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The Amazing Rando

Wish vs. Prayer

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So one hand, there are prayers...requests to God or a divine being for an action to take place...


On the other hand, are wishes... requests to...??? ...for an action to take place...



Why do both of these terms exist? Is a wish nothing more than a prayer without the God factor? And if so, can a religious believer morally make wishes. Also, if you make a wish, is it possible to pray for it to come true or vice versa?




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When people pray, they Believe that they are really asking God to help.


When people wish, it's more or less just a sign of false hope and when you're literally at a loss as to what to do, you just reach out for something, ANYTHING, to help you out. You know it's bullshit but you're desperate.


Depending on your Religious beliefs, or lack thereof, you believe one or the other. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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But like I said... if you have God in your life, why wish at all? If everything is in God's Plan, a wish and a prayer will get the same answer. And in fact, a wish would be indiginent cause you didn't even bother to petition God for what you wanted, you just threw the request out there.


I know some religions do not allow prayer toward God, which is why my current standing on the issue is that wishing is prayer's loophole, so that the wisher doesn't have to reach out to anything specific, but can still let it be known that he or she wants the request to happen.

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I wished for a pony and it didn't come.

I prayed for a pony and God hit a horse with a car.


Either way I look at it, I didn't get my damn pony.


I don't think it's anything more than an expression. Prayers are used more for medical things like praying for the best while wishing is used for selfish needs.

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But God answers prayer. That's what the Bible says at least. Can't speak for non-Christian religions.


How that ties in with everything being in his plan? Perhaps it was part of His Plan for you to speak to him. With a philosophy of not bothering since it's all in his hands, reminds me of that story about that guy whose house is flooding. He's a religious fellow, and since you've probably never heard it I will tell it. I've heard it quite a few times in reference to a query similar to what you're asking. So a guy is in his house and there's a flood, so it's low level at first. Some fire truck comes by and offers to get him to safety before it gets serious. He says no it's okay, God says that if I pray for His help (you can see where this story is going) that I will be okay. So I will just pray for him to lift me out of this storm. So the guy asks God to deliver him out of the storm. Later it gets higher and he moves to the second floor, then a boat comes by, asks him if he needs help, he says no I will Pray to God about it. He Prays again. Finally, it's reached BIBLICAL proportions and the man is forced to go to his roof. A helicopter comes by and tells him to get on up, but the moron says No don't worry, God will save me. So...the man drowns, he's dead, he goes to Heaven and talks to God. Why didn't you save me when I prayed for your help? God says, "what are you talking about? I sent a fire truck, a boat, a helicopter..."


Basically, we are in control but we also aren't. I know that's kind of complicated and doesn't relate so much to what you're asking, but there is a connection there about how we Pray to God yet at the same time we have to acknowledge that in order to fulfill his plan for us we have to accept certain parts about it and follow certain tenets. Don't expect magic or anything.


lol, I can imagine someone like Dr.Tom reading through all of this about Prayer and his reaction to it. Me, you can tell by the fact that I capitalized certain words where I stand on the subject.

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^ The story you used above was spoken by William H Macy in the film "Northfork", but it does work well.




I'm not a religious person much at all (i'm still debating over all of that), but as I sit and think about it, I wonder why we have both wishing and praying to use, and most people do use both. They almost seem to go hand in hand, with the entire "God" piece of the puzzle just sort of THERE to be acknowledged when it is needed.


Wishes, in fiction, have been addressed to genies and all other sorts of people and creatures...but if you just out and out wish for something offhandedly...who is there to answer it? God answers prayers...he might say no alot...but he answers.


If there is some person or some thing there to answer wishes...how does this person or thing relate to God and religion? If there isn't an answerer, then the entire idea should just be forgotten and we should move on as a society and a culture. Pray for something if you have a God, or just sit there and let things happen as you believe has always happened.

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I heard the story long before NorthFork was released, if this is the same movie we're thinking of, which was in 2003.


As for the rest, I can only say that people simply wish to nothing in times of distress. They don't know what to do, and they are completely NOT in control of the situation, so they just hope against hope that there is something out there. I'm sure if you asked them normally, they probably wouldn't wish for anything, but when someone you know was in a bad car accident, even if you're not religious you start hoping for something.


That being said, I can't honestly speak for people that aren't a follower of some religion since I've never been a part of that crowd.

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Guest Brian

Because people naturally want to seek out something better in this world, a glimmer of hope. If we were all pessimists we'd be realists.

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I pray and wish.


I usually just say "I wish", when i'm talking about something. But never serisously thinking wishing will do anything. I do it more as a figure of speech for "I would like things to be this way"


I pray, but i don't think god changes anything for people. IMO. It doesn't make sense. If you have a destiny or fate. then why pray..it won't change, it's his plan.


I don't believe in destiny or fate. I don't pray for changes. I pray for people who have passed on mostly, forgiveness. stuff like that. I don't think god changes anything for anyone...i would love to be proven wrong on this....but i think we are 100% in control of what happens to us.

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I'd say that praying and wishing are merely ways for people to hope for something in their lives to improve without actually doing anything on their own. I think it's the idea that some other force will aid them. I kinda feel as though religions are like Weight Watchers. You go there looking for magic to happen, but what does happen is you get surrounded by other people who can help motivate you to actually do something with your life.

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