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Guest MikeSC

Since HBO is Doing a Documentary

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Guest MikeSC
The hosts use the same 'A is whacko, A is a liberal, therefore all liberals are whacko' slime tactic that the right wing hosts use, and they're not as good as hosts.


I think this would show that most liberals aren't as 'far-out' as they're portrayed though. Otherwise they'd be listening along and nodding their heads to all the conspiracy theories.


If they were less concerned about just slamming people, they'd do better, I think, or at least be more tolerable. I guess slamming other people is what sells. Damn shame.

Actually, the reason liberal talk radio is such a dud is that they don't NEED an alternative. They have the MSM on its side to begin with.


That, and they're startlingly unfunny.


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The problem with Air America is that they are a democrat-hack station. Here in Sacramento we get SOME of Air America's programming on our local 1240 Talk City station, and it can be merely okay at times, but the hosts fall into the same boring rhetoric of "if you aren't a DEMOCRAT, I don't want to hear it" kind of bullshit, which basically came about after the 2000 election when the #1 goal became to defeat Bush in 2004, even if it meant abandon any grass roots or 3rd party candidates, simply in the name of gravy training onto whichever guy with a (D) went against Bush. Call Air America for what it is, a DEMOCRAT think tank station, NOT a "liberal" radio station by far. See this is what bothers me about this new term being coined called, "progressive democrat" because all that really means is that you are too chicken-shit to just abandon the democratic party once and for all and go third party. As almost every "Progressive Democrat" known in the media, probably didn't vote democrat in 2000, but were duped into doing it in 2004, with an even weaker candidate at the helm. Air America calls itself the alternative, but I don't really hear anything from them that I can't hear from the (D)'s on KGO, and I personally think Bernie Ward & Ray T. are better then anyone on Air America besides maybe Randi Rhodes who actually came to the station with a long history of radio experience in the first place.


Also I have an issue with people calling Limbaugh and Michael Savage the same thing. They certainly are not, as Savage throws around the "neo-con" diss as much as any liberal talkshow host does. Savage is a traditional conservative that wants thinks to turn back to the "good ol' days" as where Rush Limbaugh is a tip-toeing Republican Hack that will fall in line with any administration in power that has an ® next to it. Not that I agree with either one perse, but if I had to choose, I'd choose Savage as he doesn't have any problem with regularly calling Bush, awful, and he is even slowly giving in to the "Democin/Republicrat" theory about the 2-part system. Also he is more interesting to listen to when he is not on a political topic.

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Guest MikeSC

Yet Rush has openly and repeatedly criticized Bush's immigration policy.


...Yes, in NCM's world, Savage is the sane conservative :rolleyes:

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Yet Rush has openly and repeatedly criticized Bush's immigration policy.


...Yes, in NCM's world, Savage is the sane conservative :rolleyes:

Ok, besides the immigration policy, what else have you got, and then you have to tell me there was no candidate that shared Bush's beliefs PLUS a strict immigration policy. Not to mention that immigration policy talk is almost useless as neither side cares to do anything about it, so it sounds nice to get on the radio and rile everyone up with some banter about "rotten illegals" however, since no mainstream politician endoreses fixing any said-problem, unless Rush is actively promoting a candidate that wants to do something about it, then it makes no difference.


Also, I never said Savage was more SANE, I just said he is a more traditional conservative and doesn't put those traditional views in the backseat just because the Republicans in control choose to act differently then traditional conservatives.

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Guest MikeSC
Yet Rush has openly and repeatedly criticized Bush's immigration policy.


...Yes, in NCM's world, Savage is the sane conservative :rolleyes:

Ok, besides the immigration policy, what else have you got, and then you have to tell me there was no candidate that shared Bush's beliefs PLUS a strict immigration policy.

The Medicare prescription benefit and signing McCain/Feingold were both criticized moves.

Also, I never said Savage was more SANE, I just said he is a more traditional conservative and doesn't put those traditional views in the backseat just because the Republicans in control choose to act differently then traditional conservatives.

You think he's mainstream because you assume conservatives are psychotic.


I have the whole "Dean is head of the DNC" to prove my bias about the left.


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You think he's mainstream because you assume conservatives are psychotic.





