but I'm not going to be purchasing it at launch since I have such a large backlog of unfinished games that I've gotten over the past couple months. But you're right. The only thing that can probably top it is Zelda.

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Nintendo really hasn't annouced anything major for this year except for Resident Evill 4 and that was annouced last year at E3. I wouldn't say it could be its game of the year of 2005 until after E3 when we get more annoucements and details about upcoming titles being released for the Cube. Nintendo is also suppose to reveil their new system this year ( :headbang: ) so we'll see what happens after E3 is over.

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(Stupid Capcom)

More like "smart-and-actually-wants-to-make-money-Capcom" there buddy..

won't this game require the hardrive thing for the playstation? I mean, i don't know how well those things sold, but I don't think there is a HUGE market of people that own the hardrive, then you have to hope EVERYONE that does will want to play Resident Evil. If the hardrive thingy is necessary, i don't see how taking the time to redevelop it for playstation will be that over the top popular that it will be necessary.


Now if they had done it for the x-box, i would understand.

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(Stupid Capcom)

More like "smart-and-actually-wants-to-make-money-Capcom" there buddy..

won't this game require the hardrive thing for the playstation? I mean, i don't know how well those things sold, but I don't think there is a HUGE market of people that own the hardrive, then you have to hope EVERYONE that does will want to play Resident Evil. If the hardrive thingy is necessary, i don't see how taking the time to redevelop it for playstation will be that over the top popular that it will be necessary.


Now if they had done it for the x-box, i would understand.

Why would it require an HDD for the PS2 when it doesn't for the Gamecube? That's what multiple disc's are for.

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Its on 2 Discs for the Gamecube but it could probably be put on one regular sized disc.


As far as my "Stupid Capcom" remark, Capcom had promised 5 Gamecube exclusive Titles back in 2002. But, they eventually only left one of them Gamecube Exclusive (PN: O3, a crappy game anyway) and 1 that got canned (Dead Phoenix). The other 3 titles (RE 4, Viewtiful Joe and Killer 7) are all available (or will be in Killer 7's case) available for other consoles. So although they are releasing 2 great games on the Gamecube first, only to have them show up later on the PS2, it kinda pisses me off that they didn't keep the titles exclusive to the Gamecube like they had originally planned.


Oh, and also, Capcom probably could have released RE 4 last year in time for Christmas. Its like one of the reviews said that its odd for such a great game to be released after the holidays (sorta like with Movies where they need to be in theatres before the end of the year to have a shot at an Oscar or whatnot).

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If it was comfortable enough to hold....and cheap, I would think about it. I don't ever trust a IGN review of game, they always suck ass so if IGN reviews it don't beleave it. At the moment for its release, I think it'd be the right time. First really big game of the year for both Capcom and the Gamecube, so the timing is right for both companies but Nintendo is also releasing Zelda: The Minish cap on the same day, so that could be either a good or a bad thing.

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Yeah but Viewtiful Joe apparently plays better on GCN.


And I imagine it would be the same for RE4.


GCN is just stronger than PS2, most people know this...

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If you actually would use it like one to play the game, I'd get it.


Imagine if those mo-cap sword-fighting games some arcades have allowed you to hold a chainsaw in one hand and a shotgun in the other and mow down hoards of the undead.


Yeah but Viewtiful Joe apparently plays better on GCN.


And I imagine it would be the same for RE4.


GCN is just stronger than PS2, most people know this...


Yeah, but if between the two systems...


Being "game of the year" on a console isn't so great if there's only 5 really good games released in the whole year. I love Nintendo, but the GC 3rd party support is going (well, went) down the crapper almost as quickly as Nokia's handheld.

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Guest Failed Mascot
Now if they had done it for the x-box, i would understand.

and they damn well better too. My PS2 is my RPG machine. Now that I have an X-Box that's for these types of games, the Splinter Cells, GTAs, and well...you get the idea.


I had a GameCube for a little while but that shitty StarFox game and Luigi's Mansion did nothing for me. Mario Sunshine was alright but that water pack was still pretty damn stupid.

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Guest wildpegasus

YES!!!!!!!! I'm phyced to hear of the great reviews. Just make it as scary as possable.

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Now if they had done it for the x-box, i would understand.


