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Alone in the Dark

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With the wretched film due out soon, and I myself never playing the games (I ordered a DC copy of New Nightmare, though), I'm curious about the game(s). All I know about it is that it supposedly is the *real* first "survival horror" game, and doesn't really have much to do with the movie coming out.


Anybody play the newer game or the original and wanna share opinions on it?

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2GOLD: Which game? Could you be a little more vague and lacking for detail, plz? :P


Judging from the little bit of playtime I've put into The New Nightmare, it's obvious that this game is the inspiration for Boll's opus, and not the original game. The character names and basic plot seem to match up (both Reid and Slater's characters from the movie have the same names as the main characters in TNN, and so forth).


As for the game, it's like Resident Evil alright...but by that I mean the old PS1 Resident Evils. Sure, the backdrops are beautiful, and despite the environments being pre-rendered, the shadow effects are spot on. But it still has the same clunky feel, key-collecting, menu-navigating gameplay.

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Sorry, the original.

I thought I had edited it in but I guess the board was on lag when I tried.


I never played the newer version.


The original though, I never saw the big deal.

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Honestly, I think Alone in the Dark became popular again just because people were looking for any ammunition to fuel the Resident Evil series backlash. Any argument about Resident Evil seemed to always come down to:


1) But the character controls like a tank!

2) But they already did this in Alone in the Dark!


Even though maybe 15% of the people had actually played Alone in the Dark.


I haven't played the original in years, but I have it filed under "bleh", right next to The New Nightmare.

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I played the original once, and turned it off after I promptly got killed in the very first room at the beginning of the game. I can see where the RE comparisons can be made, but AITD was light-years away from being that good.

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The original controls like absolute shite. I believe it's available to download as freeware now, so if you feel the desire to futilely try to move a box while a werewolf pounds on a window ad nauseum before finally breaking in and killing you in seconds, go for it!

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Guest CronoT
I haven't played the original in years, but I have it filed under "bleh", right next to The New Nightmare.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is probably the most succinct review of that game you'll find.


I actually bought a copy of the AITD Game Boy Color game, and tried to play it. Even with the G$, I couldn't get past the very first creature, which was a fucking spider, without dying. Needless to say, I took it back the very next day, and lied my ass off to get them to take it back. Luckily, I bought it at an EB Games, so they just gave a me a slightly sour look, and traded it in for credit for another game.

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Honestly, I think Alone in the Dark became popular again just because people were looking for any ammunition to fuel the Resident Evil series backlash. Any argument about Resident Evil seemed to always come down to:


1) But the character controls like a tank!

2) But they already did this in Alone in the Dark!


Even though maybe 15% of the people had actually played Alone in the Dark.


I haven't played the original in years, but I have it filed under "bleh", right next to The New Nightmare.

I actually found an old Gamefan that reviewed the Saturn...um..."remake" is a big strong of a word.


It was "extolling the virtues" of "classic" games, and asked "why play Street Fighter II when you can have...Karate Champ?"


So by nearly all accounts, it seems the original is crap, was crap when it came out, but is now old, moldy crap.


What's difficult about the spider? You knew you have a gun, right CT? How did you die *with the help of a Gameshark?!*



Admittedly, the GBC version at least looks good...


So, has anyone played any other versions besides the original and TNN? There's actually two other PC versions, AitD II and III.

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My friend and I used to play this game on his PC when we were 9 years old. It scared the ever loving shit out of us.


I downloaded it a few years back and was completely astounded how a game, which seemed so great at the time, was actually really terrible.

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