bob_barron 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2005 SNL Review- David Spade/Jack Johnson At the end of this review is a review of Katie Holmes/Dave Matthews from Feb 2000. SNL Moment #7: 7. A kangaroo does Will Ferrell in the ass The last skit is usually the skit they stick at the end for timing purposes. It’s 12:50, the musical act is over, let’s put on the skit that’s about 4-5 minutes long and will be whatever. The Hugh Jackman show was different however- maybe it was because of the content or maybe it was because the show was so good that they didn’t know where to put anything, but what happened here ended up being one of the funniest skits in SNL history. Everything comes together here and it works perfectly. THE MOMENT: Hugh Jackman is sitting in a chair in front of a crackling fireplace talking about the traditions of Christmas. Apparently in Australia a kangaroo visits your house for presents and you fight the kangaroo and if you win- you get the presents. Hugh Jackman’s dad (Will Ferrell) apparently was quite good at fighting and because of this- young Hugh enjoyed Christmas a lot. Then he was 12- tragedy struck. The kangaroo won- which meant no presents for Hugh and of course- his father was sodomized by the Christmas kangaroo. I was amazed they were still on the air at this point. Sadly for Hugh- his father lost the next four years in a row. One year the kangaroo shows up while his dad is fixing his hair and wearing a tight T-shirt. A couple of light slaps and Hugh’s dad is defeated and he sends the kids off to get the kids a drink while the kangaroo does him in the ass. It should be noted that Will Ferrell’s in and out Australian accent MAKES this skit. When Hugh was 17- he put a stop to all of this. His dad showed up wearing the same tight T-shirt and ridiculously short shorts. He’s ready for the kangaroo (now named Freckles) to do him in the ass but Hugh spears him throw in the window. I have to mention that once again Ferrell’s in and out Australian accent is awesome. We wrap up with Hugh Jackman giving us a Jerry Springer-esque Final Thought: And that's how the Christmas Kangaroo's reign of terror ended. Now, sure, on Christmas morning all the Australian boys and girls might not get toys, but it spared the horror of watching a giant marsupial taking their old man to browntown. As Hugh says the last line, he starts laughing as not even he can believe he is saying this. And so ends the story of Christmas Kangaroo- one of SNL’s greatest skits and probably one of the best if not the best last skit in SNL history. I mean what’s funnier then seeing an old man get taken to browntown? Sports Report- Nets- They were playing so well but I think the injury bug has caught up to them and a tough schedule filled with back to backs doesn’t help. VC hasn’t been playing great recently- I think carrying all the load is getting tough for him. They’re so close to a playoff spot- they just need to get a couple wins together and make a push. Nenad Kristic has been improving and I’m happy Frank is giving Planinic a boost on the depth chart. Mailbag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- Chad Ruffner writes- Although I enjoyed several things about Monday's Raw; (The Main Event, The Cena/JBL "A Few Good Men" spoof, and The announcement Stone Cold will be a host on Piper's Pit at WM 21.), the bad once again outweighed the good for me this week. Most disappointing was The follow up to Batista turning on HHH last week. Monday's crowd didn't seem really Into Batista either. Both of them cutting generic, going through the motions promos didn't help. Hopefully will see better of these 2 In the weeks ahead. The Rest of The Program was once again throwaway garbage that did nothing to get me excited about seeing WM. Hopefully that will change In the next month or so, but with word going around that HHH and Stephanie are running things In Vince's absence, I have my reservations. We'll see. What did you think? Later, Chad Benoit v. Hussein was a trainwreck- as was Shelton v. Snitsky but I think the main event more then made up for it. Batista’s promo was kind of bad- but he’s learning and I don’t think it killed all his heat or anything. Austin on Piper’s Pit has trainwreck written all over it. Piper hasn’t said anything coherently since 1992 and Austin has the tendency to ramble on and say little. It’ll be cool seeing Hot Rod eat a stunner. [email protected] writes- Hey Bob, It's Ken Hayashi from Voy. As you know, several more matches have been added or will be added to the final card for Wrestlemania 21. I was wondering if you could give your thoughts on what has been announced/rumoured for the big show on April 3. From what we've seen or heard, the following have been or are close to being confirmed: Orton v. Taker- Legend Killer v. Legend E Eddy v. Rey Rey Jericho v. Benoit v. Shelton v. Edge v. Christian v. Kane- Ladder Match Trish v. Christy Hemme- Women's Title Big Show v. Akebono- Sumo Match Piper's Pit with Stone Cold Hopefully, Orton