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Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

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In a dark match, Rene Dupree beat some Dustin Rhodes-look-a-like.


Nunzio and Funaki beat Spike Dudley and Akio.


MNM beat two jobbers.


Chavo Guerrero beat Shannon Moore, with Paul London on commentary.




Carlito's Cabana opened with Carlito announcing the Big Show/Carlito match at Judgement Day. He also announced that Matt Morgan would be in his corner. This brought out the Big Show, who brawled with Carlito until Morgan hit him in the back with a chair.


JBL aired a hilarious video demeaning John Cena's new CD. He then came out to fight Scotty 2 Hotty.


S2H beat JBL by DQ. After the match, JBL beat Scotty down until he said "I quit."


Booker T beat Mark Jindrak after Jindrak was caught saying some less-than-kind things to Booker's wife. Jindrak bled throughout the match.


After a short video recapping their rivalry, Eddie Guerrero came out for an interview, but didn't say a word. He just stepped on Rey Mysterio's mask and walked out.


Hardcore Holly beat Joey Mercury of MNM.


Heidenriech (sp?) beat Orlando Jordan in a non-title match.


Kurt Angle aired an "apology" to Booker's wife. He said that she enjoyed their encounter and he will do it again after he beats Booker at JD.


John Cena was interviewed by Josh Matthews. Nothing of note was said.


John Cena beat the Basham Brothers in a handicap match. He and JBL had a stare down afterwards.


Their may have been more, hopefully someone will fill any gaps I missed.

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Not an appealing show at all.












NONE of those look good.

Edited by NY Untouchable

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"JBL aired a hilarious video demeaning John Cena's new CD."




"Booker T beat Mark Jindrak after Jindrak was caught saying some less-than-kind things to Booker's wife. Jindrak bled throughout the match."




"After a short video recapping their rivalry, Eddie Guerrero came out for an interview, but didn't say a word. He just stepped on Rey Mysterio's mask and walked out."




"Hardcore Holly beat Joey Mercury of MNM."



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Guest JMA

I really hope Doug and Danny are split up when the draft lottery happens. I think that they'd work better as singles wrestlers.


Holly and Heidenreich being on Smackdown is just depressing.

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Heidenriech (sp?) beat Orlando Jordan in a non-title match.


Has Orlando beaten anyone since he won the title? I mean having the U.S. champion seemingly lose every match (non-title or not) just makes the belt look weak especially when compared to the IC title whose holder is the verge of having the longest reign in 17 years.


Booker T beat Mark Jindrak after Jindrak was caught saying some less-than-kind things to Booker's wife. Jindrak bled throughout the match."


I thought Jindrak was a face?


The funniest thing is that the marks in Sioux City loved this stuff.


They popped big for everything.


Well, at least it'll come across well on TV.

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Yeh Jindrak attacked Reigns, beat Reigns with a fucking left hand, and now he's a Heel again while last week he helped Cena against JBL which means he's a good guy. Make up your damn mind WWE! So it's Heidenreich against OJ soon for the United States Title and I hope to god OJ wins because Heidenreich would suck as champ. I understand Holly beating Mercury because Holly and Haas are feuding with MNM for the WWE Tag Team Titles so they have to look like a threat.

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" I understand Holly beating Mercury because Holly and Haas are feuding with MNM for the WWE Tag Team Titles so they have to look like a threat."


My bad; hadn't been watching much lately.

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Carlito's Cabana opened with Carlito announcing the Big Show/Carlito match at Judgement Day. He also announced that Matt Morgan would be in his corner.

You've got to be kidding me!

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I was there tonight and this must had been this town's first taste of WWE as they were pretty hot for a REALLY shitty show. Most, if not all of the crowd had to be very casual wrestling fans and certainly marks to the max as they were laughing and cheering the lamest shit. Lots of families here more than I've ever seen at a WWE event in years. What's weird is that they dont even get Smackdown on Thursdays in this area from what I heard people around me saying - yet they are taping this for TV.


It's pretty sad when Heidenreich and Jordan have one of the worst matches I've ever seen live (I'm sure they will edit it to make it look better but there was a handful of botched moves) and yet Heidenreich was the 2nd most over guy on the damn show (besides Cena).


Few other notes....


The arena must only hold I would bet 7,000-8,000 - anyway they couldnt even fill up the lower level completely in this tiny arena, so anticipate VERY dark lighting in the crowd. With that said, I think you will still be able to tell clearly that a second level of seating is so sparsely filled it's a joke. Worst WWE crowd size I've ever seen for a TV taping - I would bet maybe 4,000, possibly less.


Basically there wasnt any even average to good matches from what I saw. Every match booked for Smackdown was short, standard, one sided and very boring. I missed about half of Velocity though so its possible there was something ok there.


The Eddy segment did not get over well at all with the crowd - that was one thing that the crowd didnt give him heel heat for, it was more the "what the fuck" type in the aftermath. When he came out, did a sort of staredown to the crowd first and then the mask, then slowly was about to talk, didnt, and then stomped on the mask and left. I understand their intention to use actions instead of words but this did just not click at all.


I know I felt a little ripped off when there was no unannounced dark match main event even happening. Cena and JBL went back and forth a little bit in the ring but it was not a match and more just worthless filler to build the ppv match with Cena getting the crowd to chant "I quit" at Bradshaw, etc.


