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Vince Russo presents GLORY wrestling

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Vince Russo presents GLORY wrestling!


This show for 2/20 at The Covenant Life Worship Center in Chickamauga, Georgia was a great show!


Scott D'Amore and Scott Hudson come out to announce the action and begin to experience technical difficulties....but it's not technical difficulties...its FATHER JAMES MITCHELL! through some eerie background noise and red light Mitchell says everyone there is there to worship HIM! and that everyone is wasting their time with God. Mitchell says through his power wives will turn against husbands!(foreshadowing? lol)


Sonny Siaki and Desire are backstage with their kids and Mitchell comes in and tells them that they're stupid and that they've earned everything by themselves. Sonny tells Mitchell that God provides and that it is through Him that all things are possible.



David Young vs Sonny Siaki

Mitchell comes out and begins to bother Siaki's kids, David Young preoccupies the ref as Siaki is yelling at Mitchell, Desire climbs in the ring and pulls out a chain! she nails Siaki and David Young gives him a Spinebuster! Traci Brooks comes down to comfort Siaki.


Winner: David Young


Mike Sanders and Disco Inferno cut a heel promo saying the people needed a leader and that they were the answer. Adam Jacobs and his "mentor" Johnny Swinger answer the call



Sanders and Disco vs Jacobs and Swinger

Swinger becomes frustrated with Jacobs as Disco and Sanders beat up on him. Swinger gives up on Jacobs and leaves! Disco and Sanders get the win.


Winner: Sanders and Disco


Desire talks some smack and Traci Brooks comes out and they brawl to the ring!



Desire vs Traci Brooks

Siaki comes out to help Brooks against Mitchell and Desire but KID KASH comes out and throws Siaki threw a table! Desire rolls up the stunned Traci Brooks for the win.


Winner: Desire


Siaki is picked up from the broken table by officials and helped to the back as Kash and Mitchell are in the ring cutting a promo. Mike Sanders and Disco Inferno come out and do the"These people need a leader" bit again. Mitchell says Kash is his Goliath. Kash beats them up and JIMMY RAVE comes out to face Kash.



Jimmy Rave vs Kid Kash

Mitchell accidently grabs Kash's leg instead of Rave's! Jimmy Rave slams Kash down for the win as Mitchell trys to get in. Rave wins!


Winner: Jimmy Rave


Mitchell tells Kash that he's a disappointment. Kash tells Mitchell it's his(Mitchell's) fault he lost, then he pushes Mitchell down and leaves.


Mitchell regroups himself and says that his kingdom needs a queen...then he announces Queen Herod...it's ALAN FUNK! aka Bruce(Miss TNA)/Kwewi...who will face him?....one half of the TNA tag champions AMW: Chris Harris!



Chris Harris vs "Queen Herod"

The world heavyweight champion JEFF JARRETT comes out! he joins the announcers and then goes to the side of the ring and pulls Chris Harris's foot out from under him as he attempts to suplex Herod, causing Herod to fall on Harris for the pin.


Winner: "Queen Herod"


Jeff Jarrett says he deserves to be treated with respect and he WILL leave if not treated with respect! He gets lots of boos and then it's finally time...time for what? PRIME TIME! Elix Skipper comes out!



Jeff Jarrett vs Elix Skipper

They battle back and forth for a while and JJ puts him in the figure four....it's too much for Elix and JJ is declared the winner.


Winner: Jeff Jarrett


James Mitchell comes out and says he is proud of JJ. JJ tells him that he doesn't want anything to do with him and he tries to leave the building but runs into a carpenter, the carpenter "Joshua" tells JJ that his head isn't in the right place and just because he doesn't want anything to do with Mitchell still doesnt make him right. Carpenter Joshua comes to the ring and begins to talk about the glory of God. Mitchell says it's all foolishness and a giant man "Evil" cheap shots Joshua from behind!



Joshua vs Evil

Evil beats Joshua up as he bravely puts up a fight. He catches Evil offguard and rolls him up for the pin! Evil pounds on Joshua is taken out on a stretcher...The back clears and everyone is at ringside fighting!, Jeff Jarrett comes in to make the save! He clears the ring of everyone but Evil, who he gives a guitarshot to the head! Jarrett leaves and Joshua crawls back in. Vince Russo and Terry Taylor come to the ring to check on him. He gets to his feet and talks about the grace of God and how our savior Jesus Christ went through so much for us. He asks everyone to bow their heads and say a prayer with him, asking for forgiveness and the acceptance of Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior. He asks the people that prayed it to come forward and after everyone opens their eyes from prayer, all of the wrestlers are standing at the ring. Everyone claps for the dozens of people that went forward. Great Show and Great Message!


After the show I got autographs from Mike Sanders, Desire, Sonny Siaki, David Young, Traci, Scott Hudson, Vince Russo, Terry Taylor,Kid Kash, Swinger, Disco, Harris, Herod, Skipper, and Jimmy Rave. Jarrett, Mitchell, and "Evil" were the only ones that didn't sign autographs(typical Jarrett).


some notes:

Swinger is currently just waiting for the WWE to call him after he finishes his independent bookings through March he said.


Kid Kash IS attending MTSU in Murfreesboro, working on a degree in Bio-chemistry...no i'm not kidding


"Where Are They Now" get ready....the masked guy "Evil" was REESE aka Big Ron Studd aka Ron Reis aka Yeti!


Questions? Comments? [email protected]

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OK, this sounds like a must see in an incredible trainwreck kind of way.


Got to love even a religious themed show booked by Vince Russo has catfights, table breaks and SWERVES~!.


I mean, the main event is "Joshua" vs. "Evil" and ends with a Jeff Jarrett guitar shot and then a group prayer! This is like one of those bizzare JCW shows with ICP only with less profanity!


Where can I get my hands on this?

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Well, at least it sounds like much less of a disaster than all those ludicrous Christian-themed shows that Sting is always working. Who was Joshua?

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Guest MikeSC

I don't quite get the Christianity-pro wrestling connection. It would be like an MMA match for world peace.


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