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2005 TV Match of the Year Nominees

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I watched tonight's Benjamin-Michaels match and thought to myself, "Why wasn't THIS the PPV match?" I thought Shelton's match with Jericho was Match of the PPV and this RAW match just blew my socks off.


I liked the storytelling surrounding Benjamin actually being one step ahead of the veteran, and avoiding Sweet Chin Music with his own kicks (The dragon whip, then that huge standing high kick, not to mention the "What now?" kip-up right in HBK's face) and Benjamin's greatest attribute, his athletism, being his ultimate downfall and leading to possibly the most brutal looking superkick ever.


HBK going over doesn't amount into much in the big picture, but it's these kinds of matches that make me happy to be a fan.

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If I have learned ANYTHING on message boards, it's to never argue with a Shawn Michaels fanboy.

I'm not a HBK 'fanboy' but I agree with Rrrsh...Michaels/Jannety is hugely overrated. I think someone one here called it a **** match after it happened. :lol:


It bored me to death. It was slow and full of restholds. Only difference is, Angle comes up with amateur moves for restholds which for some reason makes everyone giddy in excitement. And then, the match gets an extra few points because it was Jannetty's return match and that he looked good in it. I can't remember how many times they cut to a shot of Jannetty in a hold and he had no pain on his face what-so-ever, which bothered me.


TV match of the year?


Rey/Angle from Japan was the same sort of match and a lot better.



Christian/Shelton/Jericho the night after Mania was a great match.


Angle/JBL LMS was very good, considering.

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Guest Rrrsh

That really fucking pisses me off around here. How the fuck is an amatuer arm lock better story telling than a chinlock? There both rest hold, and if they work the same body part and isnt a extremly painful looking move (which is more of an AmDrag thing, non of Angle moves look any more painful than a normal arm bar) its the smae thing.

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^ I have no problem with restholds or 'basic' amateur holds, so long as they mean something. Like you mentioned AmDrag...his match with AJ Styles at ROH Main Event Spectacles had a lot of 'basic' wrestling in it, but a guy like American Dragon can make it mean something.


Hell, I don't even have a problem with CM Punk using the headlock frequently in matches because he makes it mean something.


Angle/Jannetty didn't.

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Guest jm29195

I liked HHH/Edge and London/Akio from Japan, was Benoit/Batista this year, that was pretty ace....

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Holds always mean something, they wear down your opponent.


if they play into the finish, it's awesome.. but if its an arm bar or something, it wears down your opponent unabling you to hit a finish.


I think if its not overdone, armbars can be effective and not involve the finish.


Angle/Jannetty was awesome. Michaels/Benjamin was awesome as well...


But now that it was mentioned, Orton/Christian was pretty damn close up there too.

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I could say the same for the HBK-Haters that you say about the HBK-Fans.


I feel the HBK-Haters are far more stubburn than HBK fans.

There's a difference there... I hate Michaels, but I'll recognize when he has good matches. It's just most matches I define as good and/or fun are usually ranked as "OMG best match ever." (for example: WM XII IronMan, Bad Blood HIAC v. Undertaker, Slam '02 vs. HHH)

Agreed 100% with every word.

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Guest Brian
Holds always mean something, they wear down your opponent.


if they play into the finish, it's awesome.. but if its an arm bar or something, it wears down your opponent unabling you to hit a finish.


I think if its not overdone, armbars can be effective and not involve the finish.


Angle/Jannetty was awesome. Michaels/Benjamin was awesome as well...


But now that it was mentioned, Orton/Christian was pretty damn close up there too.

If the goal of your match is too wear your opponent down, they work fine. A sleeper once in a while to stop a burst of energy from a face works great. But if you keep coming back to a hold without a purpose behind, without pushing some kind of finish or moving to something bigger, they don't have use in the match.

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was Benoit/Batista this year, that was pretty ace....

I was just going to bring that one up as being underrated. Great shit with both guys doing stuff they don't normally do. And the ending was amazing.

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Guest jm29195
was Benoit/Batista this year, that was pretty ace....



Definetly Big Dave's best match so far, I'd be curious to see what Benoit could achieve with him in a longer ppv match though....

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I'd have to say HBK vs Shelton, JBL VS Angle last man standing, Mysterio vs Angle, HBK vs Edge and Christian vs Orton are my top five so far.

Was that Mysterio & RVD vs Eddie & Booker T match from this year? That match was pretty damn good.

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I'd have to say HBK vs Shelton, JBL VS Angle last man standing, Mysterio vs Angle, HBK vs Edge and Christian vs Orton are my top five so far.

Was that Mysterio & RVD vs Eddie & Booker T match from this year? That match was pretty damn good.

The Booker/Eddie vs. RVD/Rey match was taped on December 28, 2004 and aired on the 30th, so its not elligible, which is a shame as it was a hell of a match.

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I'm not getting this HBK/Edge love at all. Those two seemed so awkward together in the ring it was embarrasing.

Their street fight was good thats why

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The street fight was okay, not the best street fight ive seen in the past year, as AJ/Kash takes that one.


umm... what about those Edge/Christian v. Whoever... I remember one of those matches being very good.

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oh and another reason I liked Jannetty/Angle better than Benjamin/HBK... the crowd seemed more into it..

"Generic Smackdown! heat is piped comared to RAW heat post"

Not really, though. I marked the fuck out for HBK/Benjamin last night; and have watched it 3 times since watching it live. It is a great match; without a doubt, and probably my RAW match of the year so far. But; I'm adminttingly a Smackdown! guy; and to be fair I re-watched Jannety/Angle twice today to see what my favorite match of the year was; and I still go with Janetty(spelled differently this time to save my ass if the first one is wrong)/Angle as my MOTY on TV so far. The crowd; the selling; the whole match just seemed to flow better. Not just for this match, but all night the Boston crowd SUCKED. They had barely audible Matt chants at Lita and/or Edge; didn't respond to Chrsitian; and I guess were just "the real WWE crowd" not in such supportive markets as NYC or England. Fuck that. The reason NYC and England responded as they did is because they ACTUALLY care about the product. Every other generic stop (save for Toronto and other actually vocal crowds) will just go with what the fuck WWE feeds them. Screw it. The other cities respond because it's what they're told to do; and would respond the same as a MSG or Skydome if they thought that's what they should respond to. The WWE is so spoon force-feedful since attitude died; and it makes no sense. You're supposed to cheer what is entertaining, NOT what you are told is entertaining. I don't know. Maybe I'm just drunk and bitter so someone stop me and tear apart my reasoning here :cheers:.

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Guest LooneyTune

Not to be a dick, but you got it wrong twice... it's J-a-n-n-e-t-t-y. The on screen graphics for his matches for the last 17 years should be helpful. ;)


Speaking of Toronto, anyone know the next time WWE is there for a RAW/SD/PPV? If there's one crowd that gives it to WWE, it's them.

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