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Kahran Ramsus

Vote Passes recommending Libs resign

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Anytime Stephen Harper is brutally uncomfortable during a Press Conference is good.


I love how Stronach said she isn't interested in the Liberal leadership. Blahaha. That's why she's being portrayed by Martin as this woman of "high integrity" who is coincidentally in charge of implementing the Gomery recommendations. Though the usual Liberal leadership pattern says that the next leader should be a Quebecois, and Stronach is no Quebecois.

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So, how about Belinda Stronach crossing the floor? Insanity.

Wow. Like LPM said, insanity. I'm interested to see if there's any fallout from this...

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It looks like the Liberals and NDP might have enough seats together to have a majority, which would be wonderful if Jack sets proportional representation as a non-negotiable term for cooperation. Otherwise, as in the past, when the NDP props up the Liberals they'll lose seats in the election after that as Liberals take credit for everything they've been forced to do and NDP are blamed for everything that goes wrong

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It looks like the Liberals and NDP might have enough seats together to have a majority, which would be wonderful if Jack sets proportional representation as a non-negotiable term for cooperation. Otherwise, as in the past, when the NDP props up the Liberals they'll lose seats in the election after that as Liberals take credit for everything they've been forced to do and NDP are blamed for everything that goes wrong

What, you WANT Layton to commit political suicide?


They're the only party right now that's improving their image. Holding a gun to the government's head would flush all that down the toilet.

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It looks like the Liberals and NDP might have enough seats together to have a majority, which would be wonderful if Jack sets proportional representation as a non-negotiable term for cooperation. Otherwise, as in the past, when the NDP props up the Liberals they'll lose seats in the election after that as Liberals take credit for everything they've been forced to do and NDP are blamed for everything that goes wrong

What, you WANT Layton to commit political suicide?


They're the only party right now that's improving their image. Holding a gun to the government's head would flush all that down the toilet.

I don't see that happening.


Liberals will survive Thursday's vote, with help from the NDP, and, yes, even a few CPC's who just want to get some work done, which hasn't been the case for the last year.


Danny Williams has been trying to get CPC MP's to vote for the current budget, which needs to pass. It's pretty good, everyone benefit's actually. Small tax cuts, more foriegn aid, more for health care and schools, and even more for the army.


And as Scott Brison pointed out today, remember how Liberals are crooks and poor managers of money? 8 straight balanced budgets in Canada.

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It looks like the Liberals and NDP might have enough seats together to have a majority, which would be wonderful if Jack sets proportional representation as a non-negotiable term for cooperation. Otherwise, as in the past, when the NDP props up the Liberals they'll lose seats in the election after that as Liberals take credit for everything they've been forced to do and NDP are blamed for everything that goes wrong

What, you WANT Layton to commit political suicide?


They're the only party right now that's improving their image. Holding a gun to the government's head would flush all that down the toilet.

Read again. I said if the NDP come out of an election with the seats to offer the Liberals meaningful support, i.e. a majority, then it seems fair that a condition for that support would be a referendum on proportional representation. That's a key plank of the NDP's platform, and one that people from all across the political spectrum can agree with. Martin doesn't like it but he knows it will come eventually, so I think he'd take it so he could take credit for it.


The alternative, propping up the Liberals in exchange for other short term gains, has always cost the NDP seats in the election that follows, and that's to be expected. The Liberals will take credit for everything good they're forced to do, and the NDP will be blamed when they do withdraw their support, for causing the collapse of the government.

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For Ms. Belinda.


Wow, thats nuts.


Too see a front runner of the official opposition trading sides towards the Liberals makes you wonder how strong is there party.


And Highland is following in Mike's steps here. Ignoring what everyone is saying, and keep spilling out Scandal.

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Ah, the National is great tonight, so many insane quotes.


"Complexity was never Belinda's strongpoint" - Stephen Harper


"I've said before she's a dipstick. An attractive dipstick, but still a dipstick." - MPP Robert Runciman


"She whored herself out for power" - CBC didn't say who he was :(


And this, from some freakshow in Alberta - "It's like Judas. When Judas betrayed Jesus". (!!!)


and so on. Also, there was so many delightful moments in the BC election today too. This has been such an interesting day, politically.

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didn't Daniel Igali run for a seat in the BC election?

Why yes, yes he did. He was trounced in one of the Surrey ridings. I was really hoping he would win though, just on the off chance that he would freak out and start crying and do a victory lap with the Canadian flag draped over his back.

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For Ms. Belinda.


Wow, thats nuts.


Too see a front runner of the official opposition trading sides towards the Liberals makes you wonder how strong is there party.


And Highland is following in Mike's steps here. Ignoring what everyone is saying, and keep spilling out Scandal.

Because there is. Don't accuse me of pulling a MikeSC just because you stick your fingers in your ears and yell "lalala!"

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For Ms. Belinda.


Wow, thats nuts.


Too see a front runner of the official opposition trading sides towards the Liberals makes you wonder how strong is there party.


And Highland is following in Mike's steps here. Ignoring what everyone is saying, and keep spilling out Scandal.

Because there is. Don't accuse me of pulling a MikeSC just because you stick your fingers in your ears and yell "lalala!"

"Excuse me, Mr. Kettle, there's a Mr. Pot on line 1..."

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"I've said before she's a dipstick. An attractive dipstick, but still a dipstick." - Some former Ontario Premier or something, didn't write the name down in time

It was a PC MPP from somewhere in Ontario. Don't know which riding, but I gather he doesn't like her.


"She whored herself out for power" - CBC didn't say who he was

Not as good as the previous quote, although probably more accurate, given that she was immediately given a Cabinet position. Does that seem a bit dodgy to anyone else?


Anyways, this should be a very interesting budget vote.

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"I've said before she's a dipstick. An attractive dipstick, but still a dipstick." - Some former Ontario Premier or something, didn't write the name down in time

It was a PC MPP from somewhere in Ontario. Don't know which riding, but I gather he doesn't like her.

Bob Runciman, from Leeds-Grenville (between Kingston and Ottawa).


"She whored herself out for power" - CBC didn't say who he was

Not as good as the previous quote, although probably more accurate, given that she was immediately given a Cabinet position. Does that seem a bit dodgy to anyone else?


Anyways, this should be a very interesting budget vote.

Well, the budget vote is a non-issue, now that Harper has said he will let it pass. The companion bill, containing all the NDP-negotiated stuff, is the one worth watching.


I suspect that Martin doesn't care one way or the other what happens now. If it passes, he keeps governing until the Gomery report is released. It it falls, I suspect the Liberals will be returned to the House with at least a strengthened minority, if not a majority.

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Not as good as the previous quote, although probably more accurate, given that she was immediately given a Cabinet position. Does that seem a bit dodgy to anyone else?

She's setting herself up for leadership. As of right now, she has complete deniability of everything Gomery ("I wasn't a member of the Liberal party at that time), she's responsible for cleaning up after Gomery (similar to what Ujjal Dosanjh did in BC as the Attourney General during Glen Clark's last administration). Assuming Martin is around for a few more terms, she could move from Captain Gomery to AG or possibly Finance, and take a similar road that Martin himself took to leadership.

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