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I wasn't saying Clement didn't deserve it, he clearly does, but I was just saying what a coincidence that his manager gets to pick the replacement and picked him. Of course this happens all the time and Torre caught hell for bringing some of his players in the past so its all fair I suppose.


Whatever the AS Game is a joke anyways, but I'll proabbly still watch it for some entertainment , too bad it has world series implications tied into it though.


Back to Yankee Baseball now


Damn almost had 7 straight...


damn Indians, damn weak bullpen, damn injured starters DAMN DODGE

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Sure is cool how the Mets gave up eleven runs to one of the worst offensive teams in the majors. The bullpen's regressed back to being maddeningly inconsistent.


Regressed would imply they've been good.


Fucking Mets. Shoot Danny Graves in the fucking head and let the experiment end. Send Ishii back to Japan, and let Aaron Heilman in the rotation. He can't be any worse than Ishii.

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Despite the loss, the Yankees have been looking much better.

True, I was just angry at the time when I posted that but it has subsided. The main thing is if they can win tommorrow, they take 3 out of 4 and the series and 7 out of the last 8 going to the break.

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Guest StylesMark
Despite the loss, the Yankees have been looking much better.

True, I was just angry at the time when I posted that but it has subsided. The main thing is if they can win tommorrow, they take 3 out of 4 and the series and 7 out of the last 8 going to the break.


Let's hope for a dominant big unit today then.

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Guest Fishyswa

Well he sure hasn't been dominating, but he's kept it close thus far.


Fuggin Flaherty, if he can do that every inning I'd prefer men on base.

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Completely uninspiring displays by the Red Sox offense this week. Getting shut down by Bruce Chen is bad, but getting shut down by Chen AND Rodrigo Lopez is worse.

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Well, Brewers win today 8-4, taking the series against the Braves. The Brewers are five games under .500, but are on an upswing lately, so it may be interesting to see what they do after the break. Last year they had a winning record going in, but had a terrible second half collapse.

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A's win easily one of the worst played baseball games I've ever seen but a win is a win and they go into the break with a winning record. Finish the year 7-2 against the White Sox.

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Really? I thought it was a fun game, but probably because I was just a casual viewer. It pains me to see the White Sox continue to be so good, even when they lose. Their announcers sure are bitter when things don't go their way, though. Awesome play by Chavez to end the game, though.


Edit: Never mind, I misread it as you saying it was one of the worst games. I didn't catch most of the early going, just everything from the 7th on.

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I agree, bad game between White Sox and A's. Congratulations to the primary A's fans across the board. Good job getting it done. The White Sox are starting to look exposed I think, and this is bad news.

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Sure is cool how the Mets gave up eleven runs to one of the worst offensive teams in the majors. The bullpen's regressed back to being maddeningly inconsistent.


Regressed would imply they've been good.


Fucking Mets. Shoot Danny Graves in the fucking head and let the experiment end. Send Ishii back to Japan, and let Aaron Heilman in the rotation. He can't be any worse than Ishii.


Well, for whatever reason, they were fantastic in Washington. I couldn't agree with you more when it comes to Ishii, though. When Trachsel comes back, the rotation (hopefully) won't have any glaring weak spots. And yeah, Graves is worthless.


Anyway, great start from Pedro today. Mets go into the All-Star Break at .500, which is disappointing, but not that bad. Both the Nationals and Braves lose, so their deficit isn't insurmountable by any stretch of the imagination.

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I apologize for the language in here. I know it's not HD or some place where that should be tolerated. Sorry, was venting on the Phillies current slump after a night of drinking.


Abreu is a numbers guy. He isn't a winner. He does nothing in the final month of the season. I remember, was it last year, when he took himself out of the game to make sure he hit for .300 in the last or next to last game. He's all #s, and while he does produce, many of his runs and RBIs are "Thome Numbers", which last year, meant they were well ahead or well behind when they occured.


The Phillies are in a lot of trouble. Look for Ryan Howard to be traded soon, since bonehead manager Charlie "Don Knots" Manuel has said that Thome will be "just fine and ready to go" in a couple weeks and Howard would provide good trade bait. I'm serious.

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Remember, this All-Star game COUNTS! Personally I'd go to the Shorebirds game (not that I like the Orioles or any of their affliates), but I'd rather see a meaningless game live than a meaningless and corporate game on TV.

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Mets go into the All-Star Break at .500, which is disappointing, but not that bad.


