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David Blazenwing

How much is WM 21 gonna cost this year?

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So it is one hour less and the same price? They know it isn't going to sway anyone's decision to buy it but it doesn't make it any cooler that they are exploiting that fact. There are 8 matches now, so that is, what, more than 6 bucks a match?

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All I know is that it costs to much for me to buy.

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If they even offer it, it'll be 49.95 for the webcast as well.

They are still charging 34.95 for the webcast of NO WAY OUT for crap sake.


But I don't even see a Wrestlemania webcast listed.

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8 matches in 4 hours? How can you guys buy this shit?

Well with HOF and Piper's Pit and lots of backstage stuff and video packages, plus matches getting a lot of time, I think they'll fill up the time pretty easily.


And really, Christy/Trish and Big Show/Akebono is shit and hopefully are kept short, so it's really more like 6 matches in four hours.

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Guest JericholicEdgeHead

$50 for 8 matches in a four hour show....or waiting a month and buying the DVD for half the price......A no-brainer for me, I can wait for the DVDs.


Now if they had added a few more good under card matches like a I-C Title match and a Tag-team title match it might have been a different story.


I wonder how the some of the mid-card guys feel considering that they won't be on the biggest show of the year but Akebono and Christy will?? I'm suprised Coach isn't in some sort of match.

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Considering my local Hooters still was showing PPVs, that's my option (wishes Buffalo Wild Wings was showing it though)

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Why you guys complaining?


That means more time provided for Rey Mysterio-Eddie, Angle-HBK, and the 6 Man Ladder Match to be fucking awesome

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They better offer a damn webcast. Even if it's the same price, the quality is legitamately better than my Time Warner digital cable's PPVs. We got New Year's Revolution from Time Warner and it kept freezing and skipping, it sucked. We got Rumble on the webcast and used my TV as a duel monitor for th ecomputer. Plus bonus matches made the Rumble the much better purchase.

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They better offer a damn webcast. Even if it's the same price, the quality is legitamately better than my Time Warner digital cable's PPVs. We got New Year's Revolution from Time Warner and it kept freezing and skipping, it sucked. We got Rumble on the webcast and used my TV as a duel monitor for th ecomputer. Plus bonus matches made the Rumble the much better purchase.

Yeah, there will be a webcast. Same price, but with the bonus matches, and you can rewatch for a week.

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