Also felt ripped off that there was no Angle or Misterio even doing anything in front of the crowd (Rey wasnt even there at all - I would assume Angle was since I think he was at the ppv "press conference" in Minneapolis earlier in the day) and guys like London didnt even wrestle. Plus they were pushing Taker was going to be here like crazy locally and to have that not happen is typical and I guess I didnt really care, but it still would have been nice to see him do something.


It's pretty sad when a divas video played to Jet's "Be My Girl" is one of the main highlights of the night.


Needless to say, this was a horrible lead in to the ppv Sunday. This was probably the first ever WWE live show that I can truly say I did not enjoy very much at all, and that covers at least 50-some shows throughout the years.

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Add Heidenreich/Jordan to Judgment Day.

Where did you hear that? It would make sense due to what happened tonight (Heidenrich def. Jordan) but they never did any announcement of that live when they were running down the ppv lineup.


Oh speaking of that, they also didnt run down London v. Chavo either when doing the lineup on the big screens - is that officially on for the ppv?

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At the WWE Judgment Day Press Conference, they announced Orlando Jordan would defend the US Title at JD against the "winner of the Carlito/Heidenreich match on Smackdown!".


I'm guessing Heidy's non-title match victory would signify this.




From PWTorch.com


The big news was announcing three new matches. Cole announced MNM vs. Charlie Haas & Hardcore Holly for the WWE Tag Team Titles, Paul London vs. Chavo Guerrero for the Cruiserweight Title, and a U.S. Title match having Orlando Jordan taking on either Carlito or Heidenreich as they will face each other in a match this Thursday on Smackdown and the winner will go on to face Jordan.

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At the WWE Judgment Day Press Conference, they announced Orlando Jordan would defend the US Title at JD against the "winner of the Carlito/Heidenreich match on Smackdown!".


I'm guessing Heidy's non-title match victory would signify this.

Wonder why they changed up Carlito/Heidenreich to what the craptastic match ended up being with Jordan v. Heidenreich non-title. I cant believe they are putting that on ppv considering how bad the match was tonight.


Speaking of Carlito, I dont think it got covered in the spoilers, but Matt Morgan is basically Carlito's bodyguard now. He took the role that Carlito offered last week to Big Show.

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Guest Ransome

This is the best they can do in the last buildup show before Judgment Day? Although in fairness it doesn't matter to me - I'm ordering it anyway for Eddie vs Rey.

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Jindrak was a face. He was Nunzio's partner on Velocity last week and he played the face the week before against Spike. And he actually got a 'decent' enough reception each time.


Has Orlando beaten anyone since he won the title?


He beat Scotty on last week's Velocity. Other than that, I can't remember any other wins.

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Kurt Angle aired an "apology" to Booker's wife. He said that she enjoyed their encounter and he will do it again after he beats Booker at JD.

Is Kurt Angle supposed to be a rapist now?


Is this supposed to draw?



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Booker T. Vs Angle is McMahon's idea of Steamboat Vs. Flair...but with ATTITUDE~!



Angle the womanizer, ala Flair.

Booker sticking up for his values and wife, ala Steamboat with Bonnie.

Plus, they've traded the Big Gold Belt (in 2001), ala Flair/Steamboat.

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Guest hhheld_down

i live around that area and i didnt realise they were even here damnit, i know they are coming back this june for a house show. from the card it doesnt sound like i missed a whole lot so its all good. eddie/rey is scheduled for the house show in june and i really want to see that live.

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Jeez, what are they doing w/ this show? SD has actually been pretty good over the last month & a half (or so) until last week's show. This week's doesn't look any better. Combined w/ the crappy Raw from Monday, this looks like a bad week for WWE programming.

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Jeez, what are they doing w/ this show? SD has actually been pretty good over the last month & a half (or so) until last week's show. This week's doesn't look any better. Combined w/ the crappy Raw from Monday, this looks like a average week for WWE programming.


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Kurt Angle aired an "apology" to Booker's wife. He said that she enjoyed their encounter and he will do it again after he beats Booker at JD.

Is Kurt Angle supposed to be a rapist now?


Is this supposed to draw?




"I'll take "The Rapist" for $400"

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Guest nokia

I found this at another site;


"Kurt Angle on the Titan Tron because he's banned from the arena. He says he apologizes and he's man enough to admit a mistake. They cut to Booker T and Sharmell backstage watching a TV with Angle apologizing.


They say it was somewhat sincere and walked off. Kurt Angle continues on after and says to be honest, Sharmell is a gutter slut. Booker T hears this and keeps watching. He says last week they kissed and she was screaming for more, not Booker T. He says they kissed over and over and she liked it.


He said she also fondled his private parts and they both loved it. Funny stuff here. Ends with Booker T dropkicking the TV making it explode.



- WTF ?? This seems odd....Never thought Angle would agree to say this and be portraied like this...

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Guest Trecko
I'm starting to like the Heidenreich character, only because I can see someone down the line calling him a child molester.


I'd say in about 2 months.

LMAO. I never even thought of that. They could so easily do that shit, too. Have him on a Michael Jackson gimmick and shit, asking kids to sleep in his bed.


GO FOR IT WWE. :lol:

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I am about 90 percent sure this Booker/Angle storyline will end with Sharmell turning on Booker and joining up with Angle, just so WWE can say "We don't do rape! She was in on it all along!"

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