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Name wrestlers and their greatest opponents

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Blatantly stolen from the WC board...


Name a wrestler and his greatest opponent. For example:


Ric Flair - Ricky Steamboat


Chris Benoit - Kurt Angle


Rob Van Dam - Jerry Lynn


And feel free to debate if you think someone else fits better than somebody that was posted.

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Guest LooneyTune

For Benoit, I'm sure big fans of Puro can name someone better than Angle.


Stings best opponent was obviously Ric Flair. Sting looked like a million bucks with him.


I'll go with a bad one...


Yokozuna - Most of his enjoyable matches (the few of them) were with Bret Hart, who did his best to work around Yoko's in-ring flaws and limited ability.

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Guest Loss

It's hard to say who would be Benoit's best opponent. Guerrero and Malenko have wrestled him in several companies in several styles, so maybe them?? Liger was a good opponent for him, obviously, but since they are both usually the anchors of their matches, it was almost like they collectively couldn't meet their own standards at times. I'd probably say Eddy Guerrero the more I think about it, with Malenko a close second, considering that Benoit and Eddy have had good-great matches in NJPW, WCW and WWE, and they've both excelled working so many styles.

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Guest Loss
HHH and HBK have done their damnedest to qualify here, but I'd rank it HBK-Bret Hart and HHH-Rock....

Bret had better matches with Owen and Austin. Shawn had better matches with Ramon. I know that sounds weird to say, but yeah, I think Razor Ramon is Shawn Michaels' best opponent, considering that two of his best three matches have been against him, the other against Foley. I think Marty Jannetty would be the easy answer if they had worked more high-profile matches against each other.

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Guest Rrrsh

With Benoit, its so tough to say because he is so good. I say Eddie dosnt qualify after really not having a great match with each other in WWE. I am real tempted to say Jericho if they worked together at all in WCW, but they really didn't. But no way Angle, becaue Jericho's matches with Benoit have been better in WWE than Angle as a whole.


To hell with it, I say Benoit's is Jericho.

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Guest Loss
Nash - HBK

Hall - HBK

Taker - HBK


I'll grant you Hall and Taker (although barely Taker, as he had one match with Bret better than anything he ever had with HBK), but debate all the others.


Royal Rumble '95 & Survivor Series '95 > Wrestlemania XI & Good Friends Better Enemies


I made a post about this a long time ago I need to dig up.


HHH has had his best matches against Rock and Jericho.

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Guest Rrrsh
HHH and HBK have done their damnedest to qualify here, but I'd rank it HBK-Bret Hart and HHH-Rock....

Bret had better matches with Owen and Austin. Shawn had better matches with Ramon. I know that sounds weird to say, but yeah, I think Razor Ramon is Shawn Michaels' best opponent, considering that two of his best three matches have been against him, the other against Foley. I think Marty Jannetty would be the easy answer if they had worked more high-profile matches against each other.

I am with you there. Brets best is Owen, with Austin a close second. HBK isn't really that close.

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Guest Loss
With Benoit, its so tough to say because he is so good. I say Eddie dosnt qualify after really not having a great match with each other in WWE. I am real tempted to say Jericho if they worked together at all in WCW, but they really didn't. But no way Angle, becaue Jericho's matches with Benoit have been better in WWE than Angle as a whole.


To hell with it, I say Benoit's is Jericho.

The best match B & J ever had remains the '95 Super J Cup. Benoit and Eddy had far better matches than that one almost every week in WCW and their matches with each other at Armageddon '02 and Vengeance '03 hold their own next to just about any Benoit/Jericho matches. Benoit and Eddy also had a better match at the '94 J-Cup than any Benoit/Jericho match.

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HHH and HBK have done their damnedest to qualify here, but I'd rank it HBK-Bret Hart and HHH-Rock....

Bret had better matches with Owen and Austin. Shawn had better matches with Ramon. I know that sounds weird to say, but yeah, I think Razor Ramon is Shawn Michaels' best opponent, considering that two of his best three matches have been against him, the other against Foley. I think Marty Jannetty would be the easy answer if they had worked more high-profile matches against each other.