can carry Taker through a watchable match, but I don't have my fingers crossed. Eddy v. Rey Rey doesn't sound too exciting since they've done that match before, and I don't see a reason for having it. The Six-Pack Ladder Match is just lazy booking, and the ladder gimmick is very tired. Trish v. Christy seems like a joke, and reminds me how RAW's women's division is missing fresh talent. Big Show v. Akebono would be a good opportunity for a piss break. And I have a feeling that Hogan will make a surprise appearance during Piper's interview with Stone Cold. Anyway, what do you think, Bob? Later, Ken Orton v. Taker is a weird matchup. No one is going to be rooting for Orton so if they try to give him any face spots the match is going to die. I don’t like either guy but I want Taker to keep the streak so I’ll be pissed if Orton wins. It could be good though. Eddy v. Rey Rey if given enough time should be really good. The LA crowd will love both guys so it’ll have strong heat. If they let the guys take real bumps in the ladder match and not pussy protected bumps like at Unforgiven- it could rule. Trish v. Christy has trainwreck potential. Austin on Piper’s Pit I think is an excuse to give Piper a stunner and nothing more. It will be interesting trying to understand Hot Rod though. Wanna be in the mailbag?????? Email me at [email protected] And now the review…. Cold Opening Cast- David Spade, Amy Poehler, Rachel Dratch, Maya Rudolph, Rob Riggle Thoughts- I missed the first few seconds because I was peeing so I missed who Amy and Riggle were playing but I thought the interplay was cute. I was thinking Ana Gasteyer would be coming back to play Martha so I was surprised to see Spade. I have to say his “I don’t give a crap” style impression worked really well here for some reason and it fit the skit perfectly. I didn’t think any of Martha’s interaction with her employees was very funny but Spade had some good lines here and this worked overall. *** Monologue Cast- Spade, JB Smoove, Not Dana Carvey, Paula Pell Thoughts- I’m calling that one guy Not Dana Carvey because well, he looked like Dana Carvey- but he wasn’t. I was hoping someone would ask Spade “Why didn’t you go to Chris Farley’s funeral?” because then this monologue would’ve been ***** easily no questions asked. Also any question pertaining to Lost and Found like: a) Why did you write Lost and Found? b) Why did you think people would take you seriously as a romantic lead? c) How did you get Sophie Marceau in this movie? d) Is it sad that you probably have bigger tits then her? e) Isn’t it pathetic that you had Artie Lange dye his hair blonde because you pathetically couldn’t get over the loss of Farley and you realised your movie career was kind of dead at this point? f) Seriously- why didn’t you go to Farley’s funeral? Okay I’m done knocking Spade for now as I also find this funny. I enjoyed his analysing of the Capital One commercials like it had meaning and again his “I don’t care” attitude really worked here. Kudos to Spade for being able to mock himself even though I think some 8 Simple Rules barbs were needed. I mean- why is he even hosting? ***1/4 Crazy People who have Artsy Stuff Cast- Spade, Rachel Dratch, Fred Armisen, Maya Rudolph, Chris Parnell Thoughts- David Spade mode on. Art people: We’re these crazy art people who have a crazy house and a weird servant and it’s oh so funny. David Spade: Buh-bye. David Spade mode off. You know- I was dreading what recurring character would be in that house and to my shock and complete dismay- it was those people who were horrible on the Topher Grace show. Spade tried here but it’s like Darius Washington in a high pressure situation- you hope for something good but it’s just not going to happen. I think this is one of those skits that amuse the writers a lot so we’ll probably see it back again even though it has this fatal flaw: It’s not funny. It’s bizarre and stupid- but isn’t funny. And with SNL being a comedy show- that’s kinda the requirement to get on the show. Anyway this sucked really bad and made me miss hockey. I laughed maybe once at Lost and Found- I didn’t laugh once at this. Let’s please never see this again. DUD Deaf Judge/Idiot Doctor Cast- Spade, Seth Meyers, Dratch, Parnell Thoughts- Damn you idiot doctor!! This was so stupid it was really funny and I was ready to give out star ratings galore. But idiot doctor just killed it as it wasn’t very funny. The absurdity of Deaf Judge (Seth saying what all the time, his lack of lip reading skills, the lack of hearing aid) was all totally awesome. Idiot Doctor on the other end was just dumb. It wasn’t funny- it was just stupid. I wish I could give this a higher rating but I really can’t. **3/4 Stunt Double Cast- Spade, Meyers, Dratch, Poehler, Horatio Sanz Thoughts- First of all I have to give it up to Seth for getting his Red Sox hat on the air. In one of those bad paparazzi skits I remember they compared Spade to Dakota Fanning so it was nice to see that brought up again. I thought Horatio as Vin Diesel