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Guest NewYorkFox

Who will take Batista's title?

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Guest NewYorkFox

So, who do you guy's think will take Batista's title? I can't see JBL taking it, he should be the guy brawling Batista to put him even more over as a monster.


My choice would be Hassan. It's be a hot match, and Hassan cheating to win (which is the most likely way to get the belt off Batista) would get Hassan pretty over.

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Guest *KNK*

Randy Orton.


Building to the re-match @ WM22.


Batista should win with shady actions @ GAB leading to a gimmick match @ SummerSlam where he goes over clean, do the Hassan program in the early fall and lead to Batista/Undertaker showdown at Survivor Series and then start the Batista/Orton program mid december.


JBL/Benoit need a lengthy blood feud.

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Guest Coffey

I came into the thread thinking Muhammad Hassan, not thinking that he'd be name dropped beforehand. I was proven incorrect, however I'm still sticking with that pick. I think it was foreshadowed on Smackdown by Michael Cole claiming that Hassan would be the "first WWE Arab-American champion" if he were to win the, at the time, five-way match.

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Guest *KNK*
I came into the thread thinking Muhammad Hassan, not thinking that he'd be name dropped beforehand. I was proven incorrect, however I'm still sticking with that pick. I think it was foreshadowed on Smackdown by Michael Cole claiming that Hassan would be the "first WWE Arab-American champion" if he were to win the, at the time, five-way match.


Iron Shiek doesn't count?

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I came into the thread thinking Muhammad Hassan, not thinking that he'd be name dropped beforehand. I was proven incorrect, however I'm still sticking with that pick. I think it was foreshadowed on Smackdown by Michael Cole claiming that Hassan would be the "first WWE Arab-American champion" if he were to win the, at the time, five-way match.


Iron Shiek doesn't count?

Shiek was not born and raised in America though, I think by Arab-American he means that he was born in raised in USA?


I don't know Cole is an imbecile you know that.

I'm just shocked I was right by predicting Tista would be drafted to SD after Cena was drafted by RAW (as so many were saying Cena on RAW would be temporrary)

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Guest *KNK*
I came into the thread thinking Muhammad Hassan, not thinking that he'd be name dropped beforehand. I was proven incorrect, however I'm still sticking with that pick. I think it was foreshadowed on Smackdown by Michael Cole claiming that Hassan would be the "first WWE Arab-American champion" if he were to win the, at the time, five-way match.


Iron Shiek doesn't count?

Shiek was not born and raised in America though, I think by Arab-American he means that he was born in raised in USA?


I don't know Cole is an imbecile you know that.

I'm just shocked I was right by predicting Tista would be drafted to SD after Cena was drafted by RAW (as so many were saying Cena on RAW would be temporrary)


He wasn't born in America, I just saw the ARAB part.


my bad

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No Eddie won't take it because Eddie just got beat by Rey three times. I say Orton after he beats Undertaker one on one. He starts a feud with Batista while he still has unfinished business with the Undertaker. A Triple Threat makes Orton the new World Champion. After that I won't dare to predict because who thought Batista would headline WrestleMania a year ago?

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It will probably be Orton, but just to be different I will say Brock Lesnar. If a deal is done in which he can come back, it will probably be him since he's the most complete wrestler they've got.

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In all honesty, it seems like it's gotta be Orton. They've got build-up that goes back months, and he's the only heel on Smackdown with the credibility to be a champion right now.


We all know how hard they want to get Orton over as a strong heel considering he is their "future" and all, and they'd be stupid not to give him at least a short reign.


The only way I see this changing is if they have Lesnar absolutely locked in to return, and they really want him to to give Batista a year long run to build up the eventual clash between the two of them. Still though, if Smackdown's going to Fridays in September, I can't see them putting in that kind of effort to get their biggest money program on that show.


They'd be better off having Brock come out on Raw and say that he was better than Cena before, and he's still better than him now for an instant feud over the WWE Title.

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Guest Mosaicv2

If your really dumb and stupid, you got to think EDGE for goodness sake... and probably Lita too because that is WWE logic. :bonk: :wub: :D

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They could have Edge appearing on a SD! only PPV and beat Batista for the World Title because his money in the bank shot is for the "World" Title. But there were no trades or a draft so Edge stays on SD!.

