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Super Detailed Smackdown Spoilers

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- The WrestleMania ‘Lonely Road of Faith’ video was shown; I had read recent reports stating Bret Hart received boos during his segments and that was the case as well in Roanoke


Dark match


Joey Matthews & Johnny Nitro (w/ Melina) defeated Nunzio & Shannon Moore at 5:23 when Matthews pinned Nunzio after a flapjack / DDT double team move; Matthews, Nitro, and Melina had tons of charisma




Doug & Danny Basham defeated Hardcore Holly & Charlie Haas at 6:50 when Danny pinned Holly when, as Holly attempted the Alabama Slam, Doug kicked him allowing Danny to use a sunset flip to get the pin


- The Basic Instinct WrestleMania ad was shown


Spike Dudley pinned Scotty 2 Hotty at 6:00 when, as Scotty attempted a suplex into the ring, Spike flipped over, used a roll up, and grabbed the ropes for leverage


- Shirts were shot out to the crowd


Paul London pinned Akio at 11:07 when, immediately after Akio hit a hurricanrana off the top, London used a roll over intro a bridge to get the win; the bout was billed as a #1 contender match for the Cruiserweight title and Chavo Guerrero did guest commentary at ringside; after the match, Chavo and London locked eyes


- The Forrest Gump Eugene WrestleMania ad was shown


Booker T pinned John Heidenreich in a No DQ match at 8:43 with a good old fashioned chair shot over the head after hitting the scissors kick onto the chair and following with a Harlem side kick; not sure which program on which this will air but I assume Smackdown


- A promo for HHH vs. Batista at WrestleMania aired


- Smackdown began with a video recap of the previous week’s Cena / Orlando match


- JBL, Orlando, and the Bashams come to the ring along with four security guards, two of which were CW Anderson and Sonjay Dutt. JBL praises the new US Champion, runs down Cena, and says he and Orlando will beat Eddie & Rey for the tag belts later in the night. In reference to Eddie & Rey, JBL said, “My family came over here in a boat, not an inner tube!”; he then turned his attention to the hubcap US title belt, saying it was an insult to the history of the championship and that John Cena had taken the title and “made it into a sideshow”; as an act of symbolism to what he will do to Cena at WrestleMania, JBL dropped the belt in a trash can inside the ring and destroyed it thanks to some nifty pyro. In its place, the champion then presented Orlando – direct from WWE Headquarters – with the previous version of the US title belt.


- The Braveheart Triple H WrestleMania ad ran.


- A clip of Randy Orton challenging the Undertaker to a match at WrestleMania aired.


- Teddy Long was shown backstage with Carlito. Long played up Orton’s challenge and then ordered Carlito to go find the Undertaker to see whether or not Taker would accept the challenge. Carlito was not pleased.


- Eddie & Rey were shown backstage talking about their title defense against JBL & Orlando. Chavo comes in and half-heartedly wishes the two good luck.


- Josh Matthews was shown waiting outside the arena, microphone in hand.


- Carlito was shown somewhere in the arena looking for the Undertaker. At one point, the lights unexpectedly go out, causing Carlito to scream like a girl. As it turns out, it was just one of the stage guys flipping the switch, not knowing Carlito was in the area.


Mark Jindrak pinned Luther Reigns at 3:01 with a left hand punch. Jindrak jumped Reigns from behind as Luther was coming to the ring to start the match.


- John Cena is shown arriving to the arena and blows past Josh Matthews, simply saying he’s on his way to the ring.


- Cena comes out to the ring with a steel rod in hand and calls out JBL, Orlando, and the Bashams. The crowd continuously chants “Cena! Cena!” all the way through the segment. After a few moments, Teddy Long comes out and grants Cena a rematch against Orlando for the US title but Cena isn’t concerned about championships, he simply wants to kick the Cabinet’s ass, JBL included. Long says he can’t give him JBL because he doesn’t want an injury that could throw the Smackdown main event at WrestleMania in jeopardy. Cena replies by saying, “In this situation, you’re either part of the solution or part of the problem”. Since Long won’t give him JBL, Long is obviously part of the problem so Cena drops him with the FU.


- More shirts are shot out to the crowd. During the segment, a ladder is positioned in the ring and Angle’s gold belt is lowered on a cable from the rafters.


Kurt Angle defeated Mike Haywood in the Kurt Angle Invitational ladder match at 2:11 after applying the ankle lock. Angle never used the ladder as a weapon, stating he could put on a better ladder match than Shawn Michaels could at WrestleMania X. Prior to the bout, Angle had clips shown of HBK / Razor to refresh everyone’s memory. After the bout, Angle cut a promo at the top of the ladder, first mentioning how easy the ladder match was (“How hard was that?”), then having a clip of the Rockers at WrestleMania V shown, and saying Marty Jannetty was responsible for carrying the Rockers and had taught Michaels most of what he knows. Then, in a major shocker, Angle stated he would face Marty Jannetty in the ring the following week.


