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So we got Homicide vs Franky The Mobster coming up in Quebec this saturday. Now, not knowing much about Homicide myself, I was hoping the fellow smarks would help me bone up on him so I can get a main idea of the guy.


What's he like in the ring? Stiff? Charismatic? Robot?


What's the finisher? Trademark moves, etc?


How's the crowd interaction?


That and any additional info that can help will be appreciated.



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Finishers: Cop Killa (Vertaebreaker), running lariat


Other moves: running corner yakuza kick, Diving Tornado DDT from middle buckle, Both Standing Super Butterfly Suplex, Belly-to-Belly Overhead Suplex, Bodyslam/Tombstone Piledriver combo, Running Corner Leaping Forearm, STF submission


Very stiff. Like Samoa Joe. Not sure if you ref'ed Joe/Steen, but he's very stiff like Joe. Very intense persona. Often compared to New Jack in that respect. Has a street thug gimmick like New Jack. Trained by Manny Fernandez. Ran his own training school for awhile ("The Dog House") and was responsible for training Low Ki, Grim Reefer, EC Negro, Jay Lethal, and many other stars.


Got into the business around '94 after living the street thug life and has devoted himself to wrestling ever since.


Has worked Al Snow, Steve Corino, Balls Mahoney, Sabu, and others.

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Joe/Steen wasn't me, but I've heard Joe left his mark on Steen's face. Well, several marks.


Does he lean more towards heel or face? Cuz I have a feeling he's not the most well-known indy guy in Quebec so our crowd might cheer Franky by default.

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I've seen Homicide get cheered a lot because he's so damn smooth and hard hitting in the ring, pulling out cool moves likes his tope con hilo.


Of course in ROH he's a big heel, but still sometimes gets cheers. I guess he's sort of heelish but in a cool way so people cheer him.

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Oh, I forgot - Homicide also uses a Running Corner Knee Wash. Anotherwards, he stands in the adjacent corner with the guy sitting in the corner, charges, and rams his knee across their face at full speed. It's a move as over in the U.S. as Joe's running boot face wash. Not sure how people will react to it in Canada.

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Think of New Jack in looks and personality/interview but he can actually wrestle. He works a stiff, agressive Japanese style. From what I've seen in ROH he likes to get into it with fans and acts like he's going to snap and attack them if they piss him off.

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If you've ever seen B-Boy wrestle, they're damn near identical twins.


He works a stiff, agressive Japanese style.

With good reason, since he's wrestled in Japan a lot. Mostly for Big Japan cuz of their connection to CZW, but also for Zero-One if I remember correctly.


Ran his own training school for awhile ("The Dog House") and was responsible for training Low Ki, Grim Reefer, EC Negro, Jay Lethal, and many other stars.

And Valentina.


All in all he's said to be a pretty cool dude in the back, but don't even think the words "Dan Maff" in his presence.

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Homicide is responsible for bringing guys like Dan Maff and Low Ki into the business, so you know he is stiff in the ring. As far as face/heel it is really up to him, he can be the silent but violent face or the guy that will pick a fight with any fan in attendence heel. I would guess he would play the opposite of whatever Franky the Mobster is. Looking at the date of the post it looks like this show already went down, so you could let us know how it went?

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Match was a bit odd. Franky was his usual cocky (but face) self while Homicide was just there. He was plenty stiff and intense but for some reason failed to connect with the crowd. Finish saw all three refs get decked. Loudest pop was when he teased the Cop Killah on my colleague, only to have Franky nail him with a boot to the face for the pin.


Pictures. Scroll down to Match 07.


He says he liked the match and he seemed happy. He's MUCH smaller than I expected. He looked like a child compared to 6'3, 210 lbs Franky. Our flyer made him look like a beast.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
Match was a bit odd. Franky was his usual cocky (but face) self while Homicide was just there. He was plenty stiff and intense but for some reason failed to connect with the crowd. Finish saw all three refs get decked. Loudest pop was when he teased the Cop Killah on my colleague, only to have Franky nail him with a boot to the face for the pin.


Pictures. Scroll down to Match 07.


He says he liked the match and he seemed happy. He's MUCH smaller than I expected. He looked like a child compared to 6'3, 210 lbs Franky. Our flyer made him look like a beast.

Thanks for the pics, just wondering though, Franky's only 210? I figured he'd be at least 230 ish by the look of him.

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