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These sick motherfuckers

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I'm not goign to bother reading the whole thread, but everybody who hated this angle, consider this- it isn't the first time they've tried something like this. Not 'terrorists', to be sure, but the Arab heel using his religion and ancestral heritage to get heet. They did the same damn thing back in the 70's early 80's with the Iron Sheik and Ayatola Blassie, right around the time Americans were being held hostage in Iran.

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I'm not goign to bother reading the whole thread, but everybody who hated this angle, consider this- it isn't the first time they've tried something like this. Not 'terrorists', to be sure, but the Arab heel using his religion and ancestral heritage to get heet. They did the same damn thing back in the 70's early 80's with the Iron Sheik and Ayatola Blassie, right around the time Americans were being held hostage in Iran.

You should read the whole thread. The "they've done this before" defense has already been shot down. It was wrong then, and it was wrong now, and while it won't be the first or last time that WWE do something of very questionable taste, it's still wrong, even if in the world of wrestling it's 'right'.

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Guest Fishyswa

"For the moronic booking marks who are defending this angle - What is the point of doing this if it wont draw any money and will only lose fans?"


Most of us don't know what happens in the future.


"You dont possibly think that there might be more reasons to dislike this angle than just hurt feelings do you?"


Have you considered there are reasons to like this angle?


"Are you just 13 year olds with no perception of how the same fucking cenario played out in 1991?"


How is it the same scenario?


"Maybe its just my sandy vagina"


That would be my guess.


"but I still hate it when retarded 'fans' defend the kind of booking that makes the rest of the world think that all wrestling fans are just toothless brainless hillbillys with no morals or sense."


No morals or sense because someone's taking bottom barrel fiction at face value? Right. Pro Wrestling is two people fighting for no real reason, you shouldn't expect much intelligence beyond it's basic concept.


"Thank you, dipshits, for living up to that perception for the rest of us. Now please, fit yourselves for helmets before you hurt yourselves."


I think the WWE should feel proud for invoking all that anger out of such a simple angle. It's not every day you see 8 pages of bitching for 1 5 minute segment.

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Guest Fishyswa

Sorry, just don't like the idea that someone's a retard for not raving about how wrong a pro wrestling angle is...

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"For the moronic booking marks who are defending this angle - What is the point of doing this if it wont draw any money and will only lose fans?"


Most of us don't know what happens in the future.


"You dont possibly think that there might be more reasons to dislike this angle than just hurt feelings do you?"


Have you considered there are reasons to like this angle?


"Are you just 13 year olds with no perception of how the same fucking cenario played out in 1991?"


How is it the same scenario?


"Maybe its just my sandy vagina"


That would be my guess.


"but I still hate it when retarded 'fans' defend the kind of booking that makes the rest of the world think that all wrestling fans are just toothless brainless hillbillys with no morals or sense."


No morals or sense because someone's taking bottom barrel fiction at face value? Right. Pro Wrestling is two people fighting for no real reason, you shouldn't expect much intelligence beyond it's basic concept.


"Thank you, dipshits, for living up to that perception for the rest of us. Now please, fit yourselves for helmets before you hurt yourselves."


I think the WWE should feel proud for invoking all that anger out of such a simple angle. It's not every day you see 8 pages of bitching for 1 5 minute segment.

"For the moronic booking marks who are defending this angle - What is the point of doing this if it wont draw any money and will only lose fans?"


Most of us don't know what happens in the future.


No, but common sense, and past results, make it a pretty safe bet that this angle won't draw a dime. That, and it got zero heat live.


Have you considered there are reasons to like this angle?


And they would be? It was a sleazy and terrible display of desperate booking, from a company going nuts over the lack of a reaction to their baby beyond the Pavlovian "USA" chants. Not to mention it was tasteless to the extreme considering events still going on in the world outside of wrestling, which does exist, believe it or not


"Are you just 13 year olds with no perception of how the same fucking cenario played out in 1991?"


How is it the same scenario?


Because it's a desperate and pathetic attempt at gaining heat, any heat, from playing off of real live events that are still taking place in the real world.


Pro Wrestling is two people fighting for no real reason, you shouldn't expect much intelligence beyond it's basic concept.


Wrestling is two people fighting because one person wants to beat the other up, wants his title, his girl, his collection of John Tesh CD's or whatever it is they are fighting over. Wrestling is meant to be two men fighting over some sort of issue. They are only fighting over nothing if the booking is lazy.

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I know the timing was bad but hey, it's wrestling. They're always going to have the Evil Foreign Heel, it's just going to happen. I'll take a tasteless angle like this instead of the stupid Diva crap on Raw.

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Why do it if it will not draw any money and will alienate some your audience? It has no upside and a big downside...so, why is it a good angle? Why is something no redeeming value 'ok'?


Im glad my sandy vagina isnt filled with Vince's dick.