Like most Japanese companies, Capcom doesn't seem to like the X-Box all that much. The X-Box doesn't sell all that well in Japan.


While it is short-sighted to ignore that the X-Box has a strong US market, it seems Capcom only wants to invest in games that will sell on both sides of the Pacific, but I do see your point--porting to X-Box would be vastly easier than re-doing aspects of the game for PS2, but they figure the PS2 version, overall, will sell 10 times better.

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Can you imagine going to a friend of friend of yours house and you happen to have the controller on you and they haven't seen it before?


Guy you barely know: Hey you wanna play some gamecube, I'll own you on Metroid Prime 2.


You: Yeah sure. *Pulls out chainsaw controller*


Guy: Whats that?


You: your death.

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Can you imagine going to a friend of friend of yours house and you happen to have the controller on you and they haven't seen it before?


Guy you barely know: Hey you wanna play some gamecube, I'll own you on Metroid Prime 2.


You: Yeah sure. *Pulls out chainsaw controller*


Guy: Whats that?


You: your death.

If you won, that would be worth the price by itself.


Who makes it though? If it's Madcatz, they can shove it.

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QUOTE (Scroby @ Jan 8 2005, 12:14 AM)

Can you imagine going to a friend of friend of yours house and you happen to have the controller on you and they haven't seen it before?


Guy you barely know: Hey you wanna play some gamecube, I'll own you on Metroid Prime 2.


You: Yeah sure. *Pulls out chainsaw controller*


Guy: Whats that?


You: your death. 

If you won, that would be worth the price by itself.


Who makes it though? If it's Madcatz, they can shove it.


I just noticed it was 50 bucks. For 50 bucks it better not be made by Madcatz.

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Guest Crazy Dan

I am just happy Capcom came to their senses and decided that Resident Evil should be on the PS2. I bought the Game Cube so that I could play RE0 and the RE4, but besides the Zelda Windwalker game, I really was not using the system at all. When I heard the news that RE4 was coming to the PS2, I sold my Gamecube for credit and got two PS2 games. I think Capcom realized that going Gamecube exclusive would not fully maximize profits, due to more people owning a PS2 and the fact that RE's roots are in the Playstation. So I totally agree with this decision and will be counting the down the days till the release next winter or so.


I love the Resident Evil Series, despite its flaws. I like the story lines and I love just blowing zombies away. Looking at all the screen shots and mini videos, the new game looks like it could be the best of the series, due to the better aiming and control of the game. Even though I hope they do make a RE game which is about the fall of Umbrella, this one looks like it is taking the series in a whole new direction of Survival Horror. I think the Game Cube version will be a top seller, but once it hits the PS2, it really will make money. Also, I really did not like the RE Outbreak games at all. I like my Survival Horror where it is me vs the world and I don't have to worry about every character. Also, the fact you can't use the headset to communicate, just made me return the game after only a few plays. When you are trying use the nail gun to board the open doors and one of the characters use it for a weapon, the game just was not what I was hoping it would be.


For all of you who are lucky enough to get this game for your Game Cubes, please let me know what you think.

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Can you imagine going to a friend of friend of yours house and you happen to have the controller on you and they haven't seen it before?


Guy you barely know: Hey you wanna play some gamecube, I'll own you on Metroid Prime 2.


You: Yeah sure. *Pulls out chainsaw controller*


Guy: Whats that?


You: your death.

Do you realize that you just ripped off the Power Glove scene from The Wizard for your scenario? (I love reminding people about all the greeeeeeeeat business decisions Nintendo has made thru the years, like both the Power Glove and The Wizard for example.)


As for the GC, I've never had much use for it. Eternal Darkness and the RE series are the only games I ever played on it. The XBox is a much, much stronger piece of hardware, and Sony has whistled a merry tune indeed as it pissed all over Nintendo's 3rd-party "support" for the past few years.

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Guest Evenflow4:20
Seriously, unless Nintendo releases that realistic looking Zelda game that they've had everyone drooling about this year (which might happen, but I doubt it), there won't be another game released on the Gamecube this year that will top RE4, as far as I can tell from all of the great reviews (for now, it comes out Tuesday and I will have it with the last of my gift cards).