was horrible but I kinda think it was supposed to be. Either way I didn’t like it. Spade was hilarious here. I loved all of his one liners and Hollywood Minute and receptionist like remarks. The skit ran a bit long and Amy as Spade's stunt double was too hit and miss- but Spade carried this one and again- ended up making it work. ***1/4 Woomba Cast- Tina Fey, Dratch, Rudolph, Poehler Thoughts- I guess Tina thought: Hey- I haven’t mentioned the female vagina enough during my tenure at SNL- maybe I should do a commercial parody about it. This was funny but went on a bit too long. Did we need to see the Woomba chase Maya Rudolph through the woods? Probably not. Tina in a towel was nice but it didn’t save the skit or anything. Still- this was a funny commercial parody. *** Jail Cast- Spade, Dratch, Thompson, Rob Riggle Thoughts- I have to give congratulations to Rob Riggle for having his first true standout role skit- and as an added bonus- it happened to be funny too! I thought Spade and Riggle had good chemistry here and Spade was on here as Spider. The bits where he wanted Riggle to prison rape him were really funny and I liked Riggle’s constant reminders that they were the only ones in the cell and that it was a holding cell. For a show that’s had horrible writing recently- this skit was pretty well written. I thought it went on a bit too long and dragged a few times but this was a surprisingly good skit. ***1/2 Jack Johnson Thoughts- I didn’t know who Jack Johnson was before SNL and I’m still kind of confused as to whether Jack Johnson is the name of the band or the name of the main dude- because naming your kid John Johnson is kinda screwed up. Anyway this was a nice, short and to the point song and that’s how I like my musical guests to be. Good stuff here. ***1/4 Weekend Update Cast- Fey, Poehler, Sanz Thoughts- I’ll give the girls credit- they were funnier then usual. They still had way too many clunkers and cringe worthy things going on but I felt joke-wise that this was one of Amy and Tina’s better Updates. I also have to give kudos to Tina for not making a stale Bush joke. You’re making progress! Amy still has delivery problems and that hip-hop bit was horrible. But I like I said- there were a lot of jokes that I thought were actually really funny. Hopefully (since Amy isn’t getting fired) they can improve on the joke writing and become solid. But honestly- Horatio should be stopped at the border and arrested for cocaine anytime he tries to get near the desk. If Amy is pretty much openly admitting Horatio's bit isn't funny and Tina makes her 'That sucked' face everytime he's on- well- WHY IS HE ALWAYS ON UPDATE? It was fun when we could blame Jimmy and move on but the blame kind of falls on Tina for this as she should be more upfront with Lorne about what sucks on Update. I did laugh a couple times at Horatio in spite of myself but I kept flipping to CP24 to check the time and to see how long it was- that’s not a good sign. Amy and Tina were better then usual but once again just couldn’t put together anything good. **1/4 Sean Penn Celebrity Roast Cast- Spade, Meyers, Darrell Hammond, Armisen, Fey, Dratch, Forte, Thomspon, Finesse Mitchell, Riggle Thoughts- This was funny but I felt it could’ve been so much more. Seth’s Sean Penn impression was hilarious and his comments before Bernie Mac’s roast owned. He was awesome throughout. Kenan was okay as Bernie Mac- I just didn’t think he had enough funny lines. Fred usually can deliver a great impression but he was totally off as Carlin. It was really awkward and just didn’t work. Spade saved the skit with his hilarious Owen Wilson bit- even though the material was often weak tonight- Spade came through and helped save or make good a lot of skits. I also laughed at the very short interplay between Larry the Cable Guy and Penn and Tina was funny as Bea Arthur. This was good but I felt with better writing and better impressions this could’ve been ****+. ***1/4 UPS Guy Cast- Spade, Dratch, Rudolph, Poehler, Fey Thoughts- I was getting into this skit. Even though nothing was happening, I was confident in SNL’s or Spade’s (since this seemed like something he’s write) ability to pay this off with something really funny. In the end- we got one funny line from Seth and that was it. The pay-off was awful. He burns down the building? I mean come on. The only reason I didn’t change it to Lemony Snickett was because I kept thinking we’d get a great pay-off and we got something that would get laughed out of MadTV. This skit just pissed me off- I felt like had invested my time and energy into waiting to laugh my ass off- and got a building burning down. I do have to give Rachel credit for pointing out that she coughed when Spade said bless you- thinking she sneezed. I always correct people when I get a bless you for a cough and they always shoot me this look- I’m glad I’m not the only jackass. This skit was really lame. ½* CeCe and Roger Cast- Spade, Parnell, Rudolph, Forte Thoughts- This is one of those skits where