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Book a WWF House Show

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I'm borrowing this idea from the Old School Wrestling message board.


I think most of us would agree that the WWF during this time had more than it's share of flaws.


So, if you were booking a house show, during this lead in to WrestleMania, to be held in your town, what would you want to see?


You can make any matches you want - the only limitations are that there can be no more than 8 on the card.

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Bob Holly vs. Kama - a probable stinker but I want to give Kama the monster push


The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Hakushi


Razor Ramon vs. Bam Bam Bigelow


Davey Boy Smith vs. Owen Hart


WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns vs. the Heavenly Bodies


Lex Luger vs. WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett


Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels (w/ Sid)


WWF World Champion Diesel vs. the Undertaker

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Here's mine:


1) Undertaker won a 20-man battle royal at 9:00 to earn a shot later at the WWF title.

2) Chris Candido w/ Sunny d. Doink the Clown at 11:41 with a superplex. After the match, Doink turned back into evil clown Doink, and beat down Candido and ripped Sunny's clothes off.

3) Jeff Jarrett d. Bob Holly at 9:14 with an inside cradle to retain the WWF IC title

4) Lex Luger and British Bulldog d. Bam Bam Bigelow and Tatanka at 6:45 when Bulldog hit the running powerslam on Tatanka

5) Shawn Michaels and Hakushi d. Razor Ramon and 123 Kid at 15:32 when HBK pinned Kid with the superkick.

6) Smoking Gunns d. Heavenly Bodies at 9:19 with the Sidewinder to retain the WWF tag team titles.

7) Diesel and Undertaker go to no contest in the WWF title match at 12:14 when the Million Dollar Corporation and Shawn Michaels all interfered.

8) Bret Hart d. Owen Hart in a steel cage match at 21:40

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WWF Women's Champion Bull Nakano vs. Alundra Blayze


Hakushi vs. 1-2-3 Kid


Kama vs. Davey Boy Smith


Owen Hart vs. Razor Ramon


The Undertaker vs. Bam Bam Bigelow


Shawn Michaels vs. Lex Luger


Bret Hart vs. Bob Backlund


Diesel vs. Jeff Jarrett for the WWF Title

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2) Chris Candido w/ Sunny d. Doink the Clown

Keep in mind Skip & Sunny didn't show up until May.

True, but they were doing dark matches then; I checked your website and they were on there in February. :)

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Guest LooneyTune



True, but they were doing dark matches then; I checked your website and they were on there in February.


Not only were the participants technically not part of the WWF Roster, but the result looks way too Attitude influenced. A good guy clown turning evil and ripping a womans clothes off? This isn't 1999 you know... For shame on you...


My Card (That Sucks)...


- World Champion Diesel def. IC Champion Jeff Jarrett. Only the World Title was defended.

- Lex Luger def. Tatanka in a Steel Cage Match.

- Shawn Michaels def. Davey Boy Smith with the help of Sid.

- Tag Team Champions The Smoking Gunns def. Well Dunn

- Bam Bam Bigelow def. Bob Holly

- Hakushi def. Aldo Montoya

- 1-2-3 Kid & Razor Ramon def. the Blu Brothers

- Jimmy Delray def. Doink The Clown

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I'd have paid to to see this card:


Hakushi v. Aldo Montoya

Smoking Gunns v. Heavenly Bodies [Tag Titles]

1-2-3 Kid v. Owen Hart

Undertaker v. Bam Bam Bigelow

Lex Luger v. Jerry Lawler [Falls Count Anywhere]

British Bulldog v. Jeff Jarrett [iC Title]

Bret Hart v. Bob Backlund [submission match] (hopefully better than the Mania stinker)

Diesel/Razor Ramon v. Shawn Michaels/Sid [steel cage]

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True, but they were doing dark matches then; I checked your website and they were on there in February.


Not only were the participants technically not part of the WWF Roster, but the result looks way too Attitude influenced. A good guy clown turning evil and ripping a womans clothes off? This isn't 1999 you know... For shame on you...


My Card (That Sucks)...


- World Champion Diesel def. IC Champion Jeff Jarrett. Only the World Title was defended.

- Lex Luger def. Tatanka in a Steel Cage Match.

- Shawn Michaels def. Davey Boy Smith with the help of Sid.

