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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Raw 1.10.05 Speculation, Reaction and Complaints

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Guest JMA
"You screwed Chyna!"




Best. Chant. EVER.


I think one guy even started a "I screwed Chyna" chant.

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AWWWWWESOME opening segment. I thought Orton was eh but really picked up his promo with the "Thumbs up...Thumbs down" thing. Really enjoyed watching this one. That would of been pimp if they had gone with Orton/HHH/Batista on Raw.


I wish they showed the footage of the Angle/HBK staredown from the Japan Press Conference...bah.


That's too bad to hear about Dinsmore...maybe if he comes back from his injury he'll have something new to do with his character.


Maven just isn't cutting it in the ring. Lousy match vs. Shelton.


Really thought the inverted Sharpshooter finish for Edge was pimp...he should get rid of the crappy spear and use that with the Buzzkill DDT (or whatever the hell it's called), along with the submission.


LOVED the "You Screwed Bret" chant, in Florida of all places. Then the acknowledgement of it..that was awesome. Definately got the vibe of HBK vs. Edge at Mania (but of course we all want to see Angle vs. Michaels, heh.)


God, the Kane/Dean chokeslam sequence and waiting for Snitsky was HORRIBLE. And don't care anything about Snitsky/Kane...didn't care about it months ago either.


I always enjoy the Benoit/Jericho tag team action...thought the ending was solid, as well as the match itself.


I can't believe Hemme is getting paid $250,000 to run around to a song that talks about how the idiot walks. What a waste. I changed the channel so I'm not sure whath appened...nor care.


Great...another random big jacked guy on Raw is coming soon...I've heard good stuff about Chris Masters in his dark matches (even though that doesn't mean shit), so give him a shot I suppose. But the whole Lex Luger bodybuilding gimmick isn't going to work anyways, so whatever. I've pretty much lost my faith in him already.


BENOIT vs. JERICHO in TORONTO next week? Hellz yeah.


No pyro for Randy...ha ha. Idiot. Batista vs. Orton...don't care...we've seen it enough. JR's overblown reaction was annoying as hell at the end, but whatever.


OK Raw...but forgetable as usual.

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I missed the first hour for 24, so when does Orton get his title shot? I really hope at the Royal Rumble, which would then take him out of the Rumble match. Anybody other than Orton winning the Rumble would make me happy.

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"You screwed Chyna!"




Best. Chant. EVER.


I think one guy even started a "I screwed Chyna" chant.

Yeah, once the "You screwed Chyna" chant ended you could clearly hear one or more people say "I screwed Chyna" ... for a second I Thought it was HHH yelling at the crowd. :D

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So is it safe to assume Orton vs HHH at Royal Rumble while Batista wins the actual Rumble match? And Benoit and Jericho...well...they can continue with the meaningless midcard tag matches I suppose, although they beat one of the two tag teams on RAW and the other is La Resistance, so I guess Jericho will have to turn and they'll feud with each other eventually.


I'm not a huge Batista fan either but he did look like a pimp at the beginning of the show.

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So they're going to make the Batista/HHH program non-title? With how JR kept saying it was fate for Orton to challenge for the belt, you'd think he'll end up taking it.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You
So they're going to make the Batista/HHH program non-title? With how JR kept saying it was fate for Orton to challenge for the belt, you'd think he'll end up taking it.

I'd take Orton/Edge if it gives us Angle/Shawn

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So they're going to make the Batista/HHH program non-title? With how JR kept saying it was fate for Orton to challenge for the belt, you'd think he'll end up taking it.

You'd think that....but he is facing Triple H.


I'm pretty sure Orton will eat Pedigree after Flair interference, Batista will win the Rumble, and a three way will be made for WrestleMania.

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I'm somewhat pissed HHH said I never supported him, when I was one of the biggest DX fans of all time.

im sure hhh didnt mean to hurt ya ;)

But he did though dammit, he did!



