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Epic Reine

Nicknames that never caught on

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Facgime was just a joke because Edge and Christian didn't know the difference, I thought. It wasn't an official name on the chyron or anytihng

Yep on a June 2000 sd.


e and c backstage (this is not verbatim but pretty close)


Edge: If we beat the dudleys tonight we will so be in the good graces of the Faction

Christian: I thought they were called the regime?


Christian: Regime

Edge: Faction

Chrisitan: Regime

Edge: Ok lets just compromise and call them the facgime

Christian: Yea we are so working for the facgime tonight





Id assume this was a knock on the fact that they kept changing the name of that alliance (speaking of which the alliance circa 01 was originally called the coallition until around summerslam)

Alliance, coalition, regime, faction...most idiots that watch wrestling don't know the difference between any of those words anyway. You could make up some word that sounds like it is a large multi-part thing that is oppressive and evil and it would work. Like the "kachunkamate."

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Guest RTorres481

I belive when Kaentai debuted, they were known as Club Kamikazee for about a week.

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Guest PlatinumBoy
Chris Benoit, The Big Show, and (I think) Edge and Christian for two weeks in July 2000:



Don't forget Angle. I think he was in it, because he told Benoit how E & C have the Three I's.

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Guest LooneyTune

When were Christian and Jericho "Vitamin C"? I just thought that was one of those names people give it when they don't have an actual team name.

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Guest Eric the Eagle

The "elegantly evil" Tori. Who was, of course, never elegant at all...

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Guest Stunt Granny

Bart "The Hammer" Gunn


The Boy Wonder Shane McMahon


Owen had a bunch of nicknames after Bret left, Sole Survivor, Blackhart.


Wasn't his tag team with Jarrett called Canadian Country for like a week.

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I still remember Jericho playing off of his whole "Ayatollah" deal. I think it was before a match with Crash Holly, but he cut a pre-match promo. He said something about bowling, or something and said then said that after tonight he'd be "The Ayatollah Of Rock And Bowl-aaah!"


Vitamin C never really stuck for him and Christian, either.

The WWE also tried to may "Has-Been" the next "You Suck" for Jericho. Jericho to his credit helped the cause one night when he started to tell the crowd to stop chanting because he was "NOT A HAS BEEEN"


Only problem was, the crowd was not chanting "Has Been" they were chanting "Ass-Hole"



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"The Great One" is what the Rock used to call himself (when in reality everybody knew that that was Wayne Gretsky's nickname.) I can't remember the last time he's asked if anyone "wants to go one-on-one with the Great One."

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I remember it from like two pages ago.


Taker in his biker run, aside from that horrible "Booger Red" nickname, was also being called "Big Evil Red Devil" by JR. Man, that poor bastard really drew the short end of the stick.

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Can anyone remember Jim Ross using "those Damn Dudleyz" in 2000?


Edit: Scott "Flash" Norton in WCW was a bad one as well.

Are you kidding me? I still call him Scott "Flash" Norton. Remember Fire & Ice?


I think the only reason that Scott Norton's nickname didn't catch on with you (or anybody else for that matter) is that he was in NJPW all the time. That is, when he wasn't being the badass of the nWo B-Team.

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Speaking of Billy Gunn, I can remember Ross calling him "Billy G" on a couple of eps of Raw In late 2000 before "The One" failed moniker.

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I still remember Jericho playing off of his whole "Ayatollah" deal. I think it was before a match with Crash Holly, but he cut a pre-match promo. He said something about bowling, or something and said then said that after tonight he'd be "The Ayatollah Of Rock And Bowl-aaah!"


Vitamin C never really stuck for him and Christian, either.

Are you sure it was Jericho?


I vividly remember Cyrus in ECW using that one a few times, because of the dreadful Rock and Bowl show. Thrill Zone my ass.

Although Roller Jam was a guilty pleasure if there ever was one.

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Guest Frank_Nabbit
Can anyone remember Jim Ross using "those Damn Dudleyz" in 2000?


Edit: Scott "Flash" Norton in WCW was a bad one as well.

Are you kidding me? I still call him Scott "Flash" Norton. Remember Fire & Ice?


I think the only reason that Scott Norton's nickname didn't catch on with you (or anybody else for that matter) is that he was in NJPW all the time. That is, when he wasn't being the badass of the nWo B-Team.

His nickname was flash because of the speed he used to defeat his arm wrestling opponents during tourneys

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

UPYORS - Union of People you oughta respect Shane


Test, Big Show, Mankind...Shamrock?

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