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JBL isn't getting the belt again, please God no. Do you realize in the wake of his title run UPN moved the show to Friday and basically killed the entire show? His title run was like the Justin Credible reign of Smackdown.


I'd personally like to see either Eddie or Christian but Christian just got waxed by Big Dave on Raw not too long ago and doesn't seem like a serious threat. I still think Eddie could be a threat because people remember him beating Lesnar and his losses of late have been mainly a mental block against ONE wrestler (Rey). Eddie would be fun because 1. Despite jobbing he still has credibility and 2. He's the most over heel on the show. Sadly, if I really had to lay down money it'd be Orton, and won't that suck?


Is Hassan really Italian? I remember seeing him at an OVW taping when he was called Mark Magnus and didn't remotely think he was an Arab or anything.

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Orton doesn't suck that much actually. Yeah he's an asshole backstage and he thinks he's the man but he's young, he can handle himself on the mic and he can still improve a lot in the ring. Same goes for Hassan actually but I wonder if Hassan can stay this high in the ranks for a long time. About Christian, to me he looks like a threat already. He wrestled for the WWE Title at Vengeance and after Cena he looked the best in the match. He immediately got into a big match on SD! and he made it to the last two and the way JBL beat him didn't devalue him either soif they keep going with this and actually let Christian beat Booker T and say Chris Benoit he'd be a credible contender.

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Yeah but Orton is just sort of groan inducing, yet another rookie (or 2nd year) guy that got pushed way too fast. He goes right up there with Lesnar in that category. I think most people like Batista fairly well because he at least paid SOME kind of dues and got over naturally with the crowd, rather than being shoved down our throats.


Is it just me or does WWE have no idea who to push and when? It's either push the rookie fucksticks (Lesnar, Orton, Hassan) or push a career midcard bum (JBL, even Bob Holly briefly). The idea of pushing people who are actually over seems to elude them, such as Jericho circa 1999-2000 and RVD 2001-02.

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Guest Coffey
Is Hassan really Italian?  I remember seeing him at an OVW taping when he was called Mark Magnus and didn't remotely think he was an Arab or anything.


Yeah but in OVW they did a great job of explaining the new character/gimmick. They said that Mark Magnus had become Islam or something, like Cassius Clay to Muhammed Ali. Something along those lines. It made sense.

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JBL isn't getting the belt again, please God no. Do you realize in the wake of his title run UPN moved the show to Friday and basically killed the entire show? His title run was like the Justin Credible reign of Smackdown.


I didn't realise that was single-handedly the fault of Bradshaw. Silly me.

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Yeah but Orton is just sort of groan inducing, yet another rookie (or 2nd year) guy that got pushed way too fast.  He goes right up there with Lesnar in that category.  I think most people like Batista fairly well because he at least paid SOME kind of dues and got over naturally with the crowd, rather than being shoved down our throats.


Is it just me or does WWE have no idea who to push and when?  It's either push the rookie fucksticks (Lesnar, Orton, Hassan) or push a career midcard bum (JBL, even Bob Holly briefly).  The idea of pushing people who are actually over seems to elude them, such as Jericho circa 1999-2000 and RVD 2001-02.


I won't consider Lesnar a rookie fuckstick, he was a rookie but he was damn good in the ring.

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this might be off topic, but the thread reminded me of something...they brought up how Edge's Money in the Bank shot would be worthless if he moved to Smackdown since the World Title was on Raw...but now that the world title is on Smackdown, and he's on Raw, isn't it still meaningless?

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Nah I think they'll just view the WWE title as what Edge will go after.


Anyone who has seen my postings on the 2002 KOTR and Lesnar beating RVD in the finals knows my feelings on it. I think it was the single dumbest one match booking decision of the past five years. Anyone want to come up with something worse? There are plenty of "HHH beating _______" decisions, but there isn't just one that stands out. I never had any use for Brock after this match, it was the sort of "I will never like that guy" feeling I had when Michaels beat the British Bulldog for the IC in 1992.


As far as JBL goes, I guess he literally wasn't the only reason why SMDN is being moved to Fridays and near certain death. But much like Justin Credible in ECW, his reign was so tedious and offensive to the casual fan that it hurt interest to the point where no one cared if the show was on anymore.

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