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Guest whitemilesdavis

I can't believe it.

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Well i am just saying you didn't go to pm when you wanted to call people putrid piles of shit to whom common sense is the most foreign concept, and insult the good mods that where here before calling them useless(although if usefulness is defined by banning people on a whim, I guess they would be). You wanted to make a public(well...messageboard public) spectacle of your tatrum, then you shouldn't expect a private retaliation to it. Deep down, you know that your page long, childish flamebaiting would have been answered by a equally childish and long flame, but you closed to thread to get the last word in. Whatever, you have the ability to do that, so go for it, but don't get on a "yous guys so scured to use PM" trip when you were the one afraid of responses to your little diatribe.


I am done though, because honestly it is appearing that I give more of a shit than I actually do. Ban and close threads away. More power to ya. But the "woe is us mods" act is kinda sad.

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Guest cosbywasmurdered
McInturff says the Schiavo matter had an “anti-Midas touch.” “Everyone who touched it, people lost respect for,” he said.



I don't get how that applies.

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Guest CronoT

Click on this: [The TSM Staff Players]


It's the first thing in my sig.

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Kotzenjunge-Rick James

I'm Kotz, bitch! I'm so baked out of my mind all the time, I can't tell up from down. However, I'm so fugged up, I think I can run a message board by typing on the keyboard with my dick. Woohoo, watch me smoke some nasty shit, and listen to me ramble on about every stupid thing that goes through my empty brain.

Fuck, I'm dead!

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