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NEW!! Episode III trailer........

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okay, finally saw this trailer on a PC with speakers! :lol:


Pretty chilling hearing Obi-Wan frantically yell "You were the chosen one!" to an Anakin that really is beyond listening to reason...it's up there with "You'll be expelled from the Jedi Order!' from Episode 2...

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This movie with will recieve a PG-13 ratings because many arms/hands will be severed, many decapitations will take place, a bunch of young Jedi kids (no older than five) will be murdered, a pregnant women will be force choked, someone's flesh will be melting off of their body after they fall in lava, a dying pregnant women will recieve a c-section to save her two babies (although we will not see it, it most definately will be implied).

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This movie with will recieve a PG-13 ratings because many arms/hands will be severed, many decapitations will take place, a bunch of young Jedi kids (no older than five) will be murdered, a pregnant women will be force choked, someone's flesh will be melting off of their body after they fall in lava, a dying pregnant women will recieve a c-section to save her two babies (although we will not see it, it most definately will be implied).

CBright, you seem to know every detail of the movie so far. Are your spoilers reliable? What are your sources? I don't mind them, as long as you keep them in spoiler tags and don't reveal any major stuff.

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Just go to TheForce.net's ROTS Spoilers-Allowed forum. You'll learn everything there.


Or just ask me, whatever.


The Force choke on Padme isn't confirmed yet.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I don't even really like Star Wars, but that trailer was serious.

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The Episode III graphic novel came out today. Although its an abbreviated verison of the movie, its a pretty good read.



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This movie with will recieve a PG-13 ratings because many arms/hands will be severed, many decapitations will take place, a bunch of young Jedi kids (no older than five) will be murdered, a pregnant women will be force choked, someone's flesh will be melting off of their body after they fall in lava, a dying pregnant women will recieve a c-section to save her two babies (although we will not see it, it most definately will be implied).

I hope they give her a lightsabre C-Section.


"And I thought she smelled bad...on the outside!"

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Hey CBright, I doubt you noticed in the sea of posts over there, but I shout-out'ed you over at TheForce.net's Episode III Spoiler forum. For more old schooler types, Kamui's over there too, and damned if he hasn't gotten worse since he was banished from here.

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About these, the first one shows how some parts of The Duel might have been a little too hard to do even with today's technology (not to mention really overdone; I mean, fighting on a rock floating in a lava stream?).


The second makes me wince and fear that the acting and dialogue might (again) totally undermine what should have been an absolutely mindblowing film. That Anakin/Padme exchange isn't too bad until her line. Oof.

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Hey CBright, I doubt you noticed in the sea of posts over there, but I shout-out'ed you over at TheForce.net's Episode III Spoiler forum. For more old schooler types, Kamui's over there too, and damned if he hasn't gotten worse since he was banished from here.

Yes, I saw you over there. I even shouted you back.


It's fucking crazy on the SW boards right now.

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Hey CBright, I doubt you noticed in the sea of posts over there, but I shout-out'ed you over at TheForce.net's Episode III Spoiler forum. For more old schooler types, Kamui's over there too, and damned if he hasn't gotten worse since he was banished from here.

Yes, I saw you over there. I even shouted you back.

Ah, sorry, must've missed it. That place is way too busy to attempt to carry on a one-on-one exchange. I love how some called me a troll or "grumpy fan" because I was underwhelmed by the acting.

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Underwhelmed by the acting? That doesn't make you a troll. That just means your ears are connected to your brain.

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After people got on me and other worriers a little more, I posted this:


Yeah, he'll be in line at midnight and so will I, even with a Dooku lightsaber in hand because I'd like to geek a little bit for the last film. I'll also buy the DVD when it comes out and probably the Making Of book if I'm able to afford it at the time. I'm a fan, and I think by my wanting it to be as good as it can be is really the best thing a fan can do, because doing that leads to more interest from more people, a larger fanbase, more money made, and more material being produced. I don't say I could do it better, because all that needs refinement is the final execution. I certainly couldn't conceptualize a better story all by myself. It just seems really hard for Lucas to let someone else handle his stuff, and I understand that completely. Still, you'd think that after two other films that people said could have greatly benefitted from another person directing or assisting in the writing, he'd notice. He's a great artist, you'd think he'd know his limits. It's apparent that he doesn't, probably using the (pretty valid, I admit) rationale that it's been this successful thus far so there's no reason to fix what isn't broken.


