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This Week(end) in Baseball

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Yay, Manny hit a homer!


Too bad no one was on base.


Looking ahead here, I don't think I'm being unfair in saying Boston has the more favorable schedule of the two teams over the next few weeks. Sox have two series against Tampa (with a 4-gamer at the White Sox in between) and the Yankees have to go to Texas and Anaheim before hosting Minny and Anaheim. The Yankees rotation is still suspect (Leiter will NOT pitch like he did tonight every start), so hopefully the Sox will still hold the lead at the trading deadline.

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Guest StylesMark

Will Rivera get 3 saves against Boston??


Yankees have the tougher schedule. But they are not the Yanks of June anymore. Taking 3 out of 4 against Boston, is as good as 3 out of 4 against any team.



Edit: Damn Cano! Bases loaded, no outs, bottom of the ninth, Sox down by two.

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Guest StylesMark

That's the game.


Will this be remembered as the turning point for the Yankees?

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What, the other 45 "turning point" games weren't it? If they don't go 2-5 on this next road trip, it might be.

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Guest StylesMark

It's almost the same as last year, yet in Reverse.


Varitek and A-rod fight, Bo Sox wins, which was their turning point last year. This could be the same.

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It's almost the same as last year, yet in Reverse. 


Varitek and A-rod fight, Bo Sox wins, which was their turning point last year.  This could be the same.



Or they could get swept in the next series, cause, y'know, they have NO PITCHERS.

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Guest StylesMark
It's almost the same as last year, yet in Reverse. 


Varitek and A-rod fight, Bo Sox wins, which was their turning point last year.  This could be the same.



Or they could get swept in the next series, cause, y'know, they have NO PITCHERS.


Randy Johnson, Mike Mussina, Al Leiter (can't believe I'm typing THAT) and Tanyon Sturtz are all healthy right now.


Brown returns tomorrow, but lord knows what form he'll be in. Pavano isn't out the rest of the season, and hopefully Wang will return in August.


It could be MUCH better, but it could be worse.



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Kevin Brown was one of the 4, so he's pitching. Mussina is pitching, and Sturtze will probably pitch a game.


Either way, the tables have turned.



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Guest Brian
Kevin Brown was one of the 4, so he's pitching. Mussina is pitching, and Sturtze will probably pitch a game.


Either way, the tables have turned.




You blew the joke. You didn't say darkness. Besides, Rick got karate kicked after that.

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"It only produces that much discussion because ESPN and the media in general won't stop shoving it down our throats."


Yeah just like MTV only plays pop because it's what they want everyone to like.....Give me a break, if no one cared, no one would talk about it, including the media.


"Now that the Red Sox won the Series, most appeal outside of NY/Boston is gone. I mean before everyone hated the Yankees but we all equally laughed our asses off at the Red Sox for always losing to them, now The Red Sox did the unthinkable and won it all, so all that is really left is our collective hatred of the Yankees, but the Red Sox, no one cares about much anymore, except maybe for the media FACADE that they were somehow the "blue-collar" team compard to the evil empire."


That's not the entire appeal though, this is a full on rivalry now and people recognize it as such. It's two really good teams who were made to beat eachother, baseball doesn't get better than that, and most of America knows it.


No, most America doesn't "know it" When I go to an A's game, no one is talking about the Yankees/Red Sox, nobody cares.


The rivalry appeals to Yankees fans, Redsox Fans and the causual baseball fans that don't even watch baseball until the playoffs start. Other then that, you'd be damn suprised at just how much people don't give a flying fuck. Sure as a baseball fan I think the playoff series between them will be heated and exciting, but the rest of the season I quite frankly don't care about their rivalry as I have my own team and their success or lack thereof to worry about.

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Guest Fishyswa

"No, most America doesn't "know it" When I go to an A's game, no one is talking about the Yankees/Red Sox, nobody cares."


And when I go to Ducks games no one's talking about the Yankees/Red Sox, I doubt you'd make the case it's because they have no interest.


"The rivalry appeals to Yankees fans, Redsox Fans and the causual baseball fans that don't even watch baseball until the playoffs start."


Yeah because there are no fans of just good baseball games...


"Other then that, you'd be damn suprised at just how much people don't give a flying fuck."


Did you take a survey or something?


"Sure as a baseball fan I think the playoff series between them will be heated and exciting, but the rest of the season I quite frankly don't care about their rivalry as I have my own team and their success or lack thereof to worry about."


That's ok, but to write off everyone else's interest and suggest all the coverage is just over-doing it and not meeting a certain demand, I just can't agree with that.

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"No, most America doesn't "know it" When I go to an A's game, no one is talking about the Yankees/Red Sox, nobody cares."


And when I go to Ducks games no one's talking about the Yankees/Red Sox, I doubt you'd make the case it's because they have no interest.


"The rivalry appeals to Yankees fans, Redsox Fans and the causual baseball fans that don't even watch baseball until the playoffs start."


Yeah because there are no fans of just good baseball games...


"Other then that, you'd be damn suprised at just how much people don't give a flying fuck."


Did you take a survey or something?


"Sure as a baseball fan I think the playoff series between them will be heated and exciting, but the rest of the season I quite frankly don't care about their rivalry as I have my own team and their success or lack thereof to worry about."


That's ok, but to write off everyone else's interest and suggest all the coverage is just over-doing it and not meeting a certain demand, I just can't agree with that.



See your reply just insinuated that the Yankees/Redsox games are "the good" games, I dunno if it just elitism there or you simply refuse to acknowledge that there are at least 5-6 other equally good if not better games on a DAILY BASIS.

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