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Gary Floyd

The OaO "Land of the Dead" talkback thread

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Well, if you folks were disappointed by this film, then don't worry; the Aussie Horror film "Undead" opens on Friday in select cities, with a wider release later in the weeks ahead.

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Undead is pretty good, actually. I've had the DVD for about a year now and it's in my regular 'rotation' of zombie movies to show friends. The premise for the zombies is a pretty interesting one at that...

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As much as I liked Shaun of the Dead it's insulting that it actually has a higher rating on IMDB than either NOTLD or the original DOTD.


In regards to people being bitten here, I noticed that too. I noticed how cynical this new one was in regards to this. In past zombie movies people would get attacked but then everyone would wait till they turned before killing them again. In LOTD, someone gets bit and they're like fuck it and just shoot em. It was a nice touch that showed how society was decaying even further from the previous films.

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Great movie; a 7.5 out of 10 or so.


One of the things I loved about the movie was that, at least for me, it was very unsettling at points. We're never given a reason to hate the rich people. Hopper, yes. But the regular rich people in the mall are just common rich citizens who we never see spit on the poor and what not.


Hopper was fucking gold too.

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The things I loved most about the movie:


-The zombies attack on Fiddlers Green. It's the ultimate "Underclass rises above the upper class" scenario

=The Fat Samoan guy

-Dennis Hopper as Kaufman.

-John Leguizamo as Cholo. Actually, all of the acting was great

-The "Jack in the Box" zombie

-Simon Pegg and Tom Savini's cameos.


Hell just about everything in it rocked my world. My only complaint is that it was too short.

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I did really like the Jack-in-the-Box zombie, I'll give it that much.


Rewatched the original Dawn of the Dead tonight with a few friends, since we were all still in a zombie mood. Still pretty close to perfect.

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I liked the Dawn remake and Shaun of the Dead much better than this. Although, I was able to pick up dawn and night of the living dead for 4.99 each after leaving the movie, so that was a treat. But this movie was okay, not really that good to me, itwas just kinda blah.

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I for one really enjoyed this movie, wasn't disappointed in it at all. I loved its exploration of how society had changed in the decades following the zombie plague. Romero also does something that pretty much no other zombie filmmakers ever do: he actually has sympathy for the zombies, and sees them as something more than just generic monsters to be destroyed. I loved the bit in the opening sequence where the zombies stared up at the fireworks, looks of almost childlike awe and wonder on their faces.


Anyone else get the feeling that this movie was one big rotting middle finger to the Dawn remake? It's portrayal of the zombies and its whole general tone and atmosphere were almost an exact polar opposite of that film.

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The Dawn remake is decent in its own right but it is in no way on par with the original. I mean you don't have a biker gang, and those fucking security guards kill the fun. Hell, half the fun of the original is people being alone with zombies in a mall and stealing everything in sight. It adds to the utopian aspect of the film. Mall = Utopia. Outside world = Zombie Hell. That's what pissed me off in the Dawn remake. The original made me think "Gee I wish I could go to an empty mall and take whatever I wanted." The remake had guards pointing guns at everyone to make sure no one stole anything...I mean what the fuck?


I think it was in Maltin's book where he said Romero could twist your view of the zombies at the drop of a hat. They are terrifying, then inept, clownish, forgotten, and even sympathetic. In the Dawn remake they're just.....zombies.

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The Dawn remake is decent in its own right but it is in no way on par with the original.  I mean you don't have a biker gang, and those fucking security guards kill the fun.  Hell, half the fun of the original is people being alone with zombies in a mall and stealing everything in sight.  It adds to the utopian aspect of the film.  Mall = Utopia.  Outside world = Zombie Hell.  That's what pissed me off in the Dawn remake.  The original made me think "Gee I wish I could go to an empty mall and take whatever I wanted."  The remake had guards pointing guns at everyone to make sure no one stole anything...I mean what the fuck?


I think it was in Maltin's book where he said Romero could twist your view of the zombies at the drop of a hat.  They are terrifying, then inept, clownish, forgotten, and even sympathetic.  In the Dawn remake they're just.....zombies.