- Tag Team Champions The Smoking Gunns def. Well Dunn

- Bam Bam Bigelow def. Bob Holly

- Hakushi def. Aldo Montoya

- 1-2-3 Kid & Razor Ramon def. the Blu Brothers

- Jimmy Delray def. Doink The Clown

Gotta boost house show business somehow, baby! Screw the kids and families in attendance, Sunny's clothes are coming off! :P

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Guest LooneyTune

Why would anyone care what Doink did to a nobody we've never heard of (at the time)? This isn't Chewbacca living with the Ewoks on Endor.

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WWF World Title:Diesel vs. Bam Bam Bigelow


Shawn Michaels vs. British Bulldog


Bret Hart vs. King Kong Bundy


Razor Ramon and the 123 Kid vs. Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett


Lex Luger vs. Sid Vicious


WWF Tag Team Titles: Smokin' Gunn vs. IRS and Tatanka


Bob Holly/Aldo Montoya vs. Heavenly Bodies

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WWF title: Diesel d. Bob Backlund (hopefully this would be more competitive than at MSG)


Shawn Michaels d. Bret Hart with help from Sid


Women's title: Alundra Blayze d. Bull Nakano by dq. (I believe Bull was champ at this time)


Tag title: Smoking Gunns d. Heavenly Bodies


IC title: Double J d. Razor Ramon via guitar shot


Allied Powers d. Bigelow & Tatanka when Lex pinned Tatanka


Owen Hart d. Bob Holly


Undertaker d. Jerry Lawler

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Why would anyone care what Doink did to a nobody we've never heard of (at the time)? This isn't Chewbacca living with the Ewoks on Endor.

Young unheard of upstart beats better known wrestler in an upset. Heel beats him down and acts like a dick, foreshadowing an upcoming heel turn to come on television. Plus, gives off the "anything can happen in the WWF" feeling.

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Guest LooneyTune

Eh... Doink was dead by 1995. Without Matt Borne (who played the heel Doink awesomely), I don't know how another guy as heel Doink would be. The character was dead the second he turned face.

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1) WWE Championship: Diesel vs. Shawn Michaels

This was the main feud at the time, and Shawn was good enough to get good matches out of Nash at this point.


2) WWE IC Championship: Jeff Jarrett vs. Bret Hart

Jarrett was my favourite wrestler at this point, and Bret Hart was #2 face. Jarrett wins after interference from Owen Hart.


3) Razor Ramon vs. Owen Hart

Best upper-midcard face vs. best upper-midcard heel.


4) WWE Tag Team Championship: The Smoking Gunns vs. 123 Kid & Bob Holly

They fought on RAW in a match that I can't remember, but Kid & Holly were pretty good as a team, and this should be better than most of the dreck that you got out of the tag division at the time.


5) Davey Boy Smith vs. Bob Backlund

Davey Boy is fresh off his good showing at the Rumble, and since Bret is busy is makes sense to put Backlund against his closest ally.


6) Lex Luger vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Luger comes to the defense of his good friend LT, and jobs clean to Bigelow to build him up. Bigelow is the best Corporation member so might as well push him.


7) The Undertaker vs. Sid

Taker's feud with the Corporation sucks, so stick him in with Sid. The match will be just as bad, but at least Sid is cool and a nice Double DQ brawl here could get the crowd into the show early.


8) The Headshrinkers (Fatu & Sionne) vs. The Heavenly Bodies

No real reason, other than the fact that I liked the Bodies and would put them over here.

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Eh... Doink was dead by 1995. Without Matt Borne (who played the heel Doink awesomely), I don't know how another guy as heel Doink would be. The character was dead the second he turned face.

Who played the second Doink? Where did Borne go, and when did they switch?

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Guest LooneyTune

Borne was released because of "personal demons" *glug glug glug* *lights marijuana joint* sometime between Wrestlemania IX and King of the Ring. It's quite noticable that it was a different Doink, because the voice changed, and he just didn't have the same fire. I don't have much TV footage from then, so I can't give an accurate estimation.


I have no idea who played the next Doinks though. (I heard Steve Lombardi, a.k.a Brooklyn Brawler, was one at some point)

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Guest LooneyTune

^--- Exactly. I didn't even know that until I skimmed over the results of House Shows in the Spring 1993 and noticed "Doink (Steve Kiern) defeated so-and-so". Lord knows how many people wrestled as Doink.

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Why would anyone care what Doink did to a nobody we've never heard of (at the time)? This isn't Chewbacca living with the Ewoks on Endor.

If the nobody you refer to is Candido, then I can only guess that a post-match beatdown would give the fans a reason to boo Doink more passionately.


If the nobody you refer to is Sunny, regardless of how famous she is, T 'n A always gets a cheap pop.

