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Fever Pitch

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Imagine if they made a movie about Isaac Newton, but people objected because the actor couldn't do calculus.

That comparison makes no sense.


Maybe I should have said:

Imagine if they made a movie about Isaac Newton, but people objected because the actor didn't like math.



My point is that its silly to expect an actor playing a part to have anything in common with the person they're playing (except possibly for major physical characteristics).

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I wonder if Jimmy wears a $46 Red Sox hat in the movie.


Regarding Fever Pitch: It just would've been cool had they got an actual Sox fan to play the role, instead of just making a movie a Jimmy Fallon-Drew Barrymore vehicle

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It just would've been cool had they got an actual Sox fan to play the role, instead of just making a movie a Jimmy Fallon-Drew Barrymore vehicle

You know what'd be cooler? If everyone went and saw "Sin City" instead.

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Adam sandler would have been better for this


An umbrella would have been better for this role.

Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore together I could buy, because they are both annoying and proof that it is possible to sell your soul to Satan for a movie career.


Cause nothing else explains why these two are even around.

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Well I may be in the minority who loves the wedding singer (i have the dvd too)


Actually, I like Sandler.

But anyone or anything would be better for this than Fallon.


And no, I don't dislike Fallon because girls like him. I dislike him because he's a second rate Adam Sandler with no real talent and his role in Taxi is proof he should have been removed from the set the moment he opened his mouth.


No one on Earth sucks the funny away faster than Jimmy Fallon.

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I disagree on Fallon being a second rate Sandler. He's leaps and bounds above Sandler when it comes to celebrity impressions- that's where Fallon's real talent lies and a lot of people forget that.


Taxi wasn't his fault. The scenes with Jimmy and Jennifer Esposito were my favourite part of the movie. When Jimmy was just being Jimmy the movie was actually funny, but they totally fucked it up by doing boring car chase after boring car chase and trying to make him into an action hero. Come on! No one is going to buy that

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The only way Taxi would have been funny is if halfway through the film, Fallon's character was wrapped in razor wire and ripped apart. Then at least half the film had a chance to be funny.


I have never once even chuckled at Fallon. He's the main reason I gave up on SNL. Now there are many more reasons I have given up on it but he was my intial sign that the show needed to meet an axe.

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I disagree on Fallon being a second rate Sandler. He's leaps and bounds above Sandler when it comes to celebrity impressions- that's where Fallon's real talent lies and a lot of people forget that.

Maybe he can do an impression of somebody who can act. OMG BURN!


Taxi wasn't his fault. The scenes with Jimmy and Jennifer Esposito were my favourite part of the movie. When Jimmy was just being Jimmy the movie was actually funny, but they totally fucked it up by doing boring car chase after boring car chase and trying to make him into an action hero. Come on! No one is going to buy that

Nobody is going to buy Fallon as a fucking DETECTIVE to begin with! Taxi is to movies what post-cocaine Robin Williams is to comedy, and the continued success of both has also made me realize that the world is full of more dullards than I thought.

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I have never once even chuckled at Fallon. He's the main reason I gave up on SNL. Now there are many more reasons I have given up on it but he was my intial sign that the show needed to meet an axe.


Jimmy was awesome his first couple years on SNL imo. His skit comedy work slipped when he joined WU but I thought it was a fair tradeoff since him and Fey had great chemistry at the desk.


Nobody is going to buy Fallon as a fucking DETECTIVE to begin with! Taxi is to movies what post-cocaine Robin Williams is to comedy, and the continued success of both has also made me realize that the world is full of more dullards than I thought.


Taxi didnt make much money at the box office. It is doing okay on home video though.

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I wonder if Jimmy wears a $46 Red Sox hat in the movie.