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Guest Fishyswa

"No, but common sense, and past results, make it a pretty safe bet that this angle won't draw a dime. That, and it got zero heat live."


Actually it got decent heat and a lot of "our babyface is getting destroyed" aw shucks. But of course according to everyone who didn't like it the entire crowd was simply disgusted and the arena was silent. They dubbed in noise on the replay....


"And they would be?"


Possible new stable, new direction for Hassan, the potential to be more reinforcement to his character, just the fact that it's something original and has people talking. Best of all it makes him a threat, he has back up, he can realistically win big matches now with a little help from the "arabian knights"($.25 per use). Diavari pulling legs just wasn't gonna cut it in the big leagues. Need more, because I could probably come up with more....


"It was a sleazy and terrible display of desperate booking,"


How, we don't even know how the angle plays out. That's like seeing the first 10 minutes of a movie and writing a review on it.


"from a company going nuts over the lack of a reaction to their baby beyond the Pavlovian "USA" chants. Not to mention it was tasteless to the extreme considering events still going on in the world outside of wrestling, which does exist, believe it or not."


Please, it in no way depicted any kind of current event related event or tragedy. People assume they were supposed to be "terrorists" and because "terrorism" is the new hot evil it's just not right to use it in story. Nothing but over-sensitivity.


"Because it's a desperate and pathetic attempt at gaining heat, any heat, from playing off of real live events that are still taking place in the real world."


What real event? Where in the real world did 5 masked terrorists choke out a zombie because he was gonna have a match with their leader? You figure this is all gonna be about terrorism despite them going NOWHERE beyond Hassan having 5 masked men attack taker, and because the first glance makes assumption easy you figure the assumption is gospel. It's not. We don't know where they plan to go with this, bottom line, and it's obvious they could go either way.


"Wrestling is two people fighting because one person wants to beat the other up, wants his title, his girl, his collection of John Tesh CD's or whatever it is they are fighting over."


And these are great realistic reasons to be fighting another person.


"Wrestling is meant to be two men fighting over some sort of issue. They are only fighting over nothing if the booking is lazy."


But the issues are usually totally inapplicable to our reality. They always have been. When they aren't it's usually such a simplistic, over-done tale it's sure to be bland anyway. Why is it suddenly expected to be held to such a standard?

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Guest Fishyswa



Why do it if it will not draw any money and will alienate some your audience?"



Can you stop repeating dumb unfounded assumptions in the form of a pointless question? Thanks.

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Guest Fishyswa

Yeah that totally unclever one-liner sure addressed all the points raised.

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Guest Brian

It was stupid, end of story. They tried to play off a real life terrorist action without actually going the distance. Sure, they didn't go all out; do you think they could have beheaded Taker on TV. They obviously were aiming for that, and I don't see how you can act like they wanted to give the impression that it was any different. They had masked men. They played up, strongly, the Islamic issues so much as to create a "martyr".


This was a stupid, stupid, stupid angle and the defense of it is just miserable. You have, and have had to, act like this angle, and elements of it, existed within a vaccuum. Guess what? It doesn't.

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It was stupid, end of story. They tried to play off a real life terrorist action without actually going the distance. Sure, they didn't go all out; do you think they could have beheaded Taker on TV. They obviously were aiming for that, and I don't see how you can act like they wanted to give the impression that it was any different. They had masked men. They played up, strongly, the Islamic issues so much as to create a "martyr".


This was a stupid, stupid, stupid angle and the defense of it is just miserable. You have, and have had to, act like this angle, and elements of it, existed within a vaccuum. Guess what? It doesn't.

I don't think anybody was defending it, they were just saying dont get upset by it so much. Yes its stupid and all and is unlikely to make people buy the PPV.


When I thought they would try to downplay it on TV this week, Velocity is on here right now and they actually showed it in full again with Romero and Matthews commenting on "The Sympathizers" (no lie that's what they called them) and how they carried out Daivari "like a matyr (Just As Tazz said on SD).

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Thinking about it, don't worry Hassan will be long gone and forgotten by this time next year most likely.


Unless They repackage him and put him in the FBI with Nunzio.

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And if Hassan is gone within a year...then the wwe will have (again) turned off more of their fans (paying customers) for something that was a complete waste.


Sgt. Salughter as an Iraqi didnt work, Col Debeers didnt work, etc etc. The Iron Sheik was a bit of a draw because he had 'patriots' to work against (Hogan/Slaughter), he was at least a competent worker, and the entire face/heel thing was different. The situation now has changed...so many people have been affected by terrorism worldwide. The crowds are either quiet for Hassan or disgusted. The attendance isnt any better and the ratings arent either. This can only be a bad thing for the wwe, and its only happening because Vince clearly does live in a bubble with his few remaining blind fuckpuppet followers who 'defend' sophomoric bullshit angles like this one.