- The Dirty Harry / Undertaker WrestleMania ad was shown.


- Josh Matthews interviewed the Big Show (w/ Joy Giovanni) backstage in which Show accepted Akebono’s challenge to a sumo match at WrestleMania. A clip of their face-to-face confrontation in Japan was shown to refresh everyone’s memory.


- A video rundown of the matches signed for WrestleMania is shown with new additions being Trish / Christy and the 6-way ladder match.


- A promo for Christy’s Playboy was shown.


- Carlito comes out to the ring and kindly asks the Undertaker to please come out and respond to Randy Orton’s challenge to a match at WrestleMania, fearing that if he could not find Taker or get a response Teddy Long would fire him. Taker comes out to a thunderous ovation, immediately puts a choke on Carlito and cuts a promo saying that Orton would rest in peace at WM 21. Taker then hit the tombstone on Carlito.


- The Cabinet is shown backstage making their way to the ring.


- The Pulp Fiction WrestleMania ad was shown.


- The Hall of Fame segment was shown. Piper and Hogan got huge ovations. Only one person did I see boo Hogan’s segment.


- Randy Orton vs. the Undertaker is made official for WrestleMania by getting its own logo.


WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Champions Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated WWE Smackdown! World Champion John Bradshaw Layfield & WWE US Champion Orlando Jordan via disqualification at 14:15 when, as Rey attempted the 619 on Orlando, JBL hit the champion with a steel chair. The Bashams were in JBL and Orlando’s corner early on but were sent backstage at 7:30 for interfering. After the match, the Bashams returned and helped in beating down Eddie and Rey. Cena eventually ran out of the crowd – just a few feet away from me – jumped over the barrier and into the ring to make the save. I’m assuming the show ends with Cena in the ring having a stare-down with JBL in the crowd, who was just a few feet away.


- Cena cuts a long promo on JBL which eventually leads to the dark match main event.


John Cena & the Big Show defeated WWE Smackdown! World Champion John Bradshaw Layfield & WWE US Champion Orlando Jordan at 13:22 when Cena pinned Orlando with the FU and the Five Knuckle Shuffle; after the match, Cena left through the crowd


A very hot crowd. Small arena, maybe 8-9,000, but a very strong turn out compared to cards held there over the past few years. I was told they were expecting a sell out and after looking around it certainly seemed that way. No clue about how many were freebies.


This was the first time back since July 04 (Cena / JBL which drew horribly) and the first WWE TV taping here since November 1997 (Neidhart / HHH).


After the show, I met the Basham Brothers at Hooters. Very nice guys.

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So Angle is going back to being goofy?

When did he ever stop being goofy?


I must say, like every big match leading up to Wrestlemania in the last 6 years, the buildup for HBK vs. Angle has been sad and silly and actually made me far less willing to see the match. People who care about what they did in the 90s (which is the major selling point of this feud) have long since stopped watching wrestling, and this sure won't bring them back.

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I don't get it either but when he was featured in the video, he received scattered boos. And I don't mean scattered boos along with a big ovation, I mean silence and scattered boos.

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After the show, I met the Basham Brothers at Hooters. Very nice guys.


If only every live show report ended like this.

I dunno, the Hooters (Kirby) here in Houston is rather unimpressive. It's like the manager wants to focus more on food or something...

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What's the deal with Angle, Reigns, and Jindrak? I thought they were a stable? You would figure Angle would be concerned over 2 guys in his group bickering with eachother. Did the stable break-up, or has WWE pulled their usual "we're bored with this group, so we'll act like they were never together" routine?

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It's not like anyone cares about Luther and Jindrak anyway, so it's likely Angle just saw them having a falling out and got wrapped up in this Michaels thing and basically said fuck it.

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What's the deal with Angle, Reigns, and Jindrak? I thought they were a stable? You would figure Angle would be concerned over 2 guys in his group bickering with eachother. Did the stable break-up, or has WWE pulled their usual "we're bored with this group, so we'll act like they were never together" routine?

That happened more or less with WGTT, all though I think it was WGTT that split from Angle...

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Guest Fook_Theta

^^^ I banged ur mom. :lol:


Anyway, I'll believe this when I see it on tv. Involving Marty Jannety is a potentially great thing, the only problems being Marty is all fucked up on drugs last I heard. Not as bad as Jake the Snake, but a pretty unhealthy habit.

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Guest Loss

Last I heard, Marty had gone through rehab and found God, which probably means he too qualifies to wrestle HHH 800 times and get clean wins over younger talent.

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Guest LooneyTune

Jannetty has never been treated like anything more than a few steps ahead JTTS with the one loan IC Title reign. This will either be a Gangrel (1 time thing) or a Viscera (Fill in for whenever on a show-to-show basis).

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