Gamespy - 5/5

IGN - 9.8


Who cares? Generally speaking the gaming press are a bunch of whores with a few exceptions, the only one I can think of being Edge. If the ordinary gamers on the net dig it and my little bro leaves his GC at home when he goes to Australia I might pick it up.


The Wind Waker and the Twin Snakes are the only games on the Cube worth picking up IMHO, seeing as I fucking hate Metroid.

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(I love reminding people about all the greeeeeeeeat business decisions Nintendo has made thru the years, like both the Power Glove and The Wizard for example.) 

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Knock it for it being a movie that anybody over 11 would hate, and for being a hour and a half infomercial, but calling it a bad decision is too far. The fact they made 14 million in ticket sales for a film that got kids begging their parents to spend more money on anything Nintendo related, yes even the ill fated powerglove, but mostly Super Mario 3, which on the first day of school after this movie came out started WEEKS of talk about Mario, more than made this a good decision.

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Who cares?

Everyone but you? IGN doesn't just throw away 9.8's. Even Eternal Darkness only made a 9.6 as much as they were in love with it. And ED is one of best games to come out in the last 5 years, worth the price of the Cube alone IMO. So I'm really excited now.

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Guest Evenflow4:20
Everyone but you? IGN doesn't just throw away 9.8's.


Hey, hey, I don't want to seem negative but the game had to be scrapped and started new four times during devolpment. Four times! That's not a good sign. Hell, I hope it rules but it's not like I'm aching for a new game to play still plenty of great games left from last year.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa. Knock it for it being a movie that anybody over 11 would hate, and for being a hour and a half infomercial, but calling it a bad decision is too far. The fact they made 14 million in ticket sales for a film that got kids begging their parents to spend more money on anything Nintendo related, yes even the ill fated powerglove, but mostly Super Mario 3, which on the first day of school after this movie came out started WEEKS of talk about Mario, more than made this a good decision.

The movie sucked. Sucked hard. Even when I was 9 and seeing it on the big screen, I realized that. Not only was the writing/acting/directing all fairly lame, but the movie actually had a whole bunch of mistakes and inaccuracies about various Nintendo games. ("Get the STAR, Jimmy, it's worth more points!") That's just inexcusable, as the kids in the target audience pick up on bullshit like that right away.


$14 mil in box office, yeah. But how much did it cost to make? Hell, at the time $14 large probably just barely covered the salaries of Fred Savage, Beau Bridges, and Christian Slater combined.


And yes, the movie did help sell merchandise. Specifically, it helped sell one Power Glove to yours truly. And THAT moment is the first time I realized that video game companies and movies would lie to me and sell me horrible useless shit just to steal my money.






On topic, what other games has IGN ever given a 9.8 or higher score?

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Its on 2 Discs for the Gamecube but it could probably be put on one regular sized disc.


As far as my "Stupid Capcom" remark, Capcom had promised 5 Gamecube exclusive Titles back in 2002. But, they eventually only left one of them Gamecube Exclusive (PN: O3, a crappy game anyway) and 1 that got canned (Dead Phoenix). The other 3 titles (RE 4, Viewtiful Joe and Killer 7) are all available (or will be in Killer 7's case) available for other consoles. So although they are releasing 2 great games on the Gamecube first, only to have them show up later on the PS2, it kinda pisses me off that they didn't keep the titles exclusive to the Gamecube like they had originally planned.


Oh, and also, Capcom probably could have released RE 4 last year in time for Christmas. Its like one of the reviews said that its odd for such a great game to be released after the holidays (sorta like with Movies where they need to be in theatres before the end of the year to have a shot at an Oscar or whatnot).

Feh. Whatever. It was a stupid promise to make. A franchise like Resident Evil shouldn't be console exclusive, anyway. Capcom obviously wasn't making as much money from their deal with Nintendo so they had to rethink their strategy. More power to them, because as someone who owns both a PS2 and a Gamecube I can honestly say that my Cube is a glorified paperweight that's only good at gathering dust.


Oh, and by the way, RE:0 and the RE:1 remake are both also Gamecube exclusive, still.

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The Cube would be my multi-platform release system of choice over the PS2 each time if they would only come up with an online plan. Sometimes that is the deciding factor for me. If the releases are straight ports, then I go Cube.

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