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Guest LooneyTune

WWF 1995: Chris Candido was A NOBODY TO WWF FANS. It would be pointless. Just have Doink beat the pants off Barry Horowitz or something. It would be the same thing. Besides, Candido ended up being a heel, so why would a clown beating down a heel matter?


T&A in 1995: Didn't exist yet. Didn't start until Sunny got super popular in 1996, even then, it was a minimum.

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The same reason that heels used to beat up jobbers back when squash matches were the norm ... it gives fans too ignorant to know who to cheer or boo a hint over how much they should hate a guy.


And, re: the Sunny thing, I didn't interpret it that she got stripped buck-naked, but instead maybe got her skirt or shirt pulled off, but still was primarily covered. So, some partial nudity wouldn't have been unheard of and would have given the fans a cheap thrill (w00t) And, hell, Elizabeth took off her skirt in the 1980's, and that was way before the attitude era ... and Missy Hyatt & Sunshine had a mud-wrestling match in like 1986/1987. It wasn't unheard of pre-Attitude.

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Guest LooneyTune

I can see where you're comnig from, but it just seems too... different for 1995. I've been poisoned by 1995 (what a shitty year for WWF/WCW wrestling) so much I can't think logically on anything different that could've happend.


I really wouldn't make a heel turn happen on a House Show. Hint towards it ( can't believe I'm fantasy booknig DOINK), for example have Doink and Jobber Wrestler lose a tag match against whoever. Doink is frustrated and walks out on his partner. When it happens in TV land, have him actually turn. Voila! As for the Sunny thing... I wouldn't argue against it, but think of the children! (realizes I hate children) Nevermind...

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Title match:

Shawn vs. Diesel: Diesel wins clean with the Jackknife.


Bret vs. Owen: Bret goes over with the Sharpshooter in 15 minutes, Backlund comes out and beats Bret down. Which leads to:


Bret vs Backlund: Bret wins with an inside cradle in ten minutes.


IC Title:

Jarrett w/Roadie vs. 123 Kid w/Razor: Jarrett goes over after Roadie interference and Razor chases off Roadie so he can't make the save.


Razor vs. Roadie: Razor over clean with the Edge.


Taker vs. Bam Bam. Taker over clean with a bodyslam or Tombstone.


Tag Titles:

Luger/Bulldog vs. Smoking Gunns vs. Heavenly Bodies: I know they didn't do three ways then. Gunns go over when they hit the Sidewinder on Dr. Tom.


Sid squashes everyone in a batteroyal (Including Mabel, Mantaur, Volkoff, and all the other garbage that was in the 95 Rumble. I know Sid was a heel but this would at least be mildly entertaining.

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This would take place in Edmonton, so...


Bret Hart & British Bulldog def Owen Hart & Bob Backlund


WWF Title match:

Diesel def Shawn Michaels


The Undertaker def Bam Bam Bigelow


WWF IC Title match:

Jeff Jarrett def Razor Ramon


123 Kid def Roadie


Lex Luger def Tatanka


WWF Tag Team Title match:

Smoking Gunns def Headshrinkers

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Wow, I didn't know my little house show booking would stir up so much controversy. :)


The WWE tests out heel turns at house shows all the time. This wouldn't be the actual turn, but just a "test" of it to see how it plays out. Then the real turn is executed on TV. I don't see it being THAT far fetched.

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While Candido was not a part of the roster at that time (yes, he did work 1 dark match but he was NWA Champion at the time and was not on the payroll), heel turns at house shows are not out of the ordinary.


95 - Davey Boy walks out on Luger in a series of matches against the Blu Brothers, leaving Lex to fend for himself. All those took place before the Raw aired where Davey turned on Diesel.


Going back even further to 78 - Peter Miavia did the exact same thing to Chief Jay Strongbow in a series of tag matches but the *REAL* turn didn't take place until the heavily advertised show at MSG.

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Also, wouldn't they sometimes try out a heel turn and then scrap it if the audience didn't react to it that well?


I shouldn't have put Candido in the match, but other than that I don't think it's a big deal. Besides, it's just fantasy booking. :)

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Guest LooneyTune
95 - Davey Boy walks out on Luger in a series of matches against the Blu Brothers, leaving Lex to fend for himself. All those took place before the Raw aired where Davey turned on Diesel.

Poor fans. That was my last point. It's rarely failed, having a wrestler leave his partner in a tag match without actually beating him up. Save the actual attack for TV when it means something.

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Well before the match started, they pushed him as a heel even more by Howard Finkel announcing that the fans should not chant "USA" on behalf of Luger during the match because Davey felt left out.

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