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Matt Young

I was told that I sound like Agent and IDRM

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I called Kotz yesterday, and I was told that I sound like Agent of Oblivion and IDRM, without the southern drawl. I have also been told in the past that I look like Incandenza (although I don't see it). I am some sort of SmartMarks super hybrid poster.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Fascinating how we get the same people attracted to us.

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Guest Vitamin X
People who aren't from the south think I have a drawl. Spoon is from the south, so he shouldn't think that I do.


I'm not from the south, and I don't think you have a drawl at all.

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Guest Vitamin X

Yeah but I'm not FROM here. And I don't have any kind of a social life down here, so I wouldn't be able to gauge what a drawl is or isn't.


Although I can definitely distinguish now when someone sounds like they're from Florida and are white, as well as the distinct "Miami accent", which is sort of a hybrid hispanic/New Yorker accent. It's really irritating and very nasal in girls, and throaty in guys.

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Guest SP-1

Spoon doesn't have much of an accent that I can remember. I have a slight twinge that randomly appears, but for the most part I try to avoid it.

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Is this the part where someone says "BURRRN!"


Oh, and I have a horrible, horrible redneck accent. It goes well with my stutter and my lisp. I have such a beautiful speaking voice.


"Y-ya'll guysss wanna go do t-thissss with me? Y-yanna?"


I'm awesome.

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No he didn't.


The last time someone called me out on posting pictures of parties in which girls weren't present in the pictures, I replied by posting numerous pictures of girls at the party.


Wow that was a lot of "p" words.

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