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Guest Rrrsh

Batista aint winning the Rumble. Trips will lose to Randy despite Batista's help, and Trips will blame him the next night. Batista will explode and shit kick both Flair and Trips.


I see Cena winning the Royal Rumble, actually. I will continue to believe that the Trips-Batista blow-off at RR will not involve the belt, as it does not need it. A Randy/Benoit match, say, would tho.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Randy/Benoit @ Mania. GOD NO.


Yes; the first three were good but that forces a pointless Benoit heel turn.


Orton/Edge Title Match



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Guest Rrrsh

Well, Orton vs whoever. So far, everything he has done has been directed too the Title. The Batista-HHH thing is personal.

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Orton/Edge already had a few matches and most of them looked like neither wanted to take control of the match.


Batista/HHH this match has been teased for several weeks so it has to happen.


Benoit/Jericho its not like they have anything else to do.

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Guest Dazed
So, did they mention when Orton Vs Triple H for the Title is going to take place?


I thought (assumed?) it was the Rumble, but maybe nobody did say that.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

well; there's two more raws...and since they already announced two major matches for next week...they wont do Orton/HHH with no hype...and I doubt they do it the week before the rumble...so yeah it'd have to be @ the rumble.

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Sooo, with Orton/HHH (hopfully)happening at the Rumble, than most likly Batista Vs HHH will happen at WM right?


I hope Orton/HHH is at the Rumble, that way I'll have the Rumble Match, the WWE title match, and the Casket match to look foward to than this shit of a match and won't have to stink up the WM card. Batista Vs Triple H is the way to go at WM.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

In all honesty for the angle to work best; the title shouldn't be involved. Which means...*gulps* an second orton reign.


I'm not sure what's worst...Edge/Orton or Orton/HHH???


Orton/Edge was done about 6 times the last year...


Which is why it should've been Benoit/Edge, Orton/Rock(orton doesnt need the title but a Rock rub would help more) and HHH/'Tistia. Yes some complain bout a lack of Jericho there but ya know what? Jericho/Benjamin isn't so bad...or even adding in Christian and Hardy.


but nah, we're getting the EVO three way, Jericho and Benoit Vs Le Rez and Edge vs Shawn with Angle/Taker (no title) and jbl/cena...or as i call it...the worst possible card.

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Tonigts RAW was horrible. How many times are they going to have Batista/Orton on RAW? They have awesome matches but it's some of the same stuff. Opening segment was good too, everything in between made me channel surf

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

It was only the second time they worked on Raw against each other...


In the summertime they did Edge/Benoit/Jericho/Benjamin/Eugene Variations against Evolution. EVERY WEEK.


I'll take having Orton/Batistia for free for only the second time.

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Fresh off the usual overreactionary meltdown of the 'Net community regarding Triple H's Tenth Heavyweight Title reign. While everyone senses a false sense of impending doom; RAW emerges for it's second show of the year and hopefully the solid run of shows will continue.


While everyone pouts; Im excited about the show tonight;

There's only one thing more fucking annoying than a stereotypical smark in the IWC, and that's a stereotypical anti-smark in the IWC.

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So, did they mention when Orton Vs Triple H for the Title is going to take place?


It has to be at The Rumble. Its too early for WM and if so, what if a RAW guy wins the Rumble?

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By the way, on Raw tonight, as well as in the new Raw Magazine, they announced:


The winner of the Royal Rumble will get to choose to challenge for either the World Title or the WWE Title at WrestleMania.

See, they do learn from past mistakes!


Orton wins the rumble and chooses to fight JBL.



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I hope Orton/HHH is at the Rumble.....than this shit of a match and won't have to stink up the WM card. Batista Vs Triple H is the way to go at WM.

In terms of match quality, Orton vs. HHH will be better than Batista vs. HHH.


In most other ways it'll be better, but Orton is the better wrestler compared to Batista. And that's not pro-Ortonism, anti-Batistaism or being an anti-smark or whatever.

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