I don't disagree that Bret had better matches with others, but I'd also rank Bret as the greatest opponent for several wrestlers, like Yokozuna as mentioned above. Bret and Shawn have had at least 6 memorable singles matches though, and when I think of Shawn Michaels I think of Bret Hart as his nemesis. HBK and Razor really only had the two ladder matches, and just one feud. Bret and Michaels had a long-running feud, beginning around Survivor Series 92 and picked up in 96 and twice in 97. Shawn Michael's greatest moment (winning the belt at Mania) and most infamous moment (Montreal) came against Bret Hart. And not to mention the backstage fights and real life animosty.


Bret Hart's greatest opponent? That's a tougher call. I'd probably say Owen.

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Guest Rrrsh
Nash - HBK

Hall - HBK

Taker - HBK


I'll grant you Hall and Taker (although barely Taker, as he had one match with Bret better than anything he ever had with HBK), but debate all the others.


Royal Rumble '95 & Survivor Series '95 > Wrestlemania XI & Good Friends Better Enemies


I made a post about this a long time ago I need to dig up.


HHH has had his best matches against Rock and Jericho.

For Nash: I think with Bret and Shawns its 1 and 1A. I LOVE SS 95, but not as much for RR 95. I think their KotR match is quiet good too. But I think Good Friends Better Enemies was Nash's best match.


HHH: I think HHH never gave Jericho enough offence after there LMS match. Plus I think their WM match blew ass. As for Rock, I can't rewatch any of there stuff in 98 as they look real green in comparison to their 2000 stuff. There is a wicked HHH-HBK match from a RAW in 96. If you combine that with their RAW match late in 03 and their SS 02 match, I 'll take those three over any 3 Rock-HHH matches.

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Guest Rrrsh
With Benoit, its so tough to say because he is so good. I say Eddie dosnt qualify after really not having a great match with each other in WWE. I am real tempted to say Jericho if they worked together at all in WCW, but they really didn't. But no way Angle, becaue Jericho's matches with Benoit have been better in WWE than Angle as a whole.


To hell with it, I say Benoit's is Jericho.

The best match B & J ever had remains the '95 Super J Cup. Benoit and Eddy had far better matches than that one almost every week in WCW and their matches with each other at Armageddon '02 and Vengeance '03 hold their own next to just about any Benoit/Jericho matches. Benoit and Eddy also had a better match at the '94 J-Cup than any Benoit/Jericho match.

I actually had a comp tape made with just Benoit v. Jericho and Benoit v. Eddie, so I am very familiar with all the matches you stated. I feel that both the Eddie/Benoit Matches on WWE PPV were good to great, but also could have been way better. And I love the Nitro matches, but they were good TV matches that never got enough time to do any more than just cool moves.


The Benoit-Jericho Ladder match is the best match Benoit has had with either Eddie or Jericho on North America. Plus their other 3 PPV macthes were damn good as well, not to mention there match they just had on RAW.

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Guest Rrrsh
I still say that Benoit/Jericho ladder match was the match of the year for 2001.

I'm with ya.

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Guest Ray

"With Benoit, its so tough to say because he is so good. I say Eddie dosnt qualify after really not having a great match with each other in WWE."


We should ignore the classic they had in Japan because they didn't have one in WWE?



"Liger was a good opponent for him, obviously, but since they are both usually the anchors of their matches, it was almost like they collectively couldn't meet their own standards at times."


That Liger and Benoit had disappointing matches is a myth. 8/12/92 is a classic.

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Guest Loss

The '92 matches would be the best ones, since those are the ones I haven't seen. I wasn't overly impressed with the '90-'91 ones.

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Guest LooneyTune

HHH's best matches were with The Rock. I would probably say the same for The Rock, except Austin had some good matches with the Rock as well. All of Michaels/Hunters matches have been either boring, dull, or just plain over-booked crap.


None of Bret and Shawns matches are that memorable in terms of workrate. The best would maybe be the WM Ironman match (***-ish, depending on my mood when watching). Survivor Series '97 is significant because of the You-Know-What, the Survivor Series 1992 match was a bit on the boring side, and any other matches they've had are forgetable, horribly worked, and just both men phoning it in (mainly every match on CV).

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Guest Loss

Agreed on HHH/Rock, at least as far as HHH is concerned. I'd probably put HHH fourth on the list of Rocky's best opponents though, after Austin, Jericho and Benoit, in that order.

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Guest bigm350



Austin's best work was against Bret.

As far as a longstanding feud. If we're going by ring work, then I stand corrected and agree that Bret was Austin's best opponent.

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