I didn't realize the degree to which the real movie-making aspects had been foregone in the prequels until I got the AOTC DVD and listened to the commentary. While Lucas is trying to stay on point and talk about the story and what's important in it, all the other dudes can do is talk about the effects and how cool they were (where [i think] Rick McCallum gushes over Lucas's imagination during the Geonosis battle sequence legit makes you smell the brown covering his entire head). No one really makes reference to the performers or how they might have worked themselves up for a scene or how they might have been directed, or lines were altered, or any of that. Really basic ingredients for a good film are ignored.


Old-school style serial or not, the cutting edge effects and complexity in the story alone contradict the "this is meant to be like crummy old episodic serials so don't overanalyze" adherents. This is a major, MAJOR, feature-length film, those were shorts. The structure is like those yes, but that's really as far as you can legitimately use that explanation.


The originals pulled me in not because of the effects, I first saw them in the mid-90s and had already seen CGI dinosaurs and a liquid metal man fight a cyborg Schwarzenegger. I was drawn in by this amazing tale that had characters who made me care for them through their convincing performances. When someone was in peril, I was worried for them. When someone perished, I felt grief. A performance is only as good as they're able to make you care about their character. To be honest, I haven't given a damn about what happens to Padme so far. I have to remind myself that Anakin is Vader regularly, not because he started out as a little kid and a well-meaning teenager but because nothing in this so far has made me remotely think that this person could ever be as awesome as the "blackest brother in the galaxy, Nubian God!" Someone made the argument that it's meant to show how different Anakin is after he turns to the dark side, but that's one place where I don't buy an explanation. If the first three are meant to show the descent into darkness and the metamorphosis from Republic to Empire, why don't I feel any of that happening, even though I know it is as I'm watching? To be fair though, the films are succeeding magnificently in showing the decline of the Republic and its weakening from within until paranoid hysteria and personal interests finally push democracy to the side fully.


Obi-Wan's the MVP of the saga because Ewan's managed to play a damn good young Kenobi consistent with the already established older one as a model, and Qui-Gon's the ideal Jedi in my mind thanks to Liam Neeson's film-saving (especially in light of him not having a template of an OT character to use as a base) performance in TPM. The Emperor who felt like he was just kinda there in the OT is really brought to life by Ian's damn near flawless execution and simple voice intonation so far.


But if you want to take my simple want to feel like I should care about the characters as "I want Lucas's head on a stick so I can make these myself because I'm the god, I'M THE GOD!"... then go right ahead.

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They just told me not to watch it if I hated it so much. I feel like some of the super smarky smarks on this board when I'm over there, except they gush over EVERYTHING, while the people here will at least still have some mild complaints.

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To be fair though, the films are succeeding magnificently in showing the decline of the Republic and its weakening from within until paranoid hysteria and personal interests finally push democracy to the side fully.


Obi-Wan's the MVP of the saga because Ewan's managed to play a damn good young Kenobi consistent with the already established older one as a model, and Qui-Gon's the ideal Jedi in my mind thanks to Liam Neeson's film-saving (especially in light of him not having a template of an OT character to use as a base) performance in TPM. The Emperor who felt like he was just kinda there in the OT is really brought to life by Ian's damn near flawless execution and simple voice intonation so far.


Couldn't agree more.


BTW, I meet more and more people who say they really loved Liam in Phantom Menace, even if the rest of the movie blew.



Based on the magnificent story being told in the Revenge of the Sith novelization, I think we'll appreciate the other tow prequels more once we see how the 6 pieces fit together...even if Attack of the Clones was mostly crap.

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