That's exactly what I think of the "Dawn" remake. I think the main flaw in it is that while it's a good zombie movie, it's just that-a good zombie movie, and not the classic I've heard alot of people say it is. Plus, it didn't have any of the social commentary of Romero's films (yes, not just his zombie films. I also mean movies like "Maritn", "The Crazies", and "Season of the Witch"). which in my eyes, are among the some of the best the horror genre has to offer. They prove that horror doesn't have to be mindless; it can also be intelligent, and have something to say about society.

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I thought the Dawn remake was great. Not every zombie movie has to have an underlying social commentary, you know...

But thats one of the things that makes Romero's movies so great. Then again, it wasn't trying to be like the original. Still, I like the original over the remake.


That out of the way, Undead isn't getting very good reviews.


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I didn't say the Dawn remake wasn't any good, but there is no way it's on par with the original. While it is a tighly constructed film it lacks the big scale of the original and the social commentary.

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Guest El Satanico

I hated the Dawn remake, and I watched it wanting to like it.


I admit to originaly taking the "fuck that remake" stance to the movie, but I refused to see it while feeling like that. After hearing good things from horror fans I trust, I watched the unrated DVD with every intent on enjoying it. It has some good parts, but overall it was too mindless and soulless like any typical action film.



I've yet to see Land, but I now have no doubt that I will be satisfied with it.

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I didn't say the Dawn remake wasn't any good, but there is no way it's on par with the original.  While it is a tighly constructed film it lacks the big scale of the original and the social commentary.

I also think the Dawn remake is pretty good. Exceeded my expectations, and even had a badass chainsaw death.

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I think it was a great movie. Mostly because I didn't give a shit what it was called, I watched it on its on merrits. Too many people were holding it side by side with Dawn of the Dead, which I still think is a little overrated. Great movie and all, but goddamn.

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I think it was a great movie.  Mostly because I didn't give a shit what it was called, I watched it on its on merrits.  Too many people were holding it side by side with Dawn of the Dead, which I still think is a little overrated.  Great movie and all, but goddamn.



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I just saw the movie.


Very dissapointed. AWFUL CASTING. Too "high-tech". Too "90's". Jesus Christ, "let's let them alone, they're just looking for a place to go...just like us." Nice to see they followed Episode 3's trend of AWFUL END LINES.


Seriously. "Evil Kingpin" Dennis Hopper? Who the FUCK cares. And you're going to tell me the cheerleader, butcher, and black gas station zombies each survived every blast of gunfire they encountered? MAIN CHARACTER zombies? Lame. It may have worked in Day of the Dead, but he wasn't constantly fired at.


Romero directed this? Then he needs to retired. The "zombie" genre is already exhausted, much less pushed back by the "king" of Zombie movies making a stinker.


D-...and I was so excited and trying to find time all week to see it.

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Hey if they didn't want comparisons to the original Dawn of the Dead, call the new one something else. When you call your new movie Dawn of the Dead that kinda invites comparisons.

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Sledge, you liked the remake of Dawn better than the original, and you hated Land?


Um... you sure you're a horror movie fan?

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Yes, I'm very much a horror movie fan.


I'm someone with a large collection of horror flicks, a guy who used to take in all the midnight double-feature flicks in a run-down drippy old New Jersey Theatre (Exhumed Films!) I could to catch up, and someone who is pretty aware of all kinds of camp and fun stuff from the likes of Demons, Zombie, George's flicks, all the mainstream horror of the 70's-90's, Italian stuff that has been released here and prints run at that theatre, plus any cool DVD stuff I hear is hyped.


Dawn of the Dead and its remake were for different audiences. Having seen both but only lived during the release of the remake, I can see why people would respect the original so much (its neat story, AMAZING effects, which are untouched by today's shitty "horror" flicks, badass lead, camp, and fun characters). However, the "quick!" pacing of the second makes me like it a little more. Just my opinion.


Land of the Dead did not feel like a Romero film. The gore was limited, IMO. The characters were AWFUL. They created a ridiculous "evil human" character which IMO, hurt Day of the Dead. THERE ARE FLESH EATING ZOMBIES OUTSIDE...I don't give a fuck about the evil billionaire.


