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Will Day 5 of 24 (next season) be on FOX or NBC?

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An anonymous source tells the New York Post:


“I can tell you that NBC has not been shy about expressing their interest in ‘24’.”


The show’s licensing agreement with Fox runs out at the end of this season. NBC announces its fall schedule on May 16. Fox announces its on May 19.




I gotta say...I think 24 would be a better show on FOX but it would get more viewers on NBC. I would think FOX would want to keep one of its best shows, but I dont see them going all out to keep it either.


I do hope that whoever picks it up keeps the non-stop season idea from this season. 24 is one of those shows that benefits a lot from no weeks off and its not like they can show re-runs..

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I think it's key because I have a feeling that Jack will die next year.

I cant see the series continuing with Jack dead. First of all, Kiefer Sutherland is a producer of the show and I can't see him staying on with the show if his character is dead.


I also can't see them finding someone as good as Kiefer to play the main role, and even so, it wouldn't be the same.


I really dont see them being able to get more than 2 more seasons out of it anyway.

Its still one of my favorite shows, but the plots keep getting more convoluted every season.

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Stay on Fox please. It's not the greatest network, but I like how they promote 24. They don't go overboard. The ads are very simple and to the point.

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Stay on Fox please. It's not the greatest network, but I like how they promote 24. They don't go overboard. The ads are very simple and to the point.

I agree.


I can imagine the INTENSE hype they will do NBC. They will have on screen tickers hyping the show, they will OVERDO the commercials, and there will be a guy dressed in 2 suit and a 4 suit, EVEN THOUGH it's physically impossible, running around NYC aimlessly...

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Well if it doesn't stay on fox...does that mean extended editions of American Idol...ughhh


Although it probably would pull NBC out of the number 4 position

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I gotta say...I think 24 would be a better show on FOX but it would get more viewers on NBC.  I would think FOX would want to keep one of its best shows, but I dont see them going all out to keep it either.

How would there be more viewers on NBC?


Fox reaches the same amount of markets that NBC does.


And if Fox gets rid of 24, it shows how dumb Fox really is.

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I would be shocked if this happened. Fox Televison (which also produced Buffy, Angel, NYPD Blue, etc.) produces the show and it airs on the FOX Network. I can not believe that they'll switch since the network can top any financial offer NBC would make. It would just be a matter of News Corp.'s right hand giving money to its left, it's all going in the same wallet anyway.

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Guest Evolution

FOX should consider it one of their flagship programs, and something that would be a damn shame if they were to lose to one of their competitors. The show is better off on a cable network like HBO or Showtime, but when you can only get the major networks, it's FOX or nothing else.

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Although it probably would pull NBC out of the number 4 position

If NBC really wants to get out of number 4, they need to air Malaysian Apprentice.

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It's gonna take a hell of alot more than 24 to move NBC out of the seller. Their programs pretty much all suck.

I'm pissed at NBC for cancelling Third Watch so I hope they fall further.


As conan said "why not go for number 5?"

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Guest news_gimmick

Out of curiousity, who are the top networks in order? Where can I find this at?

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thats not right. NBC is definitely number four and abc is number two thanks to fantastic sweeps periods with desperate housewives and lost. what is your source for the second list?

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I think that it all depends on what new shows the networks get next year.


CBS is getting rid of a couple of their highly rated shows (JAG/Judging Amy come to to mind first) and ABC is really only #2 because of Desperate Housewives and Lost (Remember they were #4 for the last couple years..). Any network could come in and take #2 or even #1 with some halfway decent new shows next year as well. NBC can only do so many Law and Order spinoffs, CBS can only do so many CSI spinoffs and FOX..well FOX has probably the most diversified lineup on Network TV and that only gets them #3..


I would just like to re-affirm that I want 24 to stay on FOX, and I figure it probably will, but I wasn't even aware that 24 had a chance of being on a network other than FOX for next season.

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thats not right. NBC is definitely number four and abc is number two thanks to fantastic sweeps periods with desperate housewives and lost. what is your source for the second list?




















However, for May Sweeps it goes: CBS, Fox, ABC, NBC, UPN, WB. I think.


EDIT: Scratch that May sweep thing, that doesn't seem right to me at all. I read it in USA Today today, but I can't remember what it exactly said.

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Okay, I checked USA Today when I picked my friend up from work. Here are the network ratings for May sweeps, I was right:















WB is higher because it more viewers.


I'm not too sure about the numbers for Fox, ABC and NBC because I can't really see the numbers from the pictures I took from my camera phone. But I could see the network rankings.

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