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Interview with HHH

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In what his father-in-law's company billed as the largest Wrestlemania of all time, HHH tapped out to Chris Benoit in the center of the ring in Madison Square Garden, and you're kidding yourself if you think that The Rock, Steve Austin or Hogan would even consider doing that in the last match at Wrestlemania.

Okay, I don't get what revelence this has to anything since, y'know, the HEEL is SUPPOSED TO JOB IN THE WM MAIN EVENT! Hell, other than Hogan, I'm pretty sure that if Rock and/or Austin were positioned as the heel in the WM 20 main event, they'd have tapped too without any question since both guys have tapped to Benoit previously with him winning the match against Rock and there being no ref for the Austin match.


Seriously, other than Hogan(who we know has already ducked out of a situation like this before), I don't see how the comparison can be made between HHH and Rock/Austin at all.

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Re: RVD getting the WWF Title, the ideal time for that would have been at No Mercy in 2001. Obviously with the InVasion stroyline looking to be killed off, this would have either taken the imprtance away from the Austin/Rock based confrontations or extended the feud longer, which they obviously didnt want to do. Still, back then Van Dam was as over as anyone outside of Hogan in recent times. Hip, fresh (to the casual viewer), he should really have been given the torch there and then.

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Guest Trivia247

It would probably be interesting to Talk with HHH, if he can sit still long enough after you tell him, listen I am one of those internet wrestling community guys....


If HHH doesn't get up or just insult and walk away, then maybe you can get somewhere.


We all have our complaints on him but they are also not some uniform Mob mantality hatred, its not like any of us is jumping on some Flame HHH bandwagon. Each of us got our own opinions positive or negative.

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Triple H was apart of the night I thought wrestling was getting tiresome.


Triple H had a disagreement with McMahon earlier in the night about having Austin in the clique and McMahon told him if he didn't like it, he could quit. Here's Austin and McMahon beating down a nearly unconscience Rock, and nobody is coming out to help him. All of the sudden Motorhead comes over the speakers, the fans looking for someone to ask for help, cheer for joy as Triple H hauls ass to the ring with a sledgehammer in hand. He gets inside the cage, the fans were chanting "Hunter....Hunter" as they were 100% behind him and then he stopped. He had a stare down with Austin, and then everyone moaned as they saw what was going to happen next. Hunter took his sledgehammer and hit the Rock, and the beating continued. The likes of The Undertaker, Kane, Chris Jericho, and CHris Benoit would stand up to both of them. Then Hunter got injured and was out.


I don't know what this has to do with this thread, but it's probably the most vague memory I have of wrestling where I said "This is getting boring. I wish WCW/ECW were still around."

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Wait a second.


Hogan lost to Rock at WM 18 Clean.


Hogan TAPPED OUT to Kurt Angle at KOTR in 2002.


Hogan lost to Brock Lesnar on Smackdown Clean.


Can we at least acknowledge the possibility of Hogan being willing to tap out to Benoit at Wrestlemania?

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That was the reformed, "I'm just happy to be in the locker room with these great young wrestlers" Hogan, which shook down to a means-to-an-end con job. I think we can all agree that Hogan got that jobbing nonsense out of his system pretty fucking quick.

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You just dismissed 3 legitimate examples of Hogan being willing to job.

3 vs maybe thousands of times he refused to job or simply went home before doing such a thing... forgive me if I don't sing his praises. Though I do see your point. Hogan WOULD have jobbed to Benoit if Vince convinced him there was something in it for him (respect, etc)

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I wasn't really talking about you, but ok. At Hogan's level, there has to be a certain level of self-preservation. If not, then you turn into Ric Flair where your in-ring value is nil. Hogan is willing to lose - he has proved that again, and again, and again - but it has to be worth something. But people are just excusing the possibility of him losing, which just isn't so.

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Beat him completely clean at WRESTLEMANIA?


Well, it wasn't clean. Flair interfered and fucked up Booker's leg which led up to his defeat.

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I wasn't really talking about you, but ok. At Hogan's level, there has to be a certain level of self-preservation. If not, then you turn into Ric Flair where your in-ring value is nil. Hogan is willing to lose - he has proved that again, and again, and again - but it has to be worth something. But people are just excusing the possibility of him losing, which just isn't so.

Rudo, I know you weren't directing that to me in the first place, I just thought to mention it. The reasons people dismiss Hogan's generosity is because he has long conditioned the internet fans or fans in the know to believe that the ONLY person Hogan cares about is Hogan himself. Hell he even tries to leech off his no-talent daughter's heat. So while the possibility of Hogan jobbing to Benoit is there, and if Vince was serious about pushing Benoit to the point that Hogan's whining wouldn't have deterred him, then yes Hogan would have jobbed, however if Hogan had his way, he wouldnt even FACE Chris Benoit, let alone lose to him. Hogan and Benoit WERE in WCW together and Hogan made no attempts to get into a program with Benoit (though some of the fault goes to Eric Bischoff and the other bookers for not making Benoit a threat enough to face Hogan).

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The reasons people dismiss Hogan's generosity is because he has long conditioned the internet fans or fans in the know to believe that the ONLY person Hogan cares about is Hogan himself. Hell he even tries to leech off his no-talent daughter's heat.


That's absolutely ridiculous. His daughter wouldn't even get heat if it wasn't for him, because as you mentioned, she has no talent.


however if Hogan had his way, he wouldnt even FACE Chris Benoit, let alone lose to him. Hogan and Benoit WERE in WCW together and Hogan made no attempts to get into a program with Benoit (though some of the fault goes to Eric Bischoff and the other bookers for not making Benoit a threat enough to face Hogan).


