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Guest Trivia247

On the Barbwire Cage

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Guest Trivia247

Im sure they did a good job in bleeding for the cage and get some point when JBL was going up top and manage to cut himself on the wire. But i think we were intially lead to believe this style match would be different.


The First time we heard of this it was Just...a Barbwire match. Now some of us who watch ECW knows that mean Barbwire for ropes and a bloodbath. We saw this as a Heyman brainchild gimmick and we got all interested in it. However it turned out to be the WCW Style Cage match with barbwire just hanging on top.


Now a few days back I was watching one of my W*ING tapes W*ING Kanemura & Migel Perez vs The Headhunters in a True Barbwire Cage match. Man it looked like a Cage with Chickenwire all across in between the bars. now that would have been a Barbwire cage match i'd would have beeen interested in seeing. But since its the WWE I doubt they would ever have the guts to do something that silly.


Was there anyone else kinda disappointed in what the gimmick was downgraded to?

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At least Hogan and Flair actually used the barbed wire as a weapon. Hogan got wirecutters, tore some of it down, and pulled it down to the ring.


JBL & Big Show didn't do jack shit.

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Guest curry_man2002

I thought they was gonna use some strands after the wire cutters came into play but no this is wwe.

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Guest Trivia247

See thats the thing, I thought like you all did intially that they were gonna go the WCW Uncensored route with the cage barbwire and such...But when the first word came out on the Barbwire match, the rumors flew of Heyman's involvement or if there was any involvement, which make one assumes that if the heyman rumor was factual that the match would be more in line of an actual ECW alla Puro Garbage wrestling Barbwire match.

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At least Hogan and Flair actually used the barbed wire as a weapon. Hogan got wirecutters, tore some of it down, and pulled it down to the ring.

Wasn't that the infamous "rubber tipped" barbed wire?

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The First time we heard of this it was Just...a Barbwire match. Now some of us who watch ECW knows that mean Barbwire for ropes and a bloodbath. We saw this as a Heyman brainchild gimmick and we got all interested in it.



Dusty Rhodes and Tully Blanchard had that style of a barbwire match long before ECW or Paul Heyman even existed. and I'm sure it was done long before I ever saw that.

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If I remember correctly, JBL was about to climb to the cage, saw the wire anc backed down.


He then tried to cut some but dropped the cutters.

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I think it makes the selling point of the whole PPV a bit of a rip-off, when the barbed wire was never really used. The least they could have done was cut off a section and teased using it, like having JBL tape his fist, wrap the wire around it, and go to hit Show, who would move out of the way.

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ECW never even used Barbed Wire all that often. Off the top of my head I can remember Public Enemy/Funks, Sandman/Raven, and Funk/Sabu.


As far as the barbed wire cage goes, I'm surprised not many people seem to remember the Sheepherders/Fantastics feud in UWF that saw the infamous barbed wire cage match. An Apter mag article about ten years ago ranked it among the ten most violent matches in wrestling history.

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I kinda expected the barbed wire would be a non-factor as soon as I saw the cage.


I mean, the whole POINT of it would be to keep the guys in. In order to keep them in, it would have to keep them AWAY from the wire. And then, apparantly, the rules allowed for cage escape victory? What's even the POINT then?

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave
I thought they was gonna use some strands after the wire cutters came into play but no this is wwe.

he may have been going too, but he dropped them

He didn't drop them. Go back and watch it. He throws them down, on purpose.

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