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2005 TV Match of the Year Nominees

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OK...after that HBK/Shelton match, I was wondering...


What are some contenders for TV match of 2005 thus far?


Two off the top of my head:



Shawn Michaels vs. Shelton Benjamin



Kurt Angle vs. Marty Jannetty


Any others?

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I got to rewatch Trips/Benoit from a March Raw to see if it's still great but other than that yes HBK/Shelton ruled.

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Guest Rrrsh



Benoit/Edge-Night after WM





Angle/Jannetty is up there, but I think was stupidy overrated around here. It had real boring parts.

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Guest bort

Shelton/HBK was a really good match


I thought Benoit/Edge from a few weeks ago was also really entertainign


Angle/ Marty was my personal fav as it showcased alot of amature stuff and was a diffrent style of match then we normally see now and days

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HBK vs Edge - Street Fight

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Guest LooneyTune

Jannetty/Angle definitely.


On one side, you have Angle, who was wrestling mainly 30 second squashes to protect him from further injuries (at least not so soon) and was showing signs of decline in his wrestling, and on the other, Jannetty, who hadn't been in the WWF for 8 years, and was considered to be viewing his prime from the rear-view mirrior.


Sometimes it's more than how good the match is, but who the participants were.

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Sometimes it's more than how good the match is, but who the participants were.

Even show, the match was still awesome. I was on the edge of my seat, cheering my ass off. I marked out, so badly the first time I watched it. I watched the match 3 or 4 more times within a day or two. The match was awesome.


Benjamin/HBK was great tonight too however. And is probably my match of the year for RAW. Christian/Benjamin/Jericho was on its way to being Match of the Year on TV for RAW, but it it got cut realliy short at 7 minutes.



I'm going to give my vote to Angle/Jannetty however, as at least Jannetty sells his injuries. I hate how Michaels always jumps up, and hops around.

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Guest Rrrsh
I'm going to give my vote to Angle/Jannetty however, as at least Jannetty sells his injuries. I hate how Michaels always jumps up, and hops around.

A: Micheals kiped up and showed massive fatigued, no dancing around


B: When did lying around in the middle of the match, just needlessly making the match longer, become OK?

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Guest LooneyTune

No one reply to any of this...


If I have learned ANYTHING on message boards, it's to never argue with a Shawn Michaels fanboy.

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Whatever. Fact is, Shawn Michaels is the fucking man and him and Benjamin had the Raw MOTY so far. HBK still has it and continues to prove it constantly. You can nit pick any wrestler and find faults in them. Even the Almighty Smark God Chris Benoit has a fault or two.


Benjamin is the Next Big Thing.

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No one reply to any of this...


If I have learned ANYTHING on message boards, it's to never argue with a Shawn Michaels fanboy.

Thank you for that awesome contribution.


I'm well known here as a big HBK hater, and I just loved that match. None of HBK's selling in that match really bothered me and I really liked that he put Benjamin over, especially in the mat wrestling sequence.


This match was easily one of my favourite matches of the year and one of the best RAW matches in a long time.

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Guest LooneyTune

It's true though. Whenever an argument turns to the discussion of Shawn Michaels, it goes on for pages with the same argument going on from the Michaels side, even when valid arguments are made against him.


Still, for RAW, Michaels/Benjamin was good, but I'm still going with Benoit/Triple H, but that's only on the first viewing.

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Guest Rrrsh

I could say the same for the HBK-Haters that you say about the HBK-Fans.


I feel the HBK-Haters are far more stubburn than HBK fans.

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Guest LooneyTune
I could say the same for the HBK-Haters that you say about the HBK-Fans.


I feel the HBK-Haters are far more stubburn than HBK fans.

There's a difference there... I hate Michaels, but I'll recognize when he has good matches. It's just most matches I define as good and/or fun are usually ranked as "OMG best match ever." (for example: WM XII IronMan, Bad Blood HIAC v. Undertaker, Slam '02 vs. HHH)

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I could say the same for the HBK-Haters that you say about the HBK-Fans.


I feel the HBK-Haters are far more stubburn than HBK fans.



That was a great match, and that finish was absolutely crazy. I swear, Shelton Benjamin looked like he should be knocked out legit from that superkick. That was just crazy stiff.

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The acclaim for the Bad Blood match is very much deserved however. And while I understand people knocking the Summerslam match, I remember marking out like crazy for the whole thing, and I HATE Shawn.


As I said, I hate HBK but you're also guilty of not making any valid arguments in both threads dedicated to him.


