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Matt Young

My pictures from E3

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I decided to start a new thread with the pictures so they wouldn't get lost in the shuffle in the E3 thread. I have all of the pictures from days 1 and 2 uploaded, so the only ones missing are of Link and Shigeru Miyamoto from day 3.


If you have any questions or comments about any of the pictures, just reply here. Also, if you haven't done so yet, read about my experiences at E3 in the E3 thread itself. I haven't written about day 3 yet since I've been uploading all the pictures and I've had to do some other things, but days 1 and 2 were more interesting anyway.


My pictures from E3

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While I understand that Shadow doesn't actually come with his own gun but instead takes it from Robotnik's machines, I really do wish Sega would stop making these OMG SO HARDKORE artworks (and now, statues!) of Shadow slinging around a Smith & Wesson.

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Eh, I like to keep about 2 days' worth of facial hair. Trust me, most agree that I look better like that than I do when I'm clean-shaven.


I look like I'm mentally handicapped in the Edge picture. No chance in hell, Patrick. Feel free to make it your avatar, though.


Thanks for the compliment on the pictures. I'm not much of a photographer, but I did what I could. The camera is pretty much a starter level digicam, so some pictures, such as the staircase, ended up out of focus and blurry, but most turned out okay. I pretty much hate how I look in most of the pics I appear in, though. I'm very uncomfortable in front of a camera, and it shows since I look worse than normal.

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Liked the pics--you did a good job of bringing the atmosphere out, IMO.


Feel free to elaborate on games you played. You try Curse of Darkness? I expect a good fight engine, but LoI's level design was so dull and had so little platforming going on it was a rather unsatisfying game.


Was the PSP much of a presence at the show? It seemed like Sony was neglecting it.

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Guest Vitamin X

The Tips & Tricks booth babe, the brunette Hulk booth babe, and the brunette Brut booth babe are fuckin hot.

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Liked the pics--you did a good job of bringing the atmosphere out, IMO.


Feel free to elaborate on games you played. You try Curse of Darkness? I expect a good fight engine, but LoI's level design was so dull and had so little platforming going on it was a rather unsatisfying game.


Was the PSP much of a presence at the show? It seemed like Sony was neglecting it.

I just woke up, so I'll finally post my day 3 report a little later on (I decided to wait for the final few pics to be uploaded, and I've been somewhat busy) and I'll answer any questions about any of the games, assuming I played them. I missed out on some since there were too many people crowding them and I was sick of waiting in lines.


I'm 99% sure that Curse of Darkness is the new Castlevania for PS2. If so, I didn't play it. I wanted to, but there were a ton of people waiting to play in Sony's booth. Konami showed videos, most notably MGS 4, but they didn't really have a "booth" with playable games.


Honestly, I didn't spend much time in Sony's area at all since I don't have a PS2, but the PSP was well represented. That photograph of the big PSP logo was the area where they had the system playable. They actually had an upper and lower level with swivel chairs that had PSPs attached to them with various games. I'd say they had about 40-50 PSP systems in that area. The DS was much better represented, however.

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The new Castlevania game is for both XBox and PS2.


Yeah, that's Curse.


Dawn of Sorrow is also a new CV game, for DS though, and honestly looks like it will be the better game.


Legacy of Darkness on N64 > Lament of Innocence on PS2


What was the coolest/weirdest thing on the giant Katamari? You add anything to it? What'd they use to keep it on, velcro?

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Another Ghost Reacon game?


The first one was good, but now they are re-hashing it.

Man, Ghost Recon dropped so much from the first to the second. I *hated* how you could only control one guy in the second and that you just had one squad. The first was really fun, though.

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The new Castlevania game is for both XBox and PS2.


Yeah, that's Curse.


Dawn of Sorrow is also a new CV game, for DS though, and honestly looks like it will be the better game.


Legacy of Darkness on N64 > Lament of Innocence on PS2


What was the coolest/weirdest thing on the giant Katamari? You add anything to it? What'd they use to keep it on, velcro?

I'm not sure what they used as adhesive, but I saw a condom on there.


Anyway, I updated my Photobucket gallery with the efw pics from day 3, including Miyamoto checking out the Sony booth.

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MattYoung-the Bob Barron of the video game world! :P


when does X-Men Legends 2 come out?


when are they going to put a bullet in the Bemani craze once and for all...they never improve on it, just keep adding and adding to it....

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I've scouted around various MBs--general consensus is that Shadow's game is mediocre at best, with the gun thrown in as a cheap gimmick.


However, people like Sonic Rush currently more than any of the Advance games and perhaps as much as the Genesis games.

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