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Gary Floyd

United Church of Christ Backs Gay Marriage

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Well considering how many other "rules" of the bible that the religions now ignore, i really think its just a matter of time before gay marriage becomes just another "we frown on it but whatever". Its why i am really baffled as to the ferver of the "arguments" against it. 80 years from now will it really be a big deal at all?


how many of the people who are against gays for religious reasons go and have sex with their boyfriends and girlfriends I wonder (outside of marriage).

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Formed in 1957 and traditionally strong in New England, the United Church of Christ has a tradition of support for gays and lesbians. It is distinct from the more conservative Churches of Christ, which has some 2 million members in the U.S.


The UCC was criticized last year for its television advertising campaign featuring a gay couple, among others, being excluded from a church. CBS and NBC rejected the 30-second ads.


We had a thread about this, didn't we?

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It's not the Church of Christ that you're thinking of. It's an entirely different group, a liberal branch of protestantism that has always supported the left's goals.

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I think the message is a good one for Christianity as a whole becuase holy crap does the idea of religion bring out a lot of intolerant fucks guisinig their hate as "the way things have always been," but I couldn't find any more information on the UCC other than "it's like your average Church but more liberal on the social issues." That's nice, I guess, although if I was religious I'd pick my church on something a little more spiritually deeper than that, provided they aren't equally as active in promoting the opposing political views. Where's the Church that stays out of politics? :(


Anyway, at least when some sort of compromise or position is taken on this issue to make gay marriages happen, we'll have a Church to perform them just to piss the yokel redneck churches off.

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It's not the Church of Christ that you're thinking of.  It's an entirely different group, a liberal branch of protestantism that has always supported the left's goals.


How could it not be the one I think it is when the cited article says that their the same group?

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You've got to pick your chuch on something. And, I think, the reason MY chuch has to get involved in politics, is that SOOOOO many other churches get involved in politics as well, and we (at least I) hate it when people quote "christian's" opinions.


We are christians who don't believe the bible says a lot of the things a lot of people say it does. I imagine that our services wouldn't seem THAT different than most other churches, with sermons, songs, doxology, Lords Prayer, call/response, etc. but maybe the tone of the sermon would be occasionally about slightly more liberal issues than in some other churches. Like I said previously, if you're curious, my church posts the weekly sermon online...


And we don't have to wait to have gay marriages, just state recognized ones. We've had gay religious weddings for as long as I can remember. Some people care more about God than a government license.

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It's not the Church of Christ that you're thinking of.  It's an entirely different group, a liberal branch of protestantism that has always supported the left's goals.


How could it not be the one I think it is when the cited article says that their the same group?


I wasn't talking to you, I meant that it's not the group that most people think of the phrase "Church of Christ."

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Different strokes for different folks, my man. That your church isn't one of those southern Fred Phelps style churches is A+ to me, the news just kind of makes me sigh and wish church and capitol could find enough space to exist that they aren't sharing ground.

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It's not the Church of Christ that you're thinking of.  It's an entirely different group, a liberal branch of protestantism that has always supported the left's goals.


How could it not be the one I think it is when the cited article says that their the same group?


I wasn't talking to you, I meant that it's not the group that most people think of the phrase "Church of Christ."


Who were you talking to?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Where's the Church that stays out of politics? :(



Church of Satan.

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