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EVIL~! alkeiper

The OFFICIAL All-Time Draft Thread

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Guest Brian

Straight order? You mean you, Tom, and I are going to be bottom three every round?

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Guest LooneyTune

Dammit, and I thought those of us who got screwed by getting really late picks on odd-number rounds would get a fair exchange by doing the reverse starting Round 16 instead of going 1-20 for Round 15 and 1-20 for every round after that.

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Dammit, and I thought those of us who got screwed by getting really late picks on odd-number rounds would get a fair exchange by doing the reverse starting Round 16 instead of going 1-20 for Round 15 and 1-20 for every round after that.

You also got good picks on even numbered rounds.


In any case, the problem is that posters on the ends of the order would see close to 80 picks in between their turns. That seemed excessive. We'll do one at a time through the live portion tomorrow, and then I'll think about re-ordering the draft order.

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Guest LooneyTune

I'm over due for a good draft number, so I think that would be a good idea to change the draft order. Damn yahoo giving me last pick 3 straight times...

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On one hand, I feel bad for missing the draft and not even sending picks to Al. Much apologies to Al for both, as I was celebrating Easter with family and was nowhere near a computer for much of the weekend.


On the other hand, HOLY SHIT! Nice autopicks I got! THANKS AL! :)

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Guest LooneyTune

I think that's what the target is, but right now the drafting has been taking a more methodical pace, so I'm not sure if this round will be done by then.

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I'm off work at 9 but should be on by 9:30.


And I know I'm on the clock, I'm still deciding on something.

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