it’s not funny and then you get the joke of the skit and you’re like- oh- this skit still sucks. Well this is one of those skits. I laughed at a few of Spade’s taco jokes but the rest of this skit followed the Maya Rudolph 12:30 rule. ¾* Bear City Thoughts- I had been reading about a cut Bear City involving a wheelchair bear. Cripples usually equal funny. This was not funny. * Jack Johnson Thoughts- I’m a mark for harmonicas and I thought this was a perfect second song as it was fun to listen to and had a good upbeat tempo. Like I said, I had never heard of Jack Johnson before tonight and they did nothing to make me mock them or cause me to rant on. So good job guys. ***1/2 Joe Dirt Cast- Spade, Forte, Meyers, Armisen, Fey, Dratch, Sanz, Hammond, Riggle Thoughts- I’m calling this skit Joe Dirt because he looked like Joe Dirt and I don’t feel like thinking up a witty name for this at 3 am. I have to say that Skeeter might be one of the most versatile recurring characters in SNL history. This had its moments and worked a few times but just was too long and too drawn out and I felt at the end that they were just reaching for hick and redneck jokes at the end. I admire the effort though. **1/4 The Bottom Line- The avg. skit was **.4 making this another thumbs in the middle show. Spade tried but once again, weak material did him in. The show just can’t seem to find it right now and get over that hump to deliver a show that’s funny from top to bottom. They’ve had two good hosts now who should’ve easily delivered a thumbs up show and once again we get a disappointment. And like Bateman, the show had a good musical guest that helped a lot. The writing once again let down the show and a retooling is very much in order. Usually I would be confident in Ashton Kutcher but the show has let me down twice recently so I can’t say I have much hope. SNL needs something to get it back into the groove of good solid shows. I don’t know what it is save for a total overhaul (which is probably not needed) but it needs to find something and soon. Thumbs in the Middle And now time for the Retro Review….. SNL Retro Review- Katie Holmes/Dave Matthews Katie Holmes had just come off The Gift (where she shows her boobs) and of course was on Dawson’s Creek. Dave Matthews Band was probably plugging some album that fanboys loved but ended up sucking. SNL was finishing up an exhausting month that involved 3 live episodes and two twenty minute primetime extras- so it’s natural if this fell a little flat. Cold Opening Cast- Darrell Hammond, Chris Parnell, Horatio Sanz, Ana Gasteyer Thoughts- The scandal over Clinton’s last minute pardons was still brewing (seriously- the guy got in trouble for something he did HIS LAST DAY) and anytime Clinton is in trouble is a good thing because Darrell’s Clinton is sure to appear. This another in a long line of SNL’s ‘Clinton openly admits he can get away with it cause he can’ skits and damned if they all weren’t very funny. Parnell does a funny turn as Roger Clinton and Ana does a good Hillary as always. The bits at the end kind of sucks and brings this down a bit this was the usual from Darrell’s Clinton- for some reason this never gets old. ***3/4 Monologue Cast- Katie Holmes, Will Ferrell Thoughts- This monologue featured the WARDROBE MALFUNCTIONING STRAP OF DOOM as poor Katie Holmes’ strap would not stay on. SNL fanboys like myself who had not seen the Gift, were hoping she’d let it fall but alas some geeky set guy came on and fixed it. This features Will Ferrell trying to out tap-dance Katie Holmes and Holmes one-upping him at every turn. Will’s names for his tap dancing moves are hilarious and he helpfully overshadows Holmes’ craptastic performance. Thankfully Holmes totally redeems herself at the end by ripping off her shirt and doing a Chicago inspired dance number. For those of us who again, had not yet seen the Gift, this was awesome. Awesome Ferrell + gratuitous T&A= ***1/2 Mr. Peepers Cast- Holmes, Chris Kattan, Sanz, Jimmy Fallon Thoughts- Despite Norm’s hatred of this character, I have to say that Mr. Peepers can be pretty hit and miss. This, which is your required spoof of Dawson’s Creek, falls in the miss directory. If you’ve seen one Peepers you’ve seen them all. Watch Peepers spit on Katie Holmes! He crazily eats an apple! He gets to lie next to Katie Holmes and blow on her face! Wait a minute- you bastard! Using the current popular teen music for each scene was a nice touch but the rest of this skit was pretty boring. *1/2 Fire at Tom and Drew’s Cast- Holmes, Fallon, Tracy Morgan, Maya Rudolph Thoughts- A fire had recently occurred at the house of Tom Green and Drew Barrymore so SNL had to tackle this. Even though it’s essentially his Robin Williams. Jimmy does a really funny Tom Green and he is the highlight of the skit. Holmes’ Drew Barrymore is pretty terrible and Maya’s attempts at humour fall flat. Tracy’s cameo as the firefighter is hit and miss. This is all about Jimmy’s Tom Green and thanks to him he makes this work. *** TV