Which is absolutely irrelevant.

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You just dismissed 3 legitimate examples of Hogan being willing to job.

What I said was and is not untrue, and yes, it is Hogan's natural defense mechanism, self preservation. The fact is, we know how Hogan operates and we know he's only out for himself, so please forgive me if I don't fall all over myself to praise a handful of jobs when he was only doing it to get in the good graces of the office again so that he could pull a power play down the line, just like he always does. Yes, it was nice that he actually put a couple guys over, but he showed his true colors when he walked because Vince wouldn't job Lesnar to him on a major PPV, something that did no good for ANYONE. I'm not trying to drag his name through the mud or anything, I have a lot of respect for Hogan, but the facts are the facts.


In closing, no, there is no way in hell Hogan would come in and job to Chris Benoit at this point. The idea is laughable.

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however if Hogan had his way, he wouldnt even FACE Chris Benoit, let alone lose to him. Hogan and Benoit WERE in WCW together and Hogan made no attempts to get into a program with Benoit (though some of the fault goes to Eric Bischoff and the other bookers for not making Benoit a threat enough to face Hogan).


Which is absolutely irrelevant.

It's not entirely irrevelant. People look into the history of a certain wrestler, and can detect a pattern. For example HHH. Why are people predisposed to expect HHH wins every time out? It's because he does. He doesn't understand what putting people over is, as you said. Same with Hogan. We don't expect to see him job because he rarely does. Other people may not agree with me, as you obviously don't, which is fine. That's just how I work, how I analyze, how I determine future outcomes, by looking at their history. I'm still waiting for Hogan to job to Bret like planned in 1993 :lol:



However you're right about the daughter. Hogan's involvement probably gave her more media attention than she would have otherwise, however there is a time where he has to step aside and let her try to be her own star.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark
HHH: I agree with the statement. I don’t believe that people read it the way that Ric wrote it, he puts Mick over. Mick Foley was a big star, which he is, but is Mick Foley Lou Thesz? No! Is Mick Foley a great wrestler? No! Let’s separate that out now. Lou Thesz was a great wrestler. Now what is Mick Foley famous for? Not his ability to work a hold for an hour or grab a top wristlock and do incredible wrestling moves or anything like that. He is famous for falling off the top of a cage, and he’s even more famous for barbed wire, thumbtacks and more stuff like that. What Ric was saying was basically the truth. Was Mick a great star? Yes! Did Mick draw a lot of fans to a lot of arenas? Yes! Was he a huge factor in the popularity of our business at a large time in the business, when business was white hot? Ya! I made a lot of money with Mick Foley, I will be the first one to sing his praises, but I do agree with what was said. Mick Foley is not a great wrestler, but he was great at what he did. To me I don’t see why Mick does take that as an insult, if he even does. It’s like saying Dennis Rodman wasn’t a great basketball player, but he could rebound a ball like nothing. There isn’t a lot of difference there. Ric put him over, but he said the truth about why he was over.


What an unbelievable fucking piece of shit this guy is.


I wish Foley had never made him the way he did. I wish he'd refused to work with him, or refused to put him over, or put him over, but in the same way Triple-H "puts people over". I can't help thinking that the wrestling world would be a much better place today if Foley had retired that November and never had those matches with that bastard.


Um, but other than that I love Triple-H. He's the best wrestler ever. :phaser:

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Great enough that a useless piece of shit like Triple-H shouldn't be throwing those ridiculous, backhanded complements at him like that.

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Yeah, but he still didn't actually wrestle. The guy's technical wrestling skills were 0. Which is what H said. Fools.

Uhhh Foley busted out some textbook wrestling moves at Mind Games. Which is why HHH is full of shit. Fool.

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Guest MikeSC
Yeah, but he still didn't actually wrestle. The guy's technical wrestling skills were 0. Which is what H said. Fools.

Uhhh Foley busted out some textbook wrestling moves at Mind Games. Which is why HHH is full of shit. Fool.

Umm, didn't Foley HIMSELF state that he didn't do technical moves because he never made any money doing so?


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Guest Super Pissed Smark

And Rodman could play defense as well as rebound and hit free throws, which are all big parts of basketball, so Triple-H is an idiot there as well.


And what the hell are "textbook wrestling moves" anyway? Arm bars? Headlocks? Groping each other while rolling around on the canvas? Six year olds can master textbook wrestling moves.

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And Rodman could play defense as well as rebound and hit free throws, which are all big parts of basketball, so Triple-H is an idiot there as well.


And what the hell are "textbook wrestling moves" anyway? Arm bars? Headlocks? Groping each other while rolling around on the canvas? Six year olds can master textbook wrestling moves.

Don't tell that to all the OVW callups B-) And I admit Foley is not known for his technical prowess but he is known to surprise people once in a while with some basic technical moves. Point is, Foley is a better worker than HHH. It doesn't have to just be work-rate wise, and even HHH doesn't really edge Foley out there, but it also has to do with an understanding of storytelling and psychology. Hell it was Foley's storytelling that got HHH over in the first place.

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Guest sek69

Wasn't the reason Hogan left because he realized that Steph was hijacking the Mr. America angle to get heat for her and Zach Gowen? Thats the way I understood it at least.


As far as the Rock/Hurricane stuff goes, the point is that while Hurricane's win was booked as a fluke, Rock at least sold some of his stuff and made him look somewhat credible. HHH just squashed him like a bug on the interstate.


Remember Rock didn't want to put Booker over because he thought if he did, HHH would just squish him the next week?

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