I didn't say Savage was more mainstream either, actually. Savage's whole schtick is basically that he is the lone voice out there left for traditional conservatives, and that most people, including fellow ®'s in power, are willing to throw their support behind anyone with an ® in the name of power, however that has nothing to do with being more mainstream or not as a radio host. I never said Traditional = Mainstream. Of course Limbaugh is more mainstream, but that is besides the point and irrelevent.

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Guest MikeSC

Savage is fucking insane. Plain and simple. His radio show is tiresome as hell (they replaced the infinitely better Phil Hendrie show here with his shitfest) and his TV show sucked hard.


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Guest Salacious Crumb

I had never heard Savage until I got my XM and it only took about 5 minutes for me to turn him off. Glenn Beck is the best conservative talk show host out there right now.

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Guest MikeSC
I had never heard Savage until I got my XM and it only took about 5 minutes for me to turn him off. Glenn Beck is the best conservative talk show host out there right now.

Glenn is really, really damned good. I do like Rush. Hannity is horrible. Savage is unlistenable. Hendrie is hilarious, but he's a Democrat who simply supported Bush over Kerry.


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Guest Salacious Crumb

Laura Ingram's show is pretty good, though there are way too many commercials.

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Guest MikeSC
Laura Ingram's show is pretty good, though there are way too many commercials.

I have never heard her show.


I'm honestly stunned Ann Coulter doesn't have one. Because her show would be friggin' awesome if she had one.


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I had never heard Savage until I got my XM and it only took about 5 minutes for me to turn him off.  Glenn Beck is the best conservative talk show host out there right now.

Glenn is really, really damned good. I do like Rush. Hannity is horrible. Savage is unlistenable. Hendrie is hilarious, but he's a Democrat who simply supported Bush over Kerry.


They replaced Glenn Beck with Tony Snow here in northwest Arkansas. I've never listened to Snow, but I didn't have a problem with Beck, aside from his apparent fear to say what he really thought about some things. I can't be sure, I just got that vibe from him. Hannity is too...something. I don't care for him. Savage is too loud and hateful. O'Reilly reminds of a loud-mouthed New Yorker (which he is...).


Rush is the man. He is funny, has some good stories and pretty much agrees with everything I do. Pretty much. Also with Rush, you don't get the religious stuff that Hannity and others bring to the table.


Does JBL still have his show? Also, Jerry Doyle (Michael Garibaldi from Babylon 5) has/d his own show, too. He was like the lone conservative in the whole B5 cast and crew. Hell...he is one of the few conservatives from the 'Wood.


The only Democrat I listen to is Jim Kramer on his show Real Money. It isn't a political show, but he occasionally brings up political topics.

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From XMFan.com:


XM Satellite Radio , the nation’s leading satellite radio provider with more than 3.77 million subscribers, has announced a new long-term agreement with Air America Radio, the national progressive entertainment talk radio network home to Al Franken, Randi Rhodes and Janeane Garofalo. As part of this agreement XM will be the official satellite radio network for Air America Radio.


Beginning in May, XM’s liberal talk channel, America Left (XM Channel 167) will be renamed Air America Radio. The channel will include an expanded line- up of Air America Radio programming, including the recently debuted "Springer on the Radio" hosted by Jerry Springer and upcoming "Rachel Maddow Show," among others. XM’s Air America Radio channel also will feature popular shows currently carried on America Left, including "The Ed Shultz Show" and "The Alan Colmes Show."


And it will still be located 1 channel down from America Right.

I've had those stations since I've gotten my XM Radio. I listened to America Left for a few minutes before I could not take it anymore. I'm sick of the conservative news channels, but they are every bit as bad, except on the other side. I just wish someone would put out a good show with intelligent hosts instead of the conservative and liberal loudmouths that infest the airwaves.

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If you haven't heard of him yet, listen to Neal Boortz. He's probably the closest host on the RIGHT-WING RADIO circuit that reflects my views. Beck is ok, but he's now on the same time as Boortz, so he gets the second alternative on my radio dial from 10 a.m. - noon. The better half LOVES Beck, and he was the guy that I think really got her to become a right-wing loon.


Rush is the man, plain and simple.


Hannity is ok, I guess. Although I tend to tune him out. Depending on his guest/topic I'll listen to him.


I love Savage, and I agree he is a nut. That's why I like him. I listen for entertainment.


I remember Kramer's show when I was in Cincy. It wasn't bad.