Funhouse- Thoughts- The plot is that the Backstreet Boys fight crime with their suckitude. It’s a clever premise but Smigel instead turns into beating one joke into the ground. The first bit involving them is funny but then he just repeats the same joke over and over again. It’s a shame because this could’ve been really funny. ** Lovers Cast- Holmes, Ferrell, Fallon, Rachel Dratch Thoughts- I believe this was the first ever Lovers. It’s no secret that I hate the Lovers with an unbridled passion and it’s one of those Will Ferrell skits I never got into. I mean if you’ve seen one crappy Lovers- you’ve seen them all. Ferrell gets in a couple funny lines and I always liked the endings (with him screaming at Rachel) but it’s the Lovers so it’s bound to suck. Dave Matthews Band ‘I Did It’ Thoughts- Knowing that one of the guys of DMB did admit to doing it (guilty as charged) in a court of law- this song at least has the added value of irony to it. It’s still not very good and I never got how this band got such a huge following for singing such passé crap like this. *1/2 Weekend Update Cast- Fallon, Sanz, Parnell, Tina Fey Thoughts- First season Weekend Update- precious memories indeed. Jimmy and Tina both have some great jokes, a couple of unfortunate misses but for the most part they did a great job. The crowd didn’t like it, but I thought Tina’s Women’s News rant was hilarious. (As a licensed midwife- which I am not) Why can’t she do funny rants anymore? Seriously. The spoof of Stan took WAY too long to get to the point but the hot homosexual action was pretty funny- I especially enjoyed Jimmy’s reaction. Not a great Update bit still worth watching and better then anything Amy’s ever done. ***3/4 Jarrett’s Room Cast- Holmes, Fallon, Parnell, Sanz Thoughts- Even though Jarrett’s Room is officially done with- I’m STILL waiting for Jeff Jarrett to come out and El Kabong Jimmy Fallon. Jarrett’s Room didn’t reach it’s true potential until the next season when they added DJ Jonathan Feinstein. Until then it was just pot joke after pot joke with some of them missing and some of them hitting. Gobe was funny at the beginning here but he got old fast. As per her speciality tonight- Katie Holmes added nothing. ** Tough as Nails Cast- Holmes, Ferrell, Morgan, Parnell, Kattan Thoughts- The plot of this skit Katie Holmes squeezing Will Ferrell in the balls multiple times and then at the end she kicks him in the balls. All of this is for a movie btw. There’s not too much to this skit but a guy getting his groin is always funny and this is no different. *** Dave Matthews Band ‘The Space Between’ Thoughts- Had I been watching this when it aired I probably would’ve fallen asleep due to the fact that this song is pretty boring and their performance sucked too. As you can tell I never got into DMB. *1/2 Passive Aggressive Pam Cast- Holmes, Gasteyer, Ferrell, Sanz, Parnell, Rudolph, Minor Thoughts- This was like Debbie Downer pre-well Debbie Downer as Ana insults everyone in a nice way. The barbershop quarter that popped up randomly after some of PAP’s insults was the highlight of the skit as the rest of this was pretty lame- like Debbie Downer! *1/2 Cruise Ship Cast- Holmes, Parnell, Rudolph Thoughts- It’s the last skit of the night so I can’t say I was expecting anything. Parnell and Rudolph play two people on a singles cruise ship who have nothing in common as they reminisce about the cruise ship. The ending is too predictable and there isn’t really anything funny. ½* Bottom Line- Avg. skit was **.1 making this a thumbs down show. The writers were obviously burned out by this point from having to write so much material so you can’t really blame them here. An inspired and funny host was needed for the show to have a hope in hell of being good and this show had the wooden Katie Holmes whose only talent seemed to be looking hot. Luckily SNL had Conan O’Brien coming next. Thumbs Down Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mik 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2005 Bob, Jack Johnson is the guy... not the band. He is also a successful film maker and was a professional surfer. He headlines his own tours and I'd put him on par popularity wise with John Mayer, maybe a little less so. As for SNL - the Sean Penn celebrity roast was hilarious. Seth's facial expressions during everyone's comments were solid gold. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bob_barron 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2005 I looked him up on the imdb and well- there are too many people named Jack Johnson for me to find him. No matter how bad the material is- Seth is still trying to bring the funny and I appreciate him. The Penn roast was good but it could've been so much more Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