I had high hopes but thought the movie was pure shit. Very dissapointed. :( I still contend we need like a 20 year break from zombie movies.


- Return of the Living Dead is still my favorite, although not "serious" at #1.

- Dawn of the Dead (remake) goes #2.

- Dawn of the Dead (original) goes #3.

- Return of the Living Dead 3 is my guiltiest of guilty pleasures ever, at #4. BRIAN FUCKING YUZNA, BABY!


Haven't seen Shaun of the Dead completely yet, tho it wouldn't fit in this list. Return of the Living Dead 2 is pure shit. Night of the Living Dead (original) and its '90 bastard colored stepchild don't really do it for me anymore in 2005, but I respect the awesome idea that went behind it.


This movie just SUCKED, and it seems a lot of people on here were dissapointed, but just, out of respect, didn't voice it as much. Hell, look at the pathetic box office...word of mouth is non-existent so far, something that helped the Dawn remake out slightly.

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I liked the remake better than the original.  And I liked the original.  Much better pacing.


Have to agree here. I enjoyed the remake much more than the original and I grew up on Romero zombie flicks.


I'd have to say, for me, the top 5 goes:


1. Day of the Dead

2. Shaun of the Dead

3. Zombie [aka Zombi 2, Fulci]

4. Dawn of the Dead [remake]

5. Night of the Living Dead [original]

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You know, I saw it, and while I enjoyed it, it didn't feel like a Romero movie at all. Just a entertaining zombie movie. There were only a couple lasting shots

the sillhouette of the hand being ripped in half being the strongest shot

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My top 5 zombie movies would have to be


1.) Dawn of the Dead (original)

2.) Night of the Living Dead (original)

3.) Re-Animator

4.) Dead Alive

5.) Day of the Dead



Honerable mentions: "Dead and Buried", "Return of the Living Dead I and III", "Cemetary Man" (coming later this year to DVD from Anchor Bay), "Versus", "Junk" (How can you not love a movie where a zombie eats it's own flesh?), and "Wild Zero" (Simply put, one of the best things ever)


Also, I'm sorry vivisectvi, but I just can't join in on the love of Fulci's "Zombi 2". Sure, it's a fun zombie film, and it has some great moments, but personally, it all feels a bit empty to me whenever I watch it.

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Oh yeah, Fulci's Zombie is a straight-up commercial ripoff of Dawn of the Dead with none of the depth or intelligence. If it weren't for the shark scene, it'd probably join the ranks of the other thousand zombie movies that nobody's ever heard of. To further illustrate my point: anyone here watched any of the various Blind Dead sequels recently?


The movie I don't get the love for is Day of the Dead. It's so much worse than the other pics in the series (yeah, including Land) that I don't understand why anyone likes it. Yeah, Bub The Cuddly Zombie is kinda amusing, but the rest of the characters are overacted and underwritten. It doesn't expand on the original premise like the other movies did; instead it just goes into a bunker and hides. I recall that Romero originally had a much bigger movie in mind, something more along the lines of Land, but couldn't raise the money for it and had to make do with what he had. Hell, I even like the Night remake better than Day, at least it had Tony Todd and that redheaded chick.


And Sledge I do agree with you on the ROTLD3, if for no other reason than I thought that the zombie girl was hella cute.


EDIT: I love surfing thru imdb.com. The zombie girl in question was Melinda Clarke, who was also the prostitute Mal slept with in "Heart of Gold" on Firefly, the evil henchwoman in Spawn, and a current regular on The OC.

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Return of the Living Dead? That movie's the SHIT.

And yeah, DayOTD sucks, I think the Reanimator's vastly overrated too. Probably for the 'giving HEAD omgroofle' scene.


My list:


1: Brain Dead/Dead Alive

2: Dawn of the Dead (original, natch)

3: Return of the Living Dead

4: 28 Days (that's a zombie movie, I don't care)

5: Night of the Living Dead

6: Shaun of the Dead

7: Versus

8: Shivers (sex zombies totally count)

9: Dawn of the dead remake

10: Cemetary Man (very different zombie movie)


I'm gonna have to check out ROTLD 3 now.


If Evil Dead II counts, it's #1.

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