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Guest angrygoiterboy

Minor rant: Anyone else think Matt Hardy

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Guest angrygoiterboy

needs to drop the angsty suburban white teenager gimmick and put the freakin' gun down, possibly be a man? This whole, "I'm so melancholy and possessed of angst that I wear a black trench coat and vindicate myself by trying to look really cool with a gun" thing is kind of tired and childish, don't you think? He's looking like every upper middle class 'misunderstood' white kid I've ever known. Mommy and Daddy must not be paying any attention to him.


Don't get me wrong, I've been a Matt Hardy fan for a while now, and think his situation stinks, but why trade the old 'Matt Hardy: Pretty Cool Guy' for 'Matt Hardy: Angry Depressed Teen' when it won't do anybody any good? Isn't he a bit old to be pissing and moaning for this long about scars becoming symbols and exemplifying some backwoods gun-toting vigilance? It seriously looks like Little Johnny Country with his new birthday gun and a freind's video camera trying to be a hardass out in the woods. News flash: It's not really cool, it's really redneck.


This kind of behavior is OK, I guess, if you're a kid, but whatever happened to adults acting like adults? Am I the only one who thinks he's acting like a kid with this new 'gimmick?'

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You need to drop the "Angry depressed teen" gimmick too. It's a goiter, get over it.

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Guest angrygoiterboy
1) someone's gonna say 'this doesnt belong in the wwe folder

2) couldn't this go in one of the other 14 MH threads?


1) My bad?

2) Certainly, but I required my own thread because, erm, for some reason.


You need to drop the "Angry depressed teen" gimmick too. It's a goiter, get over it.


Touche, though I'll maintain that there's nothing 'depressed' or 'teen' about my rant. Angry, as an adult, sure. Besides, the goiter is the gimmick.

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Guest angrygoiterboy
What's a goiter?


A goiter is a thyroid gland that's growth is accelerated, commonly due to an iodide deficiency. It's relatively rare.

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I think I need more frame of refrence. I was of the faction that didn't think he was whine-ing in the more recent web posts. So if that is to which you refer than I respectfully disagree.

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Guest JMA

If I were Matt, I'd be glad to be done with Lita. Honestly, he can and will do much better than her. He should still be pissed about being fired, though.

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Guest angrygoiterboy
I think I need more frame of refrence. I was of the faction that didn't think he was whine-ing in the more recent web posts. So if that is to which you refer than I respectfully disagree.


I was mainly referring to the little promo he filmed about the situation, that while certainly old news I hadn't had the chance to watch until recently due to exceeded bandwidth and such. It seemed very knee-jerk, and while I know some people who thought it was cool, I personally thought it was garbage.


Give it 6 months.


Matt is seriously going to turn into the modern day version of the Warrior.


I've never wished so hard for someone to as wrong as I want you to be.

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What's a goiter?


A goiter is a thyroid gland that's growth is accelerated, commonly due to a iodide deficiency. It's relatively rare.

The things we learn watching Home Improvement.

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Guest angrygoiterboy
The things we learn watching Home Improvement.

The things YOU learn watching Home Improvement, maybe. I've had a paranoid obsession with goiters long before Tim Allen learned to bark. In fact, until looking that particular reference up just now I had no idea the show even mentioned goiters.


The things you learn reading wrestling messge boards.

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Guest angrygoiterboy
and Message boards.

Such tragedy! I've been zinged!

Where's my gun? I've got to make a film in the woods.

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^ I like it, that's what the ROH people should chant.


And whats this about Matt with a gun?

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so...there's a picture of him in the woods with a gun, and we automatically attribute it to him being depressed over the Lita situation? Maybe he's palling around with Ted Nugent or something. Did it say when the picture was taken?

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Give it 6 months.


Matt is seriously going to turn into the modern day version of the Warrior.

I thought that was one of the Von Erich's...

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If I were Matt, I'd be glad to be done with Lita. Honestly, he can and will do much better than her.

Yeah, but I bet she's an absolute freak in the sack.


By the way, what's the deal with the ring on his left hand? That finger is reserved for one thing.

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I agree with Ravenbomb. Maybe he was hunting with some people and decided to "look cool" like a serial killer and pose for the camera. When I first got a bb gun I wanted to act like a gangsta in a movie and shoot 2 of them at the same time.

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