treble 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2005 Bear City! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bob_barron 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2005 Every week I read about a Bear City getting cut that involved a wheelchair and it made me so mad- since I thought it'd be funny. SNL should really never do another short film Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ted the Poster 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2005 Hopefully, Orton can carry Taker through a watchable match *head explodes* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strummer 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2005 Spade totally outshined the rest of the cast last night with his natural humor and charisma. The only one to match him was Seth and maybe Amy a little. I think that is a big problem with SNL today, is that while the cast is full of talented actors, they don't really have many naturally funny people on the roster. Is David Spade incredibly talented? No, but he is FUNNY. That was one the the most obvious carry jobs in SNL history, and Spade nearly pulled it off, but he only was able to get a little bit better than average show out of them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bob_barron 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2005 Spade totally outshined the rest of the cast last night with his natural humor and charisma. The only one to match him last was Seth and maybe Amy a little. I think that is a big problem with SNL today, is that while the cast is fully of talented actors, they don't really have many naturally funny people on the roster. Is David Spade incredibly talented? No, but he is FUNNY. That was one the the most obvious carry jobs in SNL history, and Spade nearly pulled it off, but he only was able to get a little bit better than average show out of them. Yea I totally agree. All the improvers like Seth and Amy are naturally funny but it was kind of sad watching Spade just rape some of those skits. I loved his I don't give a crap attitude too. What really makes me upset is that Bob Saget was in the audience- and that's the best show they could do for him??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DerangedHermit 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2005 I don't know, I liked Bear City, especially with the two human survivors - two kids (with cool names) that were quickly devoured - and then the handicapped bear stuff with the non-handicapped guy sneaking out of the handicapped stall. They fucking need to put a bullet in Weekend Update's head (ie. get rid of Tina Fey). I'd fire everybody but Seth Meyers, Amy Poehler, Kenan Thompson, Will Forte, Rob Riggle and possibly Fred Armisen. Nice job by David Spade doing a Flair-like carry job (I thought his funniness died with Farley, nice to see he has something left). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bob_barron 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2005 I don't know, I liked Bear City, especially with the two human survivors - two kids (with cool names) that were quickly devoured - and then the handicapped bear stuff with the non-handicapped guy sneaking out of the handicapped stall. The kids thing is in every Bear City- so the joke has worn thin with me. I probably would've liked it more if my expectations weren't so high for it. I mean I use the handicapped bathroom all the time. The one at Disneyland is awesome. They fucking need to put a bullet in Weekend Update's head (ie. get rid of Tina Fey). I'd fire everybody but Seth Meyers, Amy Poehler, Kenan Thompson, Will Forte, Rob Riggle and possibly Fred Armisen. Agreed 100%. Riggle is expendable though- while I don't think Fred is. He just didn't have a great night. Nice job by David Spade doing a Flair-like carry job (I thought his funniness died with Farley, nice to see he has something left). Spade did a good job but I wouldn't call it Flair-level. I think if it was Flair level the show would've been gone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest PlatinumBoy Report post Posted March 13, 2005 Bob--Spade didn't go to Chris' funeral?!?!!? I never heard this, could you shine some light on it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bob_barron 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2005 "I just couldn't have gone into a room where Chris was in a box." - David Spade on why he chose not to attend actor/friend Chris Farley's funeral. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasonX 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2005 I mean- why is he even hosting? Because Lorne saves at least one episode a season for SNL alumni to host and Spade was the only alumni who could commit to doing it this year? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bob_barron 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2005 That's not always true- In fact Spade was the first SNL Alum to host since Dan Aykroyd in May 2003. Not counting Conan, SNL went from 10/21/00-5/17/03, and 5/17/03-3/12/05 without having an alumni host. The 96-97 season had 7 alumni hosting (Carvey, Rock, Hartman, Downey, Jr., Short, Chase, Myers) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites