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EVIL~! alkeiper

All-Time Draft Free for All

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Wait, we're making two picks this round!?! Edited in my 2nd pick in that case then.

We're only making one pick. Some people are a round or two behind, which is why they're making second picks.

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Guest LooneyTune
2B Alfonso Soriano

Remind him that he's gotta hustle more... and ddn't he debut in 2002? :angry:

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Guest LooneyTune

Shit, Soriano has been around that long? God damn... and the can't hit shit stuff can be said about his entire playoff career with New York. He's gotta hold a record or something, because he seemed to strike out every at bat.

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Shit, Soriano has been around that long? God damn... and the can't hit shit stuff can be said about his entire playoff career with New York. He's gotta hold a record or something, because he seemed to strike out every at bat.

.233 .287 .336


That's his line in 38 playoff games, 146 at bats. Ugly.

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Guest LooneyTune

Good thing there's only 2 Rounds left... I've ran out of serious people to pick that I would actually use without having to pick people who have only been in the Majors for 5 years or less.

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Guest LooneyTune

For the "17th" Pick of Round 29 of the All-Time Draft, the Cleveland Spiders selects another 1st basemen, and it's another Yankee first basemen...



Tino Martinez

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Guest LooneyTune

Oscar Gamble, eh? Are you picking him for his talent for his 'fro?

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