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The Royal Rumble Legacy

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Guys who stole the show. I never saw 88, so I will start with 1989.


89 - Mr. Perfect. He was bumping and teasing elimination the whole match. Honorable mentions to Shawn Michaels, who did much the same thing, and to the Brainbusters who just kick ass in general.


90 - Mr. Perfect. Ted Dibiase was great in the opening segments, and then he disappeared for the rest of tha match after Roberts got tossed. The way Perfect just played up the whole match, and the sleazy way he eliminated best friend Rick Rude was the most entertaining part of this for me. Too bad he didn't win.


91 - Rick Martel. It was Martel's show this year. He went down fighting even at the end. He certainly didn't pull a Backlund by hiding the whole match on his way to the record.


92 - Ric Flair. Duh. Although at the time I was cheering for Sid. I also loved Jake Roberts in this match, and time period in general.


93 - Mr. Perfect. Perfect was hugely over at the time, and Perfect/Flair was easily the most entertaining part of the match. He should have been the Iron Man this year, not Backlund.


94 - Shawn Michaels. I love how he causes Diesel to get tossed almost immediately upon his entering the ring, and he is such a cowardly chicken-shit the entire match that it is just fun to watch. I personally think this was his best Rumble performance.


95 - Shawn Michaels. Overshadows his better work a year earlier, but he still was the man in this weak Rumble.


96 - Vader. He came in and destroyed everybody. Got eliminated, and destroyed everybody again. Watching live, I couldn't believe that Shawn got eliminated by him, but of course it got reversed. This is how you get a new monster heel over.


97 - Steve Austin. Pretty piss-poor Rumble, dominated by one man.


98 - Mick Foley. How can you not love his coming out as all three personas?


99 - Nobody. Honestly, the whole thing annoyed me. Gillberg, I guess. At least he was somewhat entertaining.


00 - Road Dogg. Him hanging on the bottom rope for the whole match is some of the best work he's ever done.


01 - Kane. I was actually cheering for the big luck, and I normally hated Kane in this period. This match is what his career will most be remembered for.


02 - Christian. He and Chuck had a nice mini-match for the middle portion of the Rumble were both were constantly cheating, double-teaming any new entrants, and then backstabbing each other. Great stuff.


03 - Matt Hardy. Mentioned above.


04 - Chris Benoit. This Royal Rumble was all about the Crippler. Even moreso than Flair in 92, as Flair had more competition from guys like Savage, Hogan, Sid, Taker, Piper & Roberts. Show & Orton did well here too, but nobody comes close to Benoit.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave
Who else stole the show in your mind, even if they didn't win or last the longest?


'99: Vince McMahon.

'01: Drew Carrey.

'04: Ernest "The Cat" Miller.

'05: THE COACH. You know it.

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Who else stole the show in your mind, even if they didn't win or last the longest?


in 2000 Taka and Funaki


2002: Maven eliminating Taker, Hurricane choking both Autin and HHH is a joy to watch. Oh and perfect doing the gum spitting in the middle of almost being eliminated.


2003 Jericho and Matt were the best. The first 30 minutes of this match are incredible, then it dies


2004 i looooooooooved the ending which had Angle,Jericho,Benoit,Cena,RVD and Big Show, great final six.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave
No love for Nunzio last year?

Damn, I forgot about him, while thinking of "The Cat" and Lamont~!, dancing around last year.


Nunzio was awesome last year. But, I don't think he'll even be in this year's. :(

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- Favorite Royal Rumble match? 1992

- Favorite Royal Rumble event? 2000

- Favorite non-Royal Rumble match? Cactus Jack/HHH Street Fight

- Favorite WWE Championship match at the Rumble? ^^^

- Favorite non-WWE Royal Rumble entrant? If you mean surprise entrant, then it's the Honky Tonk Man in 2001.

- Who will win the 2005 WWE Royal Rumble? Cena

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Who else stole the show in your mind, even if they didn't win or last the longest?


Jerry Lawler in 96, it was hilarious when he hid under the ring for 20 minutes! Also to Lawler again in 97. It was also hilarious when he entered and was knocked straight back over by Bret!

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Havent seen 89,90 (only part of it from hogan dvd), 91 I fell asleep during (really), 95,96(clips on shawn video), 97,98,0r 04


Favorite Royal Rumble match? – 1992 (01 a close second)

Favorite Royal Rumble event? 2000 (2002 1st runner up with a good flair-mcmahon streetfight and a very good rock/jericho undisputed title match)

- Favorite non-Royal Rumble match? HHH/Cactus 2000

- Favorite WWE Championship match at the Rumble? HHH/Cactus 2000 (rock/mankind I quit 99 1st runner up)

- Favorite non-WWE Royal Rumble entrant? Honky Tonk Man in 01 (gets in ring talks on mic gets guitar busted over head by kane) (drew carrey attempting to bribe kane gets him a 1st runner up from me)

- Who will win the 2005 WWE Royal Rumble? Cena or Batista

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