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Weekend Boxoffice Report, June 3-5

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Better be a fuckin' DVD feature.

They probably filmed it JUST for the DVD.


I noticed at BoxOfficeMojo that the Longest Yard cost $82 million. How the hell did it cost $82 million?



I know Sandler's salary of $25 million is part of that budget.

$25 MILLION??? He is up to $25 MILLION? FOR WHAT?



You got me. I think the man is terribly overrated. And people bitch about athlete's salaries?

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Guest *KNK*
Better be a fuckin' DVD feature.

They probably filmed it JUST for the DVD.


I noticed at BoxOfficeMojo that the Longest Yard cost $82 million. How the hell did it cost $82 million?



I know Sandler's salary of $25 million is part of that budget.

$25 MILLION??? He is up to $25 MILLION? FOR WHAT?


For being one of the very few bankable names in Hollywood.

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Sandler is a draw, but not a $25 million draw.


Here are the ONLY people who should be making $20 million:


Tom Cruise

Tom Hanks

Mel Gibson

Will Smith


And MAYBE Jim Carrey.


They are the only TRUE draws in Hollywood today.

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Sandler is a draw, but not a $25 million draw.


Here are the ONLY people who should be making $20 million:


Tom Cruise

Tom Hanks

Mel Gibson

Will Smith


And MAYBE Jim Carrey.


They are the only TRUE draws in Hollywood today.


Counting the Longest Yard- Sandler's been in 6 100+ films, all of them at a relatively low budget. Also adjusted for inflation, Wedding Singer would've made 100 mil plus as well.


The guy is a TRUE draw. Longest Yard will have made more then Cruise's last film, Carrey's last film and Hanks' last film.

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You got me. I think the man is terribly overrated. And people bitch about athlete's salaries?


How is he overrated if critics skewer most of his movies?


The guy makes generally funny bankable comedies and he knows what will draw people.

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Guest El Satanico
What's overlooked about Titanic's success is that it never had a particuarly HUGE weekend. It was just steady week in and week out.


It only made $28,638,131 on opening weekend


If Titanic ever gets beaten, it'll be by a movie that's completely unexpected. I laugh whenever someone starts talking about the latest heavily hyped movie being the Titanic killer. Titanic's only hype was that it was drastically over budget and would lose a ton of money.

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El is right. Titanic was expected to be a massive flop when it came out, until the reviews came in.


Titanic's biggest weekend was Week 6 where it made 36 million, which is about 50 million today

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Better be a fuckin' DVD feature.

They probably filmed it JUST for the DVD.


I noticed at BoxOfficeMojo that the Longest Yard cost $82 million. How the hell did it cost $82 million?



I know Sandler's salary of $25 million is part of that budget.

$25 MILLION??? He is up to $25 MILLION? FOR WHAT?

Acting, writing, producing, amoung other things...

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Sandler is a draw, but not a $25 million draw.


Here are the ONLY people who should be making $20 million:


Tom Cruise

Tom Hanks

Mel Gibson

Will Smith


And MAYBE Jim Carrey.


They are the only TRUE draws in Hollywood today.


Counting the Longest Yard- Sandler's been in 6 100+ films, all of them at a relatively low budget. Also adjusted for inflation, Wedding Singer would've made 100 mil plus as well.


The guy is a TRUE draw. Longest Yard will have made more then Cruise's last film, Carrey's last film and Hanks' last film.

Sandler's Average BO Gross is $58 million.


Cruise: $92 million

Hanks: $93 million

Gibson: $66 million

Smith: $114 million

Carrey: $87 million


I didn't know Gibson's ABOG was so low, so maybe scratch him from the $20 million dollar list.


I'm not saying Sandler isn't a draw. He just isn't a $20 million dollar man. And TLY might gross more than Cruise's last film, but it won't gross more than his next film.

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According to BOM, Sandler's average is 69 mil and that will only grow with Longest Yard.


His movies don't set records, but they almost always make big profits and can always open with 30-40 mil. He's definetely worth 20 million.

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Well, theNumbers.com have him averaging $58 million.


But Bob, you don't see what I'm getting at. I'm not saying he isn't a draw, he is. He just isn't worth $20 million a film, not yet. One has to average atleast $85 million to get $20 million paycheck.


EDIT: Okay, theNumbers.com averages all of the movies while BOM doesn't average cameos and bit parts.

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You got me. I think the man is terribly overrated. And people bitch about athlete's salaries?


How is he overrated if critics skewer most of his movies?


The guy makes generally funny bankable comedies and he knows what will draw people.



Jesus, I meant that he is overrated amongst the paying public. Like I give a fuck what critics think. I mean he is overrated amongst people like us. I never said he wasn't bankable. I know he's a draw. I am talking about talent in correlation to salary. I was trying to take the convo to a place where it doesn't seem that people bitch about actor's salaries, but they bitch about athletes. While I agree that athletes salaries should be criticized to an extent, I also feel why not the same scrutiny for hollywood actors?

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He just isn't worth $20 million a film, not yet.

The studios disagree, and that's who decides how much actors are worth.

Yeah, but I'm still gonna bitch how much money he made for the film. That is what forums like this are for, BITCHING about stupid shit like that.

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Guest El Satanico

I have no problem with how much athletes or actors make. If someone is willing to pay them obscene amounts of money, then they deserve it.

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I am talking about talent in correlation to salary. I was trying to take the convo to a place where it doesn't seem that people bitch about actor's salaries, but they bitch about athletes. While I agree that athletes salaries should be criticized to an extent, I also feel why not the same scrutiny for hollywood actors?


Sandler obviously has talent, if he can open movies the way he does. If he can open a movie and make lots of money for a stuidio then he is obviously worth the money he gets paid

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