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Whatever Happened to Reckless Youth?

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He was under WWF development deal in the late 90s/early 00 I believe. He asked to get out of it and did. He went back to the indies and in 03 started going by the name Tom Carter. I think he still works shows.


Also worked one match in ECW in late 98. Nova agreed to put him over because he was going to be full time with the company. Worked his one match and didn't show up again. That's now Nova explained it.

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Didn't he suffer a career ending injury about a year ago?

Yeah I heard that too actually.

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He was under WWF development deal in the late 90s/early 00 I believe. He asked to get out of it and did. He went back to the indies and in 03 started going by the name Tom Carter. I think he still works shows.


Also worked one match in ECW in late 98. Nova agreed to put him over because he was going to be full time with the company. Worked his one match and didn't show up again. That's now Nova explained it.

Youth explains it as Heyman never sending him a contract despite promising to do so.


But he doesn't get booked in ROH or CZW anymore because he missed shows for both promotions. One or two shows it was because of his back, and another it was because his wife went into labor if I remember correctly.

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I'd rather put up with angry promoters than an angry wife wondering why I missed the birth of our child to play fight.

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I probably never would have thought of him again had I not read this!


And, you know, just a general commentary on the General Wrestling folder as a whole...


People can say whatever they want about the wrestling folders on here (you all know what I mean), but over the last month or two, there really have been some great topics in GW. Such as WCW tidbits, scrapped angles, etc. Unfortunately, I can not always say the same for the WWE folder, or any folder for that matter. That's all. -JM

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