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Feedback for the 4/28 show

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I thought it was a good show. Hoff was on twice so you KNOW the ratings will be up. :) Four matches, too. I realize we went off the air with a heel winning, but it was a cool match and I thought a deserving ME.



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Guest Failed Mascot

hey, I made Hoff's sig!


I miss the days where wrestling programs started with a match and not a promo. It was fun for awhile when the nWo started it but now its just old. Nice idea though on the sneak attack but I wish Hoff would have stayed in the back and let the beatdown just take place. With Axel beating Crystal not even two months ago it would have made her alot more of a threat to do a big time beatdown. It also seemed that Axel was about to recycle the speech he first made after winning the title.


more later. Doing stuff.

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I got a kick out of the Caboose/sniper bit in the opening.


The opening segment served its purpose in re-establishing Axel/Crystal. I would of liked to have seen Crystal get in a bit more offense before Hoff made the save, but Axel did get hit with a chair, and unlike today, a chairshot in the OAOAST keeps you down!


Supes' squash match wasn't all that bad.


I still haven't read the Last Man Dancing match so I don't know about the two men guys, but I judging by their promo Christian Wright is an RTC-like fella. I do like the names. CW reaches Ima Hoe type levels. :D


Enjoyed the Hoff-Gunner segment. Anytime you can book a match without waiting till the last week like WWE is a good thing.


After re-reading Frankies-THR, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was (I should've written entrances), but the finish does kinda come out of nowhere. It does lead somewhere, however. The match also mentioned the discontinuing of the Women's Title. Patty said he forgot to have Holly mention she have the belt to the RNR HOF during THR promo last week, so I made sure to mention it during the match, for those who care about the whereabouts of the Women's Title.


Liked the "Cole's Bar" bit and Black T promo. Nearly one year to the day the greatest tag team in OAOAST history debuted. The match was enjoyable. And now there's two major North American sports who have a female official.


I'd be the first to admit I couldn't tell a good match from a bad -- well I could, I just probably couldn't tell a good match from a great... Disregard that. What I'm saying is, I thought Alf's match was very solid for somebody who hasn't written a match in ages.


Very promo driven show, as it usually is after a PPV, but still enjoyable.

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Guest Failed Mascot

I love the NNMX thing and I wish I had read this before sending the PM to Tony that I just did. The NNMX are my favorite team in the OAOAST and I love reading their matches. Thanks to Tony as well for the little thing on The 70s Dude.


There's my last second stand-in for Supes. You can tell I wasn't extremely motivated with this one. I appologise, but it did come on short notice.







Worst. Recap. Ever.

Was I the only one who thought of Alex Wright doing his Das Wunderkind dance at the end of Christian Wright's promo? Oh well, me likey-likey and KC needs to get them character specs up.


"The Clincher" sounds like a term for when you need to take a real bad shit and you clench your BUTT-cheeks together and waddle your way to the bathroom. I just need to get that out of the way now before I go any further.



A seven-foot, three-hundred and seventy-five pound roadblock.



Hey, I know who he means! He means Gunner Sharps!

That would have been a perfect time to reference the old jobber Roadblock. You know the one...the guy that Luger failed to put up for the Torture Rack like twice so I think they just ended it with a powerslam instead. I'm both surprised and pleased with the amount Carl Winslow is used here. I just hope Reginald Vel Johnson ever reads this because then we'd have to probably pay him royalties. That would suck. It will be interesting to see how Hoff and Gunner is handled since they already met just weeks ago...another problem with this whole thing of Crystal winning #1 contendership. Axel beat Crystal and Hoff beat Gunner fairly recently, why should the fans want to see it again when the faces already won?


Hey Tony, that match was absolutely fine. You didn't need to be worried about it. It was 20x better then the piece of crap I passed off lol


Please don't ever give me the visual of JR in lingerie again. I swear that some of you are out to give me nightmares.


more feed later.

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Read over this last night, but didn't have time to feedback, so here we go.


I like NNMX's review. I wish all movie critics were cool like that...


I also like the whole "Will they or won't they return?" thing with COD. I hope they do, because they are a whole lot of fun to read.


FS, it's alright if you did it on short notice that it's not great. No sweat and at least you wrote something.


Christian Wright sorta gives off a Steven Richards in RTC vibe, with the whole hardcore wrestler turning into an annoying preacher. Hopefully the music is better! I do like it though, as this promo was very well written.



And how many shirts does one guy need?



Good question! Good set up, although serious building will need to be built since Hoff just beat Gunner. I know Hoff is ready for that challenge though.



The OAOAST couldn't find any women who actually wanted to wrestle Holly, so they decided to discontinue that title. It says a lot about Holly, though. She really never wanted to become a wrestler but once she did, she kicked some serious ass.

I didn't know that happened. Too bad, but I understand why. Besides, if need be, Holly could wrestle with the guys, as do all the women anyways.


Good TV tag team match, and the Frankensteiners winning and seemingly joining up with Cornette was unexpected to say the least.


So, is Cole's Show going to be a regular fixture? Because I do quite like Caboose randomly hitting him with a bat.


Nice Black T interview. Are those dozen lingerie girls the reject WWE Diva wannabes looking for work? The match was fine and made Black T look as they should, strong.


Good match from someone who hasn't wrote in awhile. A very, very fun match.

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Guest Failed Mascot

nice little match between Black-T and the Docs. The poor Pigleys get too big for their britches sometimes and end up paying for it.


No Caboose commentary. Does Caboose refuse to call an Alfdogg match or did you just not wanna use him? I noticed some of Alfdogg's maneuvers defy the laws of physics, but what the hell...its fun reading them. I demand Alf start using a Fire-Thunder Driver and call it "The Nacho Dip".


Anyways, got all my feedbacking in.

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It's not that I didn't want to use Caboose, I just wasn't sure how to do the commentary with three guys. I suppose I could send my matches in earlier and have someone add in commentary.

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Guest Failed Mascot

I hate doing the three man team as well. Somebody should get voted off Sofa Central's Island.

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