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EVIL~! alkeiper

Ask Al Time

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I'm working on a new MLB column, and I thought I'd ask you guys to give some leads. Post a question here, and I'll answer it in the column. It can be anything regarding player moves, your favorite team, or even something historical.

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Rate the top 10 moves of the offseason.


Name the 3 teams most likely to have a drop off and the 3 that are most likely to improve.

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What kind of lumber is best for "moneyball" teams?


Seriously,give me one young batter and one young pitcher you see making a significant jump this season.

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Around Hall of Fame voting time, I always hear about players who should be in the Hall of Fame but are never voted into it. This always made wonder if there are any Hall of Famers who were elected into the Hall of Fame, even though they don't really meet the standards. So, I was curious if there are any Hall of Famers who you feel aren't worthy of being there? And, if so, who?

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Guest Mosaicv2

Would the Boston Red Sox pitching staff fit this year like last year?


Would the New York Yankees pitching improve from last year?


How would the Chicago Cubs be this year?


Is Barry Bonds finished?


Good question, eh? :cheers:

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What will the options be for the NY Yankees in terms of trading or signing a new Center Fielder, by the trading deadline, or after this upcoming season?

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Would having the other 29 MLB clubs owning the Washington Nationals create a conflict of interest?

Wasn't a problem the last two years, and they're gonna sell the team in a few months anyway. What concerns me is that payroll has seemingly skyrocketed since Montreal 2004 without an ownership change.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

can we just contract the National league? Please?



ah! too late.

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Guest Vitamin X

I haven't cared much for baseball since the days of the power hitting Rockies (Larry Walker/Todd Helton!) getting stomped on by the Dodgers in the divisional playoffs on an annual basis only to turn around and get whipped by the Braves, who usually went on the World Series to face the Yankees and lose. I realize there's a lot of new talent in baseball and supposedly it's gotten more "exciting" (well as exciting as it can be, I guess) so I'm wondering if this is a good time for a very casual Dodgers/Rockies/Marlins (I stress the word casual) fan to get back into baseball or should I wait till they look like a better team to start caring about the sport again?

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Guest Vitamin X

Poor Rockies. :( They used to be such a fun team to watch too. Nothing like a 24-22 game in baseball.

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The Rockies are actually a very interesting team to watch, as they can beat any team that comes into Coors (they don't usually though).


Dodgers has been contending last year and even made it in the playoffs. They of course, were eliminated in the first round. This year should be the same.


Marlins picked up Carlos Delgado and some people think this will shoot the Marlins back up to their 2003 World Series form, I don't believe this. They WILL contend however. Their only serious challenge from within the division is the Braves.


However, from a casual fan's POV, maybe the Marlins will be fun to watch but not the Dodgers or Rockies IMO.

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The Dodgers will NOT be fun to watch if you're a fan of offense. They're built around pitching and defense. And they'll contend this year, but I doubt they'll make the playoffs again. Too much has to break right for them, just off the top of my head Drew has to repeat his 2004 numbers, Kent has to stay healthy and productive, ditto Penny, and Lowe needs to regain some consistency in the regular season. It seems like they've had some great luck in recent years. That division will go either way, but I have to tag the Giants as early favorites, as they return a team that just missed out last year and filled their two biggest holes in a complimentary batter to put next to Bonds and a legitimate closer.

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Since, the threads all ready started. Why not expand this thread, and have everyone who wants to answer these questions do so.


Oh, and Al you should take 3 questions from the board, and answer them in your weekly column.


My question. I like Cliff Lee and Bobby Crosby to really take the next step this upcoming season.

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Who's still available in terms of good FA starting pitchers and what are the chances the Orioles will actually sign one?


Also, do you think Peter Angelos is even trying to get the O's in contention, because I kinda have the feeling that he figures he can't compete with the Red Sox and Yankees, so he just signs a couple big name guys every year that he figures will get fans to the ballpark.

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Guest MikeSC

How about --- when will the Braves finally get a real 1st baseman?


I like Julio Franco and respect his play at his age --- but he's not close to being what is needed out of that position. They need a full-time, power 1B.


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