Also, is Dr. Laura still on? Haven't heard her in years. The only reason I'd tune her in is to listen to the rednecks calling in asking for advice when they have already made up their mind on staying with their abusive boyfriend.


Anyone listen to Mike Gallagher? He was on when I lived in Sappy Valley, but I'm no longer in a market with him...

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If you haven't heard of him yet, listen to Neal Boortz. He's probably the closest host on the RIGHT-WING RADIO circuit that reflects my views. Beck is ok, but he's now on the same time as Boortz, so he gets the second alternative on my radio dial from 10 a.m. - noon. The better half LOVES Beck, and he was the guy that I think really got her to become a right-wing loon.


Rush is the man, plain and simple.


Hannity is ok, I guess. Although I tend to tune him out. Depending on his guest/topic I'll listen to him.


I love Savage, and I agree he is a nut. That's why I like him. I listen for entertainment.


I remember Kramer's show when I was in Cincy. It wasn't bad.


Also, is Dr. Laura still on? Haven't heard her in years. The only reason I'd tune her in is to listen to the rednecks calling in asking for advice when they have already made up their mind on staying with their abusive boyfriend.


Anyone listen to Mike Gallagher? He was on when I lived in Sappy Valley, but I'm no longer in a market with him...

My mom loves Boortz. Isn't he a Libertarian?

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Yeah, and he says the biggest problem with the Party is that they focus on stupid pseudo-hippie stuff rather than the taking of private property by the government, which is what I've said for years and what is keeping me from registering as a libertarian...

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Yeah, and he says the biggest problem with the Party is that they focus on stupid pseudo-hippie stuff rather than the taking of private property by the government, which is what I've said for years and what is keeping me from registering as a libertarian...

Ever heard of TIF's?

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I like AL Franken, but he's best when doing skits, not straight up interviews. I get one of those semi AA stations, so we get Ed Schultz and Stephanie Miller. Miller is good, but I'm usually listening to Howard Stern for most of her show, then I'm in school. Schultz is okay, but he seems to take way too many commercial breaks. I can't really speak for Morning Sedition, although I did laugh when I tuned in once and Mick Foley put some arch conservative in an armbar. I've liked the bit of Rhodes and Springer(yes, Jerry Springer doing liberal talk radio, it's good) I've heard. My biggest problems are:

1. it's on a Clear Channel station

2. it gets very hard to tune in past 6 pm or so because they have to turn down their power in the evening or something.

if they had a more powerful signal, I might listen to them more during the "dead" parts of my day(3-7 basically if I'm not in class). As it is, I still like NPR better.

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Good grief, he has an "equal work for equal pay" poll going. Aside from my drive home, I don't listen to talk radio from 3-6...

What, exactly, is wrong with talking about equal pay?

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Guest MikeSC
Good grief, he has an "equal work for equal pay" poll going. Aside from my drive home, I don't listen to talk radio from 3-6...

What, exactly, is wrong with talking about equal pay?

If they're discussing the wage gap between the sexes, then the problem is that it's an utter myth.


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Good grief, he has an "equal work for equal pay" poll going. Aside from my drive home, I don't listen to talk radio from 3-6...

What, exactly, is wrong with talking about equal pay?

If they're discussing the wage gap between the sexes, then the problem is that it's an utter myth.



Infoplease disagrees

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Guest MikeSC
Good grief, he has an "equal work for equal pay" poll going. Aside from my drive home, I don't listen to talk radio from 3-6...

What, exactly, is wrong with talking about equal pay?

If they're discussing the wage gap between the sexes, then the problem is that it's an utter myth.



Infoplease disagrees

Which ignores some KEY things:


Such as that women take time off far more often than men do to take care of families. Women are far less willing to take high-risk (and, thus, high-paying) jobs.


How's this for some facts:


Amongst people betweem 27 and 33 who have no kids, women earn 98% of what men earn in identical positions.


Women take advantage of flexible scheduling far more than men do (85% of women take advantage of that).


Women 25 years of age and over have spent 4.4 yrs at their jobs, as opposed to 5.0 yrs for men --- largely because women do take time off for family concerns.


Women are far more likely to work part-time (married women prefer working part time by a 5:1 ratio to married men)


Women don't tend to enter the high-wage fields. Women take about 26.7% of computer science degrees.


The "wage gap" is almost universally caused by women making choices that indicate that they hold some things as more important than money. Which is a good thing.









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A little old, but another report

look toward the end

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