Oh and kudos to Myax for bringing up Orton v. Christian. I think that match really helped Christian get over

Tonight's match blew away anything I've seen on RAW all year.

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Guest LooneyTune

I know I'm one of very few, but I just didn't get into Undertaker/Michaels much. I just felt it was a 25 minute squash for Undertaker (lots and lots of punching), Shawn Michaels getting about a minute of offense, and Undertaker no selling it all. The bump off the cell was pretty tame looking back at it now, and a B.S. finish with Kane running in didn't help.


Also, I've never been a fan of Hell in a Cell matches period, so that has a little influence as well.

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I know I'm one of very few, but I just didn't get into Undertaker/Michaels much. I just felt it was a 25 minute squash for Undertaker (lots and lots of punching), Shawn Michaels getting about a minute of offense, and Undertaker no selling it all. The bump off the cell was pretty tame looking back at it now, and a B.S. finish with Kane running in didn't help.


Also, I've never been a fan of Hell in a Cell matches period, so that has a little influence as well.

HBK gets a lot more then just a minute of offence.



Watch the match again, when I first watched it I was shocked at how much HBK controlled, since all the reviews I read made it seem like a Taker sqush. The match does a great job of getting over a simple story thanks to Shawn's great selling and the fact that Taker was extra badass.


The stuff with Shawn doing anything to get out of the cage was great.

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Guest LooneyTune

I'll admit, the storyline leading up to and the drama during the match was pretty good, but it was the action that wasn't as thrilling, which can be credited to the Undertaker I guess since he was on offense a lot.


I know I was exaggerating with "1 minute of offense" comment, but the last time I've watched the match, I just couldn't believe that for a 30 minute main event, a well recognized main eventer was being thrown around with ease for a good majority of it.

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Guest Rrrsh
I thought Orton and Christian had a great TV match earlier this year.

Shit, I forgot about that.



That was a very good match, Christian best TV-Non gimmick match I can ever remember.

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anyways, alot of the choices so far have all been great. but I also think that the JBL Vs Kurt Angle Last Man Standing match on the SmackDown before Royal Rumble was a terrific match all around. great job by both men for that match.

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Guest Brian

Well, I haven't watched much of Raw in a while but I caught the Benjamin/Michaels match. It was good. It reminded me alot of Rock/Brock, and not just because of the kip-up sequence, but this idea of the veteran getting out-wrestled by the aggressive, younger gunning for his spot, but the veteran kept on showing heart in getting back up.The kip-up spot was a nice touch, as Shelton was always able to answer what HBK had to bring. I loved the dueling superkicks. HBK was the first person to bring the violence with the forearm. The chain sequences at the start were nice, but my memory is a little shady and they felt repetive without building to anything. I like the pinning sequence in regard to the story.


I had two problems with the match. I loved that Shelton brought the fun, impressive offense, and I really need to watch more of his work. I knew he was going for the big T-Bone finish but I felt like he wasn't harkening back to it enough, especially when he showed frustration. The frustration of Benjamin was a nice touch to the "Michaels keeps coming back" story. The finish played out Benjamin's aggressiveness, but it didn't feel like it rounded out the story properly, and as a booking aside, it didn't really seem like Shawn had much to gain in the win whereas the intercontinental champ could have gone somewhere with it.


In terms of Shawn's selling, the only thing that was out of place was Shawn going spasmic on the way up to setting up the big stomping for the superkick. That was goofy-ass looking.

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Guest Rrrsh
As a booking aside, it didn't really seem like Shawn had much to gain in the win whereas the intercontinental champ could have gone somewhere with it.

If he is not going to win the Tounrey (which, hell, wouldn't be a bad idea) its better that he loses to the proclaimed Legend in HBK.


Not the un-pushed Kane, who really is not that over.


Or Edge, they guy who is not a Mian Event Guy, he is cusp guy.


Or Benoit, who has lost a lot lately (hell, Christian beat him) and hasn't really been pushed in a while.



I think Shelton looks the best losing to HBK.

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Guest LooneyTune

By losing to someone like Kane or Edge, it sets up a feud that Benjamin needs. In the 8 months he's been IC Champion, he hasn't been defending it too much, so really, it actually makes a title defense look good because the person has already pinned Benjamin in a Non-Title Match.

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Guest Rrrsh

Edge is obviosuly above the IC title tho. I guess I can see the Kane thing, but I would feel your situation makes more sense if he was pinned by someone below him.



Nonetheless, I could see your Kane thing.

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