Regarding Fever Pitch: It just would've been cool had they got an actual Sox fan to play the role, instead of just making a movie a Jimmy Fallon-Drew Barrymore vehicle

Well there's Tom Hanks, romantic comedy vet that he is, and I think after stints as an A's fan and Tribe fan, is now rooting for the Sawx. I could live with that because Tom Hanks is always good, but the age difference might have been a little odd

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Then they could call it a new version of Harold and Maude, 'cept it'd be "Harrald 'en Mauwd".



You know, because it's in Boston.



Shut up.

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Back in the early '00s when I would turn into SNL out of boredom on Saturday Night (I usually worked Sunday mornings so no major partying), I could sit through the entire WU with a straight face


I don't know how Fey-Fallon lasted as long as they did

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Because they totally brought Weekend Update back into the mainstream again, gave SNL tons of positive media attention and critical acclaim, increased ratings and gave them lots of Emmy nominations.


Plus they were funny. That helps

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Guest TonyJaymzV1
It just would've been cool had they got an actual Sox fan to play the role, instead of just making a movie a Jimmy Fallon-Drew Barrymore vehicle

You know what'd be cooler? If everyone went and saw "Sin City" instead.

twice, even

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Plus they were funny.


Funny is subjective. Success isn't. Whether you liked the Fallon-Fey Weekend Update team or not you can't deny the critical acclaim, higher ratings and Emmy Awards they brought to SNL. They might not have been your cup of tea but there is no denying that they were highly successful.

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I did not know that they were "critically acclaimed" or the media loved them, yadda yadda


I do know, however, they weren't making me laugh

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I did not know that they were "critically acclaimed" or the media loved them, yadda yadda


I do know, however, they weren't making me laugh


Yeah no kidding. Desperate Housewives is critically acclaimed, I don't find it enjoyable in the least. Just because something is critically acclaimed and wins Emmys, doesn't mean it's the greatest thing on TV.


I've seen lots of pure crap get Emmys and critical acclaim.


Weekend Update hasn't been funny for years. From Colin Quinn to now, it's the least enjoyable part of SNL. Painfully unenjoyable.

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Colin was basically thrown to the wolves though. He was never meant to due Update, as his style didn't fit with the segment.


I never really cared for Norm's "Eh look, I'm all akward and stuff" schtick either. I haven't enjoyed Update truthfully since Kevin Nealon.

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I've seen lots of pure crap get Emmys and critical acclaim.


Weekend Update hasn't been funny for years. From Colin Quinn to now, it's the least enjoyable part of SNL. Painfully unenjoyable.

You cannot like them which is fine- I'm just pointing out that a lot of people DID like them and that they were more successful then anyone could've even hoped.


I mean I don't think Will Ferrell is as great as people say, but I know why I was being successful and I have no problem with him getting multiple best-ofs or tons of acclaim from people.


Fallon/Fey did more for SNL then a lot of people realise. They finally made people forget the Norm fiasco and destroyed a lot of the myths about SNL being a boys club and all that bullshit

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Colin was basically thrown to the wolves though. He was never meant to due Update, as his style didn't fit with the segment.


I never really cared for Norm's "Eh look, I'm all akward and stuff" schtick either. I haven't enjoyed Update truthfully since Kevin Nealon.

Yea- I liked Colin on WU but watching him fight the audience to get laughs. I feel so bad for him. He didn't even want to do it out of respect for Norm, but Norm gave him his blessing and said it was okay.


I of course am flagrantly biased towards Norm and all his OJ jokes. Nealon never did it for me.

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Quit talking about the fake news anchors like they're hot girls, Bob. It's really creepy, and while that may fit well with your stalker personality, looks, etc... yeah, it's just reeeeally creepy.

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Funny thing is, with Ferrell, I don't think he's terribly funny either (ex: he rarely made me laugh in Anchorman. Steve Carell totally carried that movie IMO), but I can get why people like him. I don't get the Fey-Fallon appeal though.


As for WU, I enjoyed it from Miller through Nealon through Norm. After the '95 exodus WU was the only part I'd watch. Once Norm got shit-canned though I totally stopped watching for the next couple years.

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