Considering the Mets are a mish-mash and overall a crappy baseball team, I think .500 is OUTSTANDING for them. I'd be thrilled with that if I were you.

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Guest StylesMark

Giambi has found a new "vitamin". Thank the lord.


Well, things are certainly looking up from a few weeks back. Amazing what they can do without Wright, Pavano (who has got to be the biggest disappointment for Yankee fans) and Brown. Rivera is not being over worked, as he was last year.


Let's see what happens in Beantown.

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The National League is so bunched up that almost every team is sitting at or around .500.




I apologize for the language in here. I know it's not HD or some place where that should be tolerated. Sorry, was venting on the Phillies current slump after a night of drinking.


Abreu is a numbers guy. He isn't a winner. He does nothing in the final month of the season. I remember, was it last year, when he took himself out of the game to make sure he hit for .300 in the last or next to last game. He's all #s, and while he does produce, many of his runs and RBIs are "Thome Numbers", which last year, meant they were well ahead or well behind when they occured.


The Phillies are in a lot of trouble. Look for Ryan Howard to be traded soon, since bonehead manager Charlie "Don Knots" Manuel has said that Thome will be "just fine and ready to go" in a couple weeks and Howard would provide good trade bait. I'm serious.


There's a tendancy when things go wrong to start blaming the best players on a team. Bobby Abreu, Donovan McNabb, Terrell Owens, Allen Iverson, etc. have all been criticized in the Philly media for whatever failures their teams have experienced. The problem with the Phillies isn't Abreu's inability to deliver the clutch hit. It is that the team's bullpen has been terrible and its rotation questionable. Losing Randy Wolf may have hurt their confidence the last few weeks.


There is no easy answer to the Ryan Howard situation. You can not just cast aside a Hall of Fame first baseman after half a season, and considering Ryan Howard is 25 now, his potential as a prospect is limited. It would be nice if there were an opening, but if not, Howard's best value lies in a trade. The worst case scenario is that Thome flops and the organization needs to find another first baseman. Fact is, first basemen are easy to find.


I see some promise for the Phillies. Carlos Ruiz looks very good at AAA, while Cole Hamels recently progressed to AA. The team is one good starter away from the postseason, in my view. There is no team ready to jump far ahead in the wild card race, and the Phillies are still very much in it.

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Well, Brewers win today 8-4, taking the series against the Braves. The Brewers are five games under .500, but are on an upswing lately, so it may be interesting to see what they do after the break. Last year they had a winning record going in, but had a terrible second half collapse.


That collapse last year was just pathetic...and still not as bad as the football Badgers down the stretch or Green Bay in the playoffs. Fucking ugh.


But the Brewers look VERY promising for the second half of the season. Lyle Overbay and Geoff Jenkins are finally hitting the ball they way they should. Ben Sheets is back on the mound and getting better with each start. It doesnt look like anybody valuable will be traded away. The pitching has been quite decent. If Lyle/Geoff can continue the vast improvement in the second half, Rickie Weeks continues his really good start to his MLB career, and Brady Clark and Carlos Lee continue to put up lead-leading stats...an over .500 season is quite likely.


It was nice to see Milwaukee go into the All-Star break with a winning road trip to Florida and Atlanta as well.

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I'm missing the All Star game because I'm going to a Weezer concert. That officially makes me a nerd. I am making up for it, though, by going to the Double A all star game on Wednesday.

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Brian Sabean should have his nuts hit repeatedly with an aluminum bat. And then fired. And then tarred and feathered. And then bring the bats back into the mix. And then made to eat glass. And send Alex Sanchez along with him.


80+ million for a team that collapses without one player. Barry's not around to save Sabean's ass anymore. How he still has his job at this point is beyond me.

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Brian Sabean should have his nuts hit repeatedly with an aluminum bat. And then fired. And then tarred and feathered. And then bring the bats back into the mix. And then made to eat glass. And send Alex Sanchez along with him.


80+ million for a team that collapses without one player. Barry's not around to save Sabean's ass anymore. How he still has his job at this point is beyond me.


That'll happen when 22 of that 80 million goes to said player.

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Yeah, but HE'S the genius who gave it to him when Bonds had no intention of going anywhere else. Sabean doesn't get enough credit for the outrageous contracts he hands out.


Congrats Brian. You took a team that was 8 outs away from a World Series title, and dismantled it. Looks like he tried to channel the 97 Marlins, but forgot to win anything. Kudos, moron.

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