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And if Hassan is gone within a year...then the wwe will have (again) turned off more of their fans (paying customers) for something that was a complete waste.


Sgt. Salughter as an Iraqi didnt work, Col Debeers didnt work, etc etc. The Iron Sheik was a bit of a draw because he had 'patriots' to work against (Hogan/Slaughter), he was at least a competent worker, and the entire face/heel thing was different. The situation now has changed...so many people have been affected by terrorism worldwide. The crowds are either quiet for Hassan or disgusted. The attendance isnt any better and the ratings arent either. This can only be a bad thing for the wwe, and its only happening because Vince clearly does live in a bubble with his few remaining blind fuckpuppet followers who 'defend' sophomoric bullshit angles like this one.

Well put.


The live audience appears not smart enough to understand the character so they boo him at face value as an Anti-American type heel. Which is why the gimmick was a bad idea in the first place.

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Guest Fishyswa

Yeah it's not like Hassan has anyone patriot-like to fight, I mean he's going up against Taker, and he's never shown any type of allegiance to america....


I think it's just funny how anyone who's not offended is "sophmoric". I remember my mom telling me I'll become a man once I get offended by pro wrestling....

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This thread gets the "Miracle Baby" award for making it so far when nobody gave it a chance. Having said that, somebody end it. It'll never amount to anything more then what's already been said.

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Guest Trecko

.....GOD I hope they make Hassan cut a promo from Ground Zero one of these days.

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masked men came out and beat up a fake zombie...they didn't fly planes into buildings or bomb anything in London...


Thank you. It's WRESTLING ... don't take it so seriously.


If it turns out that Hassan drives away more fans than he attracts, obviously they'll drop it altogether. But there's no way to know for sure unless it's tried.


For all we know, it was a one-time deal to begin with.

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Why do it if it will not draw any money and will alienate some your audience? It has no upside and a big downside...so, why is it a good angle? Why is something no redeeming value 'ok'?


Im glad my sandy vagina isnt filled with Vince's dick.


You dont know what kind of or lack of money this (or any angle, ever) is/will draw. Unless your really Vince/Linda McMahon in disguise. Like the other guy said, all your doing is making unfounded assumptions. And before that arguement gets brought up, the "net reports on what money WWE makes" arent going to focus on what one particular thing does. Wrestling's been in a slump for years, this angle isnt going to signifcantly change anything.


Noone is saying it's a GOOD angle, we're just saying to STOP GETTING PISSED OFF OVER SHIT.


As Luchus and others have said, it was "a bunch of masked guys beating up a fake zombie." They didnt fly planes into fake images of Titan Towers. They didnt kidnap Vince McMahon and force him to live in shit and be tortured and play the footage of him being tortured every week on SD.


It was a bunch of masked guys helping out one wrestler on an attack on another wrestler. One who also happens to be A FAKE ZOMBIE. Masked guys attacking other wrestlers is a part of wrestling. The only thing that "makes" them "terrorists" is you all assuming (theres that word again) that they were because Hassan's of Arab descent and he prayed after tit, which he's done before.


Again, thats YOU assuming that he's now a terrorist. He didnt pick up a mic afterwords and say "hey, look at me. I'M A TERRORIST."


And until he does that on the next show, you all are getting pissy about absolutely nothing.


But my logic isnt the rest of your idiotic "logic" so you'll all just continue to go about your retarded whining anywho, so what do I care?


Fact is, I dont.


IT'S WRESTLING. It is, no matter how many times Dangerous A posts that same little blurb about the differences between 24 and this, a TV SHOW. I'm not defending the segment, I'm simply saying that there is no reason to get upset over a silly little angle on a tv show that's clearly shown itself to do "controversial" things like this all the time.


It's like that guy said, if you cared that much about what happed in London, you'd be out in London helping with survivors or whatever, but your not. Your sitting on a messageboard whining about a TV show storyline that is not at all related to an attack that happened three days after said storyline was done.


So please, shut the fuck up.

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Guest Nater

A lot of the things said here can be applied to JBL, yet one is golden and the other is 'sickening'.

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A quick note from Meltzer's Sunday night update ...


--The WWE syndicated shows in North America replayed the Thursday night terrorist angle in different form. It was edited off most of the international syndicated shows. On Experience today, they showed Taker vs. Daivari but did eliminate the terrorists. We'll see on Tuesday at the tapings, but one of the terrorists was told that his character was being dropped. Whether it's just a lesser number of masked guys or dropping the gimmick, that I don't know.

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is Experience the show that comes on Sunday mornings with Josh Matthews hosting?  if so, they aired the entire segment...


The show you're thinking of is the syndicated Smackdown recap show...'Afterburn' or whatever the hell it's called. 'WWE Experience' is (or was) hosted by Todd Grisham and Ivory.

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